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Eloise Kunu


Final Portfolio Essay

Purpose of E-portfolio Outline
To start off, my inspiration for my e-portfolio was based on the order in which we started
the class, so within my e-portfolio, the big assignments came first. The start of my e-portfolio is
with the final e-portfolio essay because it is the main paper that will help one understand all the
outline of my final e-portfolio. Aside from FPE, my midterm was my second most major piece of
writing, because it showed my process of thinking and learning during the first few weeks of
class. Aside from those two major writings, the rest of my portfolio is dedicated in a way to my
multi-genre project. Everything is in the order that they are because it shows my thought process
leading up to my multi-genre project.
In addition to the arrangements made in my e-portfolio, the use of spatial, visual and
linguistic mode within my portfolio will better help my readers understand my organization. For
example within the 4 process work artifact tab, linguistic mode and visual mode were greatly
used. This is seen by the caption which quotes Internal Affair Draft #2: This shows my
thinking process with my second draft of Internal Affair monologue, which was my second multi
genre paper. I was trying to figure out ways to make the monologue flow better. To further help
my readers, using arrows and to point toward the picture that Im referring to, will limit their
confusion and also help them understand my process as to how I eventually came up with my
multi-genre project. In addition to the visual mode, the use of specific color allows the reader to
understand how I want the portfolio to be viewed.
Writing Artifacts Contribution to Learning
With writing, there is a process and so with my e-portfolio this process is lay-out in
different styles of writing. Whether this be in a warm-up, blogs, or the mid-term they all had an

Eloise Kunu

effect in my writing and learning. With my writing, I do believe that the following were very
helpful to my learning:
Although I had a lot of problem with my mid-term especially understanding how
to quote from my own work, I do feel that it also had an impact on my learning, by being
exposed to the seven key concepts that we used throughout the semester. Without the
midterm I would have never understand how we were truly utilizing our key concepts and
the impact it had on my writing. For an example within the midterm, I stated I believe
that the top five key concepts which further helped and guided my writing along are
independent inquiry & curiosity, responsibility for your own learning, getting out of your
comfort zone, providing & receiving feedback, and making connections. Even till now I
still believe it did, because if I never took any responsibility for my learning, by either
keeping up with the blog posts or doing research outside of class and making connections
like I did in my 3 column note where I stated I notice that countries such as Moldova,
Israel and China are coming up in most of my research, and after reading another
source, I stated how it is seems that most Israel are the recipients and not the donors and
this may go back to their religious beliefs about the human body, I would have never
wrote the paper. All of this helped me learn more about not only my topic at the time, but
also ways that we will be learning in this course.
Blog Posts
In regard to the blog posts, I believe they were very helpful especially since they
were like a free-write type of assignment where I can think about my topic and can

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always look back and view how my ideas changed over time. I do have to admit that, at
times it was very difficult to figure out what Im supposed to be writing about. An
example of this was when we had the blog post dealing with genres, and I didnt really
understand it as stated by the quote the concept of genre has always been a little tricky
to me. I do understand that it is different categories set up, to describe certain thing but I
do not know how to truly categorize my genre. I do feel like the blog post shows more
of my writing process because the different questions asked in each blog post, helped
make my inquiry question go from a broad topic to a more reasonable one. As seen in
blog post one I went from asking, to what extent will one go to obtain or sell his or her
own organs? to with ethics and morality being a predominant issue, to what extent will
one obtain or sell his or her organ to get what they desire or need in the Middle East?
From blog post to blog post, my understanding and learning of organ trafficking was
increasing and this was all due to the different questions that helped me think more about
my topic before writing my blog.
3 Column Notes
Without the use of sources I do believe that there would be no concrete evidence
to back my argument on organ trafficking, therefore; the three column notes were crucial
to my learning. Without these sources, and writing down the different connections, I
would have not actually noticed that Israel and China were one of the main countries who
are part of the black market to do my research on. Also with the three column notes I was
able to implement some of the key concepts such as critical thinking, making connections
and gaining intellectual growth and maturity, during this writing process. Some of these
were seen through my three column notes such as when I highlight and color code certain

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things to find similarities and make connections by asking questions as seen in my three
column notes as If the recipients are the only one benefiting from this black market, then
what are organ donors actually doing? and Although all of this is happening; do any of
these recipients wonder how the donors feel? All of these helped me learn more about
my topic. Also this helped me look over things that interest me more, while at the same
time implementing the key concept, independent inquiry and curiosity. This is due to
being able to learn new things because of making connections and asking questions
where I need to research and find the answer to.
Writers Choice
To show my work process, I implemented my most beneficial work artifacts
which actually go in order with how I came up with my multi-genre paper. Within this
category are my pre-search assignment, Warm-up 2, 3 column notes and a second rough
draft of, My internal Affairs. Each artifact has a purpose and so for me to show that I will
explain basing it on the way the Arrows goes. To start off, the pre-search assignment was
my beginning step of figuring out what I really wanted my topic to be. I would say it was
in this process that the key concept: Independent Inquiry& Curiosity was mostly
implemented within my research, because I was curious about organ trafficking, which
made me researches more into it. Now that I have decided on my topic, the arrow
pointing toward warm-up #2 shows my second process of writing and how I was trying to
figure out what my actual inquiry question should be before proceeding with the next step
in my writing. This was seen when I wrote I think Im leaning toward the last one
because I feel there can be different ways to approach it.

