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In process control system, there are 3 main elements which consist of manipulated variables,
controlled variables and disturbance. Controlled variables are the variables which quantify the
performance or quality of the final product, which are also called output variables. It is
includes the temperature, level, pressure and flow. For each controlled variable, there is an
associated manipulated variable. The manipulated variables must be adjusted by the control
system so the desired value or set point of the controlled variable is maintained from any
Disturbances enter or affect the process and tend to drive the controlled variables away
from their desired value or set point condition. Typical disturbances include changes in
ambient temperature, in demand for product, or in the supply of feed material. The
manipulated quantity must be changed to adjust the controlled variable to its new desired
value, if the set point is changed.
A process control consists of four main elements which are process, measurement,
evaluation and control. A block diagram of these elements is shown in Figure 1. The diagram
also shows the disturbances that enter or affect the process. If there were no upsets to a
process, there would be no need for the control system. Figure 1 also shows the input and
output of the process and the set point used for control.

Set point



Figure 1: Four element of a control system

The basic function of controller is to execute an algorithm (electronic controller) based
on the control engineer's input (tuning constants), the operators desired operating value (set
point) and the current plant process value. The PID control algorithm is used for the control of
almost all loops in the process industries, and is also the basis for many advanced control
algorithms and strategies. In order for control loops to work properly, the PID loop must be
properly tuned.
The PID controllers job is to maintain the output at a level so that there is no
difference (error) between the process variable (PV) and the set point (SP). What the PID
controller is looking at is the difference (or "error") between the PV and the SP, which are the
absolute error and the rate of change of error. When there is a "process upset", meaning, when
the process variable or the set point quickly changes- the PID controller has to quickly change
the output to get the process variable back equal to the set point.
Once the PID controller has the process variable equal to the set point, a good PID
controller will not vary the output, because the output have to be very steady not changing. If
the valves (motor or other control element) are constantly changing, instead of maintaining a
constant value, this could case more wear on the control element. Thus, there are these two
contradictory goals; fast response (fast change in output) when there is a "process upset", but
slow response (steady output) when the PV is close to the set point. The output often goes past
(over shoots) the steady-state output to get the process back to the set point.

Proportional term
The proportional term produces an output value that is proportional to the current error
value. The proportional response adjusted by multiplying the error by constant Kp, called the
proportional gain constant.
The proportional term is given by:

Integral Term
The integral term is proportional to both the magnitude of the error and the duration of
the error. The integral in a PID controller is the sum of the instantaneous error over time and
gives the accumulated offset that should have been corrected previously. The accumulated
error is then multiplied by the integral

) and added to the controller output.

The integral term is given by:

Derivative Term
The derivative of the process error is calculated by determining the slope of
the error over time and multiplying this rate of change by the derivative gain Kd.
The magnitude of the contribution of the derivative term to the overall control
action is termed the derivative gain,Kd.
The derivative term is given by:

The objectives of this experiment are as follows:

Understand how level process control system works.

Study the method of setting PID parameter to achieve the optimum stability.

Study the method of setting PID controller to achieve the optimum recovery.

1. The gas oressure process control menu screen was selected and PIC 811 has been
clicked and the history chart was opened.
2. The set point value was set to 50 bar and click AUTO. Wait for a few seconds
until the manipulated variable and process variable is stable.
3. MAN was clicked and the manipulated variable was increased around 10%.
Wait for a few seconds until the process varible is stable.
4. By using the P controller, the gain values is set according the data from the table
4.0 and AUTO was clicked.
5. The respond was observed and have been written down.
6. Every time to change the gain value, make sure click MAN and increases the
manipulated variable around 10%. Wait for a few seconds until the process
variable is stable before change the gain value.

7. Proceed to PI and PID controller from step 3 by changing the gain, reset and rate
value such as in table 4.0, 4.1 and 4.2. the responds were observed and recorded.
Table 4.0: P controller






Undershoot, then stable





Table 4.1: PI controller







No oscillation



No oscillation



Oscillate vigorously

Table 4.2: PID controller








No oscillation, stable




Oscillate vigorously, unstable




Oscillate vigorously, unstable







GAIN=0.72, RESET=2.28

GAIN=0.80, RESET=3.0

GAIN=2.5, RESET=0.79


GAIN=0.8, RESET=3.0, RATE=0.67

GAIN=1.27, RESET=4.0, RATE=6.6

GAIN=5.45, RESET=3.62, RATE=2.15


In P controller mode, it can be seen that the loop has fast recovery. Based on the graph shown
above, the line increase as gain value increases. There are a few changes occur at lower gain
(0.5) and for highest gain (3.15), the line oscillates. The conclusion that we can made if the
gain value increase, the oscillatory also will increase. Although higher gain value can
eliminate offset, too high gain value can give an unstable system.
For PI controller, there is no oscillation occurs at lower gain (0.72 and 0.8) and reset
(2.28 and 3.0) and the system is stabilized. For high gain (2.5) and low reset (0.79), the graph
showed that too much oscillatory, have disturbance and not stable.
Lastly, for the PID controller mode, it shows that the oscillatory become higher
and unstable due to increasing of gain and rate. For gain (0.8), reset (3.0), rate (0.67), the
system is stable and no oscillation occur. Meanwhile, for gain (1.27, 5.45), reset (4.0,
3.62), and rate (6.6, 2.15), the oscillion, disturbance and unstable result is clearly seen
and it shows that it is not suitable for pressure process control.


As a conclusion, PID controller is the most common and widely used in industrial control
systems. The basic function of a controller is to execute an algorithm (electronic controller)
based on the control engineer's input (tuning constants), the operators desired operating value
(set point) and the current plant process value. In most cases, the requirement is for the
controller to act so that the process value is as close to the set point as possible. In a basic
process control loop, the control engineer utilises the PID algorithms to achieve this.
The PID control algorithm is used for the control of almost all loops in the
process industries, and is also the basis for many advanced control algorithms and
strategies. In order for control loops to work properly, the PID loop must be properly
tuned. Standard methods for tuning loops and criteria for judging the loop tuning have
been used for many years, but should be re-evaluated for use on modern digital control

Tuning of PID Controller Terms

The P, I and D terms need to be "tuned" to suit the dynamics of the process being
controlled. Any of the terms described above can cause the process to be unstable, or
very slow to control, if not correctly set. These days some controller using digital PID
controllers have automatic auto-tune functions. During the auto-tune period the PID
controller controls the power to the process and measures the rate of change, overshoot
and response time of the plant. This is often based on the Zeigler-Nichols method of
calculating controller term values. Once the auto-tune period is completed the P, I &D
values are stored and used by the PID controller.

1. Lab Manual Process Control UiTM

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