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SEEC FORM 20 itemized Campaign Finance Disclosure Statement ‘CONNECTICUT STATE ELECTIONS PNFORCEMBNT COMMISSION Revised January 2015, 2015 APR 10 PR 2 38 Page 117 COVER PAGE 1. NAME OF COMMITEE \Segarra for Mayor 2, TREASURER NAME [Shaun a Sheridan Tae ‘TREASURER ADDRESS Stade 1 Gold street, Unit 6A a Hartford ler aoe 06103 ‘CELUCTIONREFERENDUMDATE 5, OFFICE SOUGHT (Comptoir. J Cris Comms’) 6 DISTRICT NUMBER i 11/03/2015 Mayor of Harford, Connecticut 7. CANDIDATE, NAME (Compl oth Cinder or Era Commit) Peto e Segarra TYPE OF REFORT (Cet One) O Janney 10ftng Ort ay rectng inary — CQ edayeeiogeteeatim Osi Contin oe Dbanenet Avil 10 fing O30 igs owing inary — O45 ays flowing steed nde to ‘Obuly 10 ting Orth dey preceding cestion Deft “type of Report Octobe 10 fil 12th day preceding etetion Termination 5 ve OO 24 Hour Independent Pxpenditue C45 je lowing elo Cr Oi Or Nantes 9. PERIOD COVERED Beginning Date Ending Dato 01/05/2015 thea 03/31/2015 {0 CERTIFICATION SAE. “TREASURER OR DEPUTY TREASURER (SIGNATURE) hereby certify and state, under penalties of false statement, that all ofthe information set forth on this Itemized Campaign Finance Disclosure Statement for the period covered is true, accurate and complete. ‘Shaun Sheridan PRINT NAME OF SIGNER oanigr2015 DATE (amity) A person who is found to have knowingly and wilfully violated any provisions ofthe campaign finance states faces a civil penally or imprisonment or both. SEEC FORM 20 Itemized Campaign Finance Disclosure Statement CONNECTICUT STATE ELECTIONS ENFORCEMENT COMMISSION Revised Jenaary 2015 Page 20f17 SUMMARY PAGE TOTALS Be Ty TRE OF ESOT ‘per 10th Fling ‘COLUMN A ‘COLUMN This Period Aggregate Tatace on hand Tamar 1 of arent year for engoing and pry conaitors OR so Baleos on hand fm cay coats was formed forall ter comers 12, Balinoe oa andthe bepaning of Reporting Period fo 3 15, Conrtutons Reeve fom laividuls (Setins A and B) s200,481.32 20044132 114, Receipts fom Other Committees (Seotions Cl and C2) (91,500.00 $1,500.00 15, Other Monetary Receipts (Sections D through K) $1,000.00 $1,000.00 16, Tol Proceeds fom Saul Purchases Section Li Subpart 1+ Subp 3) is-0- $-0 16b, Per Public Act 11-48, effective Janay 1, 2012 Section 12. removed 1c, Total Purchases of AdverisiagPropram Book or Sign Seetion 13) so 5-0. ‘17, Total Monetary Reovipts (add totals for Lines 13 through 16c) }$202,941.32 $202,941.32 18, Sobol add fol in Line [2+ 17 Coke A; ania Line 11+ 17 Cohan) _[$202,941-32 $202,961.32 19. Expenses Paid by Committee (Section P) [$47,749.29 $47,749.29 20. Balaace on hand a low of Reporting Period (Sut Lia 19 fon Line Bin bh Ceanes) |6155,192.03 515519203, 21. In-Kind Donations not Considered Contributions Received (Section L4) [s-0- $o- 22 Kin Dooations not Considered Contributions — House Party (Sesion LS) 389.62 $3682 2.08997 $2,089.97 23, In-Kind Contributions Received (Section M) 24, Refundeble Deposit o Telephone Company (Section N) 254, Total Outsanding Loan Amount 25, Loan Balance b-0- ee 25a, + Loans Reosived (Sesion D) [s-o- so 2s, + Invrest and Penites on Loan f-0- 3 250, = Paymeatson Loan \s-0- $0 i-0- 2, Total Oustanding Expenses Inoured by Committee sil Unpaid (Section S) 26, Campaign Pxpenses Paid by Candidate (Section Q) $0 27, Expenses Incured oa Committe Credit Card (Seaton R) -0- $0. 28, Expenses invarred by Conumtter During this Peciod but Not Pall (Section S) [22,293.85 ear 522,298.85 % = smart J. MONETARY RECEIPTS (Sections A—K) Page 017 TRAN OF COMDATIBE Cp sr aio Flag TYFEOF REPORT Segarra for Mayor ‘April 10th Flag ‘A. Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY | 5 0,3 99 {See tractons for denon ofall Connor} SUBTOTAL SECTION A B. Itemized Contributions from Individuals Tare wr Figuero Helene ena naa ee Ta ieee 129 Charter Oak Place, #12 Hartford ct |ost0s sal compe Ra Union Organizer eseavselu Ts conibac aati apome —() Vor] Woontboion wn ean o 00 ton cue ora ca mera ew Ta iaepaliy, | Amount of Coatbuton Jcdepoven chidefatatoyat! No | doorcoritgorcrtunes hele asa wk havea caet thse mei ale foe ha $5,007 ON $1,000.00 TS comin asecedwihiaw QD Yes | ortho apnipelof sas certo erempeive sic onan? (Ver treneeoredin sien 7 No | dpe adette vcs tanh or eases is resiee treat 20 ‘igoremmesttaesennce swt Cece Qeseaive Mate of Conn Peat Pesnem Gx JOcat Orem ck Ocietudedt cu Oreo Detain Qvioney One | 03/27/2015 | $1,00000 tein aaaaia ae [ar ae epee 75 Girard Ave Hartford cr {osios sa ee Raa oie Retired Reticed Hs comibtra abba spare, (2) Ve] [oowsibaion ain een of Dioa Sai orn ieee olicw a anaiealiy, | Amouat of Coan frseenan stares Gre | drew arena tte emt! of reagent ea ‘ae toe hn $5,007” ye ON $1,000.00 fs wiscritaae anacicdwiken (Yes [ls contibtrepril oe sav conte or preset vtecctatar! — CQ¥en ove epredin Sedan? N0 | yen nabate tin banc benches, xe ‘et Bvt ‘teers ecounctawis ()Exowve C) Lagiaive tof Conc Dass Feprae Come JCewh Oreooal nck Qomduosie cent Oral Dtucion Ovens One | 01/30/2015} $1,000.00 Tone Fae Mr Flores Cloudia Reaat it han [ee Sa apes 30 School House Dr Apt 305 West Harford ct }osto FraiplGomprin ene oe Part Owner 704 Meat Center is coibtr abba, spouse, (2) Ver | W Sonibaon in eas of 0 wa ce ore cucfmeclv iow ofa munky, | Amount of Conte ordeenentchidas i No. | dec cote eras lhe sete have acc ath sk meaty old ce tn 5,000 Yer ON $1,00000 Twist coutaionasncand whem Yes. iscnuittore prepa oa sc acento spent conacor? ica eve repre Saton LI? No | append cs breech braces 0 oer lst Eva 21 Cipovermest tecwanctiwite ©) Exeuive Cagiva ‘aed of Cnt [Aree Coens Ooh Ores eck Ocresupebitcus Oey Desuten Morey Owes [03/31/2015 __|$1,00000 ¢ © SUBTOTAL Section B— This Page [$3,000.00 ‘TOTAL of additional Section B Pages |193,52932 "TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (Sections A+B) (Genter tron Line 1, Calm A of Summary Page Totals) $200,441.32 SEECroRye® I. MONETARY RECEIPTS (Sections A—K) Page 4 of 17 ADE OF COMBE wah Cop Nea ie oh ig Bo) TYP OF REPORT Segara for Mayor [april 10th Fling Ch. Contributions from Other Committees Robinson & Cole State Poltkal Action Committee Glenn A. Santoro a Tiitscatihvionssocaed vine Ova Oxo | AnbuntofCoabain 280 Trumbull st see anak $1,000.00 bar as pas] a ase Cos Hartford cr Joos |sva0ns $1,000.00 area Ta corpenters Local 43 Poltical Action Committee Martin Alvaenga ae Tsien sscined then @)Y= One| AnountefCntbatia et port nsec? 985 Wethersfield Ave “fpenlssbmat# 031220158 __| $500.00 apa rt as Cane Hartford cr fos anans $500.00 os Tea | am Tris canton smal wren ©) Vea @)Ne | Amount Coatbeion tet open nS LI? “Poe iBveat lew 5! apes [oat een G2, Reimbursements oF Surplus Distributions from other Committees Raa et ae ay rao Sakae EE ae Tne Re [Oreinteon rtm eens Cu Ditton Pa ar a pas Sataact [ae rama Aovat eRe Reimbursement for shared expense (O)Suaplus Distribution ae : SUBTOTAL Section C—Tie Page [6150000 TOTAL of additional Section C Pages |5-0- "TOTAL OF ALL COMMITTEE CONTRIBUTIONS AND RECEIPTS |31 500.00 (Seetions CL + C2) (Ener tol on Line 14, Column A of 5 age Tot) ae 1. MONETARY RECEIPTS (Sections A—K) ‘Page Sof 17 [NAME OF CONDMETTEE me Cons Nan or agora wi ig Re "TYPE OF REPORT Segarra for Mayor FApril 10th Fling D, Loans Received this Period So eer tia Davie ‘Oak Ocandisate © tadvidual Qorter Conte [pasa or ae [aoe ea Comer Gagner of Roan? O Ya ONo aso et ‘Amount Received eS 9 Se aya Naor age oto Damtiaat ‘Genk’ © candies O raividost Qoner Commitee a ae Co ites a Conger Ggenr of oon? O ves Ono oC oa ‘Amount Received tan eae Dacia rndivdet Qorter ‘omitee a Triax Cngreree Gao? Yer No Rae Cg Oe ‘Amount Received Ss ea oF tae aoe TOTAL SECTIOND E, Receipts from Entities other than Individuals or Other Committees (Referendums Committees ONLY) exe [seer paiaaed ‘Rusonet Reveived fear sae] ee “aaa Consaos [Resor a A Daeteaied “Amount Received = ae apa Tan Coa arta thi as Read ‘Assoont Reseed lew [sae |Z ome Teenie Cos TOTAL sECTIONE [5-0 Page 6 of 17 shore I. MONETARY RECEIPTS (Sections A—K) [NAME OF COMMITTEE on Conve Nae os egal wh ng ips [TYP5 OF REPORT [Segarra for Mayor Api 10th Fling F, Amount Transferred from Affiliated Business Treasury (Busines Enty Conmitees ONLY) ae Fama Triswanasion moran iis Ver ye ite Setgeniacetn By Y a oT) Satondaaen Big Poo Ses ie Tsihswarsatonasocined whan Nee Toe tt Sates Bue Da ore Toh raneton ssocned witvan res is i Sommamienr = By . TOTALSECTIONF = |$0- G, Amount Transferred from Affiliated Labor Union or Other Organization Treasury (Organization Commmlteet ONLY) lBaeotReor moan 01/30/2015 O Persons Check © cretivDebit Cart $1,000.00 Aroeat Oc, O Prcoraiceck © cretivaevitcart TOTALSECTIONH [$1,900.00 I. Anonymous Contributions er Public Act 11-48, Anonymous Contributions may no longer be deposited in any amount. Ifa commitice receives an anonymous contribution, the campaign treasurer shall immediately remit the contribution to the State Elections Enforcement Commission for deposit in the General Fund, pL ad 1. MONETARY RECEIPTS (Sections A—K) Page 7 of 17 NAME OF CONRITTEE (revs Comps Hones Rautred wh Fl TVPE OF REPORT (Segarra for Mayor [April 10th Fling J. Interest from Deposits in Authorized Accounts Rea oon aw aa oan ean ae iy fe [in Coe ame flaion Bas keavel Aeon ea Aaa cw fase apo TOTAL SECTIONS |§-0- K. Miscellaneous Monetary Receipts not Considered Contributions ar ai ofTescion Amount Rewea ee Rie oe ae po Tene aw Tnsesion amcant eaeie eect oy 3 ear Tar [Bao temacioe Jmoun Reached Ses Ao oe Tes [oat Daaice oy Ppa otis pare tale a as as eiaen TOTALSECTIONK [5-0 SUMMARY OF OTHER MONETARY RECEIPTS (Sections D through K) ‘Total Miscellaneous Monetary Receipts not Considered Contributions (Section K) “otal Loans Received this Period (Section D) iso reat Receipts fom Ente ther than Individuals or Other Commits (Sextion B) + iso Total Amount ranserred from Affiliated Business Treasury (Section ¥) + (se ‘Total Amount Transferred from Affiliated Labor Union or Other Organization Treasury (Section G) + [0 “Total Amount of Personal Funds ofthe Candidat Received this Period (Sesion ) + [$1,000.00 “otal Amount of Interest from Deposits in Authored Accounts Seetion J) + so + ie “Total of Other Monetary Receipts |s+09000 {Au Seton D through K) (iter lone 15 Cola Af Sroay Page Tee) | a IL, EVENT ACTIVITY (Sections Lt—Ls) Page Bott Sa ene ae Sanne en Li. Event Information —— == area pane an | aco nerstor a a a oe ro espa vee vos [oes ae) eee (OY tf pens Slatad nto tert Us eet cet ‘id ee i en ONo Did this fundraiser inclade goods or secvioes donated by a business entity ©) Yes (ifyer, goto Section 4 In-Kind Donations not Considered Contributions Bee esearch Fe Ono ‘Was this flandraisor a tag sale, suction, or other sale of donated items Ves yes, ctor Total Receips hee.) ace uae _f Ono a Fe a es ch ears mee) ‘Were there purchases of advertising space in a program book or on a ‘OYes (ifyes, go to Section Ls Purchases of Advertising Space in a Program Book Were rs en Ono ST ‘Did your committee sell food or beverage at a fair or similar mass (Des (ifyes, enter Total Receipts here.) gathering held within the state with this fundraiser? — | =.