Eloise Kunu

Directed by the second arrow pointing to the 3 note column, I felt that without this
process in my writing, I would have never had enough information to write my paper
and made it credible, like I stated in the 3 note column section of this paper. Lastly the
second rough draft of one of my multi-genre project shows the cycle of how simple
curiosity led to making an argument to a specific audience through these monologues.
This second rough draft was my way of thinking how to make the paper better and appeal
to my audience. I believe this whole thing was learning because while incorporating
certain key concepts such as critical thinking, responsibility for your own learning and
the writing process & revision, I eventually worked my way up in my writing to make a
nice multi-modal project.
Feedback Artifacts
I believe giving feedback which relates to the key concept providing & receiving
feedback was a great way in learning how to change my style of writing if I wanted to
by incorporating some of my classmates styles of writing and feedbacks giving to me to
make my writing better. The feedback received from my teacher in blog post one, Great
topic and I know you're leaning toward that third question. It's a really big/broad
question, Eloise, so I think you'll find ways to narrow it down as you continue to
research, actually shifted my topic. Due to the feedback received, I change my topic and
centered it toward Israel. Chanelles comment of I think this is a really interesting topic
and didn't really know how much this was happening until I read your blog, pushed me
harder to make my multi-genre in turns of a play so that everyone will read, even if my
main topic are adults. I feel like by doing this, anybody can know more about organ
trafficking and may want to research more into it. In all those feedback stated above and

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the two shown on my e-portfolio helped me rewrite some parts of my multi-genre which
are shown in blue highlights.
Writers Notebook Artifacts
In this section, the two papers shown are the warm-ups that we did in class. I felt
these two was important in including in my e-portfolio because it helped me figure out
how I want to present my topic and whom I should present it to. As seen within the
warm-up at first I decided to do traditional because I felt that will allow me to give my
audience information in a formal way. I changed my mind because I noticed that more
people are not going to read something that is based on only facts, and grasp better
information if it is presented in a less serious way. This is the reason I decided to choose
multi-genre project. On the other hand, I added the second warm-up included because,
this shows my writing process, when I was trying to figure out who my audience would
be and ways that I can grab their attention.
Multi-Genre Paper
This was my favorite part of my hole writing process and learning, because what I
have been researching about, and changing topics and audience has finally come together
to become a big writing piece. I see how in the beginning I was struggling to put the
information I gathered from my sources into the paper, but did in some parts of my paper.
Since we were suppose to write base on two genres, I decided to do mine on inner
monologue representing internal conflicts titled My Internal Affairs and a dialogue
conversation among two or more people titled The Division. While writing The

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Division, I struggled finding how much Israelis spend to be on the organ list, so in this
case, I made up a number saying it is a $1000.
Aside from what was stated above, every other information stated such as how
much Jean is told she needed to $125,000 for her kidneys are correct. In the monologue
My Internal Affairs, I believe this was my favorite writing of all, because I had to act like
both the recipients and the donor, which used some critical thinking to do so, while also
getting out of my comfort zone to write the paper in terms of a donor or a recipient
talking. Also the writing of the reflection goes in depth with why I chose to write the
way I did. Overall this writing project made me notice that I can get out of my comfort
zone and

write creative papers while still giving information, rather than doing a

research paper which I was taught all my life.

Wild Cards
For the wild card section, I felt the need to incorporate the peer review outline and
the rhetorical analysis sheet, because they helped me to make my paper. In the beginning
of the semester, I struggled with giving feedback as stated in my midterm In regards to
providing & receiving feedback, one has always had a problem with providing feedback
without seeming harsh. This handout helped with this by giving me a word bank which I
can use to write my feedback to others. The second hand out which is the rhetorical
analysis one, I felt this was helpful in defining what the different appeals meant and how
I can incorporate it into my paper. The key concept rhetorical awareness were engage
especially while going through the best appeal that can get my audience attention, which
for this paper it was pathos.

Eloise Kunu

Final Thoughts & Grade Deserve

Overall, although this was a long project, I enjoyed the class and learned so much. I was
glad to see that everything that we did in class relates to the key concepts one way or the other. I
also enjoyed seeing how I grew in my writing and thinking and how it all impacted the way I
presented my final multi-modal paper. In regard to grade, although I do not like debating and
picking my own grade, I do believe that I deserve at least an A- because I felt that I did well in all
the assignments given to us, and tried to revise all the ones that I did not do correct the first time.
Also because putting the final portfolio together, and having everything in there was not easy.

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