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Getting a Good Nights

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Sleep should be a natural part of life but for some, it doesnt

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come easily. The reasons are many and varied: some

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Getting a Good Night's Sleep Homeopathy Plus

prescribed medications interfere with the bodys wake/sleep

cycle, emotional stresses lead to night-time anxiety, and the
wrong food before bed will disturb sleep. Sometimes there
is no obvious reason.
To help you get a good nights sleep, we have compiled a list

Formal letter of notification to

WHO about Homeopathy for


of helpful tips and outlined the common symptoms of some

1. Sleep Easy Complex

homeopathic remedies that treat insomnia. The remedy you

2. Help! I Have Pre-Menstrual

need may be among them.

Syndrome (PMS)
3. Eczema: Homeopathic Help
for Sore and Itchy Skin

Tips for a Good Nights Sleep

1. Keep Healthy

4. Tutorial 1 The Law of


Exercise regularly. Exercising for at least thirty minutes

each day will help you fall asleep at night. Just make sure
you dont do it too close to bedtime or the reverse will
be true.
Lose weight. Being overweight increases the risk of
snoring and sleep apnoea, neither of which result in a
good nights sleep.
Have a health check. Many diseases interfere with
sleep. For example, thirst through the night may indicate
diabetes, burning feet can point to small blood vessel or
nerve disease, and frequent visits to the bathroom could
signal a prostate, kidney, or heart problem.
Balance menopausal hormones. Hormonal changes at


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menopause can cause hot flushes, joint pain, and

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palpitations that interfere with sleep. Bring you body

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back into balance with the help of your local homeopath

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or natural therapist.

2. The Food Factor

Avoid caffeine. Drinking coffee, or even tea, will stop
some people falling asleep. Be aware that caffeine is also
in some processed foods, drinks, and even medications

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Getting a Good Night's Sleep Homeopathy Plus

such as diet pills.

Avoid foods which irritate. Dairy and wheat products are
high on the list of foods that cause sleep-disturbing

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problems such as gastrointestinal upsets, congestion,

gas, and apnoea in sensitive people.
Eat a protein snack a few hours before bed. L-tryptophan
from protein foods will help your body produce the

New Systematic Review of

sleep-promoting neuro-transmitters of melatonin and

Veterinary Homeopathy: Still no

serotonin. Carbohydrates such as a small piece of

Reason to Believe It Works

wholemeal bread may also help tryptophan cross the

blood-brain barrier.

Swanson Homeopathy Pain &

Avoid fluids two hours before bed. This will reduce the

Injury Relief

likelihood of waking to go to the bathroom. Empty your

bladder before going to bed.

Older posts

Avoid snacks, especially sugars and processed grains,

before bed. These foods cause rapid spikes and drops in
blood sugar levels that disturb sleep.
Avoid alcohol. The drowsiness produced by alcohol is
short-lived and stops you entering the deeper and more
restful stages of sleep. As its effect wears off some hours
later, you are also more likely to wake and then be
unable to go back to sleep.
Sip chamomile tea before going to bed. Chamomile tea
has a mild homeopathic effect of relieving anxiety and
inducing relaxation just the thing for a good nights

3. Prepare the Bedroom

Make your bedroom an attractive place to sleep. Dont
dump work, chores, or junk on or around your bed. You
will sleep much better in a relaxed and uncluttered
Check your bedroom for electro-magnetic fields (EMFs)
and remove electrical devices. These can disrupt the
pineal gland and the production of melatonin and
serotonin that lead to sleep. If you are especially



Getting a Good Night's Sleep Homeopathy Plus

sensitive to EMFs try switching the circuit breakers off at

night, cutting the power in your home.
Maintain a moderate temperature. The recommended
temperature for sleep is no more than 21 degrees
Celsius (70 degrees Fahrenheit). A warmer temperature
can disturb sleep.
Darkness will help. Even small amounts of light can
disrupt your bodys production of the neuro-transmitters
needed for sleep. Reduce the light in your room by blackout curtains and avoid sudden exposures to bright light if
getting up at night, as these can stop you bodys
production of melatonin.
Change the noise. Gentle music, white noise or relaxation
CDs can help you relax and unwind. Sounds of the ocean
can be particularly soothing for sleep.
No TV before bed. Stop watching TV well before you go
to sleep and certainly do not watch it in the bedroom. An
exciting program will over-stimulate your brain, and
make it harder to fall asleep.
Add a little fragrance.The essential oil of lavender
soothes and relaxes. Sprinkle a few drops around your
bedroom before going to bed.
Keep your bed for sleeping. Bed should be reserved only
for sleep, or that other pleasurable activity. If you are
used to watching TV or doing work in bed, your brain will
associate it with these activities rather than sleep,
making it harder to relax when you turn off the light.

