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The Dogon ... an ancient people of astronomers in contact with other worlds, a
mysterious and ancient culture or just a legend ...?
The Dogon are about 240,000, scattered in several villages of the cliff of Bandiagara, Mali, an
area that was declared "World Heritage" by UNESCO for its cultural importance.
The masks are the symbol of religious faith more expressive of the Dogon, used during
ceremonies and ritual dances. The most important festival is the "SIGU" which takes place every
60 years and during which a new engraving "iminana" Great mask in the shape of a snake that
can reach 10 meters. The masks are visible even at funerals.
The plan of the village is a schematic figure of the human body. The Dogon were studied for the
first time by Marcel Griaule, who in the famous book "The God of Water" received
dall'Ogotemmeli told initiation, a person who had transmitted the secrets of the cosmogony of
the Dogon mythology, which is a European culture a mysterious and fascinating world.

Current housing site of the Dogon tribe, Mali (West Africa)

The Dogon know the mysteries of the Sirius ... and perhaps the origin of
humanity ...
African tribal Dogon culture, the most sacred traditions are based on hypothetical secret

contacts with beings evolved from a planet of the star Sirius, which occurred before 3000 BC A
few years ago modern astronomy, with its powerful tools for monitoring and calculation, could
confirm the existence of that planet. The Dogon have known for centuries that Sirius is a
multiple star (!) And the elliptical orbit (!) Of the star smaller (invisible and now that Sirius B)
requires a period of 50 years (!) To be completed in addition for their Sirius B is composed of
material heavier than the main star ... and everything is confirmed by today's astronomy.

How can they have this information? What we know for sure is that already the ancient
Mediterranean civilizations of the Egyptians and Sumerians guarded extraordinary astronomical
knowledge, perhaps provided by visitors from distant worlds ... In that regard, the Sumerians
spoke of amphibious beings (as Oannes) which instructed the people to the arts and sciences,
and so do the Dogon call these primitives "Nommo".

Oannes was an Assyrian deity (especially from the royal palace of Sargon II 0.721 to 705 BC, Iraq),
according to R. Temple, author of "The Sirius Mystery", corresponds to the fish god of the Dogon
Nommo (alien amphibian ancestor descended Earth in the remote past; see in the picture the back
of the head-trunk pesciforme). The African tribe Dogon has incredible cosmic knowledge (such as
the fact that the star Sirius is kind of multiple, recent discovery in astronomy), which would suggest a
meeting remotely with advanced non-terrestrial civilization. Sitchin identifies as these civilizations
from one tenth solar planet the Sumerians called Nibiru .

The enigma of the Dogon by Colin Wilson (from "Of the other Universe" - PIEMME
... But There is a myth in particular that according to Shklovskii and Sagan would presumably
refer to a contact between humans and aliens. "The legend" they write, "suggests that a contact
occurred among men and an extraterrestrial civilization, miraculously evolved on the shores of
the Persian Gulf, perhaps near the ancient Sumerian city of Eridu, in the fourth millennium BC,
or shortly before."
The legend can be traced to Berosus, priest of the god Bel-Marduk in the city of Babylon to
Alexander the Great. Berosus had access to engravings cuneiform and pictographic (on
cylinders, slabs and walls of the temple) dating back thousands of years before. In a fragment
attributed to him, Alexander Polistore describes the appearance of the Persian Gulf "an animal
endowed with reason, that was called Oannes. This creature had a fish tail, but feet like those of

humans, and spoke with human voice. Taught men writing and science, all sorts of art and also
to build houses and temples. "In short, he instructed them in everything we could civilize."
Oannes used to spend the night at sea, for he was amphibious. After him, came creatures of his
Another former reporter Abideno, a disciple of Aristotle, speaks of the kings of Sumer and
mentions "another semidemone, much like Oannes, which came a second time by the sea." He
also mentions "four people who cast two shadows, thereby presumably meaning half man and
half fish," which came from the sea. "
Finally, Apollodorus of Alten writes that at the time of the Chaldean king Amennon "appeared
Musarus Oannes the Annedotus, emerging from the waters of the Persian Gulf," and then
"quarter Annedotus came out of the sea and was half man and half fish. " And during the reign
of King Euedoresco appeared another man-fish Odacon name.
Apollodorus defines the Oannes Annedotus, like a title rather than a proper name. I spent an
hour and a half trying in various dictionaries and encyclopedias the meaning of "annedotus" and
even "musarus," he finally managed to find in the dictionary of greek of Liddell and Scott
"musarus" means "abominable". But "annedotus" no trace. Then, remembering that Robert
Temple had mentioned the god-fish in The Sirius Mystery, I consulted his book and I found that I
could save time and effort, because he had already done the work for me. "Annedotus" means
"repulsive." It was amazing: the "Musarus Oannes Annedotus the" means "the abominable
Oannes repellent.

