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M/M Bert Bireros

Forwarding Agents

P.O. Box 49



M/M Bob Pruitt

2784 So. River Road
Grants Pass, OR 97527


Aparri, Cagayan 1118



January 1, 1987

Anew year? Already? tt MESSAGES FROM f-iARY AND BERT say: "as we write it is almost the end of
another year and the special "holiday season" that we celebrate as we remember the birth of our
Savior, and the beginning of a new year and a new page in our lives. Ws would like to express our

special greetings to you

1 and pray that the new year will be one filled with many blessings,

joys,and growth in the love and woric of the Lord for all of you."

This last year has had many blessings and joys, some sorrows and hard times, and all of them times
for growth as we learned to praise the Lord, and to trust in Him more. What a peace we can have
as we start a new year knowing that no matter "v^at happens in this year of 1987 the Inrd will al
ways be with us and we can always turn to Him. May we also make it our mission this new year to

let more and more people know of the loving Savior who is there waiting for us to call upon Him.**
**We want to thank all of you for your gifts of love for
the ohildrsn -and the Home.

Not only have the regular

gifts come in but many special gifts to help with special needs and for Christmas. We are so thankful for

them all.

Because of your sharing the children also

learn to love and give and give thanksgiving to God.

As it says in II Cor. 9ilU-12s 'Now he who supplies

seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply

and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the

harvest of your ri^teousness.

, i-''


* *

You will be made rich

in every way so that you can be generous on every oc-

casion, and through us your generosity will result in

thanksgiving to God.

This service that you perform is

not only supplying the needs of God's people, but it is

also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.'
We do praise the Lord for each one of you7 because


^ B

without your support and prayers the Home could not

tinue and the children would not be able to learn of

the love of our Lord Jesus Christ."

Bsrt, Mary, Jordan on fhrlou^

We traveled much Sept. through Nov. and we praise the Lord for His care and protection of us. We
had a wonderful time on the School of I4issions, although the five weeks of travel did get tiring.
Biit we met so many sweet and wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ that the tiredness just seem,
ed to melt away with each time of sharing together. Tnank you so much to all of you who held us
up in prayer during that time. We not only had safe travel and good times but were kept strong
and healthy. We express our thanks and love also to all the sponsoring churches and the many
families who shared their homes with us as we traveled. It was a time of blessing for us.
We praise the Lord for
the States. Wb praise
health has stayed good
have about five months

HOME,, ."Thank you to all who have been praying for Ernest and Veda Hondrick.
them and their willingness to serve WTm in the Home idiile we are here in
God for the strength He has given them and the wisdom to carry on. Their
and we ask that you continue to hold them up before the Lord. They still
to go and need to be remembered daily."

"In the last newsletter we told of a two month old new arrival named tfarivic. Sie and some others

became ill and because of her malnourishment the battle with the whooping cough was more than she
could handle. Ws praise the Lord for the assurance that she is with Him. Msnchita. \iho is 14
years old, had to be transfered to a government-run rehabilitation home because of the problems
they were having with her. "Wa ask that you would pray for her. Sie knows ^at is right and
wrong, but for some reason the temptations have been too strong for her. Vfe laaow there are coun
selors there who can help her in ways we could not. Pray that she will realize the Lord's love
and desires for her and will follow them.

Analyn and Alex, who came in April, were able to return

to their mother."

SCHOOL ACCOMPLISHMENTS "?feny of the children are doing well in school this year. There are some
wio are not applying themselves as they could, but most of them are doing well. Jessie, who is in

3rd year high school (at one of the mission high schools) has made remarkable progress.


teacher and his wife idiere Jessie has been boarding have been a great encouragement to him in his
studies and leadership among the students and in the church. He is now third in his class and
working toward the top. He has won contests over upperclassmen and has been involved in naisic and
other special extra-curricular activities. Vfe praise the Lord for his progress and pray that he
will be a strong example and influence on the other children in the Home. Another vho is making
remarkable progress is tfeureen. who is in the school for deaf and blind. Vfe just received report
that she is now reading and writing in Braille and that she can also speak in sign language. She

has only been in school since July and we are happy to hear of the good progress she is making.
She is also able to do many of the chores ground the school and is growing spiritually. Vfe praise
the Lord for this Christian school to meet the special needs of these children who otherwise
would not be able to get an education and know of the love of our Lord. Vfe are also happy to see
that most of our first graders are doing well in school. Many of the older ones are getting
better grades than last year also. Please pray that all of them will grow in the Lord andwill be
lights for Him in the school.

