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Isra University

Practical # 12

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Title: Identification of transistor type and its terminals

Objective: Objective of this practical is to identify transistor type such as (i) NPN (ii) PNP,
and its terminals such as emitter, base and collector.
Required Apparatus:- Few transistors, breadboard, multimeter, connecting wire etc.
Theory:- Transistor is semiconductor device, it is constructed of three doped semiconductor
materials. Either n-type material is sandwiched between two p-type materials or p-type
material is sandwiched between two n-type materials and these three materials make three
regions of transistor as shown in figure 01. Three regions of transistor are known as Base (B),
Collector (C), Emitter (E), these regions separated by two pn-junctions known as base-emitter
and base-collector junction. A wire lead is connected to each of three regions, and these leads
are labeled as E,B,C for emitter, Base, Collector respectively. Emitter is heavily doped, Base
is lightly doped, and Collector is moderately doped. Physically collector is bigger than emitter
and base, because collector has to dissipate more power. Transistors are usually used as
amplifiers and switches. Schematic symbol of transistor is shown in figure 02.

Figure 01: Structure of npn (on left side) and pnp (on right side) transistor
Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

Figure 02: Schematic symbol of transistor (a) npn (b) pnp

Not only forward resistance of base emitter junction is slightly higher than the resistance of
base collector junction but also forward voltage drop of base emitter junction is slightly
higher than the forward voltage of base collector voltage.
Procedure:- Transistor terminals can be identified with any of following methods:
(i) ohm meter (ii) diode option on digital multimeter (iii) case identification
(i) Transistor terminal identification using ohm meter
In transistor there are two pn-junctions, when ohm meter is connected with any of two leads
and if that junction of transistor is forward biased then it will show some value of resistance
else it will show OUT of Range. So find out both junctions with the help of ohm meter,
such that both junctions are forward biased. Now check if common terminal of transistor is
connected with positive probe of ohm meter; transistor is said to be npn else pnp. This
common terminal is base. Junction with slightly higher resistance is base emitter, so emitter
terminal is also identified. Junction with slightly lower resistance is base collector, so
collector terminal is also identified.
RBE>RBC very minor difference (forward resistance is round about in the range of kilo ohms)

(ii) Transistor terminal identification using diode option on digital multimeter

First identify common terminal and type of transistor such as npn or pnp. Then junction with
slightly higher forward voltage drop is base emitter and junction with slightly lower forward
voltage drop is base collector. All three terminals are identified.
VBE>VBC very minor difference (forward voltage drop is round about 0.7 volt)

Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

(ii) Transistor terminal identification with the help of transistor case

Transistor terminal identification with the help of case is very easy as shown in figure 03. But
care must be taken, because same case may have different terminal configuration by different

Figure 03: Transistor terminal identification with the help of its case
Observation:Transistor type such as npn or pnp and its terminals are identified.
Answer the following questions:Question 01: What is a transistor?
Question 02: What are the applications of transistor?
Question 03: What is the structure of transistor?
Question 04: Draw schematic symbol for pnp and npn transistor.

Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

Question 05: How to identify transistor terminals?

Question 06: Mention different readings that you have observed during transistor terminal

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