= Carrere eo Tpeeatsscashack oe en = ays parle a | cons | Subpart I: (All Committees) erent es een tnd tn tn tn mo ee tan a Cnr een ec ose omens No ‘Did this fundraiser include goods or services donated by business entity (©) Yes (fyes, goto Section Lé In-Kind Donations not Considered Cuntributioas Toetickaismiyaanadagcsar O°" Wat ocaltanay Esse a “Was this fundraiser a tag sale, auction, or other sale of donated items Oes (ifyes, enter Total Receipts here.) Lea _ © No Sea ay Ct se co mat ae ana ens mee) ‘Were there purchases of advertising spece in a program book or ona OYes 10 Section L3 Purchases of Advertising Space ia s Program Book vans pce rato sors Ono oe Did your commitiee sell food or beverage at a fhir or similar mass. OYes (Ufyer, enter Total Receipts here.) 5 Fe chirp corr — Ono SS a SS ee pete ra coca ae Fra aaa TUR "TOTAL OF ALL RECEIPTS FROM SMALL PURCHASES] «0. Se eae strcrony2e I, EVENT ACTIVITY (Sections Li—L5) aged of 17 Per Public Act 11-48, effective January 1, 2012 committees are no longer required to itemize small individual purchases from a committee tag sale, auction, or a sale of donated items. Section 12. removed "NANG OF CONTE rode Cp a Raga wih img ape [TPE OF REPORT [Segarrafor Mayor [April 10th Fling L3. Purchases of Advertising in a Program Book or on a Sign oo ea aay Obsioas Exiy Covter O tiividiai/Sole Proprietorship Serna co a Dae Rast Bee [acon Pactoes fi Eves | Amount at Program Ad Parcase] Amount of Sgn Purchase sera Foci Ma OsusinessExtiy Qoiner OtadiviauiSce Pope fea name er a Darah C7 [acenpis Pash eA Bvsu | Amount of Program Ad Purchare] Amount of Sgn Parchase Sarre ora Opusiness Entity Qhomer Ottviaisce Popriatio co oy faa ‘Yee panacea toa epee Pass SrA cas | Awoant of rogram Aa Pureltae] — Amount of Sea Partase Rear Face a (Qvuines Bay Coder Otaivissste Ppitio ferns oy za ‘YAinote anna mae egmps Foch Br apas——] Kat of Progam Ad Pochne] — Amowat of Sin arcane Saari TET Oui tay Core O intviduai'sote Proprietorship ana ee Sar ince Tankaaeh a? ee ‘TOTAL of additional Section Ls Pages|$-0- "TOTAL OF ALL PURCHASES OF ADVERTISING IN A PROGRAM BOOK or ONASIGN| 5.0. fer total on Line 16, Colum A of Summary Page To Seacrga TI. EVENT ACTIVITY (Sections Li—L5) Pose 1Oof17 [NAMEOF COMDATTEE rot Compr Nave Reged lg Repo) “TYPE OF REPORT [Segarra for Mayor [April 10th Filing TA. In-Kind Donations Not Considered Contributions an aor nana ear fae eee Donon Gres by | Baran ofDomn Fair Market Value of Donation OBasies tty ‘Olntividvat Recived [Ese [Aaareate Value fr is veer Ose Propsietostip eae ofboer Sean ear ae coer a "air Markt Valu of Donation O Business Exty Onssivitu a Red irae Paton ie aes OseteProprietship eee nate ar Saat ‘Poston Gneabe | Dretbine fbaalin air Market Value of Donation OdusivessExtiy Oratviuat Dan asad lee Sooo Osereropritaip Seana oe Tam | oo Denton Gey) | Daipen of Bonion Fair Market Vale of Donation ‘QBs tty Otntividur Dai Roi [eae [aaareae vee fr hs Event Qssote ropricteehip ‘TOTAL of aditoaal Section La Pages |§-0- ‘TOTAL OF ALL IN-KIND DONATIONS NOT CONSIDERED CONTRIBUTIONS | ¢ : : (Ginter total on Line 21, Catunn of Surary Page Totals) me I. EVENT ACTIVITY (Sections L1—L5) Page U1 of 17 TAN OF COMMATTED prover Go a epee ih Pig pa) AYRE OF REPORT Segarra for Mayor April 10th Fling TS In-Kind Donations Not Considered Contributions Associated with » House Party ae Tira api oto aor commmiee? ves @ No pecsoseaina {ye compte ein In Abend Tarra oy Tao coe 760 Prospect Avenue Hertford cr ostos Secipi bein Tr Market Vale of Donation ‘None -allfood and crink was relmbursed and Included in Section P ofthis report 60. cy [apc ake oi eaa ns] Regan Vt Sa ns ae 1142015 so so Tae aoa RE BRTHSoe aT comaitee? Oe ON0 ‘Antonio Lemus ‘ye. conpleetenetn ba Addenda 1S era or Tae [par 35 Woodside Circle Hartford ct fostos ies oon Thr Market Vo ef Doaaton Food and drinks $309.62 art Taper Yoke eis retains nse Vi al Bs Fol 1022020154 $3962 3399.82 Tae Tie ovat ror ha on anda oF commitee? O¥es @ No ‘Steven Konover and Jim Wakim. ‘pe, complet emizaton in Addendum LS Sea a oi Sas ]Eip Coie 270Whitney Street Hartford ct |06105 ‘Desig Doon Fair Market Vatu of Donation Donations exceeded limits and are included as in-kind in Section M of this report $0. co [aesapae Va ct eo hae “agape Ven fal ens Pnboaoe (031020154, $0 $0. Resaalon Tihs event ‘more Than one candids oF omits? Ges No Eliot and Eileen Pollack ‘Wye, Vemiton in Addendum LS aaa iy See Eco 111 Terry Road Hartford cr fostos ei of Seaioe air Market Value of Donation Supplies, food and drinks. $ Information Requested. Expense was under exemption threshold. Info Requested co [Reonane Vane veto be “hsp Vs fa eh Fst }o3112015A Info Requested Info Requested SUBTOTAL Section LS — This Page TOTAL of additional Section LS Pages TOTAL OF ALL IN-KIND DONATIONS NOT CONSIDERED CONTRIBUTIONS | ¢59,6 ASSOCIATED WITH A HOUSE PARTY (Enter total on Line 22, Colum A of Summary Page Totals) Info Requested Poge 12017 SS IDL. NONMONETARY RECEIPTS (Sections M—O) [NAME OF COMMAITTER (ards ong Naga Regia wrt ig oO) PROF REPORT [Segarra for Mayor pri 10th Filing ‘M. In-Kind Contributions Billy Grant. a ew EH Information Requested, Information Requested lcr Das Reed [Rae Coniioe—[ Deion cis nd ti Tipatee” OSaaniies |Food, drinks, and supplies for event patd to Halls Mit (© tncvida Sole Proprietorship Coser |03/23/22015 $148.68 ‘Fein eno S40 ta cnn fra cht cave oer ofa Hapa, ‘sonora lobbyist yous, Yes] feebainn sn ces of S00 a ane fs cht rea oie Te mil ; 7 we, Q X*| cveorensor rte hone associ wihbve tana wits aly sic Market Valoe oenteceitofaltinis © No | ied at more er 502 ‘Gre Gr this Contrbaton This sntbaton wos wih an Yes ] consis precip ofa ona orpronecivesmiecommctr? OV] eg 6g ert ported a Sect Li? No |" Ufven.inczate which branch or branes so “yes tit Bent 9OS2S2O1SA torent the coach CY Executive CPLegistve ‘ArtFettrman ara ro ae arose 50 Beechtree Lane West Hartford cr Joeior pokes Clann Das aad —— [rare Ceara — Bin ie a Can Jorniviaans sate Propcitentin Corer] 03/13/2015 [$222.61 ood, drinks, and supplies for event iscounsaralosiyis gone,” (Q ves) Wesrrbwonir in usw oF500 om cna a Gif macaveaoeroTa manly, | Fair Marit Value is doe contr or Sane bees aoe with ae acre wits mun lty Fis Contin ceamiieins BN] ise eet Tots cetcbaton swell withan Ys Iscontindora rnc fess cover orprmpenvestcotacio? (vee) 912261 ret repre in Section 17 1 |" "ajyeniscate which branch or ances, No "ys fat vont 8031320158 famveramet bocanint svete O)ixectve Qagiaive Tae steven Konover ser Rabe or Sas Oe 12Pleasant St West Hartford losio7 "yeetamaibans Clana Bae Rashad [Rape Conant — [Dini ota Ka ein |eicaviuat/ Sie Proprizentip Corer] 03/10/2015 [51,000.00 Food, drinks, and supplies for event "Fonabton a oxen of $0 tom candle Tora cet earl fcr ofe manicaliy, | Waly Marat Val Tncontbatora lobia, poms, You edoponden cho dove contintor on bsien bn i sebovhted with bave a cone wih sad mney Gerensenchitgoraloeoy? @N® | et at more tan $5.00? Ove Ono i costibaor a principal af ast corructro prospective ste consor? (Yes ‘ys idea wach rancho: branches No cf govemmert the conic sits) Exeetve O)Legilative 1,089.97 [51,000.00 [shi connaton oid wah an Yoo ren reported lise in Sein 117 Xe ifye it vent 903TO2O1SA, ‘SUBTOTAL Section M— This Page TOTAL of additional Section M Pages ‘TOTAL OF ALL IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS ctner ton Lne 2, Colona 4 of Sma Page Ts) ofthis Contribution $818.63 N. Refundable Deposit to Telephone Company "TOTAL SECTION N (Enter fotaon Line 24, Colum of Stmmary Page Tet) [S-0- nave fii Fi Ce aa a ie saa ro Deposit Saar Tae CT Seana i pu hs 8-8 ecw, ogee te maf rp pete fom gee ete wine ocr Pay Conte, ton ema ee IV. EXPENDITURES (Sections P—T) en [NAME OF COMMTTER Poe Cong ne Regret) THPBOF REPORT Segarra for Mayor Papal 10th Fling Expenses Paid by Committee Taos Barca era Jalmar De Dios ovrgyzos | Qcrme 1001 Debs Cat Orr Ta ee ear sme [zc |27 Charter Oak Place, Apt D Hartford ct osios eee | Eat “Aswan f° eNDR [Food and drinks for event lovaz01sa $2142 EESSGG? [rpettavnane denim a Adem Required wes None of te below is heck) on oft tow 1 Coord win inter aug Git ges) Indeerect Coote wat nbs 0h id ern) OnmarinOs Ov OcOd [eae ao anes . 02/06/2015 hese IDNA Campaigns, LLC oa Sarna oy ese Oe [760 chape! Street New Haven ct osst0 eee Toman Beas “Annus (CNSLT [January and February 2015 Consulting Fees $3200.00 BESS Daron ean Aleta P Reged als "Nae oh bl check “me Nove oftilow Coord with ibucerat oh st oes) © tenders Cocrinned witout intaneneet cig sinters) © Ommuaion Qn Oc Ov Raaatioe Tae see aaa |The Vinci Group 02/16/2015 © check #1003 _ devi Tana eer ae \s4 Robert Road Manchester cr |oso4o Se ae ‘Amount ICNSLT [January 2015 Fundraising Consulting Fees, $4782.00 = ‘yp fp Tenition be Alondan P Regul anlss “None othe Blow Cech None f te below Ceorsnate wih reinbuenen sought eis een) Internet oral wittrambuseet 09h Geil oernn) wOsOcO» Tenet Dec afPamen| Nett oP, 64 NGP VAN I oxzrrz0s [© cra O04 _ “" Owe cra Quer TaN wr Bie [ance 1101 15th Street, NW Suite 500 ‘Washington oc} 20008 Regan ofpntens [aoe feat ‘Anount wes |e@s for processing online crect card contributions $1125.00 PES" [ecole ition in Aen P Ree es Noe of i blow ace Hoos ofthe below Coord wth ebrement ough (it xsi) Q teens Corinth rembrerent ought Giada) ‘SUBTOTAL Section P —This Page [$14,328.42 ‘TOTAL of addtional Section ? Pages [$33,420.87 TOTAL OF ALL EXPENSES PAID BY COMMITTEE 547,749.29 (Eder ttl on Line, Court etn) Smug rony ae IV. EXPENDITURES (Sections P—T) Page 14 of 17 "RANE OF COMDTTES (ree Can Nan Reed wh ng Rees) [TYPE OP REPORT Segarra for Mayor (oth Filing ‘Q. Campaign Expenses Paid by Candidate asso ps me of Voir Fon By waa pad rth) Darra Trae Qe Ow aa io See le Frepoorbahon | Been Tea ‘oan lenses Rea ote eof Peto, Rae oF Weert ra) pansies Trrembamear chet Or Ow Sea are ow ae oer rapa attaones | Besta lena “aman lovenes [Rano ates eof Yon enone whe can pa areaB) Davatinoar ere Ove Or Sea aie oy Se Pee Rape fiepodem Doni bea ‘Aout fersous Ta a ys Roar of Voda Rn By wate Fad aT DasetParen | — wremoanene oat |] Ow Ow Sea ow as eee Rae fiepadio= [Dome neat ‘Amol (ys0t3 Rao ayes ame of Vata Pony wis asta ed pacar Terman ae Ow Seer nae oy Teepe [Paros aftapeae | Docinioe ea ‘nan lores a af Payee ame of Vendo, Pesan o Bly wh eanlt pe et) [Das of Pema ‘eanburemat ae] Ors ON a ra oy ae aoa an ftepadm | bomipe are “Amowat ftrena) freer eS a oa IV. EXPENDITURES (Sections P—T) Page 15 0f 17 FANE OF CONTE rant Gp gel wd Rr) SOF ORT Segarra for Wayor pri Toth Fling R. Expenses Incurred on Committee Credit Card Nae fag an ype ef re a O Vie OMaster Cant ODisoover CAmercan Expres Qorber Rea STE rae TRIES ay ae ana oteatie [Boi ia fot lero a ee ee Nome beby Coot wih rnbusenc Sgt (eit medi) Independent Coniimciwihad eohurenew soph (etetoatui) —- QoerennnOa Os Oc Od TTR TS ara SSRIS wy se aca or ar roe lero BEES) [gw wna enn edn Ret wis fie ce Nx btw | Coordinated with reimbursement sought Got expeaiiter) O independent cortsaniwibodemharenmtsosteeceteaine) — OOmaiatn OB Oc OD Tama a ay ana w Fae ea Paparofpatnas | me Amat \erocs eg? [igretovechan elon In Andon RR ne “Non of eb ck ow of eet ) Coordinated with reimbursement sought (Goietexpeaditee) 8 Independent Corisuai ined vabsremat tacit) — OQowrinenOa Os Oc O ae : LS Poa IV. EXPENDITURES (Sections P—T) ‘Page 16 0f 17 [Rava Or CONNATTEE Pron Capi Nant as Rig woh Ping ap [ver OF REPORT, Sagerafor hyo [ap 1th ng 'S. Expenses Incurred by Committee but Not Paid During this Period ars ia ONA Campaign. oayr7aans en = ae 7c0Chapel suet ne Hven | ossto Eaammm [e mar emi WE® | Webite eso pracesing online ce cardcontibuton | = Type of Expenditere (emizadion in Addendum S Required unless “None of the below" is checked) $4/147.00 "mata Q ine coriaietveoareonmnstingoreeuy © *MROY OF OF OF bao ae wa campaigns tic arzons os w i aa 760 chapel set ew Hoven cr | ossi0 = pa ‘Soest Ex Horta lemon ln AddendnS Reale wns “Non of te bls checked) $421.53 ) Nene of the below Q Independent QeriteteceacscraSaetraay © mmo OF OF OP Michael Beckendorf 03/18/2015 aaa 7 =o 1916s, Apter Washington oc | 20002 a er ‘pore (cust ‘March 2015 consulting fees mare Aen) f= Type of xpeacinure (Hemszation in Addendura S Required unless “None of the Below" is checked) $1283.57 None ofthe below © ntependert cri tieicaemer esttaeciaay © HON OF OF OD Cee SLT fe SNe TS secon IV. EXPENDITURES (Sections P—T) age of17 [RADE OF CONRATEE cnpoe esdhngin) ene FRONT T, Itemization of Reimbursements and Secondary Payees Tanta cant Fa na Saati Ye carb DeDios Jatmar era a VO Fy Py Cn WE Fons n Rata Connie WoaerConina ont sscea Wild Vines ©ictecks1001__Q desitcant_ QEFT Sa oT, RS wa Fn Conse WaSST or a [oe 200 Parkstreet Hartford ct | ost0s Fopacfigniun —[Omceor aw Amonat (9 ENDR Drinks for event 017420150, $198.81 Bey” __| eer omtaton by Aen Reuireduien “Non of he ow" checked 1 Nore te ow Coord with reimbursemtnt ought (ua ete) QindersteQ O OO cootiatiwiicarnkinenat apttesaeminiey — Qogeaatorra Sp Sc SD |Taatiowat nhc ar a Baatageer Var Fenner ey De Dios Jalmar ornana%s as Vind om Bay iy Gem Woo Tes aba Crain Wonca ‘Stop &Shop S ~ © check vi001_ Q)vebitcart QERT ier a Fy Coa WoT or se oe 150New Pak Ave Hartford cr | ost0s a ar ‘Amount 7° ENDR Food and drinks for event 017420154 $22.61 — Type of Expenditure (Teemization in Addendum T Reqnired unless "Nome of the below" ts checked) re Nene oft ow 1 Cond wi imbues gh et non) nt Omitaciviecnatmmetsupieseamin — Opera, Oy, 9] Tanne Woe “Tem aera Luxenberg Georr o3ni7r015 ia Va Fos iy ily Cons WS Toppan os Gn Wa Farmington Ave Wine Spits Bee ee omen Out Sr Aira Ve Po Ey Pay Cone Want oy ae eCom 500 Farmington Ave Hartford cr | ost0s Faas [aaa Baa Around (es expe | Drinks forevent (037020150 $8727 BERG? i wnat ts An Fiabe ccd 2 Nor oft ow Corded wih imbue ought (xi nt) Qintestit O OO contri wit remoanenen mem ecarecwto) —— Oonmanion oa On Se Dol SUBTOTAL Section T — This Page [$308.69 < TOTAL of additional Section T Pages | $1,261.13 ‘TOTAL OF ALL REIMBURSEMENT TO COMMITTEE WORKERS AND CONSULTANTS |$1,56982 seEcFoRy 1 nial Section B. ADDITIONAL PAGE 1 __ of 187. NAMB OF COVAATTES Tye OF REPORT Segerra for Mayor April oth Fling “A. Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY | ¢ (Gee marcos for dftaon of Smal Centbatr) SUBTOTAL SECTION A B, Itemized Contributions from Individuals Tne Far 7 ‘Anderson Lois R ater Seed Ane Be Tae [apo 9.Chelsea Place Avon ct | 06001 Pal Goan Rane orEaa Retired Retired Ts combuiora bby pause (DVS | contrition neces oF DUD wo ani Tr a ha xeon «mania, | Amount of Contribution oie cit los @No. | oso ohne ete ane hve eg with ny ele t mor than 50007 Yer @ne s10000 Tsitis contbuon aoc wh ‘Yes | isconsbuer propa ofan contacter or prospective te contactor? Yee fedabng event ised n Sexton 1? @ No |” t7yes,aleate wach back or anches No es, tat vee # atgovemmenrteconmeaiswih OBsecuive Qetisaire ‘tid af Conroe asiease aes Cone Bor JOcesn @resonai crece Qewsisdebit ard Qa Deduction OMonty Onder | 1/20/2015 $100.00 Karlos Reims naa ee Saeco 1 Ryan Cirle Simsbury ct | 06070 ie ne Nase ofan Chiropractor Capitol Chiropractic Center Fs cotter ToBI pow, CYNE | contin in exces of $400 ca Tracie xevve fic of a analy, | Amount of Cotrbaion [Ssopencentchiéereiosoast No. | doer cotta or bans bee sarod wih havea cote wah id manieipaly vali at more tha $5,000? Ova. One $5000 inthis cobain sone wih a re] scons prep ofa sm coincir r pospectne sas conacion’ Yee ininisingevert ied n Sona 1? @No_ | Arye, ane whch bran or rss No Tye rout ck gnemmen he coumarin widt—_ C)Eeative Vain ora PBastaaied [Rasepas Canc lOcash Orersonl creck creivDerit Cert O Payroll Deduction CMoney Ore | 1/14/2015 $500.00 Carajal Andrea P Reka it Ns ey Bae a 79 Otis Street Hartford ct | ota icp Oops Tanto aoe Bookkeeper Centro Renacer of CT i ceatora bie spa, (Ya | TFeibaon next of SD wo cnn fra chit cote afc: of muiipaly, | Amouat of Conebation [coancentchidcre ideas No. | does cotrbuneor busines hole i esocated wit havea contact wi sid monly ‘valed et more than $5,000? Ove No $250.00 Testis conibuon esos with Yes] Iscotittora principal ofa te contro or prospective sie contactor? Yes enrang event litedin Secton 1? CQNo._ | ye, nde wih traach or branches Ne ses ist Eveat#QUAZONSA_ cfgovemmenttwcentseswete QExeetve OLeiaive esa of Const: Das tant Dare Conia Orcas @Pexcee Cek Creteeit Card ©) Pay Detuton CManey Oner | 1/4/2015 $250.00 SUBTOTAL Section B This Page | $850.00 Sane" Section B. ADDITIONAL PAGE _2__ or 187_ TNE OR COMMETTEN TYPE OF REPORT Segara for Mayor ‘pi Oth Fling “A. Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Reccived this Period ONLY |, (Senses fr defor of Smal Cobar} ‘SUBTOTAL SECTION A B, [emized Contributions from Individuals a ae ee Sas [arom 1 Linden Place Unit 506 Hertford ct | 06105 Flop Remsen Psycho Therapist, Selfetired Schools Is coaisra Tobin pony) Yor | Feo aoc of 1001 ann fora dita anni, ] Amount of Conriboba Jecomncnchisoretainis? No | doescortasor obras bose 8 socal yi have aggtac with melt ‘ainda nov a S07 va Oxo 50000 Tatas cocvaion mocked witha Yer | eco arnpl ofastats cx ropecve sts coc? Yor : Taukesng et intention 1? No | ipa due wih anchor branches Ne Ipc tes Beth OL 142015 cHrovannentwcumaivitr Ofsccuve Ouerisave Tecate Baa Ro epee Cambio [Oca reson! Check Orretdedie cued QPayrlt Dedastion OMoney Ore | 1/14/2015 $700.00 Tata Te DeMsio Nicole eS ee ar ‘Dahlia Lane Seymour a al Come Rear Ear Marketing Director Downes Construction. Tr coaibaraTaSoy poi, Ver |W esinan easof S0acn re ceca offen oTa mami, | Amount of Catan Nememmectacrsistaist Ne | dzcscactbuoror busines hate 8 toned wih have coat wih ad mana ‘sitet orn 5007 Ove" Ox $1000.00 [iiacortaimascacd win Qa | scxbaorapincalafesmiocommanrerprepeive tanec? Ova | * facrsingevewizod nsecten i? G)No |” Wfeninticue whch anchor trances Xe ‘Doel Bre OLLS20154 Sercnmenttncanmee wits C)Exeaive Qtegisitve Net oa acted [cen Cocos lca Oren Check Ocratedeit aed Perl! Dede Mane Over | 1/14/2015 $1,000.00 ro rr ca Desautel Je - Joseph N Ra RES ca se ow : 380Main St Old Saybrook cr | oars aT Oe Tae Ea ceo Downes Construction Co. Tacinuaiara RR Span, CVS |W cone aa ac of Dt ani cli manatee ae espa, | Amount af Cntriation eeeascchitctcioboras — @)No. | dere or tances bute asocted o va mc wih it mielty ‘thedar mori $50 Ora Oro $1,000.00 sais contin maces witha @Ya | leonsnera pip fa sate ontmaororpeopectne mcomacor? OY eee men isesinseson tt? ONS. |" ayes teat wich reek er bocher ro ‘yatta Q11420158 clgainmestaeconmaiswite Qxcaive Oteztiire Th of a: acta! [moe Ca ledcash Oreos Cee Covateedi cord Pay Destin CMooey Ore | 1/14/2015 $1,000.00 SUBTOTAL Section B— This Page| $2500.00 sane Section B. ADDITIONAL PAGE _3_ ot 187. {Ser isnacions for fran of Sal Contrbtor) SUBIOTAL SECTION A WANs OF CONMAITTEE REOF REPORT Segarra for Mayor April 10th Fling %. Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY | ‘B, Itemized Contributions from Individuals rae Fi ——| Downes John = aT Abo ee a ace Alincola St Bern ct | 06037 Fase oe Tatts Member Downes Construction Co. cso a Tsim pou CD Ya | estonia or of S00 aan or it exe ofc afa ually; | Amount of Coutribuion Desptocadaaisad 0 | Geraninat a Spina ese hens ee sinrahy ‘aiid re tn 5 a ON = $1,000.00 Tatiacontibaimacmcandwina @ Yer | isconibwora pind ofwsacconacor or powpectvestecmencoe? Yer [Enasingevet lied inSeclon LI? @)No_ |” Ifyen netics benen obese, Ne Yoel Beet # OLTA01S ctoprenmnt oecontmcisyih CBcaive QLeritive ‘iodo ane Dacia Tae on JOcan @recort creck Oesnedt cart O Paya Detucton Ononey Oder | 1/14/2015 fearon Fe Farina Michael a AES ee Tae ipte ‘54 Robert Rd Manchester ct | 08040 asp Oompa Teor TESS Professor Yale University rscaanRanr a samy) Ya | Tintin ens 00a saa ora it ma fc aay, | Arnos of Centebain era etStceons — GQNo. | sou caniniorortusimnnesne associa wh hve napa wah sid misiply ‘elotat more hn $5,007 Gye" Gre sso000 ists ibaion socio viba Yer | lncotibaor apap ofe a connor or prompectvenecorzncor? Ye oaresegewet ised nsctonLi? @)No. | Yer dae wich banc bance re oes it vert tfvenment cont wi xscaive OLexiaie Tet ot ae Rar Peeps Canton locust Openers ciack credence Qyrt Deaton Money Ore | 1/22/2015 $600.00 po Fa na Garbalel__ _ | Richare a Tana ie aa Yeo 116 Knob Hill Rd Glastonbury, TT | 06033 Fisial pi Renee Physician Assistant ‘St Francis Hospital Fy cobra ay apous ED Yer iF eoaietion sn cs oF S70 toa cara ci sce eno mpl, | Amoent of Contribution Sere enefciobont — GQNe. | dow contr crbuzess ane asec wih hove acc wi anid munity Salud etmore tan 35,002 “Ore One 50000 Ty ivconsiboion asec wha ©)¥es | leonora principal of atte contactor orev satscomar? Yes eee coined a Secu? @No | Yfyen nat wh rach bans x ‘Crest vent Hoeven necoumctiewit QEscetve Olsens tod of Cone ase [Rese onion [cast Orono cack DerevDste cart Peyet Dateton QMonsy One | 1/16/2015 $500.00 2 . SUBTOTAL Section B — This Page | $2,000.00 Sa Section B, ADDITIONAL PAGE 4 _ ot 187. TaN OF COMMITEE YPHOFREFORT Segara for Mayor ‘Apri 10th Fling "A. Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY s (Geert for ton f Sal Ca at) ‘SUBTOTAL SECTION A B. Itemized Contributions from Individuals Tata ee aT Jaffe David ea RE ro Tan re 6 0ak Ridge Lane West Harford ct | 06107 ca an ooo ‘ttorey PAS, LLC is onabatora abby spose, Be 7 corbin ona of 00 acne fra cit cxsve oie ofa manip, ‘Amount of Cantibation orden cis af lod err baronet are a wh ay ‘aed tare ae 50007 ye. Ono 4so0.00 Tptsconbutonaecaed viva @) Yes] isconebearspricpl ofa scour or prospective watcnencor?” Yo outage sed wSetea LI? No | Yfyenndeamch bau or rhe No ‘yes ist Bret # QL4ZO1S ifgvemment Necouas wide Estate Qepive Tir oaton Da Raet are Caio eas Dresonlctese Ocvsvvett Card Crest Dedtin Mone Ode | 1/12/2015 $500.00 Tanna Fae 7 Jette Keistin ™ aT Fao [oe Sie [pow 1 Linden Place Hartford ct | 06106 sp Ope Rios oie Office Manager ‘CREC Reggio Magnet Schoo! Yer Ne [is cnuoator lobby, pour or deere cid of bist “Feonrbaton isa cass OSH we aad fora Set exe ole af mania oes contributor or busines bebe asteeined ib have egsract with ad municipality et mare ti 85,0007 Yes @No ‘Amouat of Contribiton Famer we vita GY newntmaigd oft cancer cote me once? sro900 fnestpevensee msecion I? CONS | tye iden wich tranche bcs ‘doen bm Even 011420154 atiovornen econmetiewite Qexeuie Oeiative Netot ofr pao [aor Cons (ear Oreos Cuck Ocredivpeie card © Pert Detain OMoney Oks | 1/14/2015 $100.00 nee Far or Andrews oe | eorina ” Tesi Se Nom ee se Ya 17 Occhard Farms Lane ‘Avon cr_| 06001 Tingalpa ae sie Homemaker Homemaker tscontiniar a SRS apo, Ve | contin eer of SO wu un Tr che ecnve cof mana, | Auman of Contbation rdepacen cidoresbyst No | doercancictr cr bse been ssosmld wii save a ontct wih id macy eld at mae han 5,007 Ores" Ore $250.00 is tis contton anon with 2 ‘Yea | Iscontibutor a prinspal ofa tate coimctor or prospective sat conrao? Yes Fiscsingevet ted Sector C17 @QNo_ | Appa, ita wi belo: breaches Ne ‘Yra istBrent# (31820150 ofgovemmentiecomnetiswite— Qtwerthe Ouesisave ath Fanaa Davai pases Coos lOcuh @recona Check Ocresivdertcaré Chaya Deduction OMosey Orde | 03/18/2015 $250.00 uproar Top] 5D aoe Section B. ADDITIONAL PAGE _5_ or 137. ‘NAM OF CONGAITTEE [TPH OF REPORT Segarra for Mayor April 10th Fling ‘A. Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY | (Ser tsractns for definition of Smal Conibter) “SUBTOTAL SECTION A = ‘B, Hemized Contributfous from Individuals aaa ra Kein Janice nar Ae [Be ae 75 Girard Ave Hortford ct | ostos Rt Coma Rear Retired Retired Ts saibir a abi omen {Vr | Ufc sexo 0D wa cn fr cit nav oon ofa mpl, | Amount of Colbie Jordopndet cid of latyia? No | doesorraanerbsims hee Waser ws tave gua wi sid munlly let oe ta 93,000" Ye Oo 100000 ‘Is this contribution associated with ‘Yes | is contributor a principal of a state contractor or prospective state contractor? Yes ” fies eet ied in Seton LI? No | "yer ious wich bane or bees Xe ye te igremmencteconmatiswirr Qexeutne Qepintve Tied contr Daa Re Passe Corba }Ocasn Chrersoasl Check GCredidDebit Card C) Payroll Deduction ClMoney Onier | 01/30/2015 $1,000.00 lene rar om Gena Paul ™ Recah Ee aa Bae 32 Lake Road Newtown ct | 08470 ame Resta Owner/Manager Service Roed Corp. [scortintra bbb ome (]¥@ | Wennitaion bn aca of HOD wa sta aru ot eutve fe ofa mun, | Amount of Gntboton lraependent cider statis? No. | doesconrna or tute hte samedi bre nega wih i mally z _Yalued at more than $5,000? Ores Ono $1,000, stie coercion aoc wih (Yer | 1s omnbuor apricpl fase comes oc proective wae contac? Yes erasing event ies saci 1? NO | Yfye inden wichbensh rane No Wye Eveat 8 Leovemmenthecontacisvith, O)Exoitne Olegihtve ad of Caos Bas [asrein Cobain [Coast Orcnenat chek Ocretvdetit cand Q Faro Detutin OMoney One| 03/20/2015 | $1,000.00 Taste Te Klewin Kyle a hae ee Ta ae 6 Harmony Street Stonington ct_| 06378 iad on Retiae Owner lewin Construction, Inc. scomibara op pou, CO Yer | 1 oataon i tir of SO we ania Tre cet ccna oes oa mniopln, | Anat of Conan Jocaepndensccetatobiyad No. | doescoutbao or tune bot sacab wis tave aco wih dmc) valved st more than $5,000? Ores @No $1,000.00 ais contin ascama witha Qe | te conto arin fs vl contactor ornpontve scons? ¥en Hisdasng even sede Sock LI? No |” types, inca which anchor tenes Ne igen Typommetteconmaicwite Qsosie Qegiaive Takk of Cec i Raat Passos Cains lca reson check Ccretvoeis card Paya Dotuecon QMoaey one | 1/12/2015 $1,000.00 <4. SUBTOTAL Section B — This Page | $3.000.00 cote Section B, ADDITIONAL PAGE _6_ or 187_ Tae FCOMATTEE TeRaOF RHFORT ‘Segarra for Mayor April 10th Filing A. Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY $s (Gee tructons fr defnton of Sal Cart baer) SUBTOTAL SECTION A ‘B, Memized Contributions from Individuals Taxa i ar Lamont Ned ara eT Be Tae eae 4 Ashton Drive Greenwich ct | 06831 ial Oepon Rear Bao Businessman Is coetouara tia yeaa (Yer | (onhainashreoasof 0a wndias ra accede ocx ofa map, | Amovatof Cohan ecdepndeccnidefeiosyesd Ne | docscorndnr ertuaneshate easnlted wet bre naga! wih spy ‘ele more an $50" ye Oxo s1,00000 Tp iscostitwton scat wihe ©) Yes | Iscontiboraprncpl fs mte onze or pret seanaaar! Yeo Fendi ovent ited nSecion 1? @) No | fen inca whch tunch oc ances Ne ‘User intern Tapert ncentuais wits OEscutve Cegiatie Tetot Cae Saat Paseo ie eat Orenon ck Ocreuoetis cert CPx Dotson Odeney Over | 1/14/2015 $1,000.00 roy Tee a Lazowski ‘Non esta me ae Famer 170 Scarborough St Hartford a 06105 nial Ooms Near Ealoe President LAZ Parking, Inc. isan ti moms (Ver | Wasnon ih cae oS acne ira Gt Cee cafe ma, | Arent of Contiatra ardeprcatenidefalosypst Ne | docsconrnanorbusneshonbelt ance wih tare acne wi id many “valued at more than $5,000? Ores ONo $1,000.00 sts osttion ocied wita Yes | I conibwors principal fate coacororompecve teconncar? Yer fsnrsing vet ited Secon Li? @No_ | yes seus sa tach enhos No see Bent cfgovenmesteeconemais win C)Sxeoune CLaghtane Net of ten Taare Pessoa Caio Cents Oreos chest Ocreseti cat Q Prt Detcton OMe Onder | 1/8/2015 $1,00000 Tana Te 7 Leshane Patricia TEATS TSE = ——— = = hae 1090 Prospect Ave Hartford ct | 0610s Final Oompa area Lobbyist Sullivan & Leshane Inc Iseaainara BA goats C)Ye | Wonton bin eco ofS wa candle ara nt cece oer ata mania, | Amount of Catan cracpendentchidefalotoyast No. | doccontbuor uns ble asec wis have contac wh nd mori valued armor than C007 Ove Oro $250.00 etncbaineciete Qt [uemarseran tree anmercromaeni came? Ove snariingeent sted a Seetont? NO | Iyer nee eh brash or ances se yen itv QT1&20158 ctipremmenueccamaiswite QEwote Qtegitane Tito etn aad [aioe a JOces @reonl chek: Qcietvdeit Cart Paro Detction OMoney One | 1/12/2015 $250.00 ‘SUBTOTAL Section B— "This Page | $2250.00 Section B, ADDITIONAL PAGE _7_ ot 187. RAN OF COMDATTTEE [Ter OF REPO Segarra for Mayor ‘pit oth Filing ‘K. Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY |. {Gee trucos fr fon of Sel Cot br) SUBTOTAL SECTION A B, Iiemized Contributions from Individuals Tone For Mt MacDonald Michael A ase Raa ro ta oom 147 State St linton ct | 063 Fie oon Ra tne Construction Management Downes Construction Co. isco TODS sponse, () Yen | eairbaton noc of SOD a cis Tora it eset fies fe asia, | Amouat of Contra fremmaceciteisoi? Qo | tenements ee uate i egg ih my ‘aid retin S00 ve. Ox 100000 ‘sti comsbaionanaciaod vtba Yes | lconshur precip ofa sae contac or prospective secon? Yes : fendasingevrtinedinsecsonl1? @)NO. |” ifyen inde eh tnch or bach xe Poel Era Q) 142015 ctemcrmectaecitna sits Ctsecaive Qagiave etd of xt Davie Paps Cao [Dost Oremon! cheek OcresiyDebie ard OP yell Dedacion OMoney One| 1/14/2015 $1,000.00 Ta Fat ve Pains Nicholas Raa ee ae eo 119ButlerDrive Glestonbury cr | 06033 ses Ores eae tia Attomey Brown, Pacis & Scott, LP is cmatara Toby spouse, C) Yow] Tf oon ira cx of S00 cnc a ceT aca oT of maniapliy, | Amount of Coorbaton eccopncarechizefeictoisd No. | doescourinaaorbusees betel wena with tave a act wth id munity ‘ete tae an 850007 Gre" Ore 10000 agian eeied ys, QYS [heamtarnind team none ncnincan Bu acting vet ines nscion Li? NO |" arya witch anchor recher Ne yet en Ttoeowentdesonmetiswity Q)Exexive Qtesatine ‘ea of orb antares Peers Coes Jost Peon ceek Ocreivperie cad O Peel Deacon OMarey One | 1/5/2015 $1000.00 ater Far ar Painditls Nicholas RATES = aa ST a Vig Butler Drive Glastonbury ct_| 06033 Pins On or Attomey Brown, Paindits& Scott, LLP Tacx tii apo, (Var | Weovabin nex of 30D oe endo ora chief oxo oe aTa mini | Armont of Contebation ference chiderstobnys? No. | doer cau or tse eh asecaod wi ave anti with ad mclty ‘alarm tan 07 ya" Owe $900.00 sts conan anachcd wih er |Isconnorancipal ofa ste commcta or everest catactor! Yer fseasing ever ised Seton £12 NO | py, dene wa banc os bcs No Pye linet Himenmanttcermnevits—_ Crcutve Quepive Ned of Coen Barton Peso: Conaan lOcess Pann crack OcrivDest Cort ayo Deaton Qoney onder | 1/12/2015 $1000.00 SUBTOTAL Section B "This Page | $2,000.00 SEEC FORM 20 Sioa Section B. ADDITIONAL PAGE _8_ ot 187. Gee met for dono Sat Contributor) SUBTOTAL SECTION A RAME OF COMMITTEE "TYPE OF REPORT ‘Segarra for Mayor April 10th Filing ‘A. Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY | ¢ B, Itemized Contributions from Individuals SUBTOTAL Section B — This Page | $1.350.00 [oath Pit ca Passaretti Je Joseph J Real i Ale 7 Bae Pipe Lincoln Drive Wallingford ct | 06402 Rial Coan Rane of Saree Attorney -Principal Montstream & May, LLP is over aly: spouse C) Vex" WFcosibaon in exon of $460 0 a anes ir whe entire officer ofa manipaliy, | Amount of Contibation loratpontntchidof alos) No | doe corttar or busine ble sce wh haves gna wats ancy aed at rmore has 85.07 Ove" Ore 425000 Tathisconnbaton aocied wih Yes iscortribuioraprincgal of ste contactor or prospective sae coaactr? (Yes andsing event lied in Sexton L17 No |” ifses, indent which rch or ranches ‘es is Bret? 1142015 ot government ths contacts with Ox secitve Qtegiatve Weta of Coc Ba Rosie [Assesse Cea cash Orewa cheek Ocrevderircud O raya Dotasion Ooney Ore | 1/14/2015 $250.00 [rarnese Fist Romano Patrick Rasa Sr AS 7 aaa 38 Peatl St Guilford ct | 06437 Pap Ope ane of Enon Consultant DNA Campaigns LLC is contributor a lobby spoon, () Yes ] contribution ish exc of $400 canine for ace eccative offen ofa manip, | Amewat of Contribution lordepancetsidotelosbyss? — G)NO- | does constr or tasress hele ards wh ave acne wih said manip valued st mere tan $5007 Ove Oro 10000 sts conmibaton asic wit a es] ts consbatre prnipal ofa to contaser or prompestive sate conmacio? Yes unrising event istedin Seeton LI? G)No_ | "pax, indentewhic chor benches Ne yes ist Brea etgovemmeneconsectiswits Q)Exoeaive CLegihtie Nati of Gansta oad erepaeConsiaias Orecienat Check CcredivDedt Card C Payot Deduction Money Onder | 1/13/2015 $100.00 Rutka Lindsey Racial Sos oe —— ne Le 1761 New London Tpke Glastonbury a rca ear Rae af ple President Van Horst zcoavibaaralatiying spouts, C) Var | Wrconblbaion sens of 200 toa cane fora chet excstive ofcer ofa manepay, | Amount of Contribution Jordependentchtdetalobiyit? — No | does conibitor sr snes hess is asocited wid ave ect wikh sad musicality ‘led at mar than 5 007 Ore" Ore $1,000.00 shi conrbton anocind with Yes [mene pl ofan o pone wcrc? Oe ‘undalsng event ised in Sos £27 ‘fe, neat whch broek er ates yes, i byes oftoreemeattheoatnctis wits Q)Execave Oegiaasve Vel foie is Rca [aes Costa Oc Orenore creck @crasivdooe Card O Pere Deduction CMonsy Order } 1/14/2015 $1,000 SEC FORM 20 Seweticar Section B. ADDITIONAL PAGE _9_ or 187__ WAM GF CONMITTER TYPE OF REPORT ‘Segarra for Mayor April 10th Filing ‘A Total Contributions trom Small Contributors-Recelved this Period ONLY | (See mtracins fr defition of Smal Contbter) SUBTOTAL SECTION A B. Itemized Contributions from Individuals ‘Shaw Steven w Re a ise Tao 11 River atk Or Cromwell ct | osate Fal Rao Chiropractor Shaw Chiropractic Hscomeaera obj, oars (DY | Worst sess of HOD oa an re cc ene lear ofa manip, | Amownt of Curbeon orden Sud eratcbyasd No. | docnenttur or acs hate sean ithe gure wis aly ‘redo a $5,000 Ye Ore 00000 isdinconiboon mscnedwine Yes |i consibors icp ofa ae cnc posi toon? Ye Uinng eatin acces? No_ | "foes nde whchonch orbs Ne yen Sra ctaninment acne swine OEseatve Qlegiaive ea fora Ba Res Resmpe arial JOcas: Cresent ck OciesDedt Car O Perot Dedson Money Over | 1/14/2015 $1,000.00 ro Far sa Stanback Anne era ie re a [aca 44Wright Or Avon ct | 6001 ra Rarer Non-profit director Equality Federation Iara tip am (Qs | fc vee of 10 one alee ofa maa, | Aovat of Coalbaoa cvdpeden sidefeicdnasd Sno | dcrcounsr or names hte weaned wibie neem tho manly tht dan 35550 Ye. Oro fase sonataionanccand nik Q)¥er | isconsbuoraricil oa iecounatrorprapcvesiccoaneas? Qa | °"00000 ficrosng event clin Secon Li? No | “Yen tone wich cher arches x ioe it reat ctgorenmmat Secasmaiswitr QBeithe lage "ai Coa Cr [Cees Oresort cree @cnsivoeit Crt Pay Deacon CQuoney Oe | 1/13/2015 $1,000.00 Deas Cresent creck Crrevdetit Cut Q Payro Dedution Cooney Over | 1/14/2015 $1,000.00 Valinho Carlos M aa — = —= ss pc 75 Avon Mountain Rd, cr | 6001 ip Ooms Rane aplner Investment Mgmt Self Park Broad international, LLC Ts artbetora obvi. seize, CD Wex | Feanribaton ea cxots of 10 toa cana Tora cit cunts ocr oF a ansipaliy, | Amouat of Cantillon Jordependent sald af alantyia? — No. | dost cotuar or business hebhe sso wits have acrsect wih sald mutipeliy value tre tan $5,000 Ove Ono $1,000.00, ethis corbin asec wi @ ‘ves | le contibstr pencigal ofa rae contactor or prowpctivesteconmcar? Yes fering eve ited in Sovion LI? @)No_| yee, inscate wich branch er reehes No yes istbven #1142015 ot govemment the conacts wit Orrceuive Qegisative ‘Neto of Conon Bae Rae [rps Cobos SEEC FORM 20 encom Section B, ADDITIONAL PAGE 10__ of 187. Tans OF ConaaTTTEE TYPEOR REPORT Segara for Mayor pil 10th Fling ‘A. Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY $ (Gee nro daft ofS Corr) = SUBTOTAL SECTION A B, Itemized Contributions from Individuals * act Te a Verges ‘Amado J a Fa ee Ta see 26 Paley Farm Road Portland cr | c64s0 Paap Ome Nae Attomey Metigh Chapman Vargas Ts smbor Wona une (OVO | Tr cantban i nce POD an ora eee oar oa milly, | Armano Cobain Srdeniccidesitonat re | dercnriborr arene same pf ne ogee i my Sola ere han 5000? ‘Yo Oto s25000 Tatisconuibanasrcied ihe) Yer | a conibor a incpl afte cocrorompenve sai concir?” Qe finding eerie mSoctn 1? No. |” ipsa inde wach bare or nes No Drenii brew # 011420158 ctiocrmeat iecouactis wir Q)Bsouve CQuepive Teed of Cnr Das eases Cato Ocash @Personei check CcreivDebit Card Payroll Deduction CQMoney Oréer | 1/14/2015 $407.00 ‘Aponte Alexander Racial ee ER ise fa Ever 69 Bloomfield Ave Hartford oT 06105 nial Co Ramee ‘Alexander Aponte Law Office ‘Owner Trantor itis ase) | Weoobaon sh ssc of HO wa ndcatore Git ocular oa mR, | Anoun of Contbeton [vcependonshicerstakoyst — @QNo | decent or ainsi bbe apc ih mid aca valued at more than $5,007 Ores Ono $250.00 shi cntibtion mci with oe ‘Is cortrbutor a prinipl ofa sss conacor or prospective sate contractor?) Yes aang eet sed Sacto? No | “Yfys inden wh acho bacer Ne yet Brent cHoemmat becomes nite QEscutie Queathe Tat foo akan [esas ie (Ceash Oreo eck CcreivDeit Cat Oey Dedcten OMoney Over | 02/25/2015 | $250.00 Tat Fa a Gerace Wii os 101 Highland St Wethersfield cr_| 06109 Finapl ap Rane cma Beta Group Beta Group Ts cobaora obi jours, ()Ver | Teonibaon a css of 00 snd Fra cit ers fcr of mana at Conon ordepeden chi of alas? No. | does comb or snes ete sone wis tave a et wis ans plty ‘hat more 85,50 Ove One $1,00000 Istisconaon ascii witha ves | tscanibuore pri ofa ae conacor or popectve sae cnteco? Yea finding vet Tied nScten LI? No |" “Ifyey indents wach bance ens Ne Grex litbvan Q142015 ckgoremnantthesonmetinwit Q)Becive Oteginive Neo of Caan eka pearews Cote JOcess @rasena creck Ocrtivded cat Peel Dut Coney On | 1/14/2015 $1,000.00 i ‘SUBTOTAL Section B— This Page | $1.500.00 SRECFORM . 187 — Section B. ADDITIONAL PAGE _22_ oc 187_ vais OF COMMaTTEE [vrs OF REPORT Segarra for Mayor . April 10th Fling (Gee merci, fr defnton of Smal Contributor) ‘A. Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY SUBIOTAL SECTIONA s © B. Itemized Contributions from Individuals ¢ Theresa i Com 1233 Asylum Ave West Hartford ct | 617 ae Rae Director Northeast Utites Toisas GR pum — 0) Ye] Tomtom acoso Dine ace eral wany, | Rent af Cine cccmencencaefalsysd No | descutshan or baans bee tancnd yh ave sgncat non racy ‘iat en S00 ra One $500.00 {sie contiionsancied vba @) Yor is coer apn oasis nies or opcive since?) QV fogunngowstacsinsesentin Gre. | “yy astern teste ‘° yori rea OLLARUISA civormentesamtuvi QBwcaie Quesiste atone Dania ae }Ocash Personal Check OecredivDebit Card © Payroit Deduction Qeoney Order | 1/14/2015 $500.00 islam Rail Sea eas ee Tyee 28 Quail Fun Glastonbury 06033 Pipl Ospaioe ems af aon President AlEngineers, Inc [i enibatoraebini, poue, Ver lordepenaen eld ofa loooys? — @)No ald ot mer tha 5,000? Ye ‘TFeonrbton isa exes of FAD Too cand Tr a chet exonave oes ofa muni, deer i in ect oh ew ly Ne “Amount of Contrada ane $1,000.00 ss conribation stoned witha ‘ves | incontibtr a pripal fates contetr or propontive wat omimsto? (Yeu Funding eventisedn Secon? No |” Iyer, ifeto which tanh or branches No yess Event OM42013 of goverment fe cota with QBrecatve_Cresisaive Nato of onsbain: Dara [Assos oesaie |Ccass Crecsont creek OcvesivDeri cut ray Deduction QMonay Oder | 1/14/2015 $1,000.00 Thomas Rea Se N yl ga 3220 15th StNE oc_| 20017 oe amos US Dept. of Defense FR @ OM a eB Joctpenditcldfaiabiyath Gov | Gor coniatr or brn hf assoied neh haves contac wih sid manly ‘oho t mre an 50007 Gye" Ore $200.00 sihis cotton ssecived ihe @)Yex | iconebuora pia ofan conncir or poapetve sas conmco? (You adding reat iised Secon it Go | Y/ye, nde wc anche beaches Ne Tye ist Ben efgwrenmentecnme:iewitn Oxecaive: OQLepiive Trt of Ci armed [Aston conan [Ocet Orenoat sk @cxDebi cart CO Peyrl Dedvcton QMoney Ore | 2/9/2015 $200.00 SEEC FORM 10 —= Scetion B. ADDITIONAL PAGE 23 _ ot 187, ‘NAME OF COMMITTEE [TvPE OF REPORT ‘Segarra for Mayor Apri 10th Filing A. Toial Contributions from Small Cont $ (See rtricions Joy dfs of Small Contr) ‘B, Itemized Contributions from Individuals Tana Tt ar Jacoby Jaqueline ahd Se Ao eg Cam S Lower Heatherwood Cromwell ct | oats Tap ean Reena Education Consultant Self is coutbtoratabiyn pons, (Wer ] conan im exas of FD a cant fora chief xonve oon ot mali, of Coton ordependenchid of otis @)No. | doer contrbuor orbusnes hehe esc wih have a gnc wih sid munis) ‘luo at nore a 50000 Yea @No $5000 Tsiisconvbuionaswacamd wiba (Yes | lconricora rcp ofa wateconmcr oxrompestve stucco Ys Rukaigeeshecsaarn Gye. |"jyaatlonbe tacts teat e {foe lat vet 8 ckgnemment iecontactswitr C)Exseatve Otegisave etd of Cate Die eae [sweets Cae Oss @rersomi Check Ocredivdebit Card O Payroll Destin QMoney Order | 2/9/2015 $500.00 Tata sr Perkins Brewster ae [es Tae [poate 180Fem Street West Hartford | 0619 Fass ae Renee Insurance Broker was Is coatbiiora Dba, ome, TF conubaon enna of S100 oa cada oracle exes oo of marcy, | Amos of Contebation or epenten ci of aia des contri obese bes ascied witha geet it ss meioly alo at move th $8,007 ves ONO. $5000 Faihisconrtaion asacied win @)Yer_| Ioorinnora rnp ofan oct xrospecvesatcomzo? OY Fnarsing vert ined nSecton LI? GNC | d7yen nce wish rancho bas Xe Byes it Eve ofgoennent econ iwits_)Excatie Qlesisatve Meta of oar Bae Rates Pesan Coos }Coush DPersonsi Check CpcredivDebit Card O Payroll Deduction C)Money Order | 2/9/2015 $500.00 Ta ar Kraselshy Paul rae a Tee a a 1600 Asylum Ave West Hartford | o6n7 ial Compal Raeof ealae Retired feted a conabaror obi, pose, (Yer ] Wconindion exams of HOO w cada fra chief ereolve aon oe mariage, | Amount of Contribution ordepndentchidafalctyiri No | doen contrib of bss hale sssoseed wih hve contac! wich suid munsally tale toc than 5,000? Ova "Or $500.00 Yes] Ts