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Year 5 Newsletter

April 2015
Welcome back! I hope you have had a relaxing half term break. We are
continuing to work on our new termly targets which were sent home at the end of
term. If you require any information on these then please do not hesitate to contact
This half-term we will begin by learning the features of an argument and
debate. We will then progress onto learning about poetry and images created
by authors using detailed language. Following this we will be writing short
stories by using a variety of sentence structures to engage the reader. Then
we will look at drafting longer passages with the same impact as the short stories and discuss
the features and techniques authors use to engage readers for longer periods of time.
Ways to help: In lessons, we will be focussing on using more challenging vocabulary in
descriptive writing and how to expand their ideas to explain their points in non-fiction writing.
When your child is reading, encourage them to locate challenging vocabulary, discuss the
meaning and how they could use these words in their writing.
We will be starting this half term by revisiting place value and begin to
investigate decimals and sequences using decimals. Next we will move onto
understanding fractions further and finding fractions of measurements and
statistics as well as adding, subtracting and multiplying fractions. Following
this we will then focus on statistics and interpreting data and converting
between analogue and digital time and problem solving using these skills.
Ways to help: Continue to practice instant recall of all multiplication tables. Please talk to your
child when they are completing their homework and ask the children to explain how they have
calculated an answer or solved a problem. Consistently reinforce key mathematical vocabulary
such as multiples, factors, prime numbers and digits to assist children with their independent
problem solving.

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Science Forces
We are going to begin this topic by learning about gravity and understanding the difference
between weight and mass. Next we are going to research Sir Isaac Newton and investigate
balancing forces using a range of PE equipment and then progress onto learning about friction,
water resistance, air resistance and mechanical devices. Finally the children are going to use
their knowledge from this topic to making moving toys which links with our DT topic.

In history we will begin this half term continuing our topic on Early Islamic Civilisation with a
specific focus on Baghdad in AD900. We will then progress onto learning about the Battle of
Britain and how it was a key turning point in British history.
Art and DT
In DT, we will be learning how to make moving toys. We will explore a range of moving toys
currently being sold and explore their design features and their proposed audiences. We will
then research and aim to plan making a moving toy with a key audience in mind. The children will
then make their moving toy once they have evaluated and
expanded their ideas with a clear vision.
In music, we continue to develop our recorder playing with the
help of Mrs Holt. We will be learning how to read and write music with the correct notations
and we will also be extending our knowledge of notes and the correct hand positions on the
In French, we will be learning to name the different musical instruments
and learn how to describe them in French.
In computing, we will begin to explore data using computers. We will
learn how to create tables and graphs, how to interpret data and
explore the purpose for this technology.
In RE we will be learning about sacred texts and what we consider to
be sacred. We will explore different religions and their sacred texts and look at re-writing
some of the teachings in a modern way.
Our PE lessons will continue to take place every Tuesday so please ensure
that your child brings their PE kit to school on this day and that earrings are
taken out. Please also ensure that your childs PE kit is clearly labelled with
their name. This half term we will be focusing on the skills needed to play
striking and fielding games. We will also be going swimming every Monday so
please ensure that your child has their swimming kit with them each Monday.
I am looking forward to enjoying the summer term with Year 5 as we have lots of
exciting learning opportunities planned. Miss Murray

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