A NW PROJECT **Ihe Home has been given the loan of a cow from the government for the purpose of
starting a herd of our own* I am not sure of the arrangements, but I do know that the first calf

goes back to the government* But this can become a real help to us also* Ihe goats have not been
doing too well* One of them came down with a contagious virus and had to be put to sleep* Ife

pray that eventually "Uie goat project will becomej profitable in the milk and meat departments*

**Ih November9 after we finished the School of Mssions we spent two weeks at ny sister's and were

also able to see oy oldest brother and his dau^ier ^o were here on a quick trip from New

Zealand* lhat was a real joy as it had been mor^ than 5 years since I had seen them* Vfe wished

we could have seen his wife and older dau^ter also, but they were not able to come*

time Bert had his tonsils removed* "We praise th^ Lord that he had a quick recovery*"

During that

"Since we are not able to see everyone we would ikke to, and also so that those in the areas
idiere we will be speaking can have a chance to hear about the work of the Home we are again
including our Itinerary:

Jan. 6-10

At Pacific Qiristian College ^ere Bert will be taking a seminar

11 Speaking at the home of Warren and B* J* Atwood in Los Angeles (PH)


Sunday School at the First Christian Church, Yucca Valley, OA

22 PM at Gray Ave Church in Yuba City, CA '


AH First Christian Church in Flairfield, CA


PM Town and Country Church of Christ in Carmichael, CA

Fbb* 3-6 Attending Gospel Fbstival at FUget Soun^ Christian College in Edmonds, WA (not

Mar. .1-8 Faith Promise Rally at Central Church of Christ in Ifedford, OR (Both of us speaking
at different times.)

From then on until we leave in M^ will mostly bej family time and the arrival of the new little

"Christmas has been different for us this year* ^ had a wonderful time with family here and
sharing together with the family of the Lord also!* But how we missed our family in the

Philippines! Vfe are sure that they have had a nice Christmas also, but missed being with them*

And it has been different*

Sometimes it was discouraging tcr see all the commercialization and

what seemed "tiiat no one ever thou^t of Christmas as the Lord's birth, but just a time to got and

give* Yet we know that it is because the Lord gave to us His Son that we even have a Christmas
season* It has been busy and tiring at times, as we rush here and there and spend time with this
one and that one, but it has been a joyous season' as we shared together in the Lord's love* In

the Philippines most churches have services on Ch^stmas Eve and Christmas day and the ^ft

giving is a much smaller thing there* Also, especially in the provinces, there is no thou^t
about Santa daus*

That makes it much easier to center on the real meaning of Christmas."

"As we shared together with our family here around the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve, reading
Scripture, singing songs and having the little ones recite verses or sing, it was a time of
blessing as we remembered the gift of God to us* Ws thank the Lord that we were able to be here^'
and share with the family and wo also thank Him that we can always remember His love and praise
Him throu^out the year whenever we wish, just by lifting our prayers and praises to Him* How
much He has done for us and given us, no matter idiere we are or how much we have! His love is
the same for all in the world and we praise and thank tiie Lord that we can share that love with

the children in the Hiilippines* VIb thank each ojf you who makes it possible for us to be in the

Philippines to share, and ^o make it possible for the children to have a Christian home* May
the Lord richly bless each of you as you share in His work in the Philippines and other parts of
the world*

