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LNG Carriers with ME-GI Engine and

High Pressure Gas Supply System


Introduction ................................................................................................. 5
Fuel Gas Supply System Design Concept................................................... 7
Fuel Gas Supply System Key Components................................................. 8
Fuel gas compressor 6LP250-5S_1......................................................... 8
Motion work 6LP250-5S..................................................................... 10
Capacity Control Valve Unloading............................................................. 11
Compressor System Engineering 6LP250-5S............................................ 12
Compressor safety................................................................................. 12
Process duty compressor rating.......................................................... 12
ME-GI Gas System Engineering................................................................... 13
ME-GI Injection System............................................................................... 14
High-Pressure Double-Wall Piping............................................................... 16
Fuel Gas System - Control Requirements..................................................... 18
Compressor control 6LP250-5S_1...................................................... 18
GCU-only operating mode..................................................................... 20
Machinery Room Installation 6LP250-5S ............................................ 21
Requirements for Cargo Machinery Room Support Structure....................... 22
Requirements for Classification.................................................................... 23
A crack in the double-wall inner pipe ..................................................... 24
Pressure fluctuation............................................................................... 24
Main Engine Room Safety........................................................................... 24
Simulation Results....................................................................................... 25
Engine Operating Modes............................................................................. 26
Launching the ME-GI.................................................................................. 27
Machinery Concepts Comparison................................................................ 28

LNG Carriers with ME-GI Engine and

High Pressure Gas Supply System


The latest introduction to the marine

sel engine combined with a relique-

market of ship designs with the dualfuel low speed ME-GI engine has been

low speed, heavy fuel oil burning diefaction system for BOG recovery

medium speed, dual-fuel engines

with electric propulsion.

very much supported by the Korean

shipyards and engine builders, Doosan,
Hyundai, Samsung and Daewoo.

A further low speed direct propulsion

alternative, using a dual-fuel two-stroke

Thanks to this cooperation it has been

engine, is now also available:

possible to introduce the ME-GI engines into the latest design of LNG car-

high thermal efficiency, flexible fuel/g

riers and get full acceptance from the

as ratio, low operational and instal-

Classification Societies involved.

lation costs are the major benefits of

this alternative engine version

This paper describes the innovative de-

the engine utilises a high-pressure

sign and installation features of the fuel

gas system to supply boil-off gas at

gas supply system for an LNG carrier,

pressures of 250-300 bar for injec-

comprising multi-stage low tempera-

tion into the cylinders.

ture boil-off fuel gas compressor with

driver and auxiliary systems, high-pres-

Apart from the description of the fuel

sure piping system and safety features,

gas supply system, this paper also dis-

controls and instrumentation. The pa-

cusses related issues such as require-

per also extensively describes the op-

ments for classification, hazardous

erational control system required to

identification procedures, main engine

provide full engine availability over the


entire transport cycle.

ments and availability.

The demand for larger and more en-

It will be demonstrated that the ME-

ergy efficient LNG carriers has resulted

GI based solution has operational

in rapidly increasing use of the diesel

and economic benefits over other low

engine as the prime mover, replacing

speed based solutions, irrespective of

traditional steam turbine propulsion

vessel size, when the predicted criteria


for relative energy prices prevail.




Two alternative propulsion solutions

have established themselves to date on
the market:

LNG Carriers with ME-GI Engine and High Pressure Gas Supply System

Propulsion Requirements for LNG Car-

(BCA), the classification society and

Redundancy in terms of propulsion is

riers with Dual-Fuel Gas Injection

MAN Diesel has been mandatory to

not required by the classification socie-

In 2004, the first diesel engine order

ensure a proper and safe design of

ties, but it is required by all operators

was placed for an LNG carrier, equip-

the complete gas distribution system,

on the LNG market. The selection of the

ped with two MAN B&W low speed

including the engine. This has been

double engine ME-GI solution results

6S70ME-C engines. Today, the order

achieved through a common Hazid /

not only in redundancy of propulsion,

backlog comprises more than 90 en-

Hazop study.

but also of redundancy in the choice of

gines for various owners, mainly oil

Configuration of LNG carriers utilising

fuel supply. If the fuel gas supply fails,

companies, all for Qatar gas distribu-

the boil-off gas

it is possible to operate the ME-GI as

tion projects.

an ME engine, fuelled solely with HFO.

The superior efficiency of the two-

While the HFO burning engine is a well

stroke diesel engines, especially with a

For many years, the LNG market has

known and recognised prime mover,

directly coupled propeller, has gained

not really valued the boil-off gas, as this

the low speed dual-fuel electronically

increasing attention. On LNG carriers,

has been considered a natural loss not

controlled ME-GI (gas injection) engine

the desired power for propulsion can

accounted for.

has not yet been ordered by the mar-

be generated by a single engine with a


single propeller combined with a power

Today, the fuel oil price has been at a

take home system, or a double engine

high level, which again has led to con-

Although the GI engine, as a mechani-

installation with direct drive on two pro-

siderations by operators on whether to

cally operated engine, has been avail-

pellers. This paper concentrates on the

burn the boil-off gas instead of utilis-

able for many years, it is not until now

double engine installations

ing 100 % HFO, DO or gas oil. Various

that there is real potential. Cost, fuel

factors determine the rate of the boil-

flexibility and efficiency are the driving

2 x 50 %, which is the most attractive

off gas evaporation, however, it is es-


solution for an LNG carrier of the size

timated that boil-off gas equals about

145 kcum and larger. By selecting a

80-90 % in laden voyage, and in ballast

The task of implementing the two-

twin propeller solution for this LNG car-

voyage 40-50 % of the energy needed

stroke ME-GI engine in the market has

rier, which normally has a high Beam/

for the LNG vessel at full power. There-

focused on the gas supply system,

draft ratio, a substantial gain in propel-

fore, some additional fuel oil is required

from the LNG storage tanks to the high-

ler efficiency of some 5 % for 145 kcum

or alternative forced boil-off gas must

pressure gas compressor and further to

and larger, and up to 9 % or even more

be generated. Full power is defined as

the engine. A cooperation between the

for larger carriers is possible.

a voyage speed of 19-21 knots. This

shipyard HHI, the compressor manu-

speed has been accepted in the mar-

facturer Burckhardt Compression, AG

ket as the most optimal speed for LNG

LNG carrier





Estimated gain in efficiency

size (cum)

two-stroke solution

power (kW)

speed (knots)

draft ratio

compared to a single propeller


2 x 6S60ME-GI
2 x 5S65ME-GI

2 x 14,280
2 x 14,350





2 x 5S70ME-GI
2 x 7S60ME-GI

2 x 16,350
2 x 16,660



> 5%


2 x 6S65ME-GI
2 x 6S70ME-GI

2 x 17,220
2 x 19,620





2 x 7S65ME-GI
2 x 7S70ME-GI

2 x 20,090
2 x 21,770



> 9%

LNG Carriers with ME-GI Engine and High Pressure Gas Supply System

carriers when both first cost investment

In order for the ME-GI to achieve this

and loss of cargo is considered.

superior efficiency of 50 % (+/ 5 %fuel

Fuel Gas Supply System

Design Concept

tolerances) during gas running, the gas

The basic design concept of the fuel

To achieve this service speed, a two-

fuel requires a boost to a pressure of

gas supply system presented in this

stroke solution for the power require-

maximum 250 bars at 100 % load.

paper considers the installation of two

ment for different LNG carrier sizes is

suggested in Table I.

