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This is an excellent book for learning chess endings for players up to about expert strength.
I really like the format, but there are a few irritating errors in the book, hence this errata.
If you like Pandolfini's Endgame Course you will love Silman's Complete Endgame
Course. See our other endgame books. Last updated July 8, 2008.

16. Mate in Two.

Moves: change "1. Bb7+" to "1. Bg7+".
(Submitted by Yair Spiegel).

17. Mate in Three.

Diagram: Black King is at h8, not h7.

20. A Third Mate in Four.

Moves: change "2. ... Kg8" to "2. ... Kh7".
(Submitted by Alec Goudreau).

25. Perpetual Check.

Moves: change "6. Qf3+" to "6. Qh5+".
(Submitted by David Gotesky).

37. The Chase.

Moves and Text: 7. Ra8+ should be 7. Ra8 (no check).

63. Distant Opposition.

White moves and draws.

82. Opposition.
White moves and draws.

87. Trebuchet.

Text: add missing quotation after "tre-buchet.

(Submitted by Dan Heisman.)

97. Diagonal Block.

Diagram: all pieces should be shifted one file to the right.

100. Diagonal March.

Moves: change "5. c8/Q" to "5. c8/Q+".
It is check! Otherwise black would have 5. ...Qh3+ winning. (Hat tip to Raymond Cheng).

134. No Stalemate.
Text, line 8: change "White's" to "Black's".

136. Getting Back.

Moves: change "6. ... Rk2" to "6. ... Kb2".

137. Reposition.
W: Kc2, Rb8
Diagram: White King is at c2.
(Submitted by Dan Heisman.)

147. Pawn's Way.

White moves and draws.

148. Perpetual Check.

White moves and draws.
Text, line 4: change "Kh1" to "Kg1".
Moves: change 1. Ng4 to 1. Nf4.

149. Knight Fork.

W: Kh2, Nf3
Diagram: White King is at h2. White knight at f3.

(Submitted by both Ren Otero and Kevin Godsave.)

177. The Fortress.

White moves and draws.

183. Cross-Check 2.
Text, line 7: change "Qg4+" to "Qg3+".

186. Hiding.
White moves and draws.

187. Zugzwang.
Text, line 9: change "of" to "or".

189. Driving Off.

Moves: change "Draw" to "(1-0)".

193. The Bridge.

Moves and text: change "1. Rd2+" to "1. Rd1+" and "2. ...Ra2" to "2. ...Rb2".

195. Flank Attack 1.

White moves and draws.

199. Stalemate Trick.

Cooked: Change "White moves and draws" to "White Moves and Loses!"
After 1. Re2+ Kd4 2. Re8 instead of 2...Rh1+, 2....Re3+ wins for Black! 3. Rxe3 Kxe3 4.
Kd1 d2 5. Kc2 Ke2 and wins
(Submitted by Ralph Buske).

205. Philidor's Draw.

Moves: change "(1-0)" to "Draw".

209. King to the Short Side.

Text, line 14: change "4. Ra2+" to "4. Ra3+" and "4. ...Re2" to "4. ...Re3".
Moves: change "(1-0)" to "Draw".

210. Cut-off -- No Checking Distance.

Text, line 10: change "...Rb1+" to "...Rc1+".

211. Breaking the Barrier.

Text, line 5: change "2. Kxe4" to "2. Kxe1". (Ralph Buske)
Text, line 8: change "f-file" to "e-file".

213. Active Defense.

Text, line 5: change "1. ...Ra2" to "1. ...Ra1".

222. Centurini's Position.

Text, line 11: change "...Kb5" to "...Kb6".

224. Rear Defense.

Text, line 4: change "7th" to "2nd".

236. Corner Retreat.

Text, lines 10 and 11: change "dark" to "light".
Note: 4. Kc1? (instead of Kc2) would lose to 4. ...Ne3 5. Kd2 letting the Black King out of
a1. The point is that once the Black King is at a1, the White King must occupy c1 or c2 to
keep him in prison at a1. By moving 4. Kc2 (the same color square that the black Knight is
on), white can accomplish this.

Comments, additions, suggestions, corrections.

Please send comments, additions, corrections, typos, errors, cooks or a typo, error or cook,
misprint, etc. to glenn dot wilson at gmail dot com.
2001 - 2008 Glenn Wilson. Use anything you want from this page.

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