In His love and service,

Mary and Bart

Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage Paid


lA^O SO. OAKDALE 773-31^


Permit No* 56I


Ifedford, Oregon


4rtjons Hagazlne
Knoxvllie, TN 37901

M/M Bert Bareros

Forwarding Agents


Aparri, Cagayan 1118


278^ So. River Road

Grants Pass,

P.O. Box ^9


M/M Bob Pruitt





April 7, 1987

Bells of hapoiness and anticipation ring in MESSAGES FROM MARY AND BERI. Hiey say "Our furlough

has been a wonderful time of fellowship, sharing, being with the family, and just getting to toow

the family of God better. It has been a real joy to us to get to know those who are a part of our
work in the Philippines as they share through prayer, financial and other gifts. Now as we share

with the children about those vho make it possible for us to be there, and for them to have the

things they need, we can make it more personal. And it has been a real blessing to us as we have
shared together in the Lord. And of course the time with our earthly family has ^en so wonderful,

getting to know all the new members of the family since I was in the States in I98I, andfor J^d^

to get to know all his cousins, aunts and uncles, and grandparents here in the States. And fert
has enjoyed seeing the beauty of America and getting to know his brothers and sisters inthe Inrd
on this side of the world.

It has been a joyful time for us and we praise the Lord for it.


we are also anxious to get back to our family in the Philippines and to our work there. We pr^se

the Lord that this has been such a wonderful furlough and for His grace and care for us as we have

boon traveling- We have had hardly any sickness or colds (and those only when we were not travel
ing) and no car problems or accidents."

DEPARTURE DATE: We will be leaving for the Philippines Ifey 7. ^ will fl/ fi'o Portland (OR) on
N.W. Orient flight #798 at 10:40 AM, arriving in Seattle, WA at ll:l6. We leave Seattle on
N.W. Orient flight # 19 at 2:05 PM. We would enjoy visiting time with friends between flights.
In January we traveled in "California. Bart took one week of classes at Pacific Christian College,
which he really enjojred and will benefit from, and we were able to visit the tourist places In^

that part of the State. We enjoyed seeing Harvey and Helen Beard, who have worked at Aparri Bible
Seminary, and sharing much time and fellowship with others that we have known in the past, and

making new friends. The first of February we headed north for the Seattle area and Gospel
Festival at Puget Sound Christian College, and other speaking dates there and in the Portland
area. Prom the middle of Pbb. we spent more time relaxing, getting ready for the new arrival,
and packing andsorting for going back to the Philippines. We want to express our thanks to each
one who helped us on our way and in Tdiose homes we stayed. "Diere were also some special personal
gifts given to us that made it possible for us to visit Disneyland and other special places and
we are so thankful for those gifts also.


Jacob Alejandro Pruitt Bireros

March 23, 1987

7 lb.

7 oz,

5:13 A. M.

21 inches long

Mather, Fhther, Brother, Baby and Grandparents

doing well I

Thank you all for your prayers that attended this birth.

He's my new brother I

at the home

"News from the Philippines tells us that we have two new children.

Arbie came to us

just four days old. He has 4 older sisters and both parents. Bit the mother was suffering from
some other illnesses and problems caused by the birth and could not nurse and care for the baby
and they could not afford milk for him, so he was brought to the Home for temporary help. Janice

is about 1-| and is in theHome because her father broke his leg and cannot work and the mother had
to find work to pay the bills and buy medicine, as well as feed the family.

The babies are both

sweet looking and they are growing because of all of you who make this work possible."
PROJECT PROGRESS "We are also growing in olher ways. Last year we purchased 10 milk goats, but
because of various reasons we have lost 4. Bit our goat herd now has 9 kids. They have begun
milking two of the nannies, and plan to begin milking 2 more in April. We thank the Lord that
this project is now making itself productive. I am sure the little ones are enjoying and profit
ing from the milk and others will as we get more milk. We are so thankful for all who have had a
part in getting this project going.w

/THREATS''^"Other news has been a little more exciting,

although not necessarily the type of ex-

^citeraent we like. We all know that there are political problems in the country and that there are
communist rebels there. There have been a few threats to the Hondricks, but we praise the Lord
that He has put His protective arms around them and that nothing has been done to carry out these
threats. We would ask your continued prayers for Ernest and Veda and the other missionaries, for

the ch^dren and the Home, and also prayers for the Hondricks as they prepare to come back to the