100 % fuel gas compressors. Full reAt lower loads the pressure required

dundancy of the fuel gas compressor

decreases linearly to 30 % load, where

has been considered as a priority to

With the high-pressure gas injection

a boost pressure of 150 bars is re-

satisfy classification requirements (see

ME-GI engine, the virtues of the two-

quired. To boost this pressure, a high-

Fig. 2).

stroke diesel principle are prevailing.

pressure compressor solution has been

The thermal efficiency and output re-

developed by BCA, which is presented

Each compressor is designed to deliver

main equivalent to that obtained when

in this paper.

the boil-off gas at a variable discharge

burning conventional heavy fuel oil. The

pressure in the range of 150 to 265

high-pressure gas injection system of-

Fig. 1 shows an example of an LNG

bar g (1526.5 MPa g), according to

fers the advantage of being almost in-

carrier with the recommended ME-GI

required engine load to two 50 % in-

dependent of gas/oil fuel mixture, as


stalled ME-GI engines A and B. The se-

long as a small amount of pilot oil fuel is

lected compressor runs continuously,

injected for ignition.

and the standby compressor is started

manually only in the event of malfunction of the compressor selected.

LNG Tank


The amount of boil-off gas (BOG), and


hence the tank pressure, varies considerably during the ship operating cycle.
The design concept therefore requires


that the compressors be able to operate under a number of demanding conditions, i.e. with:


a wide variation of BOG flow, as experienced during loaded and ballast

High pressure gas



PSC Clutch

a variation in suction pressure according to storage tank pressure,

a very wide range of suction temperatures, as experienced between

warm start-up and ultra cold loaded

Fig. 1: LNG carrier with the recommended ME-GI application.

operation, and

a variable gas composition.

The compressor is therefore fitted with

a capacity control system to ensure gas
delivery at the required pressure to the
ME-GI engine, and tank pressure con-

LNG Carriers with ME-GI Engine and High Pressure Gas Supply System

tank pressure at an inlet temperature

duty variables are to be handled both

Fuel Gas Supply System Key


simply and efficiently without compro-

Fuel gas compressor 6LP250-5S_1

pressure in the range of 150 to 265 bar.

mising overall plant reliability and safety

The compression of cryogenic LNG

A total of five compression stages are

trol within strictly defined limits. These

as low as 160C, up to a gas injection

boil-off gas up to discharge pressures

provided and arranged in a single ver-

The compressor is designed to effi-

in the range of 10-50 barg (1.0 to 5.0

tical compressor casing directly driven

ciently deliver both natural boil-off gas

MPa g) is now common practice in

by a conventional electric motor. The

(nBOG) and, if required, forced (fBOG)

many LNG production and receiving

guiding principles of the compressor

during the ballast voyage.

terminals installed world wide today.

design are similar to those of API 618

for continuous operating process com-

Finally, the basic design concept also

Compressor designs employing the

considers compressor operation in al-

highly reliable labyrinth sealing prin-

ternative running mode to deliver low

ciple have been extensively used for

The compressor designation is as fol-

pressure gas to the gas combustion

such applications. The challenge for


unit (GCU). Operation with gas delivery

the compressor designer of the ME-

simultaneously to both GCU and ME-GI

GI application is to extend the delivery


is also possible.

pressure reliably and efficiently by add-

number of cranks

ing additional compression stages to

labyrinth sealing piston,

Alternative fuel gas supply system

achieve the required engine injection

stages 1 to 3

concepts, employing either 2 x 50 %

pressure. In doing so, the compressors

ring sealing piston,

installed compressors and a separate

physical dimensions must consider the

stages 4 to 5

supply line for the GCU, or 1 x 100 %

restricted space available within the

250 stroke in mm

compressor in combination with a BOG

deck-mounted machinery room.

number of stages

cylinder size reference

valve design

reliquefaction plant, are currently being

considered by the market.

The fuel gas compressor with the des-

pression applications.

ignation 6LP250-5S_1 is designed

These alternative concepts are not de-

to deliver low-temperature natural or

A unique compressor construction al-

scribed further in this paper.

forced boil-off gas from atmospheric

lows the selection of the best applicable cylinder sealing system according
to the individual stage operating temperature and pressure. In this way, a
very high reliability and availability, with
low maintenance, can be achieved.
Oil-free compression, required for the
very cold low pressure stages 1 to 3,
employs the labyrinth sealing principle,
which is well proven over many years
on LPG carriers and at LNG receiving
terminals. The avoidance of mechanical
friction in the contactless labyrinth cylinder results in extremely long lifetimes
of sealing components (see Appendix

Fig. 2: Basic design concept for two compressor units 100 %, type 6LP250-5S_1

LNG Carriers with ME-GI Engine and High Pressure Gas Supply System

Labyrinth piston
oil-free compression

Ring piston lubricated design

Fig. 3: Highly reliable cylinder sealing applied for each compression stage

The high-pressure stages 4 and 5 employ a conventional API 618 lubricated

Pa= 265 bar a

cylinder ring sealed compressor technology (see Fig. 3).

Stage 4/5 Stage 4/5


Stage 3 Stage 2
cooled cooled cooled

Pa= 265 bar a

Stage 1
not cooled

Six cylinders are mounted on top of a

vertical arranged crankcase. The double acting labyrinth compression stag-

Ps= 1.03 bar a

Ps= 1.03 bar a

es 1 to 3 are typical of those employed

at an LNG receiving terminal.
Heat barrier
stage 1 only

The single acting stages 4 and 5 are a

design commonly used for compression




process gases in a refinery application

(Fig. 4).
The two first-stage labyrinth cylinders, which are exposed to very low
temperatures, are cast in the material
GGGNi35 (Fig. 5). This is a nodular cast
iron material containing 35 % nickel,
also known under the trade name of
Ni-Resist D5.
Fig. 4: Main constructional features of the 6LP250-5S compressor

LNG Carriers with ME-GI Engine and High Pressure Gas Supply System

In view of the smaller compression volumes and high pressure, the piston and
piston rod for stages 4 and 5 are integral and manufactured from a single
forged steel material stock. Compression is single acting with the 4th stage

arranged at the upper end and the 5th


stage at the lower end and arranged in


step design. Piston rod gas leakage of

the 5th stage is recovered to the suction of the 4th stage (see Fig. 6).

Valve ports
Motion work 6LP250-5S
The 6-crank, 250 mm stoke compressor frame is a conventional low speed,
crosshead design typically employed
for continuous operating process duties. The industry design standard for
this compressor type is the American

Fig. 5: Cylinder block

This alloy simultaneously exhibits remarkable ductility at low temperatures

and one of the lowest thermal expansion coefficients known in metals.
The corresponding pistons are made
of nickel alloyed cast iron with laminar
graphite. Careful selection of cylinder
materials allows the compressor to be
started at ambient temperature condition and cooled down to BOG temperature without any special procedures.
Second and third stage labyrinth cylinders operate over a higher temperature
range and are therefore provided with
a cooling jacket. Cylinder materials are
nodular cast iron and grey cast iron respectively.
The oil lubricated high-pressure 4th
and 5th stage cylinders are made from
forged steel and are provided with a
coolant jacket to remove heat of compression.


Fig. 6: Sectional view of the lubricated cylinder 4th and 5th stage

LNG Carriers with ME-GI Engine and High Pressure Gas Supply System

Piston rod guiding

Piston rod guidance is
provided at the lower crank
end by a heavy nodular cast
iron crosshead an at the
upper end by an additional
guide bearing . Both these
components are oil lubricated
and water cooled.

labyrinth or ring piston

nals where very large variations in BOG

The cold first-stage cylinders

are separated from the warm
compressor motion work by
means of a special water
jacket situated at the lower
end of the cylinder block.
This jaket is supplied with a
water/glycol coolant mixture
and acts as a thermal heat

flows are experienced during LNG

Packing oil-free
or lubricated

transfer from ship to storage tank.

Heat barrier

Distance piece proThese key guiding elements vides separation

are therefore subjected to
very little wear.