coneibur a princi ofa conrector or pomposive sa contaco? (Yes Ro | aye intone wich bench: banches ie ctpovermeat econtas swite—_ CExsatve Qtegisinive Nd of oie as Rand pase Cor JOcan Orencrat creek Crcrudedicard O Payot Deuction OMorey Over | 1/31/2015 $500.00 SUBTOTAL Section B —This Page | $1,500.00 sepcFoass20 aa Section B. ADDITIONAL PAGE _24_ ot 187. ANE OF COMMITTEE ROR REORT Segarra for Mayor ‘Apel 10th Fling A, Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY $ {Bees can fo cfrtion of Sa Cont) “SUBTOTAL SECTION A : = . B, Itemized Contributions from Individuals ana Fr Nr Zayas Richard saa a Raa ee ian pow 83 Oak St Hartford a 06106 bord Zayas Law Firm is coibtora ti apome, (Yor | Weoitnnan a ncaa HD a cndions ora chef aonave oer ofa mpl, | Amount of Contbaton Jordopndentchidofsicbeysd) No | doseontbtor orbsine ute erosed hve 8 orc wih ed mais elt oe than 5,000 ya Ono 350000 Tsisconbaoe saceed wie (Yes | tsconnneora nip af eno ontacr or prospecivesatecounc? QQ Yee findrasiag even stella SecaoaLi? No | “Yyye int wchbech or bance No ‘fy it vet cfgmemnenttcerttiewite Otseouive Otesiane tid fbr Baca Paes Coma Cows Oreo Check @creseebe Card O Payel Dsison OMoney Ore | 2/16/2015 $500.00 rom ee Guzulescu uth ea Rea Ra om = 23Jillam Cirle West Hartford ct | osto7 a ose awe eEapaer RE Juvestor Selfemployed is snaibtr a nie spouse, (C)Yen | Hconrbuton wim nos 0 ta niu ora chit mete oer oT EIN, at Cotton Jvdkzenntchidaltiyd GN | doceconstzorortsines bebo nein whbave a conzect wihsa mnis) ‘rac st mae thn 500 Ora" Sve 00000 acewiinemeaias, Qe [sesturarnea fuameangrecmmvemecanne Oyo] ° indasing even idm Secion 11? ND | dyer, ed tae brencins xe Hes ok Bret cfamenmentthsconetiswite QExsexive Cusiaive Ma fm asks [are Cora [ce @renoas check Ocieivdeit Crd Payot Ded OMoney One | 2/5/2015 $1,900.00 aan Far Morales Julio RR == eS a 105 Pheasant Run Vernon co aloe reas eFEaRa Retired Retired i conaibier soy, poss, J Va] Woomibaton wa seer of S00 wo wend Tracie env oom oa mane, | Amountef Connon [edependentchldofalabiyst? @)No | doctconsttororbsines heb upeted wit bave sot wis any ‘ied wt mre thn 85,007 Ove “Ore $1,000.00 ERconibanaserdeed wine Qe TIsconshaara nin oases comncercromeieamecoanen? Ova ‘adrking even iste in Sesion Li? No | yen, inate cd trash er ba No ifyer, ist Set cf poverumeat the contacts with Odrxecative Chuesisaive Yeti of Conran ackoaied pesene Corte [Orcas @Peconat check: Ocrecivdedie card O Payrot Dedusion CMeney Onder srecroR oe Section B, ADDITIONAL PAGE _25__ or 187 ‘NAG OF COMMITTEE TPEOFREPORT Segarra for Mayor ‘Apel 10th Fling “A. ‘Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY .| ¢ (See nsruction fr dation of Small Contin) +: SUBTOTAL SECTION A Itemized Contributions from Individuals Qcacs Oreronat creck Ocredsdebiecard O Payroll Deduction OMoney Orcer tie Fe ar afin bee Taal ea lew [sae apo 33 School St Apt 2 Glastonbury ct} 06033 Fed sean Racratgiae ‘Account Manager Aetna scotnnora anions, spouse, () Yar] contin ba ness of HO to andi Tra chi xcove office of sang, | Arouat of Contrib Jorcqencentchlcafeiotiyis? — @No | doer caibetor oasis hese escited wih havea gnc wi si unpliy alvedat morta $5,000? Yer ONo $1000 eis conrbn sos wih a ‘Yes icons principal fa sate contrac or prompetvestts cauacio?” Yes firing evertised in Sovion 1? No | "Afr bce whic esa ot aaches No yen iin eves cfgwommencteconineiswite Oeauve Quegsiive Vato of Combo: [arene Co Te | James R aia Se ee ir a 45 Jefferson Hill RAS tenis | 05759 ao oo Physicon Scleroderma Research Consultants is cainans am ams, )Ya | Tent nc of SRD a cana fra temo may, | Awad of Contre Wiitpacioncidereictat Gye | doscenbaorer naman ashe need rae art oh i amialy dure an $5000 Yo One 15000 Tsiip onion wwcibd vita @)¥e2 | tori aprnspl ofa stscoraacororrmpesive wie coco? Yas fundraising event listed im Section L17 No “fyes, indicate which branch or branches: ‘No fre lettres stint tecenctwee Oseative Osiatve ti of Coc rr LCs Orencnn check erode Caré O Pet Dettin OMeney Over | 2/16/2015 325000 TanTaar Fa a Frank Robert atta Ra aw Paco 1 Gold St se Hartford _| 06103 Tao eer Consulting Confidence US, LLC isco a me pou, CY Yor | Heaton esis of 0D cane Or ce eave oe ofa rani, | Amount of Onion epentennisefoiobyia’ No | Goncour or uvesn lh ene bys sre ts mane piy ‘ene et nes an 5008 Ove Ox $500.00 Tstincowbaknmockeduitia Oe | boonhvoraprnsndofaasiocniacorerprenecivestie coun? © Yes Faciingeen ise Scion i” @)No_ |” ifyn ene wes ane rts Ne ipa lat ren cfimcnmatinematinniie OBveatre Oredstve eo fear sted pap Comin JOcuth Cresent crece @crivDei Ces rr Deacon OMoney Ore | 2/15/2015 $1,000.00 eo) SUBTOTAL Section B— ‘This Page | $750.00 snc roaw2 — Section B. ADDITIONAL PAGE _26_ of 187. aM Oro Segarra for Mayor Ape 10th Fling ‘A. Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY $s (esis fir don Soa Corian) "= SUBTOTAL SECTION 8 2 Y 3 B, Itemized Contributions from Individuals ata a i Niet Saqub ce a a iat re 7 reebum Glastonbury ct | 0503s Paata o Rasa PHYSICIAN NECARDIOLOGY Ircaminaraim pas OTs | Teste Wn waco Haven acacia oa eg, | valet Gatien [sammomcidccktst Qe | sansa stent teers aoa Shite ose ‘ycou (sthcoarbainaacinens Yo | Incarinerainalotasn corer erprense scence? OV Rzuiogeretioctiaecoelin Gyo. | "yates wut oaece s ier Focten shen Qpacne Qusiise Tal Sa aR aS |Cocash Crersonal Check OcrodivDebit Card Q Payrott Deduction Qdioney Order | 2/14/2015 $100.00 raster Tae 7 Cowes miguel aa Tar aro (235 E River Dr East Hartford a 06108 a a Rear PA Sanne Accountng& Taxation Services LLC carta es CY] emma ma of HED ci eects oie Top, | Anowal of Conan [ipeaeacuscaicbvat Gro. | devceartcn ett otae's tno ft es en wih onc aled et mor tha 85,002 Yer @No 1.00000 jstisoarnain mcnatwiae —Q¥e | beater apelofanae anne opeivesecomier? Os faiitgteriostiscamine @ke |" fSeeiinae ica vets x iain Eaten ei Qcexie Quire Tota a \Ccesh Opersonai Chock OcredieDedit Card C)Payrott Dedtion CMoney Onder | 2/11/2015 $1,000.00 Tatar Tr i Vrgzs ‘ado a > Taper 26 Paly Farms A Portond ct | a6400 I Oa aa ‘nvorney Nctugh Chopman and Vargas Icon amy DTS] Wana waa aT ann ne ao mp, | Ta Cotton [eaqencnshisctaislonst vo. | dexcontiterohowestuint onosae th ee sgn wih nd oly Sadun 30 Sis Ske 10700 Sx {Is contribator a principal of state contractor or prospective sta contactor? ‘Yes fake sesicetascsntiy ae |stats Sate ie ° Uyes, list Event ‘of government the contect is with: OB ecutive Cresisiative ‘ate oa ita Prt |Orcush Cprersoaal Check CcresiudDedit Card C) Payroll Deduction Coney Order soe Section B. ADDITIONAL PAGE 27 _ oc 187. ‘AMS OF COMBATTES TPS OF REPORT, Segarra for Mayor ‘April 10th Filing ‘A. Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY | (Gee nse uetons for defintion ef Salt Contributer) ‘SUBTOTAL SECTION A B, Itemized Contributions from Individuals aaa ‘Walsh Michaet arial Sea lew Bae pote 1BPent Rd Bloomfield cr | 06002 Pic Oosaor Re Ee Trial Attorney Walsh Woodard, LLC Yer No i anibutara atin, ypoam TFesaibatoais n oces of 0 wan or copendent ud of wloyistt 8 aed at mare than $5007 ‘oes corpus oF usta het aso ae fr ache esate oer of w mec, ave a prrtct with si mney ‘yer ONO mount of Covtriaton oer contro bans hele ck ‘ded at mor than 50007 lerdepenseat cisote lobbyist) No 52504 Is this contribution associated with a ‘Yes | Is contributor a principal ofa siate contractor or prospective state contractor? Yes $2500 fen enistdinSosietio @e_ | "“yyaadear wth cheb Es ‘yt Sate ctivemne decane Qpearke Questa aa a [Oca Orem coer @cmsinei cet Oraytadecon Onereyoree| 2rar2015 | $2500 raat oo 7 ouran "ames sa = ia 1Gold St Hartford a 06103 RIO Rea Retired Retired Frere ER NS] Hees me Ho a Ta Cae srs TOTS SI, | Amt af tan ined wl havea egotact wi sad municipality "ver @No |Oces @resonal Chock Oicresivdeit core ©) Payot Detation CMoney Onder 525000 istiecmsibaimsamsemiins Oe [iscntberspinsplsfesaccoamcrerpomecvewmecomme Ove | § fentusing vet tsedin Secon Li? No | t7ye neat winch bach or tenehes Xe yeti Best tgmemment de contmaiswnts_Q)FRomsive Cesare etd fea pista ssa Comins [Och @renosat chek Qcreivderit Card © Pay Deduction OMoey Onde | 2/16/15 $250.00 Pawioshi Robert aaa eS - ee 17Vista Way Bloomfield Faspa Oeee Fae Compass Youth Collaborative Inc President/CEO scare Rat aus, Yor] Wennuaon aac of 00 a x nda ira dine ofc ata may, crdzpentatchidefalosoyst? No | dosscobtor or buns bate asocsed waste sora wih ed rly alate tn 85,007 Ors" ‘Oxo Tstisconaionaseced wiha er | I consbworaoeeial ofa sate contacter or pospetie sats crtacon Yer finding mectinetin Secion Li? GND | apyen ine nbn boca or bens No ‘yey tat ret tgoenentdecontnaivonte— C)secaive Cusgissve MeondofConrbai actoois Rage Contos 2N7AS ‘SUBTOTAL Section B— This Page | $1,000.00 Ei Section B. ADDITIONAL PAGE 28 or 187, NAME OF COMMITTEE TYRE OF REPORT Segarra for Mayor April 10th Filing ‘A. Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY | ¢ (Gee msracton for defrauon ef Sait Corrbatar) SUBTOTAL SECTION A 'B. Itemized Contributions from Individuals ry Tree Mr Meyers Sheldon Rael Se Ao ee [sae Pop eoie 29 Proctor Dr West Hartford | o6n7 aap Ooo Pane Ele Attomey Kainen, Escalera and Meltale, PC Ye No x sntbaor a OB, spas, oe dependent chido aby) TF atone cross OF 0 a a cna fora ce eects lfc of runiepaly, oes contr of busines haa hssoclned wlth haveegyozet wih sid musically baled at mor tht 85,0007 ves ONo “imovat of Contibaion 100.00 Is this contribution associated with a ‘Yes | Is contributor a principal of « state contractor or prospective state contractor? Yes 5 finds evestiedin Scion 1? @ No | ifyer ete es bash or wanes Ne Mdyeslit ven ctgorommenrterommaiswin QBsewie Caps as ofoetia aR hese Coa }Ocazh ©pervonal check OcrediDebit Curd © Payrott Deduction (Money Onier | 2/14/2015. $100.00, ro Far ar Polinsky Jeffrey a ae Ee eevee £890 West Soulevard Hartford | 610s ap oa ae TE lawyer Palnksy Law Group iz sntinmara Si spans) Var] ction Wn cer of 00 anti ol xen fic ofa mpl, | Amouat of Conibaton Jorcepeden cdots tiv No | deecontrbutr or anos hehe eeraoe wih hve crane with sald nical isda nortan S350 Gis" Ore soso00 isiisonsaoneniadihe QQ¥e | lncontbaor incl orale entncerer mpc saceonror?” OV TiefosingeeriaedinsecumLit @No | "Yen nsene wha bocce haces x oe it Br cHooremnentthecontisyin QExexive CLepsave Tad fC Basta ees oie least Drenenlcnek Ocretapedt Curt O Pet Deduction QMoney Ore | 2/13/2015 $2500 Tate rr a 7 [res aa TR = Sg = Bg 13Cavendish Pace ‘Avon t_| 06001 sO Neen University of St Joseph icatsbotara by, poss, (Yer | Woartsbaon i tncnoas of 0 fa ante oa acevo: ofa manly, ordependen'cuderanoayid — o_ | deceonttrortaaes eAte esos wh ave cutect wit siz meniclly ‘ahd tore 5,007 Gre"“Sre ists sonesBaionanocned wit (Yes | le conubors pricpl of sue conasar or popetvesisconrcix? Yes easing event sed Scan Li? NO |" Yfyen, ene wed Sancho: bance xo ‘yest Bret ckgmenmenteconteaiswiss Ofxcuie QLesisatve Nett of Coa Dest [pasre=Coeriino cist, Drea chese Ocreebi Card Peel Dducton Money One| 2/11/2015 $350.00 SEEC FORM 0 aes Section B. ADDITIONAL PAGE 29__ o 187. Tae GROOT RYPEOF REPORT Segarra for Mayor April 10th Fling ‘A. Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY |. <5 Gee nnrations or dit of Sail Conrbcr) SUBTOTAL SECTION A B. Itemized Contributions from Individuals Trane lee na Escalera Miguel ea Se Ae a Tas — [Epo 160 Shipman Drive Glestonbury ct | 06033 Passa Oo Restor Attorney Kainen, Escalera and Mettale, PC scout a obit weuse COV ] WFeonrbtin si exons oF S00 wa ani fr eek exe ofc of maniSpaliy, | Amows of Covtibaloe Jor erpenden chido i | oes connor obsess hah is seis wih hve sgt wit nd mip alae elmore 35,000? ‘Yer @No 50000 sis canton aecined wha Yer] scontibr nip of sine contacto or prospective sate conta? Yea Feneising crated Secon Lit) Nov | "types, weh wanch betes No Te, een cfgevernesteconnciswi C)Exzewive Oeste Meta of Catia Dashed [evens Con [Oca @rsncrarcrece Ocresupedi card O Payot Dedution OMoney Ontee | 2/12/2015 $5000 [Ease ae ir Strickland Gary Raa So Ase I Taney 39}High Ridge Hotw ‘Avon ct | 6001 int Ooms Reefer attorney Dressler Strickland LLC Is cansToorstofst spouse.) Va] Teoobaion sh exons oT SUD wo acne ora het neoave ofice ofa maT, | Amount of Contin Jordepencentcid alot? NO | docscontibu or basins bee trod wit ave conc with sie malty valued tore than $5000? Yer No ‘ sts conirbuion amos with Ys |sconrbaorapncl ofa ae cotacorromeiveatmommnce Oya | *000? inéringevrcicedinSecion Li? No | aye, inca whch branch or benches Ne Tres ist ve fgoenerttwcortac cw Executive Cerise ‘Wadd of oor Dasara [Rovcaes Conair cath Qrerons creck Ocrecivdetic Crd Q Farol Deduction OMoneyOxéer | 2/19/2015 $500.00 Signorello Marco el Sea Ae er ae - ‘50 Boulder Dr Rocky Hill r_| 06067 Tapa aoe Rae ofEagi= ceo Hartford Municipal EFCU is conanor «abi, mpousa, (Yes ] cotton aH exe of HOt anit Tora et exonave oon os malaga, | Awvaatof Contos Jordependen cid otalosyist? — @)No. | docs conta or buss hoe Is eaocted wit havea goat wth sé muna ‘aed ore hn 50007 Ove" Ono $1,000.00 Feeceriiion manatees | QYS Tiscutibin acnl fe ce comncerorpomeevesucomeaa? Ove Fenrsing eve: tiedinSetion L127 No | tye, nn wish ranch or beaches 6 Ty, en vent otgovennerttieconec twin OFxecue Oegisaive ‘tof Caron actare [ese Cena [Qcusr Orenont check Ocrecievebit card © Payot Dedaton Money Orr | 2/18/2015 $1,000.00 SUBTOTAL Section B —Thhis Page| $2000.00 secre Section B. ADDITIONAL PAGE 41. or 187. Tai oF CoE Ten OF ROR Segara for Mayor ‘Api 10 Fling ‘A, Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY (ee imsinetons for deft of Small Conrbwar) > SUBTOTAL SECTION A. 8 B, Itemized Contributions from Individuals [ates at ar Bayron Diane ea Soe ies iow Se [ip code 109 Bridie Path Dr Southington ct | 06489 ica Oras Rass Epler a Nurse Rocky Hill BOE ‘TFeonrbutioa ise ences of 94001 cana Fora Su oxonveofiseafe manal, oes constr or busines ele essai’ wih have gprs with ad maniially, ‘Amoant of Contention ‘rust mor an 000 | Ye One s 000.00 Is this contribution associated with Yes | Is contributor a principal of a state contrector or prospective sinie contractor? Yes * indsingeren isdn Sect? no. | "yy ndete nacntewcer esice No \Voenst batt eovenmt becoumetis wits Osecaive Otegnve Vode Da aid [er Comer JOcath renal check crete cat Orel Desiton QMoney One| 02/19/2015 | $1,00000 ro i aT Bayron ea na ee ae va 109 Bile Path Dr Southington cr_ | 054a9 ao Ranma Social Worker Self senator aay pone (Ves ] Woolen i eae of SH wa candor a cha eccav oir of ARES, | Amount of Contbeton ordepenzn caida lsiys? No | soeecouibt or aes hte eared viata conte wi ed manip ald enor an $5,000 Gre" One $1000.00 Is this contribution associated with a Yes | Is contributor a principal of state contractor or prospective state contractor? Yes , fining evened nSecioa 1? No | "apex inten which acho traces Ne ‘tyes tet fgovenantecourcis iti” CBee (QLegsve tod ea Ba Rt aren Cora [Oca Orenonl cies OcreivDeie act Payal Detacon Ove ones | 02/19/2015 | $1,00000 ae Fe Beck Henry a RS Be Bae Poe 41 Sleepy Hollow Rd Columbia ct_| 06237 i Oeaei Ramsar Attorney Halioran & Sage, LLP 1s coneiblare ty spouse, C)Ves | eonibaion sn exces of S00 iy sae Yora cit cacaive cio afa mamicpaly, | Anant of Coban erdcpenentchidefaloiysd No | does ccnrbuor rbuians bose b sence wifes ont wih ed mally ‘led at more hn 55,0007 Ova" "One $500.00 finéeising event sted in Seedoa 1? yes, atv 022320158 of govemmert ha contact swith {sts contain associa wit Yes is conrbutor a principal of sate contacior or prospeive sae conaciar? Yea No |” Ufyes, ida which branch or bance Obxecatve No Otexiative ed coma |Qcesh_ reconet Creek Ocresivbebit card © Payot Destin C)Money Onder 02/23/2015 SUBTOTAL Section B— This Page | §2.50000 ——SeS aoe Section B. ADDITIONAL PAGE 43_ «« 187. STE Te oRwOT Segarra for Mayor ‘i 10th Fling ‘A. Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Receiyed this Period ONLY | ¢ (Ree isin for dacon ef Sl Contr) ‘SUBTOTAL SECTION A. B, Memized Contributions from Individuals ras i co Bergenn James rans 7 Tas oreo ‘One Constitution Plaza Hartford a 06103 oe arog ‘Attomey Shipman & Goodwin SS ESSTT RC ame OVS] Sra rao HD ai nr cies aioe mp, | Amount of Conibuton Ecermncitclna’ ne | dancer ie et secre ve ge oh si ‘Sind ae e000 oO sso000 Traian wierd) Yor | lncorra tela conta orprestvowse cone? Cs eoegeserstitssntis Qe [ye ine wet ek orbs » Afryes Hist Event # _of government the contract is with: OBxecutive Qvegisietive Ti cea a a ces Oren cine @ceanpercad OPera Dedcton OMcry Ores | 03/26/2015 | $500.00 roy Far oa Berman Randall a es Sa eam 10Linwood Ave Montclair ns | 078s To Tae Executive Continental Food and Beverage LscoaaRrT ASRS TpORE EQS HSS ce Sn a Tra Stan oa Tain, | Awan Carton coir ABs Quo | texconbanror Suan bebelaccocond yh bnve negra wth mail aun trea S07 on Sx" 000.00 rc tisconsane meciwina (Oa | sconmora rnp ofa nae encororpromectvesmtocomnen? Yes fundreising event listed in Section L1? No “If.yes, indicate which branch or branches ‘No ye eet G3I62005A Petts Meenc de QBacute Olztdave Tei oa i a lOcash @Penorat Check OcretiivDebit Card CO Payroll Deduction (OMoney Order | 03/16/2015 $1,000.00 Tana Fr ca Bernheim ete sini i Sas [Ete 28 Market PL Milford cr} 06460 TO Rea aetorey Halloren& Sage, LLP is canirbuoralebiyt spouse, Jor dependen i of abyist? Yer Xo 8 "Farin a cnn of S100 te cana ara chet exouveofier oF ritalin, ‘ecu constr or bases hehe ie anocid wit hae coiract with ni mia wieder thn 8. Ors Oxo Tap coanlonsadand wine @)Ye | scour pci fave om or rapsvesmrcetacix? Yer EaNGagertnadiesecton Li? GQNo | i7yerinaenetch acho bneee xe "Pros littren 02237015, Uitecutecomewi Ooze Ougitaie Ti of Oo Saeed [ei Cnriaas JCcsh @rersona cack: QcreawyDsit card © Paro Deduction C)Money One 02/23/2015 $250.00 'S SUBTOTAL Section B — This Page | $1,750.00 ‘Amount af Coneibalon $250.00 eects Section B. ADDITIONAL PAGE .50_ or 187 [NAME OF COMMITTEE ‘TYPE OF REPORT. ‘Segarra for Mayor April 10th Filing "A. Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period; ONLY s 1 Geamemcten fr defn Saal Conrbo) SUBTOTAL SECTION A - 52 B. Hemized Contributions from Individuals == Joseph Ise ze Meriden cr 06450 Rene parr Carabetta Management = Esmimawcniion One oes contributor or bashes hel is ssolad waves gga with said muniialy ‘ele tor fe $507 Ye Oko [siiseansnaon eed win ©) Yes | ncocir apnea of sat conrro repeste soon? QDYos fading even ses Secon 1? 86 | ayy inte ice arch ortroies Ne ‘Tres it vet atemeraneaticeontasis ik OBxecalve Otsgaive "i of Cont: JOcest Orerson Creek Ocreivdebit Curd O Payelt Deduction Money Ost | 02/23/2015 Dae [Anrente Conroe $1,000.00 Teonbation in exows of 001 cane Tora Gi ecntive oie oa manic, | Amount of Contibation $1,000.00 — a - Carabetta: Joseph Jr. ae ae 7 =e ‘went = & Pos pera pare pone = ras Re SESE ke OF | eae is ~ aa Oe a a TOS fundraising event listed in Section L1? No pen tae haa tone es rciee = No. pail ae Qunure ae eg Gates, }Ocash Personal Check CpcredivDebit Care Q Payroll Deduction CQMoney Order | 02/23/2015 $1,000.00 oa a = ca Chae es 7 aes Scones a & [owe — —— aon eee EE ES ct a Oe valved at mare than $5,000? Ores Oro $1,000.00 Emenee, BF | pram BE “Tf yes, list Event # ‘of government the contract is with: Ok xceutive OpLegislative ms rons te |Qceh Personal Check CPcrecivdebit Card Payroll Deduction Coney Oréer | 02/23/2015 ‘$1,000.00 SUBTOTAL Section B— This Page | $3,000.00 nea soon" Section B. ADDITIONAL PAGE 55_ o¢ 187. (BT tooT eT si TYPE OF REPORT, Segara for Mayor pe Tot Fling TAn Foetal Contributions from Small Contributors Received this Period ONLY s [Pi reeivancnvenicarsns SIPTOTADSECTONS B._ Itemized Contributions from Individual lovcopendontchisofslatsyisci © @No ane Fa ir hah coved ar Ee oes marine he rand occas room a : reid oe OT FRR TT RE | AoE Eemeeaen Oe | Leanne metieraomaengeksgeeenewmnes Ssigerintan [ora rove Tinaciimeatiagag De |inaonsanok emacs renminmemon Ye emai, Bk [“prsamstesetne 7 ear ee EERE nears Quesne fee en tas [Ocesh Orcnorsl Chock OeredivDeric Cand © Payrll Deduction OMoney Order | 03/25/2015 $500.00 = = a cn Thane sa Be =o "acorn non c ao ati trans Cnn Le ET EE TRE | TCS tows contitor or sings othe is associ it ve ald et nore than 85,0000 ves act wth sad maniipaly No isthe conrbaton esoited wih Yes | iscontittor a pricipel ofaatteconncior or prospective smtbconzacix? OY $1,000.00 fanarrsing event Tied inSecson LI? @QNo | dfyes, inden whieh bexoch or branches No ‘Iya, ist Event 031820198 ot goverment th contact ia ith ecstve OLasisaive ‘et of Coma: [Bacarra ase Coma locas @rencral Cesk CreieDeit Card O Payrll Deduction Qofoney Orde | 03/16/2015 $1/000.00 Tne fe ty Cleary Scott Raid ee naa ow Sas aco 160 Clark Hill Road South Glastonbury Ta arco 9Cobtall Way Simsbury ct | 05070 Fao Raa ‘EO ‘St Francis Hospital irceinmaretbycpouse, )'Yer | emnbaon ire ee of S00 occa or cif ene ioe oTA HSI, | Amount of otrton Nedcrence ideraisiyad yw. | doewconitro' tases bee sassy taveaggns wih od ancy —— | sieeesiasiess Oe | saia00 cnt mocandwibn es | eomibaor scour or pene cnn es teanmseowriseancccmiy Que | onnattont eee tems ror % Wes ist ent of goverment the contacts wth Obrecutive Olesisative To Cn Dataset Pes Coo ]Ocasn recon Chck OcasiDei:cast © Porat Dini OMeney Ove | 3/23/2015 $250.00 Dale Lourdes faa aaa is Tae coe 122 Westerly Ter Hartford ct | ost0s ao Seana Professor University of Hartford Irconniaare Ris ose {Ver | contain cea 0 nda ew cite Toros aT, oecgenzacalferalstonsd Ne | doescontaos tao be it hasnt ares ene wr on meal “valued ut more than $5,007 Ove: Ono isis ceatinaonsnodeed witha (Yor | teonvibur enc ofeaac canna orprpesive sate cata? Q)'Ye eae Qas_| spebemyamna te eee Er Tyyes kat Broa of goverment coatcti wit: Qbxcutive Querisitive nat fC Davie [aps Coa }Qrcusk Personal Chock OlcrediivDebit Card C) Payroll Deduction OhMoney Order | 3/12/2015 $250.00 Tarr Far 7 DiAlesio Joseph aii ee a ae 4ailage Way Norton ma_| 2765 Teo Rasa Senior Vice President Beta Group, Inc is cin tii pose, ) Yer] Teva ceo SD) wean or inseam oF maiapa, | Aunt of Gratton open coisofaistbye) No. | dooscrthr ott besbe saci ark om who mony _yaluod at more then $5,000? Ova Ono $500.00 Tstaacenribson emoced wine @Y= | incanibaorepipa ofe stcometr or ome scomncar? ©) Yon ficaiigerensdetacetin xo | ppevagemnae eee oo x ye lot ret 222015 Hpmmttecome hie Opxeaive Oegitne Tet mba Saari Peon Coa }Ocash Personal Check OCrecivDebit Curd C) Payroll Deduction Cooney Order | 2/24/2015 +) SUBTOTAL Section B —This Page | $1,000.00 LK See Section B. ADDITIONAL PAGE _65_ or 187, An SECON z 5 TOF RESORT Segarra for Mayor April 10th Fling ‘AD Tolal Contributions from Small Contributors Received this Period ONLY | (Sat ntrictions for efit of Sil Cibo) SUBTOTAL SECTIONA B, Itemized Contributions from Individuals Fa Tae Daniels trie a eee RE = Fas [veo 112 Quail Run Glastonbury cr | 06033 pd Oommen Teanet Atomey Robinson & Cole Ts aatiucra atin paoe (Yo | Wenst baton im ccs of S00 wasn ira anf omni ofc, | Amount of Conon Jerdepndetchidetstos? —@)No- | does consonor or bane tebe terial i havea gat wis si ariclhy —— — | sieteecets Ye. Ono | sno sis contibaton aso wih os] iscontibtor peel ofa ami conrator or prose wae contact es Setienenieately QMS [pratt ueceseme 8k Drea govormneattheconactiewits QExestve Qlesuine ed of an pasar passes eS Cea Oren Cock Qortiedit cart Qa Datetin Quercy Ons | 3/31/2015 $500.00 DAptie Kelly aaa Se Ra Ky Se [poe 33 Mil St APL G Wethersfield ct |} ost09 Fini meron NanecTEnane Business Owner Self Is conor aati sponse, () Yes ] Hear aton re act of $00 ww ana frac eso’ fa mauve, | Amwuat of Contibaton lceepenceatchitetatabiys NO | does coubuar or busines bite astocied wis have ecret wih sid manciply tale tore ie 50007 "ver @No s10000 Is Wis contibaion acid witha Ges | ipentibuora pnp of ste conta prospective se contacto? Yee edeisegeventisedinSectonLi? No | ifyen inate wich branche bsncton 0 Ufyen otbvent# 031220154 cfgmemmentiheconte iin C)Execsive CQverslative Nad Cet asian ssa Com [ear reson ceck QciesivDeit Crd Oat Decton OMoney One | 3/12/2015 $100.00 Devila Marlyn ET Rabo ee Som [aoe 6 Oak Ridge Road Burlington cr _| 06013 Tae Osea iene cE ‘Community Based Education Specialist University of Connecticut Ty conuibnora at smuna CD Yer | Mean bon rn ence of SDD tow andi fru cht emo oc ofa manip | Amant of Contibton crdependestsuidafsiobayid No. | doerconnororbainen bose remoshied wih bev sect wi sis mural ‘ind ter an $5.00 Ova" Ono $100.00 isis cotinason ced wie Yes | is contibtor rip of ene sonar oF satcconncr? Qe fadatngeeatneantemmlit Oo |" yy adekewichwmctorwaces Ne yen itr cfgmenmonteconmtiewite Ofsentne: Qtegsatve Tat ef Crarbs Davies [aaweseCussincas |Ccesh @rencai coat OcrativDest cert Payot Dotson Qéoney One| 2/24/2015 $100.00 LLL sae Section B. ADDITIONAL PAGE.68_ of 187. RAnORCTTE Taso RERORT ‘Segarra for Mayor ‘April toth Filing ‘Ay Total Contributions trom Small Contributors-Recelved this Period ONLY | (Secs for fenon f Sal Corio) SUBTOTAL SECTION A a "<1 B. Hemized Contributions from Individuals = he “ 7 Deine Donald =e i =ate sos Edgewood ensngon cr | tcos7 sano an erate DaTICO SSO RS — DIS | TREATS SIs SUS CRSETRSRI,| NCS eiaaituee Bi | iececcamcn tmermion emma Soren eet Se — Is this contribation associsted with a ‘Yes | Is conmitucor a principal of a state contractor or prospective state contractor? Yes “ sageeimamieh, Bx |*peeaatiete tectecrean " Ayes it Evert ‘of government the contre is with Oexccutive Qlesisative emma a [Ccass Opersonal Check @credivDebit Card Q)Payroll Deduction QMoney Order Dige! sins Soea Ae Rae] p come 24Ven Buren Ave West Hartford | osto7 rcp so Rene ine Real Estate Investment Figure Eight Properties Ts combo ety, spouse, ¢_)Yer | Feanbation iin exces of S100 0 ends fra cit exconve oli oT munlelpally, | Amount of Contrbaton lordopenden cildofalontyiad — JNO. | dose conta o busines hese is esocated with haven contact wih sid maspaly ‘eld at moe hn 38,000 Ye. Ne oe $250.00 this contribution esocaod with 0 Se 1s consibure principal of sate contector or prospective sate contactor? Yes fing eet ned'n Secon 1? Na. | "yer se wh ach