States after our arrival there. They planned to come back the end of May, but the airlines are

all booked until after June. They are on standbyj; pray that they can get on the flight and get
back home to their friends and family. How we praise the Lord for these willing workers and all
that they have done while we have been in the States. The Lord truly blessed us by their labors.
I am sure they have had days of enjoyment and blessing as well as days of discouragement, fear,
and tiredness. Bit the Lord has seen them through and we know they have benefited from their
time the3?e-..^as we have. Please continue to uphold them in prayer until we arrive."
**W8 are thankful also that the Lord is sending a yminpr
to help us for a few
motvtns^ Tim and Pl^igL-lgdafromZcrQv;e.rdale-._OR. and their two children, are planning to come in

July and help us with some construction and other! work around the Home. Tim will halp with the

expansion of our nursery, and maybe on the construction of our new building, and Diane is an
excellent seamstress and will help inthe area of clothing the children. Tfe are thankful for their

desire to come and share their abilities with us and ask your prayers for them as they prepare."

NEEDS Vfe hope soon after we return to begin the extension of the nursery (we have 18 beds and
between 20-25 babies most of the time). Vfe also plan to build a new building that will have a

chapel/multi-purpose room downstairs and staff housing, office and infirmary upstairs. Any
funds sent for these two projects should be labeled as such."

"Vfe are also in need of sponsors for the children.

The actual cost per child per month is

$50.00, but sponsorship functions on any amount sent. Vfe will have the child correspond with .you,
send pictures, etc. Vfe now have 72 children and about 20 have direct sponsors. All checks sent
for the Home should be made out to Fhilippines Mission CJhurches of Christ and sent to the* for
warding agents' address (see front)."

1((^ also ask for your continued prayers for the government and GomrfcryT^^lXir prayer is that the

cbun'toLmav remain free-sotheMbrd of God may continue to be preached. Pray for wisdom for the
President and peace in the country. Also pray for safety for the missionaries."

Again we want to express our thanks to all ^dio make it possible for us to be in the Fhilippines
and to be able to help these children, both physically and spiritually. Vfe cannot express the
proper thanks in words.

Vftien we are all together in heaven and there are those with us there

who have come to know the Lord because of your lov^ and giving, then you can see the fruits of
your love. Until that time we can only tell you thank you for all your financial and other
gifts and prayers for the children and us. May the Lord bless each one of you with special
blessings as you share with us in His work."
Vfe love you with the love of our Lord.

~BeTowl:s~aTdfm to till "outr^auid"s^d^to^us if you d6~ hot ^sh tb~receive the newsletter any more.

Vfe are going through and updating our mailing list^ so if you M NOT wish to receive the news
letter please send in the form below.

Please remove my name from the mailing list of "MESSAGES FROM MARY AND BERT"


Thank you for your cooperation.

Send to:

Bob Pruitt

278i^ So. River Rd.

Grants Pass, OR


Non-Profit Organizatiozw
U.S. Postage Paid

1440 SO. OAKDALE 773-3144



Permit No. 56I

Medford, Oregon


Address Correction Requested

Horizons Magazine
Missions Services

Box 2427

Knoxville, TN 37901

M/M Bert Bireros

P.O. Box 49

Forwarding Agents

M/M Bob Pniitt

278^ So. River Road
Grants Pass, OR 9752?


Aparri, Cagayan III8



July 17, 1987

Homesickness is no more in MESSAGES FROM MARY AND BERT as they say "Meetings to you again from

the land of heat, rice and wonderful people, many of whom still need to hear of the Lord and His
love. How good it is to be back in the Philippines and home with our children. We had a wonder
ful furlough and good fellowship, but it is good to be back here. Vfe praise the U>rd for Ernest
and Veda Hondrick and all the good work that they did managing and helping out at the Home while
we were in the States. They left to return to the States on Ifey 29. We cannot say a proper
thank you to them for their help and for the sacrifice they made in their retirement years to
serve the Lord here at the Home."