Heat barrier

Capacity control by valve unloading is

extensively employed at LNG termi-


section, oil-free
or lubricated

Capacity Control Valve Unloading

Oil shield

The capacity of the compressor may be

Gulde bearing

simply and efficiently reduced to 50 %

in one step by the use of valve unload-

Piston guide system


ers. The nitrogen actuated unloaders


(see Fig. 8) are installed on the lower

cylinder suction valves and act to un-

Gas-tight casing

load one half of the double-acting cylinders.

Additional stepless regulation, required
to control a compressor capacity corresponding to the rate of boil-off and
the demand of the engine, is provided

Fig. 7: Design principle of vertical gas-tight compressor casing : Cylinder block

by returning gas from the discharge to

Petroleum Industry Standard API 618

compressor suction by the use of by-

for refinery process application.

pass valves. The compressor control

system is described in detail later in this

The forged steel crankshaft and con-


necting rods are supported by heavy

tri-metal, force lubricated main bear-

Compressed gas

ings. Oil is supplied by a crankshaft


driven main oil pump. A single distance

Valve disc

piece arranged in the upper frame sec-


Suction gas

gas nozzle

tion provides separation between the

lubricated motion work and the non


lubricated compressor cylinders.


The passage of the crankshaft through

Valve seat

the wall of the crankcase is sealed off

by a rotating double-sided ring seal immersed in oil. Thus, the entire inside
of the frame is integrated into the gas
containing system with no gas leakage

N2 control

to the environment (see Fig. 7).

gas inlet/outlet

Fig. 8: Cylinder mounted suction valve unloader

LNG Carriers with ME-GI Engine and High Pressure Gas Supply System


Compressor System
Engineering 6LP250-5S

ventional shell and tube type. The first-

stalled to prevent compressor exces-

stage intercooler is bypassed when the

sive loading.

A compressor cannot function correctly

suction temperature falls below set lim-

and reliably without a well-designed

its (approx 80C).

Pressure and temperature instrumenta-

and engineered external gas system.

tion for each stage is provided to en-

Static and dynamic mechanical analy-

The P&I diagram for the compressor

sure adequate system monitoring alarm

sis, thermal stress analysis, pulsation

gas system is shown in Appendix III.

and shutdown. Emergency procedures

analysis of the compressor and auxilia-

allow a safe shutdown, isolation and

ry system consisting of gas piping, pul-

Bypass valves are provided over stage

sation vessels, gas intercoolers, etc.,

1, stages 2 to 3, and stages 4 to 5.

are standard parts of the compressor

These valves function to regulate the

The design of the gas system com-

suppliers responsibility.

flow of the compressor according to

prising piping, pulsation vessels, gas

venting of the compressor gas system.

the engine set pressure within defined

intercoolers, safety relief valves and ac-

A pulsation analysis considers upstream

system limits. Non-return valves are

cessory components follows industry

and downstream piping components in

provided on the suction, side to prevent

practices for hydrocarbon process oil

order to determine the correct sizing of

gas back-flow to the storage tanks, be-

and gas installations.

pulsation dampening devices and their

tween stages 3 and 4, to maintain ad-

adequate supporting structure.

equate separation between the

The compressor plant is designed to

oil-free and the oil lubrication compres-

directly related to the design amount

operate over a wide range of gas suc-

sor stages, and at the final discharge

of nBOG and, therefore, to the capacity

tion temperatures from ambient start-

from the compressor.

of the LNG carrier.

Compressor safety

The fuel gas system design concept

Process duty compressor rating

The sizing of the fuel gas compressor is

up at +30C down to 160C without

any special intervention.

Safety relief valves are provided at the

considers compressor operation not

Each compressor stage is provided

discharge of each compression stage

only for supplying gas to the ME-GI en-

with an intercooler to control the gas in-

to protect the cylinders and gas system

gine, but also to deliver gas to the gas

let temperature into the following stage.

against overpressure. Stage differential

combustion unit (GCU) in the event that

The intercooler design is of the con-

relief valves, where applicable, are in-

the engine cannot accept any gas.

Volume LNG tanker

Max. BOG rate LNG tanker




per day and liquid


Density of methane liquid at 1.06 bar a



assumed basis for


BOG mass flow



LNG tank pressure low / high

bar a


Temperature BOG low


during loaded voyage

Temperature BOG high


during ballast voyage

Temperature BOG start up


bar a



Delivery P to ME-GI pressure low / high

Temperature NG delivery to ME-GI
Compressor shaft power
Delivery P to GCU



bar a

4.0 to 6.5

Table II: Rated process design data for a 210 kcum carrier


LNG Carriers with ME-GI Engine and High Pressure Gas Supply System

The compressors are therefore rated to

handle the maximum amount of natural
BOG defined by the tank system supplier and consistent with the design rating of GCU.
Design nBOG rates are typically in the
range of 0.135 to 0.15 % per day of
tanker liquid capacity. During steadystate loaded voyage, a BOG rate of
0.10 to 0.12 % may be expected.
Carrier capacities in the range 145 to
260 kcum have been considered, resulting in the definition of 3 alternative

compressor designs which differ ac-

ME-GI Gas System Engineering

of the injected gas amount. In addition,

cord- ing to frame rating and compres-

The ME-GI engine series, in terms of

there are small modifications to the ex-

sor speed.

engine performance (output, speed,

haust gas receiver, and the control and

thermal efficiency, exhaust gas amount

manoeuvring system.

Rated process design data for a carrier

and temperature, etc.) is identical to

capacity of 210 kcum are as shown in

the well-established, type approved ME

Apart from these systems on the en-

Table II.

engine series. The application potential

gine, the engine and auxiliaries will

for the ME engine series therefore also

comprise some new units. The most

The rating for the electric motor driver

applies to the ME-GI engine, provided

important ones, apart from the gas

is determined by the maximum com-

that gas is available as a main fuel. All

supply system, are listed below, and

pressor power required when consider-

ME engines can be offered as ME-GI

the full system is shown in schematic

ing the full operating range of suction


form in Appendix IV

suction pressures from 1.03 to 1.2 bar

Since the ME system is well known,

The new units are:


the following description of the ME-GI

temperatures from + 30 to 140C and

Ventilation system, for venting the
space between the inner and outer

engine design only deals with new or

pipe of the double-wall piping.

modified engine components.

Sealing oil system, delivering sealing

Fig. 9 shows one cylinder unit of a

oil to the gas valves separating the

S70ME-GI, with detail of the new modi-

control oil and the gas

fied parts. These comprise gas supply

Inert gas system, which enables

double-wall piping, gas valve control

purging of the gas system on the en-

block with internal accumulator on the

gine with inert gas.

(slightly modified) cylinder cover, gas injection valves and ELGI valve for control

Exhaust reciever

Large volume
Gas valves
ELGI valve

Cylinder cover with

gas valves and PMI

High pressure
double wall
gas pipes

Fig. 9: Two-stroke MAN B&W S70ME-GI

LNG Carriers with ME-GI Engine and High Pressure Gas Supply System


The GI system also includes:

Control and safety system, comprising a hydrocarbon analyser for

checking the hydrocarbon content of
the air in the double-wall gas pipes.

It supplies the gas amount for injec-

ME-GI Injection System

tion at a slight, but predetermined,

Dual fuel operation requires the injec-

pressure drop

tion of both pilot fuel and gas fuel into

It forms an important part of the

the combustion chamber.

safety system.
Different types of valves are used for

The GI control and safety system is

Since the gas supply piping is of com-

this purpose. Two are fitted for gas in-

desig- ned to fail to safe condition.

mon rail design, the gas injection valve

jection and two for pilot fuel. The aux-

All failures detected during gas fuel

must be controlled by an auxiliary

iliary media required for both fuel and

running including failures of the control

control oil system. This, in principle,

gas operation are as follows:

system itself, will result in a gas fuel

consists of the ME hydraulic control

Stop/Shut Down, and a change-over to

(system) oil system and an ELGI valve,

High-pressure gas supply

HFO fuel operation. Blow-out and gas-

supplying high-pressure control oil to

Fuel oil supply (pilot oil)

freeing purging of the high-pressure

the gas injection valve, thereby control-

Control oil supply for activation of

gas pipes and the complete gas sup-

ling the timing and opening of the gas

ply system follows. The change-over


gas injection valves

Sealing oil supply.

to fuel oil mode is always done without

any power loss on the engine.

