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To Our Dear Friends:

It has been much too long since I have written a letter to you. My thoughts and prayers have
been with you and with the continuing ministry of the Cagayan Valley Children's Home, Inc.,
but I have not been in contact with you. Now the Lord has led me to again write thfe

In the last two years there have been so many changes, not only in our lives and in the
operation of the Children's Home, but in many of your lives in marvy ways; economics, the
peace situation, jobs, homes, schools, and many other things have changed^ How I praise the
Lord that in all of these changes "Jesus Christ is fhe same yesterday, today and forever."

(Hebrews 13:8) He is the great "I AM". Not the "I was" or "I will be" but the "I AM" and He is
with us always to help us, strengthen us, faithful to His children. How I praise Him for that
sustaining faith and knowledge. God has been faithful to our family and to the children, staff
and outreaches of the Home. I know that as you trust Him He is faithful to each of you also.
Things at the Home are different since we have left, but since God did not leave they have
been able to continue on and grow through all this. I want to thank each of you who have

been faithful to continue to support the Home, through prayefs and finances and other gifts
that you have sent. In all this time I knew that many of you were continuing in your faithful
committment to the Home and I continually praised God for you.

I would like to quote one of the staff: "We praise and thank G6d for what He's doing to the
lives of the chidren and staff living in Cagayan Valley Children's Home. Truly God is great and
immeasurable in His love. We thank Him also for using kindhearted persons like you for the
staff and children to continuously stand despite the various traps of the enemy.
"Dealing with children for God's kingdom seems to be difficult beqause lots of problems and

challenges encountered but we praise and thank God because the ministry still goes on. Satan
tries his best to confuse us but God who is in us is greater than he that's |n th6 world. We do

believe that if we hold on to Him everything will be fine and that is the secret of being with
Him." I praise God for the faith and strength of the staff in the Home and all the hard work

they are doing to see that the ministry keeps going. This has been a growing time for them
also, as they learned to trust more in God and not the missionary.
Some General news: The Children's Home continues to be a busy place. There have been
several children come and go. Since Dec. until May there were 10 children who were placed at
the Home. Most of them were babies or small children, with variying reasons for placement.

Most come from either broken homes or because of poverty. Because of space I will not put all
their names and background but sufice it to say, because you continue to support the Home
they are able to continue to help children in need and give them food, shelter, education, love
and the love of Jesus.

From Dec. until the end of June 17 children have left the Home. One was adopted to the
States, two are in foster care waiting for their adoptive parents, 4 have gone to live with
relatives, and the rest returned to their biological parents. It is nice when a child can return
home, but it is also sad as they leave and especially if they are not going to a Christian home.
But they are God's children and we trust them to His care and trust that the seeds in them will
grow and they will walk with the Lord and be a light for Him.

Ofelia is still taking medication (growth hormone) which is actually to be a life-time

medication. She is seeing a doctor in Manila now for her check-ups and seeing and praying
that he body will now produce it's own growth hormone. She is praying for that miracle.
Please pray with her.

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Erwin, with lueklmla. Is doing fine. He Is still undergoing treatment every month at the AparrI
Christian Hpspitai and goes every 3 months to Manila for testing. We praise God^for the Drs..

and help of the Aparri Christian Hospital and that ErwIn can be under their :care.

Our Jessie Lorenzo, who is now a full-fledged Dr.> having finished his residency m surgery, Is
now the resident Doctor at the AparrI Christian Hospital. We praise God for FAME and for
others who sponsored and supported him all these years of education and that he has been
able to meet his dream of being a doctor and being able to help the Home at the same time.
His love and faith in the Lord have been a beacon for other children to follow and now having

reached his goal it will give hope and encouragement to the other children to persevere.