We left the States on May 7j arrived in Manila on the ni^t of the 8th. Did we feel the change
in temperature, even though it had been good and hot in Oregon before we leftj On the 9th we
went to Cebu to visit Bsrt's family. First we visited Ray and Dnogene Carlson in Cebu City,
missionaries there for many, many years. Then we traveled to Bert's home town and had a wonderful
visit with his family. All of his brothers and sister were there as well as relatives from other
areas. It was a joyous family reunion. Jordan and Jacob both traveled well, although Jordan
ended up with bronchitis. We arrived at the Children's Home on the l8th and was that a joyous
reunionJ We are thankful for all the safe travel, the blessings of His family, and His care for
us. Thank you to all of you vho held us up in prayer while we were traveling."
REJOICING IN HEAVEN! "A lot happened in the year that we were gone. We praise the Lord that His
Word was continuing to be taught, and that in the last year 4 of our children accepted Jesus as
their Savior and were baptized. Norma, Olive, Salvador and Richard are our new brothers and
sisters in the Lord. We ask your prayers for them as they grow in His love and service. Please
pray for all the children that they might grow into wonderful Christian citizens and servants for
the Lord."

HOME NEWS "We are sad that two of our children are no longer with us. We are happy that they are
back with their families, but miss their presence with us here. Zenaida. 13j returned to the
home of her uncle and aunt \dio had brought her to us several jrears ago. We are thankful that she
is still in a Christian home and will continue to hear the Word of the Lord, and pray she will
continue to grow. Liza is also in a Christian home, as her parents have become Christians since
she came to the Home. Liza came at the age of 2 months and is now three years old. Wb miss
them and pray for them.
P^welyn joined our family in April.

Her mother died soon after she was bom.

not buy milk and care for her properly so they brought her to the Home.

care and food she was a tiny little thing weighing only 4 pounds

!Ihe family could

Because of the lack of

CHir nurse was sure that she

would not live through the night because she was so thin and weak. We praise the Lord that
Rowelyn is now a beautiful little girl idio is steadily gaining weight. Thank you to all of you
vho help make this Home possible, so we can help little ones like Rowelyn."

SCHOOL DAZE! "Our children are now beginning their 3rd week of school.
25 in elementary, andl2 in kindergarten.

outside of Manila.

We have 4 in high school,

Bssides them we have two >rtio are in the D.E.A.F. school

Maureen (14) is in her 2nd year at the school for deaf and blind and James

(6) is in his first year.

We praise the Lord for the school and the Christian teaching they

receive there, as well as the other teaching. We also have two children \dio are in first grade,
but are being taught here at home. Dolores, one of our cerebral palsy children, and Bissi, who
is a Negrito girl temporarily placed with us while recovering from
surgery on her spine, are in that class. So all together we have

Thank you to all of you ^o have sent T-shirts or money to purchase


the shirts so that all of our children have their uniforms. We only

had to make two skirts.

Thanks to everyone who made the school

bags that our children use.

You are an important part of this

ministry and we thank the Lord for you, each one."

VISITORS! "Cur time has been very busy since our return. We arrived at the Home May 18th. On the 22nd Bert left with Emest and
Veda for Manila and some touring. On June 12 Eldon Potts from

Jplin, MO, his wife and 11 others came to the Home and put on a

t 1
m %


party for the children. And boy was it a party! They had sent ahead 10 cake mixes and cans of frosting that we made up. They also HJI
purchased ice cream and soft drinks (real treats). They brought a
gift for each child as well as two tricycles, and money to make a

swing set. We visited, ate lunch (like a Qiristmas dinner), sang




^ ' JyXt


EIj % ||

songs and praised the Lord together and then the children received

their gifts. What a wild and happy time it was. They were here
for 7 hours and the children will never forget those 7 hours. Vfe
Maureen and James
want to express a special thank you to the Potts and their gang,
and to all the others who were involved in the party by purchasing the gifts or giving to the
fund for the special eats and candies and toys.