The gas injection valve design is shown

in Fig. 10. This valve complies with tra-

The high-pressure gas from the com-

ditional design principles of compact

pressor-unit flows through the main

design. Gas is admitted to the gas in-

pipe via narrow and flexible branch

jection valve through bores in the cyl-

pipes to each cylinders gas valve block

inder cover. To prevent gas leakage

and accumulator. These branch pipes

between cylinder cover/gas injection

perform two important tasks:

valve and valve housing/spindle guide,

sealing rings made of temperature and

They separate each cylinder unit from

gas resistant material are installed. Any

the rest in terms of gas dynamics,

gas leakage through the gas sealing

utili-sing the well-proven design phi-

rings will be led through bores in the

losophy of the ME engines fuel oil

gas injection valve and further to space


between the inner and the outer shield

They act as flexible connections be-

pipe of the double-wall gas piping sys-

tween the stiff main pipe system and

tem. This leakage will be detected by

the engine structure, safeguarding

HC sensors.

against extra-stresses in the main

and branch pipes caused by the

The gas acts continuously on the valve

inevitable differences in thermal ex-

spindle at a max. pressure of about

pansion of the gas pipe system and

250 bar. To prevent gas from enter-

the engine structure.

ing the control oil activating system via

the clearance around the spindle, the

The buffer tank, containing about 20

spindle is sealed by sealing oil at a

times the injection amount per stroke

pressure higher than the gas pressure

at MCR, also performs two important

(25-50 bar higher).



LNG Carriers with ME-GI Engine and High Pressure Gas Supply System

The designs of oil valve will allow oper-

Sealing oil inlet

ation solely on fuel oil up to MCR. lf the

customers demand is for the gas engine to run at any time at 100 % load
on fuel oil, without stopping the engine,
this can be done. If the demand is prolonged operation on fuel oil, it is rec-

Cylinder cover

ommended to change the nozzles and

Gas inlet

Connection to the
ventilated pipe system
Control oil
Sealing oil

gain an increase in efficiency of around

Gas spindle

system), the ME-GI injection system

1% when running at full engine load.

As can be seen in Fig. 11 (GI injection
consists of two fuel oil valves, two fuel
gas valves, ELGI for opening and closing of the fuel gas valves, and a FIVA
valve to control (via the fuel oil valve)
the injected fuel oil profile. Furthermore,
it consists of the conventional fuel oil

Fig. 10: Gas injection valve ME-GI engine

pressure booster, which supplies pilot

oil in the dual fuel operation mode. This
The pilot oil valve is a standard ME fuel

constantly monitored by the GI safety

fuel oil pressure booster is equipped

oil valve without any changes, except

system, in order to detect any malfunc-

with a pressure sensor to measure the

for the nozzle. The fuel oil pressure is

tioning of the valve.

pilot oil on the high pressure side. As


Low pressure fuel supply

Fuel return
Measuring and
limiting device
Pressure booster
(800 - 900 bar)

Position sensor
Bar abs
ELFI valve

300 bar hydraulic oil.

Shared with
exhaust valve actuator
The system provides:
pressure, timing, rate shaping,
main, pre- & post-injection

Pilotoil pressure

ELGI valve

Control oil pressure

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Deg. CA

Fig. 11: ME-GI system

LNG Carriers with ME-GI Engine and High Pressure Gas Supply System


mentioned earlier, this sensor monitors

High-Pressure Double-Wall Piping

into the branch pipes to the individual

the functioning of the fuel oil valve. If

A common rail (constant pressure) gas

gas valve control blocks, via the branch

any deviation from a normal injection is

supply system is to be fitted for high-

supply pipes to the main supply pipe,

found, the GI safety system will not al-

pressure gas distribution to each valve

and via the suction blower into the at-

low opening for the control oil via the

block. Gas pipes are designed with


ELGI valve. In this event no gas injec-

double-walls, with the outer shielding

tion will take place.

pipe designed so as to prevent gas

Ventilation air is exhausted to a fire-safe

outflow to the machinery spaces in the

place. The double-wall piping system

Under normal operation where no mal-

event of rupture of the inner gas pipe.

is designed so that every part is ven-

functioning of the fuel oil valve is found,

The intervening space, including also

tilated. All joints connected with seal-

the fuel gas valve is opened at the cor-

the space around valves, flanges, etc.,

ings to a high-pressure gas volume are

rect crank angle position, and gas is in-

is equipped with separate mech-anical

being ventilated. Any gas leakage will

jected. The gas is supplied directly into

ventilation with a capacity of approx. 30

therefore be led to the ventilated part of

an ongoing combustion. Consequently

the double-wall piping system and be

the chance of having unburnt gas even-

air changes per hour. The pressure in

tually slipping past the piston rings and

the intervening space is below that of

into the scavenge air receiver is con-

the engine room with the (extractor) fan

The gas pipes on the engine are de-

sidered to be very low. Monitoring the

motors placed outside the ventilation

signed for 50% higher pressure than

scavenge air receiver pressure safe-

ducts. The ventilation inlet air is taken

the normal working pressure, and are

guards against such a situation. In the

from a non-hazardous area.

supported so as to avoid mechanical

event of high pressure, the gas mode

detected by the HC sensors.

vibrations. The gas pipes are further-

is stopped and the engine returns to

Gas pipes are arranged in such a way,

more shielded against heavy items fall-

burning fuel oil only.

see Fig. 12 and Fig 13, that air is suck-

ing down, and on the engine side they

ed into the double-wall piping system

are placed below the top-gallery. The

from around the pipe inlet, from there

pipes are pressure tested at 1.5 times

The gas flow to each cylinder during

one cycle will be detected by measuring the pressure drop in the accumula-

Protective hose

tor. By this system, any abnormal gas


flow, whether due to seized gas injection valves or blocked gas valves, will
be detected immediately. The gas supply will be discontinued and the gas
lines purged with inert gas. Also in this
event, the engine will continue running
on fuel oil only without any power loss.

Bonded seal

Ventilation air
Fuel Gas ow
Ventilation air
Outer pipe
High pressure gas
Ventilation air
High pressure gas pipe
Fig. 12: Branching of gas piping system


LNG Carriers with ME-GI Engine and High Pressure Gas Supply System

Ventilation air
Control air
Control Oil

Fuel gas


Gas stop

Fuel gas

One way valve

Fuel gas inlet

Control oil buffer


Fig. 13: Gas valve control block

the working pressure. The design is to

be all-welded, as far as it is practicable,
using flange connections only to the
extent necessary for servicing purposes. The branch piping to the individual
cylinders is designed with adequate
flexibility to cope with the thermal expansion of the engine from cold to hot
condition. The gas pipe system is also
designed so as to avoid excessive gas
pressure fluctuations during operation.
For the purpose of purging the system
after gas use, the gas pipes are connected to an inert gas system with an
inert gas pressure of 4-8 bar. In the
event of a gas failure, the high-pressure
pipe system is depressurised before
automatic purging. During a normal
gas stop, the automatic purging will be
started after a period of 30 min. Time is
therefore available for a quick re-start in
gas mode.