4. Night-time Ritual
Pack up your work at least an hour or more before going
to bed. This will let your mind relax so you will more
easily go to sleep. Write the following days to do list
before finishing work to stop your mind compiling lists
as you try to go to sleep.
Start a relaxing routine. This could consist of a warm
bath, massage, aromatherapy or listening to a calming



Getting a Good Night's Sleep Homeopathy Plus

CD anything that relaxes you. Repeat this routine each

night and your body will soon associate it with going to
Go to bed at the same time each night. And get up at the
same time each morning, too, even on weekends. Your
body clock will synchronise with these times making it
easier to go to sleep as well as wake up in the morning.
Take a hot bath or shower before bed. This will increase
the temperature of your body. The fall in temperature as
it returns to normal will encourage relaxation and help
with sleep.
Write it down and get it out. If your mind races when you
try to sleep, writing you thoughts, plans and worries in a
book can be a useful way of calming and emptying your
Read something relaxing. Slightly boring material is best
as stimulating material such as mysteries or suspense
novels will only wake you up further.
Go to bed early. It is often said that every of hour of
sleep before midnight is worth two after it, and there is
truth in that saying. Our bodies do most of their detoxing
before the early hours of the morning, something that is
hindered if we go to bed too late.
Use the homeopathic effect of coffee. In homeopathys
like treats like approach, coffee will paradoxically help
some people sleep better as it will calm their busy mind
and body if drunk before going to bed. This approach
only works if your symptoms of insomnia are very similar
to those of having had too much coffee. Coffee can also
be taken in homeopathic potencies read all about it
under the name of Coffea Cruda in the Treat Your
Insomnia with Homeopathy section.

5. Once in Bed
Warm your feet with socks. Feet often have the poorest
circulation of your body. Wearing socks will stop them
becoming cold and disturbing your sleep at night.



Getting a Good Night's Sleep Homeopathy Plus

Wear an eye mask to block out light. As already

mentioned, blocking out as much light as possible will
help you sleep. An eye-mask is an easy way to do this,
especially if its impossible to have your room in
complete darkness.
Stop the noise. Ear plugs will block or muffle sounds if
you are a light sleeper or if you have to sleep in a noisy
Face your alarm clock away from you. Watching the
hours tick by as you try to sleep will only increase your
stress and make it harder to drift off.

Treat Your Insomnia with

Homeopathy has a marvellous history of treating insomnia,
often making some of the more stringent suggestions in the
Tips for a Good Nights Sleep section unnecessary. If
insomnia is the only symptom you have, one of the following
remedies may bring relief.
Just take one pill, or 5 drops, an hour or two before going to
bed and let the remedy do its work. Once you are sleeping
well, dont continue to take it each night as each remedy will
cause insomnia if taken in excess. You only need another
dose should the insomnia return.
Symptoms usually do not exist in isolation, though. If
insomnia is just one of your problems, or if it is not fully
relieved by the remedy that seems to match your
sleeplessness, make an appointment to see a professional
homeopath who will take a detailed case-history to find a
constitutional remedy to treat not only your insomnia, but the
other health problems that bother you as well.

Arsenicum Album (Ars)

Key Symptoms: Those who need Arsenicum are nearly



Getting a Good Night's Sleep Homeopathy Plus

always be anxious and restless. Anxiety, fear, or worry

prevents sleep. Frequent starting or jumping which wakens
from sleep. Sleeplessness from physical exertion. Worse for:
after midnight. Better for: warmth; warm drinks.
Supporting Symptoms: Disturbed, anxious and restless
sleep. Lying awake with restlessness, tossing and turning.
Cannot lie still in bed has to get up and wander around
from restlessness. Going from bed to bed to try and sleep.
Can only sleep with head raised. Hard to fall asleep after

Coffea Cruda (Coff)

Key Symptoms: Coffee is well known for producing
sleeplessness but because of homeopathys like treats like
effect, it will relieve insomnia when given in crude, or
especially homeopathic form. The type of symptoms it
relieves are those produced by coffee. They are:
sleeplessness from rapid thoughts or an active mind;
constant flow of ideas; physical restlessness; nervous energy;
excitement. Can also be used to counteract the effects of a
caffeinated product that has been taken too close to bedtime. Worse for: suprises; strong emotions; narcotics.
Supporting Symptoms: Unable to sleep from the excitement
of a surprise, or good or bad news. Palpitation with
sleeplessness. Waking with every sound. Waking from
frequent starting. Sleeplessness from an itching anus. Minor
pains seems intolerable.