"On June 21 Jodi Summers, from Lebanon, OR, arrived to spend 5 months with us.

She has

just graduated from Puget Sound Christian College with a Christian Education major. We are
thankful for Jodi's presence with us and ask your prayers for her as she adjusts to a new cul
ture and as she works with us. She will be working especially our Sunday School teachers
and workers in the Home, to help them in the preparation of their lessons and curriculum so
that their time teaching the children may be used to the utmost."


"We are going to featuie a different member of our staff!

in our newsletters so that you may get to know those who are work- I

ing with us in this ministry. Please meet Marilyn Eclar. Marilyn |

is 30 years old and has been with us for about 6 years. She grew j
up in this area and then went to Our Lady of Fatima College in
Manila and studied nursing. Sie is a licensed Registered Nurse.

She comes from a family of 6 children and is the 5th in that group.I
A few months after Marilyn started working here she accepted the

Lord and in June of I98I was baptized.

Marilyn and her good nursing skills.

We praise the Lord for


We also praise Him for how

she has grown in her spiritual life through the years and for her

love and dedication to the ministry of this Home and to the child- 1


She is a blessing to us."

"Thank you so much each of you who have been a part of this minis- | fr \

We thank you for your prayers, financial support, clothing,

etc. that you have sent, and cards and letters to the children.

We appreciate you so much. We now have a request for those who

are sending clothes.


As of right now we have plenty of winter



Mariljm Eclar, Nurse


clothes, especially nursery sizes. So we would ask that you not

send any more until further notice. Hitwe are still needing and using long pants for the
school children, "niere was some question when we left the States about customs on used clothing.
We are not having any customs problems on the boxes of clothing that we are receiving. We
praise the Lord for thati"

The new washer and dryer are here and waiting to be hooked up. Thank you so much each one of you
who had a part in that! There was a customs charge, but praise the Lord, much lower than
could be expected. We are thankful that they were able to get them in on a minimal charge."
Please keep us informed of address changes so postage is not wasted.
SPECIAL HELP "We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Tim and Diane Lyda and their children
toward the end of July. We have a lot of work awaiting them. Please pray for them as they
prepare to" come""and join us for a short while as support missionaries. Their knowledge and
abilities will be greatly used."

BUILDBKj "We are in the process of building a house, for the lydas to use now, and as our
residence in the future. ^ were planning to add on to the present building to extend our nur

sery and our apartment, but it has been proved that that is not the best way to ej^and. So vre
will be building a separate building that will expand our nursery and will also include space
for the kindergarten ("idiich now meets on the balcony) and for the chapel."
"We are needing funds for the building projects. Please designate your gifts if you wish to
help this project. We also need sponsors for our children. Children are sponsored at any
amount, althou^ the fhll cost is $50*00 per month."

Again we would like to express our thanks to all of you who are partners with us in this min
istry. We could not do it without your help. May the Lord bless each one of you. Please
continue to hold us and the staff up in prayer as we raise and lead "ttiese children, and the
children, that they may grow into great servants of the Lord. Please pray for the needed
funds for our building also.
In His love,

Mary and Bert

Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage Paid


IkkO SO. OAKDALE 773-31h4


Permit No. 5^1


Medford, Oregon


Address Correction Requested

Horizons Magazine
Missions Services
Box 2A27

Knoxvllle, TN 37901

M/M Bert EUreros

P.O. Box 49




Aparri, Cagayan III8



October 198?

Great rejoicing peals in the MESSAGES FROM MARY AND BERT as their ultimate des^ is aooompUshed.