rence Ne yey io Bre cTeorommet becarmetiwitr Qseutie Ctelstve Teodor aa [Rares Cotas [Ocean Orenocal tsce Qcravoer cart Opal Detucton Quone Ore | 3/12/2015 $250.00 lian Jose aca a Aa or ia vom 8319249 St Bellerose ny_| 1026 Fatal Oompa Rae oe NYS Housing Finance Agency scant sapas sum, DYe | Teonsiaton ini ces o 60 owen fra cia xnav ati oTa maaliy, | Amun of Contam occepncwchidafeisbnis? No | doreancibator or ane Yee i eocein! wi he neat wih sally valued st mote han $5,000? Ove Oro $250.00 Isis cnvtion wid wits Yes | isco aprnipl ofa sot conrcor or prapetivestceninaar? Ya cerenng evowien Scion? NO | “Yer ncn eh ath oats Ne ‘Tye. latEventQSIG2OSA ctewermen teconcts wi Q)Bxexive Qegsaive atid of Cone Da Rae JQcash Oreo creck Ocresivdedi Cad O Payol Dosuction C)Money Oxder SUBTOTAL Section B— This Page | $1,500.00 eee Emme Section B. ADDITIONAL PAGE_®7_ er 187 REO EOMATTEE vA OFORT ssegorra for Mayor ‘Apa 10th Fling "A. Total Contribations from Smali Contributors-Received this Period ONLY: $s (Sar mstrvetions for efniton of Small Contributor) * SUBTOTAL SECTION A a x s+; <> B, Itemized Contributions from Individuals ie ‘ 7 rarer ar bg Goodman Linds aaa iy Sax ipo 58 Edwards St New Haven ct | 06st rine Rasen Information Requested Information Requested reais a Toss poms (QV | eon sens TD nla ra Stn ai! aft RRR, | Amount of onan fsieimaa ieee’ ro | concatenate gah en ‘aed tre 5000 We One 25000 I this contribution associsted with & ‘Yes | Is contributor «principal of « state contractor or prospective state contractor? Yes - Aabuegertaeeisecton tty Qe |" yyeriniens wah terhorbncher re Mf yes, list Event 03202015A___ of government the contract is with: OExccative Oegislative ‘at of Corr a Orcesh @rersonat Check Ocredividebit Care OPeyrol! Dedvetion CMoney Order | 3/20/2015 $250.00 late Fi ba Gordon day rar ca Sam ico 21 capitol ave Hartford a 06106 a Oe an eT HR The Hartford Fe caasr aT aE) | TS eno HO wn rains aT ap | Amount of Cnn [eS Rersic xo | tow contuns ot tulsen tte waned yh uve sane wih ed mney ‘ahaa e300 Gre" Gre as ls dincosbaion acct yiaa —~ Q)vas | woosbana inal ofan conncu or pete snc cotacer?_ Ye aesSmetvcntnchnseontit GMO | yer tac whcn nee bess Xe oes tetbventt Letantecusc bute QDucsie Tot Cao Daa et CT \Ccesh Cprecsonat check @creivDebic Crd Peyrell Deduction Coney Order | 3/31/2015, $250.00 TaN : ar Gordon jathew ea See ie ra 190 Wood Pond Rd Wiest Hartford ct_| osta7 Tao Rat ‘Attorney Matthew Dallas Gordon, LLC LT SSSSTOSSR ns CQ TE Son ca of Do ain ira it econo aes of maT, | Arn of Contotnn eS mrcrsisloed Oe | deeserbcorer uses beite asec haven ae with ed my ‘valued at more than $5,000? Ove Oxo 31,0000 Fscniicionamecandwina (Qe | lconttra pcg ofa sue once o powestive ric contacor Yo HaRgurecenebiesecentt: No | “yer nds wuch anc ris 7 xe Dyanlat vet Lee etouneti vik OSseaxve Qegtite Sid fC ana Perea aa \Ocess @Pecsonal Check CpcrosivDebit Card Chrayroll Deduction C)Money Onder | 3/18/2015 $1,000.00 a 4 Sey [12° SUBTOTAL Section B —This Page | $1,500.00 a ———— Snot? Section B. ADDITIONAL PAGE .89__ of 187, Man pPCOETTe OT = TPs oF REPORT, Segarra for Mayor ‘April 10th Fling il Contributors-Recelved this Perjod ONLY. SUBTOTAL SECTION A B,_Iemized Contributions from Individuals << -_~ Tas ar Greene Kevin eae na oe ee Tae 45 Lexington Rd West Hartford ct | oss Fr ie Naso Eine Attorney Halloran & Sage, LLP conribnra any spouse, (Yer | TF eontiban inca of S40 ta ca for oe env fet oa mally, | Amount af Contbaton eraepnien cof slabs No. | docsceautrorbsinns hehe ssokted yh ave agg! wi eid marcel ‘alae st nore a $5,000? ve One 525000 sts cootaon ocd wana Yo» | econo arin of secon or ponpetvesac omnacar? Y= ficrasingov sea mSecion 1? © No | Yyyer inde yh anc banshee yen lt Beth 022320154 Seoemneetthocentnctin wits OpExeative Qtesiatve aaah ana Cras etd of Come Orcas Orersonai Check CcredivDebit Card C Payroll Deduction QMoney Order 2723/2015 Tine Gaifin John Reni Teea ion iy See arco 125 Pheasant Run Newington ct | os Pinal Da sof ne State Marshal State of CT “eanrbuon fe cic of S00 1 ania Prachi execu oer ofa mac, ‘Tye, Ist von O3182075A rs Bie | Setar vtec cence naan peneetr Sie arenes OX | nmi ania dete cman eapce since? OVS fsstgeeritateseeriy XO. |*“yparmat as Castecemrr % cot goverment the conc wit Weide Cra |Ocash @eersonsl Creck CocresivDebit Card C)Payrolt Deduction Chvoney Order Eecutve QLasisaive [Daan [cose robe 3/18/2015 $250.00 “Trnonat of Contribution $250.00 ra Tr wr Gail ‘Michael Rena Tena Ae [ew Bae |p code 650 Grove St Framingham MA pl open Tam cial Retired Retired a connor otis, oe, or depen cil oF byt? Ye No TF sonata sear 610 fe ena Tore ae ou oat oa apy, {bes conrnanortusiess betes see wh have agp wkd muy ‘elves mre ha 50007 Gya""Ore sts earns anid vie Foastg evn ine Seo? re lotro Q226701 5 8 Yes Yes No ‘i conibtor apical oa eat corrector or rospenive sine cones” Tye init which ach benches of govemment the coma Wi Obrecutve Orisicnive atid of Cono= }Ocash @rersonal Check Ocrediv/Debit Card © Payroll Deduction Covey Orcer © SUBTOTAL Section B—This Page | $1,500.00 moe Section B. ADDITIONAL PAGE 26 _ or 187. [RaRaE OF COMME E ee ORRORT Segara for Mayor ‘April 10th Filing ‘A. Total Contributions from Small Contributors Received this Period ONLY. | 5 (Get marcos for detan of Smal Contr) © SUBTOTAL SECTION A i ‘B. Ttemlzéd Contributions from Individuals eae a mr Holmes Susan aa a [se Tar apo 5 Dean Dr Botton et | 06043 cal Ome eset Retired Retired acon alain, pouns— () YS] Tear aon hw cess of S10 fo cand Tr cha xo oft oF mica, "Amount of Contribution cedopenceetchigoteicBaykt No | does onttbror or bases bse i esovated wih Bee a gras with sd mio ‘alued at more th 85,007, Yer ONO $200.00 sie contibron aocied with = ‘Yes Isconibuoc a pina of asi conracn of prospective ss contacto? DYss fadrelingeveat listed nSecion Li? No | fyes, ndate which reach or benches Ne yes it vert cfyvemmentgecontnctiswite OFxeatve Quessive etd of Conia Daz Raiet [aren Conrbaie |Qcasn Oresenat Check OcredivDebit Card Qraprlt Deduction OMoney Ordec | 3/16/2015 $200.00 aN rm 7m Hoopes David asia Boao i sae [Become 81 JuniperLn Glastonbury ct | 06033 [ein Ompae Rat on Attorney Mayo Crowe LLC Tr conbiaaar ania pou, (2) es | TFeonrbaton in cca of $000 10 cand fora cist eect offi ofa mark, | Amouat of Contribution espe dte toed NO | es ane ois ee anced ve en wh i nly alte more an 85,000 Yer. ONo $9000 isis soins wha ‘Yes | is coatibaore principe ofa ate contr or prospective sas contacter? yes | 7” marsingevent ised nection 17 (No | fesse wich branch or brences Ne ‘ses at EventO3TBZO1S tgovemmenttheconenanvith_ CEwcaine Cees Nett of Cox Dated [herent Coerbatos [Ocesh @Pecoral check Qcreivaedit Card QPayret Destin Omoney Ore | 3/18/2015 $1,000.00 ros 7 Horton Resend Sen Sa [eee 224 seymour rd ct | 06525 Ried Osea Nee oe Sales Titan Eneray Ta contra atic pousa —() Var] Tcontsbaon i cea of S001 wand fora cet escatve offs ofa manly, | Amount of Cousibation ordepenencidofaiobaied No. | doceconitto ortsies bob sesociaed wit haven contact wih ld unalty ‘aed at more ha $3,007 Gye Ore $500.00 Tris cnuibution amon with Yes | ts contributor a rncipl of ste conretr o aspenive site contactor? (9 Yes a e Wrest rent Q31G2O15A ctpovernmentthocontctis wit Executive CDLesisitive Ned fi Dac Ravet [Aare Coane [Qcasn Opesoce Gack OcresivDebit Cant Payot Dedeton Qatorey Onder | 3/11/2015 $500.00 SUBTOTAL Section B— This Page | 1.70000 setae Section B. ADDITIONAL PAGE _97_ or 187. RAMBOF COMOATTES THPROFREPORT Segarra for Mayor April 10th Fling ‘A, ‘Total Contributions from Small Contributors Received this Period ONLY | (Get nar fo dcr of Sel Corot) °° <= > "2 SUBTOTALSECTION A o Z 'B. Itemized Contributions from Individuals a Ei ca = 7 Howard Chandler aT es er 28 Wakefield Lene Farmington cr | ono es TET CEO Liberty Bank rir ps — Ya ea ae HID mela re REINS STG maf SO rapa carawlon One | Lemna esnae ee bene ret eae ea Se one svgonco ie geartnmcaed ve” OY | weomonors paca ce sau conse a rome sasommuion Oia faintly weriscdarsctate Xe] syetaeezerci eae inn a Myst Bre a goremment th corrects wih Opseatve Qresisaive a a Ccush Oersoaat Check @credivDebie Card © Payroll Deduction QMoney Onder | 3/13/2015 $1,000.00 to a . werd ‘tian a i ere 5B Concord st West Hactord | cots pao a sales sat sag us CYS] sa maa of i FRSC STOO Am Co Sipmacaiteidoa’ Gre | aammm dance tie bammianehoesenen eae valued et more thaa $$,0007 Ores No $250.00 scan castes Qa | anroura pep samara pepe wax anane Oa fenSnrocccttann Que. | Popebamameam czar Frontend GROSS i One Quite alae Ta OS a }Oces @rersonei check OereditiDedit Card C)Payroll Deduction CPMoney Order | 2/10/2015 $250.00 ora + —. ant Dorey ae TIE ee oF 205 Wintonbury Ave Bloomfield cc 08002 a ca Information Requested, Awan Answer Informotion Requested, Avalting Answer ers pi (Yo sa a Sr ce ar a « B. Itemized Contributions from Individuals a Tes ba Konover Simon ea Se Ae [ew Tio 401 ELinton Blvd Apt S57 Del Ray Beach 33483 Finapal Opin Rane oF Bein Owner ‘The Simon Konover Company Is coniibtare obit spowe, Yes] Teas Tonio ba exons of S00 to candi fort act cacoanc ofc ofa manicfaly, | Amauat of Contibaton Jovdperden caléotattoys Go. | doescomtouor o basins hese sarod wit bave gprs! whl np ‘rset more hn $5,000 Ye Ono $1,000.00 ‘sts aneibaon aor wie Yes] isconsituora principal ofa ate comactor or pospacivesswconaair? (Yu | faating eva ied Seton 11?) NO | ipyer, nda whic bac or benches Ne {yen ot vert 31020154 ctgmemmen thecontucivin Opxcutne Ouepilane rtd of Cte Dae Raiee Rar Coonan [Coa Qrevont ck Ocvdivoebit Ce Payot Dedcion Coney Ore | 3/1/2013 $1,000.00 ro i 7a Konover Steven aaa Ra es Faeroe 12 Pleasant St West Hartford ct_| stor Fa Ooi woop Real Estate Self is cotta aot pose) Ves | Tf contbton cna of S40 to candida ora cis orsave ose ofa manlapaR, | Amouut of Contribaton ordspendcecigetaleboyst? No | éocsconribuor or Suess lh itched withbaveaeptmct wih si mip ‘ued at mas 85,000 Ore" ‘Gro giana ists sontibcion esovited with « Yes | Teconstumea principal of st contac of prospecve se coamacar? ¥en ° Hnasingevert seta ecient? NO | “Yen wc beans o branches Ono ‘yes btn? OS1O2015A cfgmemnenttecontacts wise C)Esenuive ‘Chaise Med Ca Dar Rasanes [Asean Cooeion |Cocash Gresonat crock Ooresivdedit Cord Creyrell Deduction OMoney Order | 3/10/2015 $1,000.00 an i Kothari Hitesh aa Se Na a sae ape 51 Pheasant Crossing Glastonbury ct _| 06033 FiSipI Oop Nae oa Owner Express kitchen is conrbtara obit pose () Ves | IFoo ons of $400 fo candida fora cet emcive offcr ofa muncplla, | Amouat of Coniribatan Jordependen cildotaioborac) — @)No- | doe contibuor or busiest ln socad wih Pave neat with aid ically ‘auc et ore $5,002 Gre" One $1,000.00 etccouin sence DY lect eaaae conmger: poem comma Ove ndisingevent ised msecton1? NO | * “tfyex inde whch basher ances No ‘yen bt Event cfigovermeat he contectiswiy C)Exeewve Cregiaive Nein eC para Ragman Comins [Oc @ersenal chock OcroaivDedit Cer’ prey Dedvton QMonsy Onder 2nio1s $1,000.00 SUBTOTAL Section B— This Page | $2181.32 Heeroges Section B. ADDITIONAL PAGE _107 or 187. NAME OF CONAITTER TyREOR REPORT Segarra for Mayor April 10th Filing A. Toial Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY | © (Bee ariton fr deition of Sait Conrbaar} SUBTOTAL SECTION A _ B, Itemized Contributions from Individuals 2“ Travnaae |Ocesh @Pemonal Check ChcredivDebit Curd C)Payrol Deduction CMoney Order | 3/11/2015 Tartar Fee ba Kothari Parul asi Soe i aso 51 Pheasant Crossing Glastonbury cr | 06033 pl pas Rane Ege Owner Star Hardware Corp scotia otiR spawn €) Ves ] TFeanato nf xan of S400 andes fora chit ecetv fuer ofa munealy, | Amouat of Consibion Jocaepeneatchidt loti? — @)No.