LNG Carriers with ME-GI Engine and High Pressure Gas Supply System


Fuel Gas System Control Requirements

mode with 100 % of delivered gas re-

system may be effectively divided into

turned to the suction side of the com-

a low-pressure section (LP) consisting

The primary function of the compres-

pressor. In addition, simultaneous de-

of the cold compression stage 1, and

sor control system is to ensure that the

livery of gas to the ME-GI engine and

a high-pressure section (HP) consisting

required discharge pressure is always

GCU must be possible.

of stages 2 to 5.

main propulsion diesel engines. In do-

When considering compressor control,

The main control input for compressor

ing so, the control system must ade-

an important difference between cen-

control is the feed pressure Pset re-

quately handle the gas supply variables

trifugal and reciprocating compressors

quired by the ME-GI engine. The feed

such as tank pressure, BOG rate (laden

should be understood. A reciprocating

pressure may be set in the range of 150

and ballast voyage), gas composition

compressor will always deliver the pres-

to 265 bar according to the desired en-

and gas suction temperature.

sure demanded by the down-stream

gine load. If the two ME-GI engines are

available to match the demand of the

user, independent of any suction con-

operating at different loads, the higher

If the amount of nBOG decreases, the

ditions such as temperature, pressure,

set pressure is valid for the compressor

compressor must be operated on part

gas composition, etc. Centrifugal com-

control unit.

load to ensure a stable tank pressure,

pressors are designed to deliver a cer-

or forced boil-off gas (fBOG) added to

tain head of gas for a given flow. The

If the amount of nBOG is insufficient to

the gas supply. If the amount of nBOG

discharge pressure of these compres-

satisfy the engine load requirement, and

increases, resulting in a higher than ac-

sors will therefore vary according to the

make-up with fBOG is not foreseen, the

ceptable tank pressure, the control sys-

gas suction condition.

compressor will operate on part load to

tem must act to send excess gas to the

gas combustion unit (GCU).

ensure that the tank pressure remains

This aspect is very important when

within specified limits. The ME-GI en-

considering transient starting condi-

gine will act independently to increase

Tank pressure changes take place over

tions such as suction temperature and

the supply of HFO to the engine. Pri-

a relatively long period of time due to

pressure. The 6LP250-5S_1 recipro-

mary regulation of the compressor ca-

the large storage volumes involved.

cating compressor has a simple and

pacity is made with the 1st stage by-

fast start-up procedure.

pass valve, followed by cylinder valve

A fast reaction time of the control sys-

unloading and if required bypass over

tem is therefore not required for this

Compressor control 6LP250-5S_1

stages 2 to 5. With this sequence, the

control variable.

Overall control concept

compressor is able to operate flexibly

Fig. 15 shows a simplified view of the

over the full capacity range from 100 to

compressor process flow sheet. The

0 %.

The main control variable for compressor operation is the feed pressure to the

Control of gas delivery pressure

ME-GI engine, which may be subject to

controlled or instantaneous change. An
to handle such events as part of the
normal operating procedure.
The required gas delivery pressure varies between 150-265 bar, depending
on the engine load (see Fig. 14 below).


Condensate free, without oil/water
droplets or mist, similar to the
PNEUROP recommendation 6611
Air Turbines

Fig. 14: Gas supply station, guiding specification

LNG Carriers with ME-GI Engine and High Pressure Gas Supply System

250 bar
300 bar
2 bar

Temperature :
Approx. 45 oC

Engine Load ( % of MCR )

The compressor must also be able

to operate continuously in full recycle

Max. value
Pulsation limit
Set point tolerance

Gas pressure Set point (bar)

adequate control system must be able

General Data for

Gas Delivery Condition:

Fig. 15: Simplified flow sheet

If the amount of nBOG is higher than

the use of gas bypass as the primary

Economical regulation of a multi-stage

can be burnt in the engine (for exam-

method of regulation, operates within

compressor is most efficiently executed

ple during early part of the laden voy-

various well defined control limits.

using gas recycle around the 1st stage

age) resulting in higher than acceptable

of compression. The ME-GI required

suction pressure (tank pressure), the

The system pressure control limits are

set pressure Pset is therefore taken as

control system will send excess gas to

as follows:

control input directly to the compressor

the GCU via the side stream of the 1st

compression stage.
In the event of engine shutdown or sud-

1st stage bypass valve, which will open

Pmin suction Prevents under-pressure in

or close until the actual compressor

compressor inlet manifold

discharge pressure is equal to the Pset.

- tank vacuum.

With this method of control, BOG de-

den change in engine load, the com-

livery to the ME-GI is regulated without

pressor delivery line must be protected

Phigh suction


any direct measurement and control of

against overpressure by opening by-

pressure - system safety


the delivered mass flow. If none of the

pass valves over the HP section of the

(GCU) on standby.

above control limits are active, the con-


troller is able to regulate the mass flow

Pmax suction Initiates action to reduce

During start-up of the compressor with

inlet manifold pressure.


Prevents overpressure of

rule the ME-GI controller setting and

initiate bypass valve operation:

warm nBOG, the temperature control valves will operate to direct a flow

in the range from 0 to 100 %.

The following control limits act to over-

through an additional gas intercooler

ME-GI feed compressor

after the 1st compression stage.

discharge manifold.

The control concept for the compres-

A detailed description of operation

sor is based on one main control mode

within these control limits is given be-

which is called power saving mode.

low. Power saving mode

Pmin suction (tank pressure below set-


This mode of running, which minimises

LNG Carriers with ME-GI Engine and High Pressure Gas Supply System


The control scenario is falling suction

There is no action on the compressor

GCU-only operating mode

pressure. If the Pmin limit is active,

control or the ME-GI control system.

The control scenario considers a situa-

the 1st stage recycle valve will not be

permitted to close further, thereby

tion where gas injection to the ME-GI is

Pmax suction (tank pressure too high)

preventing further reduction in suction

not required and tank gas pressure is at

the level of Phigh.

pressure. If the pressure in the suction

The control scenario is the same as de-

line continues to decrease, the recycle

scribed above, however, it has resulted

The nBOG is compressed and deliv-

valve will open governed by the Pmin

in even higher suction pressure. Action

ered to the GCU by means of a gas


must now be taken to reduce suction

take-off after the 1st stage.

pressure by sending gas to the GCU.

Action of

Pressure will fall at the

The following actions are initiated:

The high pressure alarm initiates a

ME-GI control compressor discharge

manual sequence whereby the 1st

manual start of the GCU

system:requiring the

stage bypass valve PCV01 is closed

closing of the bypass valve around

HFO injection rate to

and the bypass valve PCV02 to the


GCU is opened. When the changeover


is completed, automatic Pset control

1st stage

fully opening of the bypass valves

around stages 2-5.

is transferred to the GCU control valve


If a spray cooling or

PCV02. The gas amount which can-

In this mode, the compressor is oper-

forced vaporizer is

not be accepted by the ME-GI will be

ating with stages 2-5 in full recycle at a

installed, it may be

burned simultaneously in the GCU.

reduced discharge pressure of approxi-

used for stabilising the

suction pressure and

No action is taken in the ME-GI control

the GCU feed valve is set directly by the

thereby increase the


GCU in the range 3 to 6 bar a.

gas mass flow to the

engine. Such a system

Pmax ME-GI feed

There is no action on the ME-GI con-

could be activated

by the Pmin suction

The control scenario is a reduction of

pressure limit.

the engine load or closure of the ME-

mately 80 bar. The pressure setting of


GI supply line downstream of the comPhigh suction (tank pressure above

pressor. The pressure will rise in the

delivery line. Line overpressure is pre-

set level)

vented by a limiter, which acts to directThe control scenario is increasing suc-

ly open the bypass control valve around

tion pressure due to either reduced

stages 2 to 5. As a consequence, the

engine load (e.g. approaching port,

controller will also open the 1st stage

manoeuvring) or excess nBOG due to

recycle valve.

liquid impurities (e.g. N2).

