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CL305 Concrete Technology

Term Paper II: Innovative Types of Concrete and Concreting Techniques

Recycled Aggregate Concrete

Prepared by
Ronak Kamdar

Nirma University
Institute of Technology
October 2014

Table of Content

Physical Properties of Recycled Aggregates
1. Density, Porosity, and Water Absorption
2. Shape and Gradation
3. Crushing and L.A. Abrasion
Recycled Aggregate Concrete Properties
o Fresh Concrete Properties
1. Concrete Density and Air Content
2. Workability
o Hardened Concrete Properties
1. Compressive Strength
2. Tensile Stenghts
3. Modulus of Elaticity
4. Drying Shrinkage
5. Creep
6. Abrasion Resistance
7. Durabilty

Influence of Parent concrete on Recycled Aggregate Concrete

Concrete Mix Design

Indian Status



After demolition of old roads and buildings, the removed concrete is often considered
worthless and disposed of as demolition waste. By collecting the used concrete and
breaking it up, recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) is created (Fig. 1). This paper
focuses on coarse RCA which is the coarse aggregate from the original concrete that
is created after the mortar is separated from the rock which is reused. The use of
RCA in new construction applications is still a relatively new technique. Buck (1977)
cites the beginning of RCA use to the end of World War II, when there was excessive
demolition of buildings and roads and a high need to both get rid of the waste
material and rebuild Europe. After the immediate need to recycle concrete, the use of
RCA tapered off. In the 1970s, the United States began to reintroduce the use of
RCA in non-structural uses, such as fill material, foundations, and base course
material (Buck1977). Since this time, some research has been conducted regarding
how viable RCA is as an option to replace unused natural aggregate (NA) in
structural concrete. One of the main reasons to use RCA in structural concrete is to
make construction more green and environmentally friendly. Some major
environmental issues associated with construction, as stated by Oikonomou (2005),
are that construction takes 50 % of raw materials from nature, consumes 40 % of
total energy, [and] creates 50 % of total waste. The use of RCA on a large scale
may help to reduce the effects of the construction on these factors by reusing waste
materials and preventing more NA from being harvested.

Fig. 1 Recycled concrete aggregates (RCA).

Physical Properties of Recycled Aggregates

This section discusses the properties of RCA as compared to NAs. An understanding

of how the aggregate changes after already being used in concrete can improve the
ability to describe why RCA may perform differently when used in new concrete than
Natural Aggregates (NA). The main aggregate properties that are presented are the
density, porosity, and water absorption of the aggregate, the shape and gradation of
the aggregate, and the aggregate resistance to crushing and abrasion.
1. Density, Porosity, and Water Absorption
Residual adhered mortar on aggregate is a main factor affecting the properties of
density, porosity, and water absorption of RCA. The density of RCA is generally
lower than NA density, due to the adhered mortar that is less dense than the
underlying rock. The variation in density is dependent on the specific aggregate in
question. A study showed that the relative density of RCA (in the saturated surface
dry state) is approximately 79 % lower than that of NA. It is also seen that the bulk
densities of 2,394 and 2,890 kg/m3 for RCA and NA, respectively, approximately a
17 % difference. The adhered mortar can be lightweight compared to aggregate of
the same volume, which causes the decrease in density. Porosity and water
absorption are related aggregate characteristics, also attributed to residual mortar.
NA generally has low water absorption due to low porosity, but the adhered mortar
on RCA has greater porosity which allows the aggregate to hold more water in its
pores than NA. It is found that water absorption values of 0.51 % for NA and 44.7
% for RCA in the saturated surface dry condition, up to a 4.2 % difference. Other
studies showed differences where RCA absorption was 5.6 and 4.95.2 % compared
to NA absorption of 1.0 and 2.5 %.
The aggregate characteristics of density, porosity, and water absorption are a
primary focus in determining the proper concrete mix. These characteristics should
be known to limit absorption capacity of aggregates to no more than 5 % for
structural concrete, and thus the proportion of RCA is often limited in concrete mixes.
2. Shape and Gradation
The shape of the aggregate pieces is influential on the workability of the concrete. It
is observed that the method of producing RCA and the type of crusher that is used in
this process is influential in the shape of RCA produced. NA is generally an angular
shape with smooth sides. It was initially described that the plant-produced RCA as
grainy in texture and later discussed that the RCA has a more rounded, spherical
shape which seemed to improve workability. The residual mortar on RCA can smooth
out the hard edges of the original aggregate. This allows the new mortar to flow
better around the aggregate. The effects of the aggregate shape on workability and
strength parameters of concrete are discussed further later in this paper. Standards
for concrete aggregate define a range within which the gradation of aggregate must
lie in order to be acceptable aggregate for structural concrete. It was found that the
gradation curves of RCA were within this specified range.
3. Crushing and L.A. Abrasion