It was a busy summer for the children (April and May). They had many activities at the Home
and conventions,xamps and VBS's to attend. We praise God that Jenny Bee Calizo and. .
Sherwin Bais (new after.we left)-both gave their lives tO-Jesus at camp this summen and jwere
baptized. They are both excited In their new life in Jesus. Please pray for their spiritual
growth. Some of the high school and college age kids found summer jobs and this was a new
step in life for them. It was difficult as well as a growing experience, and one that was very
good for them. They learned many of life's lessons as they lived and worked away from the

Now they are all back In school. In our Jurlsdicclon Christian Learning Center, (which was
accredited and received it's permanent license last year) from kindergarten through sixth
grade there are 52 enrolled. Praise God that we have 33 students from the community to

make a total of 85. We have always wanted this school to be a means of outreach Into the
community. Pray that as these children study they will grow In their love, faith and dedication
to Christ and will take the Good News of salvation to their families. We also have 15 children

In high school, either the local public high school or boarding at one of the mission's Christian
high schools. There are 6 of our childmn enrolled In college, in the courses of education, public
administration (prep for law), computer engineering,. Pray for the funds to continue to come
in for them to continue in their education.

Arcenio and Norman, who graduated in the last two years, are both working for the Home.
Norman was working at the campground but Is now at the main home doing maltanence and
other work. Arecenio is doing the work of a guidance counselor and is one of the Executive
Working Committe who keep the Home going. Arcenio also goes out to another small town on
Sundays with our pastor and some of the children to preach and teach. Our older girls teach
the children while the service, is going on for the adults. / It has been a great experience for ^
hem. -The older children also taught Vacation Bible School at the outreach point and at our
own church and In the community. They are the children's Sunday School teachers as well.
Praise God for these kids who came to us as babies or very small children and are now serving
the Lord! What a joy to hear this! I was once their teacher and now they are teaching.
There have been some renovations to the home, repairs. Improvements, additions, all In the

name of safety and meeting required standards. There was a big water problem before, but
we praise God that through generous donations that has been taken care of and water flows

There is now a new Board of Directors and they work hand-in-hand with the Executive" Working

Committee (made up of staff from the Home) to run the Home, make decisions arid see that all
Is going okay and the purpose of the Home Is being met. We praise God for each one of them
and for the hard work and hours they put Into this minstry.
The Solano Satellite Home is now on it's own support and are receiving their owri license and

accreditation: Kay DayidsC^ is still managing this Home, and is in the States at this time,


having left the home in good care of staff and others who came to manage while she was gone.

The Alvin Ray Garlson-Christian^r^^<^i^

but no work has been done^mu^'

tto Roard to visit'therd the work is being droppeid

from the Home at this time, im^arefunds that come in designated for this work, they will
be forwarded there to be used as directed.

The Cebu Satellite Home, which has four young 'r?'|g5|?'^pjg'".^g^boys are all finishing'
continue helping them in the future. This was the decision of the Board.
The Agta ministry continues tp grow

11-th Agta Christian



j i^gei,gi,ie fbi'tlidse'tjifeoiiie 6^

ware children's dasses during the convention as well as the adult sessions.

There are niw. 21 .gt. outreaches.




SwIr^iySamffS'Sohtlnues ardgri^^ Thanhs to these of wt "ho

make it possible.

There is much more that could

your giving and prayer for the Home.

thatfs ^10

=<d rerHI.""-"d^uta

diffficult times. The blessing of the tprd thr g

comforting, as well as

-u who am faithful in

fJa'^nlSfnl r"
Milwaukie OR I am now the manager of
and on the

IvangSo^^^^^^^^^^^ Jeam'.'lod has'been so good to us and so faithful. Ican only praise


He continue to bless each of you. Please be In prayer for the needs, growth, strength and
outreach of the Home.

I'nJtSre WVSSSmy

during the Vacation Bible School.


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Home) who has a vision and misssion that geared towards clients like me.

"I pray blessing to all the supporters of this home, soyou will be more of great to all the
ministries where you are all involved. How I wish to personally thank you all.
Wishing you muchy, Jenny Bee Calizo"
(Jenny Bee came to u? at 4 weeks 6f age.)
In Christ's love,
Mary Pruitt Bureros


1. God's continue supply and

strength for the Home

1. For needed funds for the Home and all

the outreaches

2. l=or the spiritual growth and

2. For continued spiritual growth for all the

new life of the two children

3. For the Board and the

Excutive working comm.
4. The continuing growth of
the Agta ministry

children and staff.

3. For unity in love and purpose for the

board and staff.
4. For the children in school from the cortim.
5. For a Christian nurse for the Home.


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