^!!and 4e eum^ said -Look, here is water. Why shouldn't I

believe with all your heart, you may.' The official answered, 'I believe that Je^s

the Son of God.'...Then both Hiilip and the eunuch went down
;the water and
him." We nraise the Lord that several of our children have made
f.^3^ho^n to

have been baptized into the Lord Jesus Christ for the renasssion of their
make Jesus tL Lord of their lives. Most of these children are quite 7^'


up on the Word of God. We are thankful that they have chosen to follow arist ^d "k your pr y
ers for them as they begin their new life in Him. The temptations are strong, but with toe help
of the Spirit they can be great witnesses for the Lord. Those baptized since June are.

Carmelo, 10, Joy, 9, Paula,8, Jocelyn,9, Emelyn,8, Merma,?, and Nelia,9. Also the daughter of

one of our staff was baotizsed.

EXPLOSIONJ This has also been a time of growth in our number. Jerry,?, Marlon,Zg, and Jenniler,,

i mos.,joined us after their mother could no long feed them. Sie and her husband ^re separatea,
her husband staying in Manila looking for work, and she in the province trying to find some way to

feed her family. Bat after several months with no word from her husbandan^io^ein^bi^^^

provide for her family, she brought her children to us so that she

might be able to work and hopefully be reunited with her children

in the future.

Because they are here she has been able to find

work and we are thankful for that. They have a Christian back-^
ground and we pray that they will all grow in their love and faith |
in the Lord. Michael,3 mos., is also from a broken home. He has

3 older brothers who have stayed with relatives. The mother could
not work to support the others and the relatives could not care for
the baby. Benie came when he was 3 weeks sold. His father had
left the family and married another woman. Benie's two older siblines are with the father. The family did not want to help the
mother so she left Benie with a distant relative and went to find
work. After 2^ hours they brought the baby to us because they had
nothing to feed him. The mother just came to visit (after almost
1 month) and has found work, but is not sure that she will get the
baby back. Mark.Zj, and, come from a family of 10, where


^ g

" S
j^g* jg'
-^ggg gB||ggpB^> J
.v^. gj||^lk'S

poverty is the problem. Jerry only weighed 1^ lbs., and couldn't

walk. Now, after 3 mos. he is crawling, laughing, and standing
holding onto furniture. We praise the Lord for the progress he

has made. They have all adjusted well, and we are thankful.

We are hao-y to be able to help these children, but we are sad


when one leaves our family, esoecially if they are young and have

not had time to really leam of the Lord,

Samuel III (so-called

because he was our third Samuel) left us recently.

A destitute
destitute family

We are happy

that he can be returned to his father and grandparents (he was abandoned by the mother and was Jrd

degree malnourished "vdien he came Ig" years ago), but we miss him. We just pray that he will
remember the little bit that a 3 year old can leam.

EXPANSION As you can see, with so many new ones and only one leaving we are getting crowded,

especially in the nursery. So we have made a temporary solution. Anew house (3 bedroom) has
been built where the Bareros family will be living, and anyone else who comes to work here.


apartment will then be an expansion of the nursery until further building can be done. One reason
for building the house was the fact that we have many visitors and no place for them to stay- So

now w will have an extra room or two, and some space for them to move about.

HELPERS On July 21 Tim and Diane lyda and family arrived from the States to help for 5 weeks and
to see if there would be future work for them.

Vfe are so thankful for \iha.t they did in the short

time they were her and are thankful that they are also planning to come back in the not too
distant future.

Tim helped a lot on the building and we would like to have him here before we do

any more building. He also did a lot of repair work around and shared a lot of wisdom and know
ledge with the men who work here. He had a lot of good ideas for the future. Diane helped in
sorting clothes, figuring how to fix the bed-sheets, etc. I also found out that she likes to
work in the office, a job that I do only because it has to be done, and so I will be especially
happy to have her take over that work. Their two children survived also, although there were
times I'm sure they wondered if they would, with the crowded situation and different food.
nTSflPPnTNTMRTjT On Aug l6 two staff with Dolores and Julio, two of our cerebral palsy children,
and Mary went to Manila to get visas for the children to go to the States for therapy and other

felt very sure the Lord ,was giving the go this time. We had been able to secure seats
for them on the same flight with the Lydas. We had gotten the okay from the MSSD (welfare) (the
hardest part, we thought), and had everything but the visas. So we went to Manila anticipating
saying "good-byo" to them. Bat after two visits to the Embassy and being denied both times, we