The control range of the compressor is
The control limiter initiates a manual

0 to 100 % mass flow.

start of the GCU (the GCU is assumed

not to be on standby mode during normal voyage).


LNG Carriers with ME-GI Engine and High Pressure Gas Supply System

Machinery Room Installation

The layout of the cargo handling equipment and the design of their supporting
structure presents quite a challenge to
the shipbuilder where space on deck
is always at a premium. In conjunction
with HHI and the compressor maker, an
optimised layout of the fuel gas compressor has been developed.
There are many factors which influence
the compressor plant layout apart from
limited space availability. (See Fig. 16.)


External piping connections, adequate


access for operation and maintenance,

equipment design and manufacturing

Fig. 16: Typical layout of cargo machinery room

codes, plant lifting and installation are

just a few.
The compressor together with accessory items comprising motor drive,
auxiliary oil system, vessels, gas cool-


ers, interconnecting piping, etc., are


manufactured as modules requiring


E. mortor

minimum assembly work on the ship

deck. Separate auxiliary systems provide coolant for the compressor frame
and gas coolers.
If required, a dividing bulkhead may
separate the main motor drive from
the hazardous area in the compressor
room. A compact driveshaft arrangement without bulkhead, using a suitably designed ex motor, is however preferred. Platforms and stairways provide

Oil System
Suction line

access to the compressor cylinders

for valve maintenance. Piston assemblies are withdrawn vertically through

Fig. 17: Fuel gas compressor with accessories

manholes in the roof of the machinery

house (see Fig. 17).

LNG Carriers with ME-GI Engine and High Pressure Gas Supply System


Requirements for Cargo Machinery

Room Support Structure
Fig. 18 shows details of the compressor base frame footprint and requirement for support by the ship structure.
Reciprocating compressors, by nature
of movement of their rotating parts,
exhibit out-of-balance forces and moments which must be considered in the
design of the supporting structure for
acceptable machinery vibration levels.
As a boundary condition, the structure
underneath the cargo machinery room
must have adequate weight and stiffness to provide a topside vibration level
of (approximately) 1.2 - 1.5 mm/s. Satisfactory vibration levels for compressor
frame and cylinders are 8 and 15 mm/s

Fig. 18: Compressor base frame footprint

respectively (values given are rms root

mean square).

ing and possible replacing of wearing

LNG boil-off gas is an ideal gas to com-


press. The gas is relatively pure and un-

Foundation deflection due to ship

contaminated, the gas components are

movement must, furthermore, be con-

Major intervention for dismantling and

well defined, and the operating tem-

sidered in the design of the compressor

bearing inspection is recommended

peratures are stable once cool-down

plant to ensure stress-free piping termi-

every 2-3 years.

is completed.

Average availability per compressor

These conditions are excellent for long

unit is estimated to be 98.5 % with best

lifetime of the compressor valves where

The low speed, crosshead type com-

availability approximately 99.5 %. With

an average lifetime expectancy for valve

pressor design 6LP250-5S, like the

an installed redundant unit, the com-

plates is 16,000 hours. Therefore, we

ME-GI diesel engine, is designed for

pressor plant availability will be in the

do not expect any unscheduled inter-

the life time of the LNG carrier (25 to 30

region of 99.25 %.

vention per year for valve maintenance.

nations. Maintenance requirements availability/reliability

years or longer). Routine maintenance

Such a maintenance intervention will

is limited purely to periodic checking in

Any unscheduled stoppage of the

take approx. 7-9 hours for compressor

the machinery room.

6LP250-5S compressor will most likely

shutdown, isolation and valve replace-

be attributable to a mal-function of a


Maintenance intervention for disman-

cylinder valve. With the correct valve

tling, checking and eventual part re-

design and material selection (Burck-

A total unscheduled maintenance in-



hardt uses its own design and manu-

tervention time of 25 hours, assuming

each 8,000 hours of operation. Annual

facture plate valves) these events will

8,000 operating hours per year, may be

maintenance interventions will normally

be very seldom, however a valve failure

used for statistical comparison. On this

require 50-70 hours work for check-

in operation cannot be entirely ruled

basis compressor reliability is estimated


at 99.7 %.




LNG Carriers with ME-GI Engine and High Pressure Gas Supply System

Our experience in many installations

Requirements for Classification

fore worked out a hazard identification

shows that no hours are lost for un-

When entering the LNG market with

study that was conducted by Det Nor-

scheduled maintenance. The reliability

the combined two-stroke and relique-

ske Veritas (DNV), see Appendix V.

of these compressors is therefore com-

faction solution, it was discovered that

parable to that of centrifugal compres-

there is a big difference in the require-

sor types.

ments from operators and classification

Being used to cooperating with the
classification societies on other commercial ships, the rules and design
re-commendations for the various applications in the LNG market are new
when it comes to diesel engine propulsion. In regard to safety, the high availability and reliability offered when using
the two-stroke engines generally fulfil
the requirements, but as the delivery
and pick up of gas in the terminals is
carried out within a very narrow time
window, redundancy is therefore essential to the operators.
As such, a two-engine ME-GI solution
is the new choice, with its high efficiency, availability and reliability, as the
traditional HFO burning engines.




operated ships, the operators and shipowners in the LNG industry generally
have different goals and demands to
their LNG tankers, and they often apply
more strict design criteria than applied
so far by the classification societies.
A Hazid investigation was therefore
found to be the only way to secure that
all situations are taken into account
when using gas for propulsion, and that
all necessary precautions have been
taken to minimize any risk involved.
In 2005, HHI shipyard, HHI engine
builder, BCA and MAN Diesel there-

LNG Carriers with ME-GI Engine and High Pressure Gas Supply System


Actual Test and Analysis of Safety

when Operating on Gas

Main Engine Room Safety

tion are included in the analysis. The

The latest investigation, which was

amount of gas in the fuel pipe limits the

recently finished, was initiated by a

duration of the leak. Ignition of a leak

The use of gas on a diesel engine calls

number of players in the LNG market

causing an explosion or a fire is further-

for careful attention with regard to safe-

questioning the use of 250 bar gas in

more factored in, due to possible hot

ty. For this reason, ventilated double-

the engine room, which is also located

spots or electrical equipment that can

walled piping is a minimum requirement

under the wheel house where the crew

give sparks in the engine room.

to the transportation of gas to the en-

is working and living.


Calculations of the leak rate as a funcEven though the risk of full breakage

tion of time, and the ventilation flow

In addition to hazard considerations

happening is considered close to neg-

rates were performed and applied as

and calculations, it has been necessary

ligible and, in spite of the precautions

input to the explosion and fire analyses.

to carry out tests, two of which were

introduced in the system design, MAN

carried out some years ago before the

Diesel found it necessary to investi-

installation and operation of the Chiba

gate the effect of such an accident,

power plant 12K80MC-GI engine in

as the question still remains in part of


the industry: what if a double-wall pipe

breaks in two and gas is released from

A crack in the double-wall inner

a full opening and is ignited?

