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In the 19th century the West went all out to push aggressively

their brand of imperialism onto the rest of the world by their

enslavement of various sedentary peoples through the practice
called colonialism.

Today, they are again busily moving very aggressively to push

their 21st century imperialism onto the rest of the world via
their spreading of blatant falsehoods and 'coalition armies'.

Today, the West is trying to corrupt all and sundry with their
so-called 'Western capitalist democracy' which is now known to
be full of lies and deceit and deadly intentions.

The so-called capitalist democracy thrives solely on political

mischief, trickery, betrayal, brinkmanship, hypocrisy, immoral
and unethical wheeling-dealing and rivers of hot money. (And a
river of some other luckless people's blood).

For them the notion that money buys power is perfectly alright
and legitimate, most thoroughly usable and very acceptable. A
human must know that when a society allows the use of money to
buy political power, truth and integrity deserts that society.

Take a look at all the 21st century Western leaders and try to
seek out one that could be considered as a leader of truth and
integrity and you would not be able to pick out even one.

Bush, Cheney, Clinton, Carter, Obama, Blair, Brown, Merkel and

all the rest belong to the pantheon of world super criminals.
They have all committed one or more very serious international
crimes like killing, maiming, destroying and breaking up other
people's countries and societies, just exactly like what their
fathers and grandfathers did with wild abandonment in the 19th

Malaya, Kashmir, Vietnam, Palestine, Rwanda, Iraq and a very,

very, very long list of others were their victims and yet they
were never brought to the fore to answer for their actions. In
all the lands they entered, the Western nations plundered and
messed up the locals and forced them to leave their homes and
their lands. Thus, conflicts like Kashmir and Palestine and a
lot of others still cannot be solved even today. In fact, they
can be classified as problems that are totally unsolvable.

Despite all these leftover problems, the West are just as keen
as ever to whip up even more new problems by their evil desire
to spread grand falsehoods and deceit.

Today, in this 21st century, the West are demanding the world
embrace capitalist democracy and thus allowing Western giants
like BP, Shell, Goldman Sachs, Coca-Cola, and countless others
to go in and gobble up the local companies and local resources
and fulfill the Western desire of obtaining full economic and
political domination. The new style of imperialism.

The West are pushing capitalist democracy by the use of grand

falsehoods, deceit and lies and also by the use of 'coalition
armies' and 'sanctions'. The use of the sword and the cross.
(Their own brand which is fond of tasting innocent blood).

That man named Obama is now their very latest messiah of grand
falsehoods and deceit. Obama lied on Afghanistan just as Lyndon
Johnson lied on Vietnam. Obama secretly colluded with Denmark
and the glacier crooks just as Bush secretly colluded with the
UK and Obama ( & Clinton ) desires a victory over Iran just as
Bush desired a victory over Iraq.

Capitalist democracy has greatly brought UNTOLD misery, death,

sorrow, hatred, destruction and division to too many countries
and communities around the world. Timor Leste, the Philippines,
India, Pakistan, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Turkey, Greece and many, many
other countries around the world have witnessed riots, killings
and arson each time there is an election. Gangs of youths roam
the streets, squares and shopping districts armed with placards,
stones, knives, Molotovs and clubs and guns claiming to be the
active party supporters of this and that politician.

Innocent people and merchants are often always at the receiving

end of these political activists or democracy activists. Women
get assaulted, shops are torched, children are kidnapped, cars
are overturned and minority communities are vilified by vicious
evil politicians. Racism is turned into a national fervour even
a sort of cause celebre. Racial pride takes on a holy sheen and
religion is used as a sword to cut down the minority presence.

The Western leaders and the Western media often encourage these
democracy villians and their radio broadcasts whip up extremely
devious emotions calling on people to take to the streets. They
are truly, truly the offspring of the Devil !!! !!!

They are very EVIL indeed. The Western devils always try to get
others into trouble, create chaos for them, plunder their lands
or corrupt and putrefy them thoroughly via falsehoods and lies.

Why not allow democracy activism on the US aircraft carriers or

the Aegis warships for a change ? ? ?

Why not allow several captains and their supporter crews to man
these carriers and warships ? ? ? After all, a carrier is like
a floating city. Let the people on this floating city have the
power to choose whether to make war or preserve peace by having
elections to pick their captain. Their captain can then choose
to either ignore or obey any call to attack any foreign nation.

Why not allow democracy activism on the 'ISS' or 'international

space station' ? ? ?

Have separate crews on the ISS and allow them the power to pick
their mission commander !!!

The world must reject this evil capitalist democracy and pursue
socialism instead. Modernistic socialism is the way forward !!!

Modernistic socialism should be based on one-party rule but let

the members have the power to choose their leaders.There should
never be any street campaigning of the kind seen in capitalist
countries. Leaders should be picked strictly on the strength of
their abilites, integrity, commitment and character. The terms
in office should also be limited.

In many countries practising capitalist democracy, which is very

artificial and totally ersatz, the leaders are all mostly crooks
of varying degrees. The minorities are conveniently trampled on
and made to look like fools at every 'election'. The leaders or
also known as politicians never fail to bring out their election
time bribes like projects, allocations, licences, tenders, cars
and cash incentives to buy votes. All of it in order to stay in
power, election after election. Also, minority groups are mainly
or deliberately clustered together into as few seats as possible
in order to dilute their voting power. This is really and truly
sham democracy. Capitalist democracy is indeed sham democracy.

Capitalist democracy is truly sham democracy, no doubt about it.

It is merely a collection of great falsehoods, total deceit and
outright lies. It is a system for pushing neo-imperialism by the
rich nations. It is THE vessel for the modern white pirate. We
must build the vessel called socialism to fight this evil pirate
and make the white devil sit in his proper place. He is EVIL.

Socialism is actually real, genuine and correct democracy if it

is done right. Therefore all humans should ensure that socialism
becomes the ideal democracy long sought by humans all over the
world. It is the people's democracy when compared to the money
democracy (money politics) of capitalist countries. In all these
fake democracy societies, it is the group with the most money or
the most vociferous voice that emerges as the winner, NOT the
group that sympathises with the poor or the disadvantaged. As
such, it is time for all of us free people to push for socialism
and make it the one correct choice for all the world. Down with
capitalist democracy !!! Down with sham democracy !!. Away with
money democracy ! No to violence, falsehoods and deceit.

We all must reject the use of force when it comes to the picking
of leaders. You do not use force to pick a headmaster, a ship's
captain, a bureau's director, the head of homeland security or
the secretary of the treasury. You pick on qualification instead.
So, no to the use of force, the use of mob power or the use of
coalitions of armies. Just visit Kabul to see why we must reject
the use of force to pick leaders.

The constant dying of innocent women and children is simply too

high a price to pay for the fakery called capitalist democracy.
Those nameless women and children are human beings too. They're
NOT dolls or toys. They are made of real flesh and blood.

Innocent women and children have to die painfully just because

you insist on wielding global domination and total falsehoods ??
Are you now THE god on this earth ??

Down with capitalist democracy. Down with fakery. Send it all to

Hell !! That is where it truly belongs.
Happy reading. Thanks for your time.
( You never need to agree with my
views but do read them all the same).

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