were very discouraged. We had prayed and done all that we could and it was in the I/jrd's hands,
and still is. Although we do not understand vrtiy we went and spent so much money, etc., the Lord
is the one who supplies and He is the on vriio knows. On good thing, though, ^ile we were in
Manila Julio became sick and w found out he had pneumonia, and he ended up being hospitalized

for one week. It is possible that w would not have found it out and had it treated so well
here. He has been a much happier and more responsive boy since getting over his pneumonia.

Vie wre still in Manila ^en the Iiydas came to catch their flight home to the States. Uie had
some excitement9 as you have all heard on the news, fiat we praise the Lord that we were not in
any danger. We also praise Him that we have not had any danger or problems at the Children's
There have been some activities about and we can hear shooting at times, but we are safe.
Just before returning home from Msoiila we received word that Mr. Ray Carlson, missionary in

Cebu since 19^1, had died of a heart attack,

fiert had spent many years in their home.

Vfe were

saddened 1:^ his passing but we praise the Lord tlliat we know that he is with Him and we will see
him again.

Imogene Carlson, his wife, is continuing the work in Cebu.

Flease remember her in

your prayers. This is a re^ time of adjustment, fiert went to Cebu for the service and it was
a time of praising the Lord.
While we were in Mianila we had an outbreak of flu in the Home.

Ifost all of the children and

many of the staff came down with it. But everyone is back on their feet now and doing fine,
except for a few colds. But ^en everyone is sick like that it is no fUn. We also had one

5 month old baby in the hospital with menengitis. We are so thankful they were able to
diagnose it properly and treat it. Wb thought we might lose her. She is home, fat and healthy,

but somewhat affected on her right side. Sie is |also included with the others irtio have therapy.
We want to thank each of yon -sdio are in any way involved in this ministry. So many of you
hold us up daily before the Lord, and how we need those prayers! Many of you support us so
faithfully financially, or with special gifts. How we need that! Many of you send clothes,
cards, letters, etc., and each is as important as the other. Thank you to each of you for
your part. Vfe could not do it without you. Man^r of you are awaiting answers to your letters-

don't give up hope. You are remembered in our prayers, and eventually will be remembered on
paper. I do not know where all the time goes. I suddenly realized the other day that it was
newsletter time again, and it seemed I just finished one I Three months disappeared while I

was changing Jacob's diapers, I guess.

Thank you also to those who have been praying for us as a family.

Vfe have been healthy most

of the time and the boys continue to grow. Jacob is now 6 mos. and thiks he is pretty smart
sitting up al,1 alone and running all over the place in his walker. He chases the tricycles
and anything else that moves. He loves all his brothers and sisters. Jordan will soon be
three and has really grown since we arrived back here. He is using more and more Hocano all
the time, especially if he cannot get our attention. He is spoiled by everyone and sometimes
has a hard time waiting his turn (a common ailment for his age). We thank the lord for such
healthy and sweet boys and for all of you who haye been a part of our family in one way or

larstedr below arer^soine neenstnatr-we-i*h3tirld like-you-tobring before-^theLord.:

1. Prayer for the Nation and its leaders


Prayer for the new Christians in our family and for our outreach into the community


Prayer for Mrs. Carlson in the loss of her husband


Prayer for the lydas and others \dio are contemplating serving the Lord here

5. The need for a physical therapists, speech therapist and special education teacher (be
they foreign or national)

6 Sponsors for our children. Vfe have 79 children and 25 of them have sponsors, ^e cost

per month is $50.00, but any amount xd.ll make you eligible to be a sponsor.
Rinds for the future building project. The use of the apartment for nursery is just
temporary. Our other rooms are quite crowded also.

Thank you again to all of you who are so important to this work, life praise the Lord we can
servo Him here and that you back us up so well.

May His great blessings and joy be on each

of you.

3h his love,
fiert and Mary fiureros


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