| does connor or bsines Rese ssc! wh have w gant with eid mullpeley talued amore ho 85.0007 Ye ONo ‘sroo000 iste contain sociated witha © Yer is conibuo apical ofa ste consetoro prospective sie contactor? C)Yos fndeing event ised Secon LI?” Now | ives inte which baach benches No Grakabrante Fret ncannette Cpexecsive Cesieive etd tba erased Pace |Ccesh ©recsonal Check Ocresivdebit Card © Payrott Dedeetion OMoney Ore | 2/11/2015. $1,000.00 fan Fie 7 Kraczkowsky Kathleen ana ae se ae aoe 111 TenyRd Hartford t_| ost0s os Taaeat pe Reticed Retired conitara lobbyist spous, () Ves ] fearon in exons f S40 to candids Tora cif ectve ffi ofawamicaly, | Amount of Contibton lardepencentchildofe lobby? ENO | docs combo or busines elses eocated wit haven conrat with 3 milky ‘lu tore han 3007 Ove" "Ore 10 lists coiaion nocd wiha GD | isconibwora pil ofa suteconmsor or prospective sae conmenr? yes | °"00000 izdrashagevnt tein Secon xt C)No | "iyo, inet wie tach: benches No ‘yes tat vet F031 120150 ‘tgovemmenttheconsectis with Q)Execative Qheriltie Tied Comba: Ba Raed Krazmien Resta Soe aoe ow ae [ipo ‘4800 North Classical Bivd, Delray Beach FL | 33445 Papa oa Rene of Bape Self President ikrazmien Project Management Company lor dependent chido bye) i eeniribtor a lobbyiet, sponse, or No TFearbtin in cess of SOD foe candies fr cit excl is of emanpa, docs coisa or snes habe i asciod wih ave a contract witb sald uniipalty ‘eloesat mare han 300 Oye"Gxe This anubuiboasacasd witha Yes [scanner arn fe sae connor orprogeciveseconncir? Yes firgsingevenisesia secon? @NO_ | fpyer dice wich anh or orice No ‘yes iret? ckgovemnenthecontcrinvite OExecutive Oeghlatie JOcast Orersenat Creek Ocresivdebit Card O Payroll Detucion Q)Money Order | 3/30/2015 SUBTOTAL Section ‘Amount of Contain $1,000.00 Additional page 123 of 187 Sacro I. MONETARY RECEIPTS (Sections AK) Peeseti7 [RANGE OF CONTE Pronah Campin wwe Rpmimed va ag pom) [TPE OF REPORT A, Total Contributions from Smali Contributors Received this Period ONLY (Gaetan, for defrtin af Snell Corte) SUBTOTAL SECTION A B. Itemized Contributions from Individuals _| aa Tr ra Martin-Hook Corts ca Set RS oo Bas [peor 79 Rivermead Blvd East Hartford ct fost aT Rs fp Office Manager Ritz Grande Apts fracpenencusnerehainas — GLS | comin bin wes ofS aan re cet eave cw of muiSpl, | Mowat af CoBOISS Jrdendetchiofalobst No | dont cotibtor or bas hehe eared ihe eget ne ee ana ahd meta “Gre Se $1,000.00 Tethiscoatibuion anced witen _@) Yes | conzbuorapencipl fu sel coaia ex punoahe wie comasad! CYS cyt portant 1? Xo |" Wyes ndkate wich branch or ranches yesstsr ent 033120158 ofovenmecttbececiaetiwits OFaectve CDLagisitive Neto Coat ina [eens Coo JOca_©Panorai creck CrdiDebitCard Cayo Decuctn CMoncy Ore | 03/31/2015 $1,000.00 i nes Marulanda Leticia alee Rae ie Bae [tom 48 Murele Drive South Windsor ct _| 06074 ina Oap Rane pe Director of Programs Hispanic Health Counc Seer Ghai QL | Kemtihaienit i came oS Owe nlite ra aie ate! oa mal, Amanat CORES fcerendetehisofeloyici No | does contibuar or bao hole amend waste egeneone el omen dalued et more tha $5,007 Ors "no $200.00 [aah enunciated ithe, Yex [is conto: a pip ofa cetct: x poate xan Saaiaaer? Ver event roparod i Satin Li? No. | "7p indicate wich branch or ances resisteth sf sovenmect tn cortastis wii Q)Exctive €) Lagiave ett coxrbai Bare [eee Crea JQcesa Cresson check GoreateDsbie Card OPeyrll Deduction CMoney Ovser | 03/33/2015 $200.00 Tamar Far Mara James | Rei ae Rar a fa 179 Butternut Ln Kensington cr_| 06037 a Oa Rao Eager Management Laz Parking LS pecnchmereitns SYS | Hermie ines ofS vee fora cfm fio ofa mania, | AmouarGPCOOGNES [dvmiestehidoteicbyic? No | does cantibur or burns habe tail wih have sgeetecone eh kines yale st more ina $5,007 Gre" "Gre $100.00 sth oaibatinasscite when) Yeu Te constr april of as onwon or saeconee? hes evapo in Sein Li? No | en inde ch branch crtunches eee Myer lic venth ofenenien theconetisvits CO) Exertve Qtesttive Teneo naa Basia papas Constr (Orcas Orannal Check OvcivDedit Curd OPayroll Dotson QMooey Ouer | 02/28/2015 SUBTOTAL Section B— This Page | $1300.00 ‘TOTAL of additional Section B Pages ‘TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS Cartons AT DY 5 (nce totl on Line 13, Clana A of Semary Page Tals) LLL smerogen Additional Page 132 of 187 I. MONETARY RECEIPTS (Sections AK) Page of 17 [RARE OF COMMITTED rnc Copan Nome Read wi bg Reponn) TPE OF REPORT ‘A. Total Coniributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY (See msructons for defiton of Sra Conttnar) SUBTOTAL SECTION A —] B. Itemized Contributions from Individuals Morgan John Rea ee Reo io Sie [pee -| 15 Watkins Ra Bloomfield | 06002 ia cep Ras agape Realtor Berkshire Hathaway Is connor obs, spouse, lor dope ilo aby Yer No TTeontibaton iin exces of SD oe cane era cicCewative oc ofa munaly, does contr or business ole esi wd have nega! wih sid unicpaliy ald at mort $5,000" is No ‘tis ontbarin aoe wih an ‘event pared in Section LI? Yer | sconinuor a prneipal ofa sate contactor or prosestivetesomacior!” ()¥eE No |" yer indieate wai branch o ranches No ‘noun of Contato $50.00 Wom tetrent# Q31120158 ‘of govemmene fe coiract wit Cerecatve Orasicatve Med Coiba Da Rod [arses Conintaa (Orcush @Personat Check Ccvevdebi cant Cayo Deduction Oéooey Onder | 3/11/2015 $100.00 ros nt Morgan Rac Sa er eee 15 WatkinsRd Bloomfield ct | 06002 [par paae aero Bape Realtor Berkshire Hathaway Ps Oe "coobton in eras OF S00 toe cai for ace eevee ofa manips, lr depenen chi of iby oe cotibtr or banness ef sssocted wit have arc wh Si nity ‘elie se tan $5.00 ‘Gis Bre $5000 [sis ean asso whan (Yer [is conrttor pip ofa ate orton o pespeive se conmcto?— QYes [vet separndn Secon? No | Wye indente wich trench or tranches no ‘vo. iz Een Q3132015A gevernment te contests wit Exseative ©) Lagi et of Cob asad Raps Comrie [Cessh Erenonal Check CroivDebit Cat Orava! Deduction OMersy ete | 3/13/2015 $100.00 enter ac em Tose ‘56 Orchard Ré West Hartford cr_[ 06117 riser ee Ramee Attorney Mayo Crowe LLC is carta a by pos, or cepndent child oF abby? rer No Fn a VD i a aS Ta TP, [Stns baneglee seared i etc rudy ‘winder 3.000 Ore ‘Ove sis contibation wsocand witan execpt in Seten Lt? 8 ‘Yes [is coaibuor principal of state contactor x proipestive sate contacter? CY No |" “Gjys, naire wtih branch er benches 2 ‘Anouat of Coatabtea $1,000.00 Uyes istEvers¥ Q31820158 ‘afgovermeattboccawartin vit C)Exeeative: QLasiaative ibd of Cai Dacia [Aceaen= Consinion |Ocesr OPesonat creck Ocretibedi cod Qayol Deduction Money One: | 3/18/2015 $1,000.00 k= SUBTOTAL Section B— This Page | $1.100.00 ‘TOTAL of additional Section B Pages "TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS PROM INDIVIDUALS (Sections AB) (Gir tet on Line 13, Clune A af Summary Page Tote) Additional Page 159 of 187 seecromye I. MONETARY RECEIPTS (Sections AK) Pagesoft7 [RANE GF COMMIS na an aw ian gp TOT ——— ‘A. Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY (ee istration for dfnton of Sell Contributor) SUBTOTAL SECTION A s . Itemized Contributions from Individuals ro rar a Saleh Rifat eal aes a lew Bas [Epos 18Simon Dr Wolcott _|osre napa San air Engineer HS Consulting Design scontietora aby poem, () Ves | TFeoniibatn a cre oF S00 tran fr sci weclve offer ofa olepaly, | Amouat of Contibatin fr dpendct hl felt? See a ie cine en anneal sole more tba C00? $750.00 kaScomigemeivme Bye [woman arim Cemecmageepansvediccnna Ye Fae yes, indent wich beach obras ; Tren iar ‘ot goveramer to conte! is wit Orci Oreste Matt of Cob Bae Rees [Ase Conon JOdcast recone Cresk OreivDebit Crd Payot Detain Coney Ont | 2/24/2015 $750.00 Saling David seal a aa = [sae zeae 1761 New London Tpke Glastonbury ct _| 96033 Fae epee Rane ag Vice President Member Van Horst General Contractors, LLC scotia obi pou, “i coatton i a ecae GEO to ands fore chieTexesive ole ofa musiopaliy, | Amount of Contibaton rater cca? CNG | cower tu ee hme a ae att ih ms ‘led tr than $5,007 | $1,000.00 sik onto aoa than’) Yes | ts onubaor a principal of te cvtactor or prespcive sat contactor? (Ver [ren cepoed in Seton 17 No |" “ttyer indiste wtih anche branches 0 ‘yes ste? greene he conte is wid. () Exeeatve C) Legislative Vif oes Dae Rae [Rese Coa Jess Cremoss creck QeresivDedi cet OeyellDetution Ononey One | 3/30/2015 $1,000.00 an Ta —=— Salner Andrew Rena ee Raa ee aw |zpeewe 87 Pilgrim Rb West Hartford ct | 0617 nc Oaaprtan Pia fine physician Hartford Hospital Ts contr Toby pou, or dependent child ofa byt) ‘Yer_] Hfconk bation ss oxeons of OD oa cae for Get exnaveofce ofa manip, No | does coctibstr or business hehe is associed wih have a etal wih sad malty |Crcas reson Check: crotivdsbe Cat CPs Detcton QMoney Onder ‘alo nemo tan $5,000 Gre ‘Ore In tincontbaion mod witvan — ( Yes fisconuora pip fase oar prmpnvesatecomnec? (ees ven repo nee Li? No |" "ify indie iss haneh or ences ° ‘rent ant ‘eprom Ue ourmtis wits Q)Exeutne Qgiatve ‘Yetad Coa pata seevae Come 3/2015 ‘Trsonat of Catribaton $100.00 SUBTOTAL Section B— This Page ‘TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (Sections AFB) ‘TOTAL of additional Section B Pages Entre on Line 13, Claman of Sanamary Page Tete) LLL Additional Page 160 of 187 an I. MONETARY RECEIPTS (Sections A—K) ees AE OF CORDATE na Cap Nano a TT Segara for Mayor Apri 12h Fing ‘A. Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY | 5 (ee accsfrdton Sal Cont) SUBTOTAL SECTION A = B, Itemized Contributions from Individuals a ra a Semorejayk Edward Tee aS i Baa aes s2birehAd West Hartford cr _| ois Paco Peewee ttomey Robinson & Cole scars Sy pos, QQYS | Wenn ew 4D eas acetate Tarmac, | Amount of Combos feimpncancdofeious’ — QQNo | Seocenabuerortststete sacar wares earth men ‘vale at mor thn $3,000? ‘Gre Gro. $500.00 ‘Stisconibasgamiadnahem Yes | Beaters enopl cai commer pone saison? QV Seat opens 3e | en tna beh or ents x Trestesven #3112015 Geom becoanetiva Cewoutne Oegltve ei fm Dartaaied [ren Cor |Deash Peesonal Check CheredivDebit Card CPeyroll Deduction CMooey Order | 3/11/2015 $500.00 Samuels Robert ci ee = i oom 46 Balfour Dr West Hartford t_| o6tt7 Ie Fa Ene Investor Seif emplyed [scorer Spams, —{) Yar] Tosa neon oD a i ira dita ot oa mane, | Aral of Conan [Siornsercnastaimonst no | sscwtoanrer names ete sano: te gz wie mlay ‘elas at mosh 000? ‘Ors, Ovo $1,000.00 isticenrintn cae ihm (Q Yor | nsopnura rind fase coaches isonet QYE Sepa ea NO | pen indecent xe reno ‘gremnart coats Q)Exeuive © Tepe Teton asks [Aeron Car Oech personal Check CHcredivDebit Card Ceayroll Decuction CMosey Onder | 3/2/2015 $1,000.00 Tartar re 7 Santos Michael a eae f= ates 31 Peach il Wethersfield ct | ost0s Fis a Btectician FS Flectte Servies LLC score Spm poms, (QTE | Hid a ws So atone cena oie afm, | Amon ef Conhaibe eecpnaatchschelysrt @QNo | dcscomoaarortssnes be samen whe gan Whi map _vahued at more than $5,000? Ove ONo $250.00 rat comibsocamssandwiies Yor [scons april ce oman erpomave sesame? Oe fpemmstenmti GX |" Gpecsitcda egos 7 ‘Hye, Bvect® Q21020158 ‘of govemment the entsct is with: Obrccstive QLesistaive eh mr aed Rem |OCocas @Persanal Check CiCrediuDebit Card C)Payrell Dedvetion ClMoney Order | 2/10/2015 $250.00 canon ates ToTALefsddimtetn Bree | | "TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (Sections A+B) (Enter total on Line 15, Clu A of Samay Page Teas) aE Additional Page 162 of 187 seEgrony? 1 MONETARY RECEIPTS (Sections A—K) Page Sof 17 [RARE OF COMMATTED Pron Cone Nowe o eguredvoh Fle Reponon) Toro 7] ‘A, Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Received this Period ONLY (See man acaon fo afin of Sl Contributer) SUBTOTAL SECTION A B. Itemized Contributions from Individuals Scaramozza James ea ee Re = ie 174 Miyassup Rd North Stonington ct | 06359 nil Oeson Nene Attomey Mayo Crowe LLC is cntbtora obi spouse, €) Yeu ] Wooden in xcs of SO fo ani fra ef xeoveofce ofa mamiepaliy, | Amouat of Coreaton Jcdependen child ofa letbyi? — @No. | docs consbutor o busines ee i ssoitad wit have aegarct wih mid muni ‘led tore tia 85,0007 ‘Gra Oxo $1,000.00 Tettiscoritaton amocied wales (@ Yes [ls ontibutors principal ates contactor o prospective state cantrasar? {Yes vat reported in Section Li? No | Wiyesicczae which branch or branches Iyer at Bent O31820158 ‘goverment thecarvactis wit CSaeetive: Chtagiive ‘et of Combe Barton [Rasen Cocca |Ocach @Peonat Check CretioDebit ard OPeyet Deduction CMoney Orer | 3/18/2015 $1,000.00 eaves Fa oy Schatz Louis eee es ae aco 2.Candtewood Or West Hartford ct | 06117 lOmin ase ofBapine Attorney Shipman & Goodwin consort spouse, ) Yor | TFemnuibaton ln exams oF S400 wa cnn or achieve oe Ta muicgaliy, | Arwmuat of Contrbeion fr dependant cil fa oes contributor busiest ele is mzoited writ ave acztact with a municipal byt? No ‘ald at more than 85,000? ‘Ove Ore $250.00 [sits contitutonasooedwithan .@ Yes [Is contibtoc apie ofa sat cette prospective se entrar? CQYes even eporein Seton LI? wo [ify iaeat which brane o& branches No “yes, tor Bent #-O310Z015A ‘faoveramert conan is wide) Executive ©} Legiative Mao Connie pasta [Aes Coto Jem Crcwami chek Qrredivosdacet Qpayrll Deduction OMeney One | 3/10/2015 $250.00 Schmidt Paul en Se Aes [es ta [Eee 257 Schoolside Ln Guilford ct_ | 6437 ial Compaen Rams ope Engineer cOMSmith sonora ost, spouse, C)¥ee | Westen mass S00 wo a ance aca eve oa ofa manic, | Amouat of Csiivton deere cis ofalcsyi No | doexcontnbutcrorSusmeahefe ascites tae agra wit muna) _alied st move thaa $5,000? Ores Ono $125.00 ists abun soca witian @ Yes [in eonsibrs prin ofa se cnactro prnpectvesmicconincr? Wx event reparted in Seton L1? Ne izpes, iat which branch or branches "ON ‘Yves ist Evest# 032020158 — hgmennenttiecentetinvite O)Exeatve Oise of Cons ie Raat rane Coe [Coca @Pencai Crest’ OcretsDebt Cust Orayal Dereon OMonny Ors | 3/20/2015 $125.00 SUBTOTAL Section B— This Page | $1,375.00 sa a ‘TOTAL of additional Section B Pages "TOTAL OF ALL, CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS (Sections A+B) (Enter tll on Line 13, Column A of Semeary Page Totals) Additional Page 173 of 187 vee L MONETARY RECEIPTS (Sections A—K) — [ANE OF CONNETTER rack Coan near eget ng pay) OREO? ‘Segarra for Mayor ‘A; Total Contributions from Small Contributors-Reecived this Period ONLY (Gee isracns for defininon of Small Contato} ‘SUBTOTAL SECTION A April 10th Filing B. 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