Dogon drawing representing a planet revolving around the star Sirius

Temple thinks, and I am inclined to agree with him that this statement has to do with something
real, rather than imaginative invention. One would expect that a mythical narrative that describes
the demigods who taught men to civilization, not define them disgusting and repulsive. But just
see the image of a being like a fish, covered with slimy scales, the huge white eyes and big
mouth, to realize the understandable disgust with which it was described. Perhaps that
description there is nothing pejorative, it is simply true, as, for example, those of Ivan the
Terrible or Akbar the Cursed.
Now, it so happens that The Sirius Mystery Temple, is by far the most erudite and persuasive
book about the possible presence of "ancient astronauts" on Earth. Temple became interested
in the topic when he came upon an article about an African tribe, the Dogon, who lives in
northern Mali. He found that the Dogon believe in the fish's body called Nommo, who, from
Sirius, bring civilization to our planet some three thousand years ago.
Sirius, the star in the constellation Canis Major, is 8.6 light years from Earth. The Dogon tradition
maintains that it has an unseen companion, which they called "little section" (star of wheat, and
because the "grain" to which they relate, which is their usual diet, is the Digitaria, we could
translate "Digitaria star ").
"Po Tolo" is composed of materials much heavier than on Earth. The Dogon claim that this
invisible star to pass through an elliptical orbit, using fifty years to complete. In fact, Sirius, being
a double star, has an unseen companion, astronomers called "Sirius B": this is a "white dwarf",
which consists of a material so dense, because of the collapse of the atoms that compose it, that
a tiny amount of it, corresponding to the size of a pea, would weigh half a ton. And, like say the
Dogon, Sirius B along an elliptical orbit complete in fifty years.
The traditions of this tribe show a remarkable knowledge of astronomy, say the moon is "dry and
dead" and drawing Saturn surrounded by a ring which is not visible to the naked eye. Are aware
of the existence of the moons of Jupiter and know that the planets revolve around the sun. The

'Encyclopaedia Britannica says that the philosophical system of the Dogon is "much more
complex than that of other African tribes."
It was inevitable that Western scholars when they learned that the Dogon possessed similar
knowledge of astronomy, trying to prove that they had probably assimilated by European

Image Oannes, from the royal palace of Assyrian King Sargon II (ca. 715 BC)
at Khorsabad (current Iraq) [from "The Sirius Mystery" by R. Temple (Piemme 1998)]

Western astronomers discovered Sirius B in 1862, so it was possible that they had heard about
the Dogon as tourists or missionaries. But we must wait until 1928 for Sir Arthur Eddington
formulate the theory of white dwarfs. And the two anthropologists who studied the Dogon,
Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen, arrived in Mali in 1931. It seemed unlikely that other
passengers were in contact with the Dogon in the previous three years, bringing with him the
latest astronomical discoveries.

Terracotta from Nineveh (height 12.6 cm) depicting Oannes or priest costume Oannes.
Such figurines were buried in the foundation of a new temple or significant building.
The Babylonians called them "apkallu" and usually were in number seven to indicate the "Seven Wise Men" who
founded the civilization. [From "The Sirius Mystery" by R. Temple (Piemme 1998) ]

But there is a more valid reason for rejecting this theory (which was later married Carl Sagan).
Griaule studied the Dogon mythology and religion for sixteen years before the witch of the tribe
will reward your dedication initiated into their secrets jealously guarded. A very wise old sage
and was appointed as his "mentor" with the mandate to teach the four degrees of religious
knowledge of the tribe. It took years, and when the master died he was replaced by another.
Griaule finally became aware that the Dogon religion is just as rich and complex Christian
theology illustrated by Thomas Aquinas in his Summa Theologica. It was absolutely impossible
that the gods from the body meat of the Dogon were entered in their legends after a meeting in

the last century, with a missionary from astronomical inclinations: they are, rather, the
cornerstone of a mythology that has been formed and developed over thousands of years.
If you add that the Sumerian language has nothing in common with Semitic or Indo-European,
and that scholars are puzzled by the fact that Sumerian civilization that seems to be already
mature sort of nowhere (like Egypt), we can see that at least at first view the theory of Shklovskii
has its foundation: the body of the fish are perhaps the trace of a contact with an extraterrestrial
civilization . And if we remember the myth of the Dogon Nommo, whose time Sagan and
Shklovskii were unaware, that theory becomes even more plausible.

The Dogon: a false legend Gianni Comoretto ...