Crushing and Los Angeles (L.A.) abrasion tests are measures of the durability of
aggregate material on its own. There is a general trend that RCA has higher values
for crushing and L.A. abrasion than NA, meaning when the aggregate is contained
and crushed or impacted by steel balls in the L.A. abrasion test RCA has more fine
particles break off of than NA. Crushing tests resulted in values of 23.1 % for RCA
vs. 15.7 % for basalt (a NA) and 24 % for RCA vs. 13 % for basalt in two separate
studies. L.A. abrasion values for RCA versus NA were found in two studies as 32 vs.
11 % and 26.442.7 vs. 22.9 %. This is a reasonable result for these tests, in that the
RCA has residual mortar that can break off easily at the interfacial transition zone
(ITZ), which is the typically weak area of concrete. It is logical that, when subjected
to loading, the residual mortar on RCA would break off, while NA does not have a
similar coating to lose. The behavior of RCA in crushing and abrasion tests
demonstrates the weakness of the adhered mortar. Since this layer is most likely to
break off of the aggregate itself, it is predicted that the adhered mortar layer may
also create a weak connection within concrete.

Recycled Aggregate Concrete Properties

Fresh Concrete Properties

1. Concrete Density and Air Content

The fresh density of recycled aggregate concrete at 100% replacement of coarse

aggregate will generally be 5% to 10% lower than the corresponding natural
aggregate concrete owing to the adhered mortar on the recycled coarse aggregate4.
The entrapped air content of the recycled aggregate concrete is generally higher
than corresponding natural aggregate concrete and thus the air entraining admixture
dosage may need to be reduced to maintain the target air content. However the use
of fine recycled aggregate will require an increase in air entraining agent.
2. Workability
Recycled aggregate concrete made from crushed leftover concrete may in general
require a small cement adjustment to compensate for increase in water demand.
Concrete made from demolition concrete, which generally has a harsher texture from
the increased adhered mortar will have an even higher water demand.
Increased cement contents are more likely to be necessary for higher percentages of
recycled aggregate replacement and for higher specified strengths of the recycled
aggregate concrete. Adjustment to air entraining and plasticising admixtures will
assist in minimising any increase in cement content. Mixes which have high contents
of recycled concrete aggregate can become harsh, less cohesive and exhibit
increased bleeding. These problems can be reduced by using a suitable SCM24.
In New Zealand, three grades of recycled concrete aggregate were made by
crushing 20 MPa, 40 MPa and 60 MPa purpose-made natural aggregate concrete
slabs. The concrete slabs were approximately one month old when crushed. Three
grades of recycled aggregate concretes 20 MPa, 40 MPa and 60 MPa were
made from each of these recycled concrete aggregates, making nine mixes in total.
The recycled concrete aggregates were used at a 100% replacement level, along
with natural fine aggregate. The cement contents of the recycled aggregate concrete
mixes were increased approximately 5% from the equivalent natural aggregate
mixes to maintain target water/cement ratios. The initial slumps were between 100
mm and 120 mm. On average the recycled aggregate concrete mixes showed a
greater rate of slump loss than the natural aggregate equivalents. The 40 and 60
MPa recycled aggregate concretes showed significantly greater slump loss than their
natural aggregate counterparts; thus as the recycled aggregate concrete strength
increases, there is a greater rate of slump loss. It is important that recycled concrete
aggregates are stored for at least 24 hours at or above SSD moisture state,
otherwise there will be a rapid slump loss as water is drawn into the recycled
aggregates on mixing.

Hardened Concrete Properties

1. Compressive Strength
Figure shows the compressive strength development to 56 days of the 100%
recycled aggregate concretes made from the three parent concretes and the
corresponding natural aggregate concrete.

The graphs in Figure show:

All three 20 MPa recycled aggregate concretes were stronger at 28 and 56 days
than their natural aggregate concrete counterparts, and their 28 day strengths
exceeded the target 28 day strength of 24.5 MPa
All three 40 MPa recycled aggregate concretes were weaker at all ages than their
natural aggregate concrete counterparts. The concretes made with 40 and 60 MPa
recycled concrete aggregate reached the 28 day target strength of 47.5 MPa, but the