Gelsemium Sempervirens (Gels)

Key Symptoms: Sleeplessness from anticipatory anxiety.
Dull, drowsy mind hard to think yet difficult to go to sleep.
Insomnia from exhaustion. Hard to get fully asleep. Worse
for: bad news; thinking about problems.
Supporting Symptoms: Yawning with tiredness.



Getting a Good Night's Sleep Homeopathy Plus

Sleeplessness with teething. Sleeplessness from itching on

head, face, neck, and shoulders. Sleeplessness during
delirium tremens (withdrawal from alcohol).

Ignatia Amara (Ign)

Key Symptoms: Intense, repeated yawning or frequent
sighing. Sleeplessness from a recent disappointment or grief.
Supporting Symptoms: Waking easily from sleep. Waking
from the jerking of a limb. Itching of arms with yawning.
Yawning produces tears in the eyes or threatens to dislocate
jaw. Child wakes from sleep with screaming and trembling
after being reprimanded before bedtime. Worse for: Coffee.

Lycopodium clavatum (Lyc)

Key Symptoms: Waking from hunger must get up and eat.
Restless sleep and anxious dreams with frequent waking.
Feeling unrefreshed in morning.
Supporting Symptoms: Unable to get comfortable in any
position. Falling asleep late and waking early. Sleepy all day
and sleepless at night from an active mind. Children who
sleep all day and cry all night. Child wakes terrified with
screaming seems not to recognise anyone (sleep terrors).

Nux Vomica (Nux-v)

Key Symptoms: Frequent yawning. Irritability from loss of
sleep. Falling asleep before normal bedtime and then waking
at 34am. Waking at 3-4am with alert and active mind and
then falling asleep as daylight approaches only to then wake
with difficulty, feeling tired, weak, and not wanting to get up.
Worse for: stimulants and narcotics
Supporting Symptoms: Sleeplessness from the excessive
consumption of coffee, alcohol, or drugs (therapeutic or
recreational). Tendency to lie on back with arms under head.
Sleeplessness from mental strain and stress or excessive



Getting a Good Night's Sleep Homeopathy Plus

study. Drowsy after meals an in early evening. Grogginess on

waking in morning. Weeping and talking in sleep.

Passiflora Incarnata (Pass)

Key Symptoms: Restlessness, exhaustion, and sleeplessness.
Supporting Symptoms: Restless sleeplessness from
excessive work. Sleeplessness with exhaustion. Insomnia of
infants and the aged. Convulsions with sleeplessness.
Other Comments: Has a long history of use in herbal
medicine where its homeopathic effect in the treatment of
insomnia has also been exploited. It is effective in either
herbal doses or homeopathic potencies.

Phosphorus (Phos)
Key Symptoms: Short naps with frequent waking. Frequent
waking from feeling too hot. Sleeplessness from excitement
or anxiety.
Supporting Symptoms: Sleeplessness in old people.
Sleepless before midnight. Sleepy all day, sleepless and
restless at night. Sleeplessness with sensation of bubbling in
blood. Worse for: lying on left side.

Sulphur (Sulph)
Key Symptoms: Waking between 2 5am and unable to go
back to sleep. Difficulty in falling asleep from itchiness of skin
or perspiration. Drowsy by day and sleepless at night. Worse
for: becoming hot; atmospheric changes.
Supporting Symptoms: Wakes up singing from happy
dreams. Waking at night from a rush of blood to the head.
Sudden waking from sleep. Constant flow of thoughts that
prevent sleep. Sleep disturbed by headache. Better for: dry,
warm weather.



Getting a Good Night's Sleep Homeopathy Plus

Pleasant dreams!

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provided by Homeopathy Plus is drawn from homeopathic pharmacopoeias and materia medicas listed
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