The Dogon are a people living near Mandiagara, 300 km south of Timbuktu, Mali. Two
anthropologists, Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen, studied them from 1931 to 1952, and
described a ceremony associated with the star Sirius, which is held every 60 years.
Griaule and Dieterlen the Dogon claim that they have different knowledge about the Sirius
system that can not be achieved except by means of "modern". In particular they know the
existence of a companion star (Sirius B, the arrow next to the bright Sirius A) that revolves
around Sirius with a period of 50 years, and is composed of matter incredibly heavy. Sirius B is
only visible with a telescope of considerable size, and its mass was determined with the
paraphernalia of the century theoretical astronomy. Griaule and Dieterlen make no assumptions
about how the Dogon have come to know these facts.
But the story was a "boom" with a book by Robert Temple, where he has suggested that the
Dogon knew these facts from at least 500 years, and had learned from amphibious beings from
Sirius. Other "experts" speculate that the knowledge derived from the Egyptians and that these
telescopes were able to see Sirius B. All these assumptions are based on flimsy evidence to say
the least. None of these "scholars" did more research, but simply worked on the studies of
fantasy Griaule and Dieterlen.
Eg. the dating of 500 years is because the Dogon construct a ceremonial mask for every
occasion, at an archaeological site was found 6 males, and two piles of dust that could be two
other masks. In any case, even assuming that this will bring back 480 years ago, proves only
that the ritual is very old.
The existence of telescopes Egyptians was instead inferred from the discovery of a glass ball
worked well, which shows that the Egyptians were able to work the glass, so they could make
the lenses, so they could make telescopes, so they could make huge telescopes .. .
A further revival of this story, still no one would gather further evidence on the ground, arose
when dell'afrocentrismo supporters have suggested that the African people could see very faint
stars to the naked eye for the mysterious properties of melanin.
Griaule and Dieterlen's work has been criticized in many respects: the two have always worked
with interpreters and the history of Sirius is derived from interviews with a specific individual.
Have not taken into account that the Dogon tend to avoid all forms of conflict and therefore not
contradict a person assessed and followed (as they were), if this hypothesis is a bit 'weird.
Griaule and Dieterlen the Dogon say that a third well known companion of Sirius, which is not
known. The interpretation of the companion star as a double star is poorly documented also by
the work of two anthropologists.
But the thing that destroys miserably theory is that the Dogon are not inaccessible, are one of
the most studied ethnic groups of central Africa and no one has ever found any trace of
knowledge constantly. Outside practice of informing of Griaule and Dieterlen, nobody has ever
heard of the companion star, or periods of 50 years, or superheavy matter. This is not explained
by secret knowledge, because the Dogon have a body of legendary secret. Knowledge is
diffused, without a religious caste that keeps secrets.
Walter Van Beek, who spent 11 years among the Dogon, Dogon found that very few use the
names and Sigue Po Tolo Tolo (Sirius A and Sirius B, according to Griaule). The importance of
Sirius in their culture is minimal. Nobody, not even of Griaule informants, have no idea that
Sirius is a double star. Jacky Boujou, who has spent years with the Dogon 10, agrees in full. It

stresses that the theories of Griaule may be biased interpretations of the latter, confirmed in a
spirit of harmony from his interlocutor.
Sagan suggested that knowledge could be the result of unusual tales of Western visitors, then
enter the Dogon culture, the Dogon myths are in fact "white" now in less than a generation part
of their culture.


1. Boujou J.: Comment. Antrophology Current No. 12 p. 159 (1991).
2. T. Bullard E. "Ancient Astronauts" in The Encyclopedia of the Paranormal , ed. G. Stein
(Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 1996), pp. 30-31.
3. Comoretto G.: The Mystery of the Dogon and Sirius B .
4. Carroll R. T.: Skeptic's Dictionary: "The Dogon and Sirius".
5. Griaule, M. G. Dieterlen: "Conversations With Ogotemmeli: An Introduction to Dogon
Religious Ideas" (1948, Oxford University Press reprint 1997).
6. M. Griaule, G. Dieterlen: "A system soudanais de Sirius", Journal de la Societe des
Africanistes No 20 p. 273-294 (1950).
7. J. Oberg, "The Sirius Mystery" .
8. B. Ortiz de Montellano A.: "The Dogon People Revisited," Skeptic Inquirer No 20 (6), p. 39.
9. Peter J., and N. Thorpe: "Ancient Mysteries" (Ballantine Books, 1999).
10. Randi J. (Ed. Adverbs, 1999), pp. 92-95.
11. Sagan C.: "Broca's Brain (New York: Random House, 1979) ch. 6.
12. Temple R. G.: "The Sirius Mystery" (London, Sidwick and Jackson, 1976, out of print).
13. Temple R. G.: "The Sirius Mystery: New Scientific Evidence for Alien Contact 5.000 Years
Ago" (Destiny Books, 1998).
14. Van Beek W. E. A.: 1991 "Dogon restudies. A field evaluation of the work of Marcel
Griaule," Ancient and Modern, I. Seventh and Van., 7-26. New Brunswick: Transaction
Books, (1991).

LAST UPDATE September 25, 2003

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