recycled aggregate concrete made with 20 MPa recycled concrete aggregate had
not reached this target even at 56 days
All three 60 MPa recycled aggregate concretes were weaker at all ages than their
natural aggregate concrete counterparts. They did not reach the target 28 day
strength of 69 MPa at 28 days, but the 60 MPa recycled aggregate concrete made
with the 60 MPa recycled concrete aggregate reached this strength at 56 days.
The 60 MPa recycled aggregate concrete made with 60 MPa recycled concrete
aggregate was 10 MPa weaker than its natural aggregate counterpart at 28 days.
Specifying 56 day compressive strengths instead of 28 day compressive strength
may help to achieve the desired concrete performance, but this needs to be
determined on a case by case basis by trial mixing and testing.
It should be noted that they used 100% recycled aggregate in their mixes. Lower
replacement levels of recycled aggregate would have less effect on the concrete
strengths. However, the strength of the parent concrete has the effect of providing a
ceiling strength for a recycled aggregate concrete derived from that parent concrete,
as explained in section 3.2. Research at Kingston University in the UK42 compared
natural gravel aggregate concrete with concretes made from up to 100% recycled
concrete aggregate, which contained 1.7% masonry and 4.1% asphalt. The cement
and water contents were kept the same for natural aggregate and recycled
aggregate mixes. Replacement rates of up to 30% coarse aggregate did not affect
compressive strength. This suggests that maintaining the water/cement ratio is more
important. Recycled aggregate concrete is generally reported to be between 15%
and 40% weaker than natural aggregate concrete.
Many factors influence this strength reduction, including:
1. The strength of parent concrete.
2. Multiple sources of parent concrete verses one source.
3. The source of the recycled aggregate (demolition waste vs. leftover concrete).
4. The specified strength of recycled aggregate concrete.
5. Amount of adhered mortar on recycled aggregate.
6. Percentage replacement of recycled coarse aggregate.
7. Use of fine recycled aggregate.
8. Adjustments to entrained air and water content to maintain workability.
The Kingston University research42 concluded that the use of recycled concrete
aggregate as partial replacement for natural aggregate has potential. However, there
may be areas where the use of recycled aggregate concrete should be viewed with
caution. Special design considerations may be required for higher compressive
strengths, members sensitive to creep and shrinkage, and where precautions
against ASR or chloride attack need to be taken.
2. Tensile Strengths
Tensile and flexural strengths of recycled aggregate concrete at 100% replacement
level have been found to have the same or at most 10% lower strength than the
natural aggregate concrete counterpart4. Using recycled fine aggregate could
reduce this by a further 20%.
3. Modulus of Elasticity

Various researchers have shown that there is a reduction in the modulus of elasticity
(MOE) of recycled aggregate concrete at 100% replacement level compared to its
natural aggregate equivalent by between 6% and 33%. Generally, recycled
aggregate concrete with lower proportions of recycled concrete aggregate has a
smaller reduction in MOE.
4. Drying Shrinkage
Twenty to 50% higher shrinkage levels are reported in recycled concrete aggregate
mixes at 100% replacement level when compared to their natural aggregate
counterpart. This increases to 70% to 100% when fine recycled concrete aggregate
is used43. The higher shrinkage compared to natural aggregate concrete is thought
to result from the adhered mortar on the coarse aggregate, which does not provide
the degree of restraint to shrinkage that a natural aggregate does. Any increase in
water demand stemming from the use of recycled aggregate will increase concrete
drying shrinkage relative to natural concrete aggregate4. The judicious use of water
reducing admixtures could alleviate this.
5. Creep
Researchers have found recycled aggregate concrete to have 30% to 60% greater
creep compared with natural aggregate concrete depending on the replacement
level. Theoretically the combined effects of creep and shrinkage would moderate any
increased risk of shrinkage cracking in flatwork using recycled aggregate concrete.
6. Abrasion Resistance
The abrasion resistance of concrete is largely influenced by compressive strength,
mix proportions, finishing and curing. WRAP4 research showed only small
differences in the abrasion resistance of concrete for up to 30% replacement level of
recycled coarse aggregate. Abrasion resistance is a consideration for heavy duty
floors and pavements, and the use of recycled aggregate concrete for these
applications is not generally recommended. However, it may be suitable if the
recycled aggregate meets or exceeds ASTM C33/C33M-11a32 requirements, and
accelerated abrasion tests show that a suitable abrasion resistance can be achieved.
7. Durability
In the Kingston University research42 referred to in section 6.2.1, there was no
reduction in freeze thaw resistance or increase in permeability or penetrability in the
concrete for recycled aggregate replacement levels of up to 30%. The WRAP4
research reported that the carbonation depth actually decreased as the recycled
aggregate content increased. This was thought to be due to the increased alkalinity
from the increased cement content used and the adhered mortar on the aggregate.
There is likely to be an optimum level at which the increased porosity from recycled
aggregate replacement overrides the increased alkaline reserve. Further research
from Dundee44 on high strength recycled aggregate concrete showed that water
absorption and air permeability increased significantly when the recycled coarse
aggregate replacement level is above 30%. This research also showed that chloride
diffusion rates were not affected even at 100% replacement, but chloride induced