The first test was performed by intro-

As specialists in the offshore industry,

ducing a crack in the inner pipe to see

DNV were commissioned to simulate

if the outer pipe would stay intact. The

such a worst case situation, study the

test showed no penetration of the outer

consequences, and point to the appro-

pipe, thus it could be concluded that

priate countermeasures. DNVs work

the double-wall concept lived up to the

comprised a CFD (computational fluid


dynamics) simulation of the hazard of

an explosion and subsequent fire, and

Pressure fluctuation

an investigation of the risk of this situ-

The second test was carried out to in-

ation ever occurring and at what scale.

vestigate the pressure fluctuations in

the relatively long piping from the gas

As input for the simulation, the volume

compressor to the engine.

of the engine room space, the position

of major components, the air ventilation

By estimation of the necessary buffer

rate, and the location of the gas pipe

volume in the piping system, the stroke

and control room were the key input

and injection of gas was calculated to


see when safe pressure fluctuations are

achieved within given limits for optimal

Realistic gas leakage scenarios were

performance of the engines. The piping

defined, assuming a full breakage of

system has been designed on the basis

the outer pipe and a large or small hole

of these calculations.

in the inner fuel pipe. Actions from the

closure of the gas shutdown valves,
the ventilation system and the ventilation conditions prior to and after detec-


LNG Carriers with ME-GI Engine and High Pressure Gas Supply System

Simulation Results

cieties, and also the requirements that

The report Dual fuel Concept: Analysis

The probability of this hazard happen-

are expected from the shipowners.

of fires and explosions in engine room

ing is based on experience from the

offshore industry.

was made by DNV consulting and can

This new engine room design is based

be ordered by contacting MAN Diesel

on the experience achieved by HHI

A/S, in Copenhagen.

Even calculated in the worst case, no

with their first orders for LNG carriers

structural damage will occur in the HHI

equipped with 2 x 6S70ME-C and rel-

LNG engine room if designed for 1.1

iquefaction plant. The extra safety that

bar over pressure.

will be included is listed below:

No areas outside the engine room

Double-wall piping is located as far

will be affected by an explosion.

away as possible from critical walls

such as the fuel tank walls and switch-

If this situation is considered to rep-

board room walls.

resent too high a risk, unattended

machinery space during gas operation

In case of an engine room fire alarm,

can be introduced. Today, most en-

a gas shutdown signal is sent out, the

gines and equipment are already ap-

engine room ventilation fans stops, and

proved by the classification societies

the air inlet canals are blocked.

for this type of operation.

During gas running it is not possible to
By insulation, the switchboard room

perform any heavy lifting with the en-

floor can be protected against heat

gine room crane.

from any jet fires.

A failure of the engine room ventilation

No failure of the fuel oil tank struc-

will result in a gas shutdown.

ture, consequently no escalation of


HC sensors are placed in the engine

room, and their position will be based

The above conclusion is made on the

on a dispersion analysis made for the

assumption that the GI safety system is

purpose of finding the best location for

fully working.

the sensors.

In addition, DNV has arrived at a differ-

The double-wall piping is designed with

ent result based on the assumption that

lyres, so that variation in temperatures

the safety system is not working. On

from pipes to surroundings can be ab-

the basic in these results DNV have put

sorbed in the piping.

up failure frequencies and developed

a set of requirements to be followed in

In fact, any level of safety can be

case a higher level of safety is required.

achieved on request of the shipowner.

The safety level request will be achieved

After these conclusion made by DNV,

in a co-operation between the yard

HHI has developed a level for their en-

HHI, the engine builder HHI, the clas-

gine room safety that satisfies the re-

sification society and MAN Diesel A/S.

quirements from the classification so-

LNG Carriers with ME-GI Engine and High Pressure Gas Supply System


Engine Operating Modes

The minimum-fuel mode is developed

engine on high-sulphur fuels for longer

One of the advantages of the ME-GI

for gas operation, and it can only be

periods of time are recommended to in-

engine is its fuel flexibility, from which

started manually by an operator on

stall two lube oil tanks. When changing

an LNG carrier can certainly benefit.

the Gas Main Operating Panel in the

to minimum-fuel mode, the change of

Burning the boil-off gas with a variation

control room. In this mode, the control

lube oil should be carried out as well.

in the heat value is perfect for the diesel

system will allow any ratio between fuel

working principle. At the start of a laden

oil and gas fuel, with a minimum preset

Players in the market have been fo-

voyage, the natural boil-off gas holds a

amount of fuel oil to be used.

cussed on reducing the exhaust emis-

large amount of nitrogen and the heat

sions during harbour manoeuvring.

value is low. If the boil-off gas is being

The preset minimum amount of fuel oil,

When testing the ME-GI at the MAN

forced, it can consist of both ethane

hereafter named pilot oil, to be used

Diesel research centre in Copenhagen,

and propane, and the heat value could

is in between 5-8% depending on the

the 30% limit for minimum-fuel mode

be high. A two-stroke, high-pressure

fuel oil quality. Both heavy fuel oil and

will be challenged taking advantage of

gas injection engine is able to burn

marine diesel oil can be used as pilot

the increased possibilities of the ME

those different fuels and also without

oil. The min. pilot oil percentage is cal-

fuel valves system to change its in-

a drop in the thermal efficiency of the

culated from 100% engine load, and

jection profile, MAN Diesel expects to

engine. The control concept compris-

is constant in the load range from 30-

lower this 30% load limit for gas use,

es two different fuel modes, see also

100%. Below 30% load MAN Diesel is

but for now no guaranties can be given.

Fig. 19.

not able to guarantee a stable gas and

pilot oil combustion, when the engine

fuel-oil-only mode

reach this lower limit the engine returns

minimum-fuel mode

to Fuel-oil-only mode.

The fuel-oil-only mode is well known

Gas fuels correspond to low-sulphur

from the ME engine. Operating the

fuels, and for this type of fuel we rec-

engine in this mode can only be done

ommend the cylinder lube oil TBN40 to

on fuel oil. In this mode, the engine is

be used. Very good cylinder condition

considered gas safe. If a failure in the

with this lube oil was achieved from the

gas system occurs it will result in a gas

gas engine on the Chiba power plant. A

shutdown and a return to the fuel-oil-

heavy fuel oil with a high sulphur con-

only mode and the engine is gas safe.

tent requires the cylinder lube oil TBN

70. Shipowners intending to run their

Fuel 100%

Fuel-oil-only mode

Fuel 100%

"Minimum fuel" mode

Fuel gas

Fuel oil
Pilot oil
100% load

Fuel oil
30% load
100% load
Min load for Min. fuel mode

Fuel 100%
Fig. 19: Fuel type modes for the ME-GI engines for LNG carriers

"Specified gas" mode


LNG Carriers with ME-GI Engine and High Pressure Gas Supply System
Fuel oil
Pilot oil

100% load

Launching the ME-GI

livery to the operator has been consid-

formed for the ME system like normal,

As a licensor, MAN Diesel expects a

ered and discussed. One solution is to

and for the GI system it is performed on

time frame of two years from order to

test the gas engine on the testbed, but

board the LNG carrier as a part of the

delivery of the first ME-GI on the test-

this is a costly method. Alternatively,

Gas Trial Test. Thereby, the GI system


and recommended by MAN Diesel,

is tested in combination with the tailor-

the compressor and ME-GI operation

made gas compressor system for the

In the course of this time, depending

test could be made in continuation of

specific LNG carrier. Only in this com-

on the ME-GI engine size chosen, the

the gas trial. Today, there are different

bination it will be possible to get a valid

engine builder will make the detailed

opinions among the classification soci-


designs and a final commissioning test

eties, and both solutions are possible

on a research engine. This type approv-

depending on the choice of classifica-

Prior to the gas trial test, the GI system

al test (TAT) is to be presented to the

tion society and arrangement between

has been tested to ensure that every-

classification society and ship owner in

ship owners, yard and engine builder.

thing is working satisfactory.

question to show that the compressor

and the ME-GI engine is working in all

MAN Diesel A/S has developed a test

the operation modes and conditions.

philosophy especially for approval of

the ME-GI application to LNG carri-

In cooperation with the classification

ers, this philosophy has so far been

society and engine builder, the most

approved by DNV, GL, LR and ABS,

optimum solution, i.e. to test the com-

see Table III. The idea is that the FAT

pressor and ME-GI engine before de-

(Factory Acceptance Test) is being per-

Volume LNG

MAN Diesel

Engine builder






Quay trial

Sea trial

Gas trial

MAN B&W re-

TAT of ME-GI control

search engine

system and of gas com-

4T50MX or

ponents. Test according

similar suitable

to MBD test program.


