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************* MODIS tools module for ENVI **************************************

**** INTRODUCTION **************************************************************
This IDL module contains several functions that can be incorporated
into the ENVI environment in order to process first level MODIS data. Current re
lease lets
to do following several tasks:
1. Systematically correct scan geometry distortions (so called "bow-tie" effe
2. Create common PTS file with a grid of GCPs from geolocation fields
3. Load emissive bands data in temperature units
... some other functions to be added in future (e.g. cloud mask)
This tools suite was born as a response to our own needs to deal with MODIS data
It is quite raw yet and should be considered as a preliminary release. If anybod
will find this tools at least a bit useful we will be glad to hear your comments
Any critique/suggestions are also welcome.
The latest version of this module can be downloaded for free from the ScanEx's s
ite as
You may be also interesting in looking at the following page http://www.scanex.r
Full disclaimer statement can be found at the end of this file.
If you are going to publish or present your work where this tool was useful we w
ill be glad
to find a shot modest acknowledgements.
Send any comments concerning this tool to Alexander Shumilin (
****** INSTALLATION ************************************************************
This module contains several IDL functions packed as one compiled module. This l
ets to use
it with both ENVI+IDL and ENVI-Runtime versions. This module was compiled with I
DL 5.4 and
tested with ENVI 3.4+SP1 (I'm not sure if it is suitable for use with any previo
us version).
Installation procedure is common for ENVI extension. So you should refer to the
ENVI's manuals
in case of problems.
Installation procedure consists of two steps
1. Drop the modistools.sav in the right place. Namely this should be the
"add_sav" directory
under your ENVI installation
2. Add the appropriate words to the ENVI's menu. This requires some hand

Find the menu description file "" in the "menu" subdirectory

and add
the following lines just after the {Data-Specific Utilities} line.
2 {MODIS tools}
3 {Bow-tie correction} {x} {MODISBowCorrection}
3 {Export GCPs} {x} {EOSgeoToENVIGCP}
3 {Load Temperature} {x} {MODIS_LOADTEMPERATURE}
After the next start of ENVI you should be able to find our menu items under the
"Basic Tools | Data-Specific Utilities | MODIS tools"
Read this text further in order to get some hints on usage.
**** BOW-TIE CORRECTION ********************************************************
This function performs systematic correction of panoramic distortions of MODIS L
evel-1 images.
Due to such distortions raw MODIS images looks broken into the scan strips. Plea
se note that this
effect is visible only quite far from the nadir ( i.e. at image sides) and you s
hould better not use
this tool if you are satisfied with the central part of the image.
This function can be invoked with the installed "Bow-tie correction" menu item.
As a first step
you have to specify an input band via a common ENVI "Input file" dialog. Selecte
d file may be not an
original MODIS product but any raster band if it has the raw MODIS geometry and
requires such correction.
So, select the input file, specify spatial and spectral image subsets in the com
mon way and proceed to
a next dialog. There you have to specify the width of the MODIS scan that is 10
(for 1km bands),
20 (for 500m bands) or 40 (for 250m bands). Select the appropriate resolution fr
om the list.
When the dialog initializes the resolution suggested from the input image size i
s selected, so
you have not to change this proposed selection in the most cases.
Specify the output of the operation and proceed further. In case of success you
will get a new image
with a more smooth geometry...
*** EXPORT of GCP **************************************************************
GCP here stands for "Ground Control Point". ENVI can use them to perform geometr
ic transformations
of images (see the manuals...). In the worst case when you have an image with un
known geolocation you always have
a possibility to enter a set of GCP into the ENVI manually. But why one has to d
o a lot of manual work
if all required data have been already calculated and provided with the standard
MODIS products ?
This function will do all the work for you... It lets to create a GCP file that
can be used further
to warp MODIS image to geographic projection.

This operation can be initiated with the "Export GCPs" menu item. First dialog a
sk you to select a
source of input geolocation data. This may be any of MOD02* calibrated products
or a MOD03 geolocation product.
Generally speaking this should be an HDF with Latitude and Longitude SDSs.
Then specify a name for the output GCP file (common extension - .pts). Next dial
og lets you to specify output
GCP grid parameters. Sorry if it looks a bit complicated, but it was designed ha
ving flexibility as a
primary demand. The problem arises due to the fact that MODIS gelocation arrays
are often does not
exactly match the images pixel-to-pixel (this is the same reason that does not a
llow in many cases use standard ENVI's
"Georeference from input geometry" function). For example, 1 km MOD021KM produc
t file contains
geolocation data only for each 5th pixel starting from 3d. So some additional my
stic information
should be provided in order to coregister the both arrays. In the "Geo to Raste
r" group you
have to provide the offset and step between coordinate values in the geolocation
arrays related
to the image you are going to georeference. In the mentioned case this should be
correspondingly 3 and 5.
Fields in the "GCP first..." and "GCP grid step..." groups lets to specify how m
any GCP points should
be extracted. These parameters define a resulting GCP grid cell size and offset
related to the
source geolocation arrays (not the image array !).
Default values automatically proposed in this dialog are suitable for warping an
image from the same
source MOD02* file from which the geolocation information are being extracted. I
f the MOD03 data were
input then the default values will be suitable for warping the corresponding 1km
image. Default
GCP grid will contain points located near the middle of scans as possible - one
line for each scan. Such a grid
are quite suitable for most cases.
The last common dialog lets you to specify an output geographical projection for
generated GSPs.
The output GCP file can be used in common manner to warp the image to the map
with help of "Map | Registration |Warp from GCPs: Image to Map" command.
Consider several additional notes concerning this tool...
The "Triangilation" warping method seems to be the most suitable in case when a
dense GCP
grid is used.
The mentioned earlier "bow-tie" distortions are still a problem. So the simplest
method to
get a smooth picture is to perform a distortion correction and then use GCPs for
the center line of scans ( default grid values are provided exactly for this cas

It is not always a good idea to generate too many GCPs for each pixel. Try to us
e the previous advice
if you have problems - do not hesitate to ask the author ( fo
r help...
************** Load Temperature ************************************************
This tool lets one to load briteness temperature fields into ENVI bands directly
the MOD021KM products. The interface is quite straightforward - you should selec
t input
file containing MODIS calibrated emissive bands data and select a subset of chan
nes (20 - 36)
which you are going to load. As a result, one or more float data bands will be l
into the ENVI which contain temperature values in deg.K.
This function still requires calculation quality assesment. Any comments or help
on this
issue are welcome.
Copyright (C) 2001 R&D center ScanEx.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software (modistools.sav) and associated documentation files,
to deal in without restriction, including without limitation
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
and/or sell copies, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies.
The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or
implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability and
fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall
R&D center ScanEx be liable for any claim, damages or other liability.
"ENVI"(R) is a registered trademark of Better Solutions Consulting Limited
Liability Company (BSC)
"IDL"(R) is a registered trademark of Research Systems Inc.

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