corrosion rates increased slightly. It has been shown, generally, that chloride ion
penetrability increases with increasing replacement percentage of recycled concrete
aggregate. The porous surface of the recycled aggregate due to the adhered mortar
may provide a less tortuous route for chloride ion ingress. Research in Argentina45
looked at the effect of recycled aggregate on chloride penetration and binding
capacity under marine exposure. Whilst there was an increase in chloride ingress,
this was compensated for by an increase in chloride binding capacity. Thus the water
soluble chloride contents in natural aggregate concrete and recycled aggregate
concrete were similar for up to 18 months exposure. The influence of water/cement
ratio on the recycled aggregate concrete was found to be more important than the
recycled aggregate porosity. Other researchers 46,47 who have looked at chloride
ingress only, have found that the addition of SCM's has given recycled aggregate
concrete a similar performance in marine environments to natural aggregate
concrete, i.e. the effect of the recycled aggregate is less than the effect of cover
depth and binder composition. Consequently, the durability design principles of NZS
3101:200617 for natural aggregate concrete should also apply to recycled aggregate

Influence of Parent concrete on Recycled Aggregate Concret

Research on recycled aggregate concrete has clearly demonstrated that the
processing level and the quality of the parent concrete has an influence on the

quality and consistency of the recycled aggregate and the concrete made from it.
Additional processing and a higher strength parent concrete results in an
improvement to the strength of the recycled aggregate concrete. However the yield
of coarse aggregate for each tonne of parent concrete reduces with prolonged
processing, resulting in increased cost. If leftover concrete is crushed at an early
age, there will be less adhered mortar because the cement aggregate bond in the
parent concrete has not fully developed. This would be typical of aggregate recycled
from returned concrete, most of which will be in the strength range 17.5 MPa to 25
For natural aggregate concrete, it is generally recognised that that the controlling
factor limiting the strength of the cement-aggregate matrix is a porous narrow band
which forms at the cement paste/aggregate interface called the Interfacial Transition
Zone. For recycled aggregate concrete there are effectively two transition zones,
between the old adhered mortar and parent aggregate, and between the old mortar
and the new cement paste. Generally the recycled aggregate has more influence
than natural aggregate on the properties of the recycled aggregate concrete. This is
because the processing of the recycled aggregate can result in micro cracks at the
parent aggregate/adhered mortar interface. The strength of the adhered mortar can
also limit the strength of the recycled aggregate concrete particularly where the
parent concrete strength is lower than the target compressive strength of the new
recycled aggregate concrete.

Concrete Mix Design

Mix proportioning of recycled aggregate concrete will depend on the percentage

replacement of coarse aggregate by recycled aggregate. Up to 20% replacement
level, substitution of coarse aggregate with adjustment only for the specific gravity of
the recycled aggregate may be all that is necessary.
At higher aggregate replacement levels, adjustments may need to be made to the
aggregate proportions to account for the grading, shape and texture of the recycled
aggregate. Admixture quantities may also need adjustment. At higher levels of
coarse aggregate replacement, the water demand of the recycled aggregate
concrete will increase for a given workability and either a small increase in cement
content may be necessary, or alternatively the use of water reducing or
superplasticising admixtures to maintain target strength requirements. The increase
in water demand will be dependent on the recycled aggregate source and properties.
The compressive strength of the parent concrete will also influence the strength
potential of the recycled aggregate concrete, particularly at higher target strengths.
(See sections 3.2 and 6.2).
The addition of a fly ash can be used to increase workability without increasing the
mix-water and thus long term strength can be maintained. Because there is a
significant strength gain beyond 28 days with some fly ashes, the age for acceptance
of concrete could be increased from 28 to 56 days if fly ash is used. The use of fly
ashes and other SCMs as a cement replacement in combination with recycled
aggregate has the potential to gain maximum credit points under the current New
Zealand Green Building Council3 scheme.
Crushed recycled fines are not often used in recycled aggregate concrete. However
one investigation into uses for recycled fines has found it viable to use 10% to 30%
of recycled fines as a percentage of the total fine aggregate38. Use of fine recycled
concrete aggregate generally results in comparatively higher strength gain beyond
28 days owing to ongoing cementing action of the fines.

