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The REAL Meaning of SATAN KLAUS The Human Condition
Posted by Craig Combs on January 29, 2010 at 9:14pm
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This original post about the real
meaning of Satan's Mass or Christ-Mass was very good. I only wish to add a few more facts to the original post, in case
anyone is interested in the real "Roots"...

The evil image of "Santa Claus", a.k.a., "SATAN KLAUS" (german). It's roots trace back to the evil NORDIC (Scandinavian,
Norwegian, Germanic) God, "Odin".

Who is "Odin" ?

Odin was a one-eyed evil old man (in Norwegian Mythology), who lived in the Arctic regions (thus, "north pole", for Satan-Klas).
He was a CANNIBAL who loved to steal and eat children!

We also see connections here to the evil "white supremacist" God, that Hitler worshiped, the alleged, "Aryan".

Now the roots of the alleged "Aryan" race goes even deeper than that!

It traces back to the stars themselves, back to the Pleiades and the so-called, "Pleiadian Masters" (of which many in the
Occult are "channeling" this day and time).

It is nothing more than SATANIC deception!

Watch THIS video below, THEN watch the video in the original posting! I think you will see the horrendous connections and how
that the VATICAN is the primary one who has inculcated these ancient and very PAGAN beliefs into virtually every religion
there is on the world (with all their voo-doo and witchcraft, all the while, pretending to be "Christian").

We are reminded that it was the ANTI-PETER, Simon Magus or Mabus (of whom Nostradamus speaks) who was the
REAL "Peter" who founded Rome.

In Acts 8:20, we see the original Simon Barjonas ("Peter" - the Disciple of Yahshua) standing up and AGAINST this original
anti-Peter, whose name was Simon Magus - a WARLOCK!

Acts 8:20: "But Peter said unto him, Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be
purchased with money."

Now here comes an "added video" to more fully illustrate this alleged "Pleiadian connection". But the real "connection" is,
again, just MORE Satanic disinformation and deception!
Tags: klaus, meaning, of, real, satan, the
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Comment by Craig Combs 1 day ago

Comment by ET253 1 day ago

good finds Prentice. interesting how the Knecht Ruprecht character is also described as blackened by
chimney soot. The end of that scribd article really shows the psychopathic mentality at work in molding our
perceptions of these myths. He basically says, "People are bored with the wholesome crap. THE CHILDREN
MUST PAY!!!" lol. Also gotta love that painting of St. Nick the ol' perv peeping in through the window to watch
this poor lady get her behind spanked senseless. Thank god we can't see anything below his upper torso. I
don't even wanna know what's going on down there throughout all of this =p

Comment by Kyra 1 day ago

Interesting connection.

Comment by Prentice Reid 1 day ago

This is a story that sheds a little more light on the Krampus mythology.

Santa Clause and Demons

Comment by Prentice Reid 1 day ago

That Krampus story is intriguing accirding to the links this devil like creature was St. Nicholas's(santa clause's)
Comment by ET253 1 day ago
aha! I knew it started with an R interesting how he resides in the
mountains bordering Bohemia. Also funny how he "plays tricks" on naughty people instead of just spanking
them senseless like his counterpart Krampus did. Lump of coal, anyone?

Comment by ET253 1 day ago

the "clause" can hook you just like a CLAW. By hook or by crook, so to speak.

Comment by ET253 1 day ago

Guzzy Bo do you have more info on this ritual you speak of? I'd love to see it if you do and would greatly
appreciate it. Also, let's not forget about the EVERgreen tree (symbol of immortality) adorned with a thousand
points of light.

I think the origin of Santa/Satan "Clause" (also interesting how a "clause" is a contract, much like the
agreement children enter into with "santa" and their parents in exchange for a reward) is pretty obviious
considering that Krampus apparently literally means "claw". There was also a god worshipped in Germanic
regions who's name I wish I could recall off the top of my head, but he supposedly came about from a later
amalgamation of St. Nicholas and his best buddy Krampus the demon. He carries a an evergreen tree in one
hand and a HARP in the other which he uses to control the weather, which I'd assume also has something
to do with everyone's ideal "white christmas" although I haven't found any real symbolic connections relating to
that concept yet.

Comment by Guzzy Bo on January 30, 2010 at 11:30am

There's gotta be more concrete connections between the satan mythos, occult legend, and luciferian mythos...
the resemblences are just so glaring.

But regardless, I think the agenda behind Satan Claus is pretty blatant... buy a lot to prove your love, deceive
your children, and convince your kids that they can ask for ANYTHING they want, and they shall receive by

Anyway, something fascinating is the connections between Satan Claus and ancient Amnita Muscara
mushroom ritual.

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