Indian Status

Central Pollution Control Board has estimated current quantum of solid waste
generation in India to the tune of 48 million tons per annum out of which, waste from
construction industry only accounts for more than 25%. Management of such high
quantum of waste puts enormous pressure on solid waste management system.
In view of significant role of recycled construction material and technology in the
development of urban infrastructure, TIFAC has conducted a techno-market survey
on 'Utilization of Waste from Construction Industry' targeting housing /building and
road segment. The total quantum of waste from construction industry is estimated to
be 12 to 14.7 million tons per annum out of which 7-8 million tons are concrete and
brick waste. According to findings of survey, 70% of the respondent have given the
reason for not adopting recycling of waste from Construction Industry is "Not aware
of the recycling techniques" while remaining 30% have indicated that they are not
even aware of recycling possibilities. Further, the user agencies/ industries pointed
out that presently, the BIS and other codal provisions do not provide the
specifications for use of recycled product in the construction activities.
In view of above, there is urgent need to take following measures:

Preparation and implementation of techno-legal regime including legislations,

guidance, penalties etc. for disposal of building & construction waste.

Delineation of dumping areas for pre-selection, treatment, transport of RCA.

National level support on research studies on RCA.

Preparation of techno-financial regime, financial support for introducing RCA

in construction including assistance in transportation, establishing recycling plant

Preparation of data base on utilization of RCA.

Formulation of guidelines, specifications and codal provisions.

Preparation of list of experts available in this field who can provide knowhow
and technology on totality basis.

Incentives on using recycled aggregate concrete-subsidy or tax exemptions.

Realising the future & national importance of recycled aggregate concrete in

construction, SERC, Ghaziabad had taken up a pilot R&D project on Recycling and
Reuse of Demolition and Construction Wastes in Concrete for Low Rise and Low
Cost Buildings in mid-nineties with the aim of developing techniques/ methodologies
for use recycled aggregate concrete in construction. The properties of RAC has been
established and demonstrated through several experimental and field projects
successfully. It has been concluded that RCA can be readily used in construction of
low rise buildings, concrete paving blocks & tiles, flooring, retaining walls, approach
lanes, sewerage structures, sub base course of pavement, drainage layer in

highways, dry lean concrete(DLC) etc. in Indian scenario. Use of RCA will further
ensure the sustainable development of society with savings in natural resources,
materials and energy.
Smaller pieces of concrete are used as gravel for new construction projects. Subbase gravel is laid down as the lowest layer in a road, with fresh concrete or asphalt
poured over it. The US Federal Highway Administration may use techniques such as
these to build new highways from the materials of old highways. Crushed recycled
concrete can also be used as the dry aggregate for brand new concrete if it is free of
contaminants. Also, concrete pavements can be broken in place and used as a base
layer for an asphalt pavement through a process called rubblization.
Larger pieces of crushed concrete can be used as riprap revetments, which are "a
very effective and popular method of controlling streambank erosion.
With proper quality control at the crushing facility, well graded and aesthetically
pleasing materials can be provided as a substitute for landscaping stone or mulch.
Wire gabions (cages), can be filled with crushed concrete and stacked together to
provide economical retaining walls. Stacked gabions are also used to build privacy
screen walls (in lieu of fencing).
In general, applications without any processing include:

many types of general bulk fills

bank protection

base or fill for drainage structures

road construction

noise barriers and embankments

Most of the unprocessed crushed concrete aggregate is sold as 1 inches or 2

inches fraction for pavement sub bases. After removal of contaminants through
selective demolition, screening, and /or air separation and size reduction in a crusher
to aggregate sizes, crushed concrete can be used as: new concrete for pavements,
shoulders, median barriers, sidewalks, curbs and gutters, and bridge foundations
structural grade concrete soil-cement pavement bases lean-concrete or econo-crete
bases and bituminous concrete.

Recycling and reuse of building wastes have been found to be an appropriate
solution to the problems of dumping hundreds of thousands tons of debris
accompanied with shortage of natural aggregates. The use of recycled aggregates in
concrete prove to be a valuable building materials in technical, environment and
economical respect
Recycled aggregate posses relatively lower bulk density, crushing and impact values
and higher water absorption as compared to natural aggregate. The compressive
strength of recycled aggregate concrete is relatively lower up to 15% than natural
aggregate concrete. The variation also depends on the original concrete from which
the aggregates have been obtained. The durability parameters studied at SERC(G)
confirms suitability of RCA & RAC in making durable concrete structures of selected
There are several reliable applications for using recycled coarse aggregate in
construction. However, more research and initiation of pilot project for application of
RCA is needed for modifying our design codes, specifications and procedure for use
of recycled aggregate concrete. The subject of use of RCA in construction works in
India should be given impetus.

%20New%20Concrete.pdf Engineering Pavements Recycling

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