Subject to Class approval.

First ME-GI

Test accord-

Test accord-

Test according

After loading gas, the following


ing to:

ing to:


tests are to be carried out:



Yard and

Yard and

Acceptance test of the com-

MBD Factory

Engine Builder

Engine Builder

plete gas system including the

cceptance Test

test program

test program ap-

main engine.

program (FAT)

approved by

proved by Class

for ME engines. Class

Test of the ME-GI control

system according to MBD test
program approved by Class

Second and
following ME-GI

- do -

- do -

- do -

- do -

Engine is
tested on:

Gas and marine diesel oil

Marine diesel

Marine diesel

Marine diesel

Marine diesel Heavy fuel oil


oil and/or heavy

oil and/or heavy

and gas

fuel oil

fuel oil

Table III: MAN B&W ME-GI engines test and class approval philosophy

LNG Carriers with ME-GI Engine and High Pressure Gas Supply System


Machinery Concepts Comparison


In this chapter, the ME-C and ME-GI

1 x FPP

engines in the various configuations


will be compared. The comparison will

HFO + reliq.

show the most suitable propulsion solution for a modern LNG carrier.

2 x FPP


2 x CPP
Dual Fuel

The study is made as objective as possible, however, only MAN Diesel sup-


ported systems are compared.

Fig. 20: Alternative two-stroke propulsion and power generation machinery systems

Both the ME-C engine with reliquefaction and the ME-GI engine with gas

have been compared using the Net

out the incorporation of the estimated

compressor can be used either in twin

Present Value (NPV) method, see Fig. 21.

emission fees.

fixed pitch (FPP) or two controllable

In order to quantify the effect of the

The calculations have been made for

pitch propellers (CPP), or as a single

machinery chosen on the total exhaust

three different sizes of LNG carriers;

main engine coupled to one FPP.

gas emissions, and thereby bring it di-

150,000, 210,000 and 250,000 m3.

engine arrangements, coupled to two

rectly into the comparison, costs for the

For LNG carriers, the total electricity

various emission pollutants have been

Finally, the Net Present Value results,

consumption of the machinery on

assumed and used in some of the cal-

for each LNG carrier size, have been

board is higher than usual compared

culations, thereby visualising a possible

scaled towards each other in such a

with most other merchant ship types.

future economic impact of the emis-

way that the highest Net Present Value,


which represents the alternative with

Therefore, the electrical power generation is included in the comparison.

The following emission fees have been

used in the calculations:

NPV formula
Each cash inflow/outflow is dis-

Thus, the various main propulsion machinery solutions may be coupled with

CO2: 17.3 USD/tonne

counted back to its Present Value.

various electricity producers, such as

NOx: 2,000 USD/tonne

Then they are summed. Therefore:

diesel generators (DG), the MAN Diesel

SO2: 2,000 USD/tonne

waste heat recovery system, called the

Thermo Efficiency System (TES), or a

It has been assumed that the CO2 fee is

shaft generator system (PTO).

to be paid for the complete CO2 emis-

Applying the propulsion data listed in

sion, whe reas the NOx and SO2 fees


are to be paid for only 20% of the total

t - the time of the cash flow


Tables IV and V, the estimated data for

NOx and

the electrical power consumption in

latter pollutants are mostly a problem

emissions, since the two

Tables VI and VII, MAN Diesel has cal-

when the ship operates close to the

Ct - the net cash flow (the amount

culated the investment and operational

coast line.

of cash) at that point in time.

Calculations have been made, tak-

begining of the investment

ing different HFO and LNG prices and

time ( t = 0 )

The investment and operational costs

different time horizons (10, 20 and 30

have been analysed and the results

years) into account, and with and with-


r - the discount rate

C0 - the capitial outlay at the

costs of all the alternative configurations illustrated in Fig. 20.

n - the total time of the project

LNG Carriers with ME-GI Engine and High Pressure Gas Supply System

Fig. 21: NPV definition

the highest cost for each combination

of fuel prices, time horizon and emission scenario has been nominated to
equal 100% cost, whereas the remaining Net Present Values within the same



























Design draught




Length overall




Length between














ages of the above most expensive



Average design



Ship capacity





Design draught




ship speed
Light weight

1. Single propeller

1 x 8.60

1 x 8.80

1 x 9.00

of ship
Design displace-

SMCR power


1 x 31,361

1 x 39,268

1 x 45,152

SMCR speed





Main engine
(without PTO)

1 x 7K90ME

1 x 7K98ME

1 x 8K98ME

Mk 6

Mk 7

Mk 6

2 x 8.10

ment of ship


2. Twin-skeg and Twin-propulsion.



Ship capacity

category have been listed in percent-



2 x 8.40

2 x 8.70



draught ratio

SMCR power


2 x 14,898

2 x 18,301

2 x 20,780

SMCR speed





2 x 5S70ME-C

2 x 6S70ME-C

2 x 7S70ME-C

Mk 7

Mk 7

Mk 7

Sea margin




Main engine
(without PTO)

Block coeficient,

Ballast draught




Engine margin




Average engine




Light running

load in ballast


Table IV: Results of propulsion power prediction calculations for LNG carriers
of the membrane type

Table V: Average ship particulars used for propulsion power prediction calculations for LNG carriers of the membrane type

LNG Carriers with ME-GI Engine and High Pressure Gas Supply System


150,000 m3



Other consum-

Total electricity con-




ers (kW)

sumption (kW)




















at terminal
at terminal
210,000 m3



Other consum-

Total electricity con-




ers (kW)

sumption (kW)




















Ballast voyage
Loading at
Unloading at
Manoeuvring laden
Manoeuvring ballast
250,000 m3



Other consum-

Total electricity con-




ers (kW)

sumption (kW)




















Loading at
Unloading at
Manoeuvring laden
Manoeuvring ballast

Table VI: Electrical power consumption for reliquefaction


LNG Carriers with ME-GI Engine and High Pressure Gas Supply System

150,000 m3


Dual fuel


Gas com-


Total electricity

pressor (kW)

consumers (kW)

consumption (kW)



















at terminal
at terminal
210,000 m3


Dual fuel


Gas com-


Total electricity

pressor (kW)

consumers (kW)

consumption (kW)




Ballast voyage
















Gas com-


Total electricity

pressor (kW)

consumers (kW)

consumption (kW)



















Loading at
Unloading at
250,000 m3


Dual fuel

Loading at terminal
Unloading at terminal

Table VII: Electrical power consumption for ME-GI

LNG Carriers with ME-GI Engine and High Pressure Gas Supply System


TES = Thermo Efficiency System, PTO = Power Take Off, DG = Diesel Gas,
NPV = Net Present Valve (see Fig. 21)


LNG Carriers with ME-GI Engine and High Pressure Gas Supply System

LNG Carriers with ME-GI Engine and High Pressure Gas Supply System


MAN Diesel & Turbo

Teglholmsgade 41
2450 Copenhagen SV, Denmark
Phone +45 33 85 11 00
Fax +45 33 85 10 30

All data provided in this document is non-binding. This data serves informational purposes only and is especially not guaranteed in any way.
Depending on the subsequent specific individual projects, the relevant data may be subject to changes and will be assessed and determined
individually for each project. This will depend on the particular characteristics of each individual project, especially specific site and operational
conditions Copyright MAN Diesel & Turbo Subject to modification in the interest of technical progress. 5510-0026-03ppr August 2009
Printed in Denmark

All data provided in this document is non-binding. This data serves informational
purposes only and is especially not guaranteed in any way. Depending on the
subsequent specific individual projects, the relevant data may be subject to
changes and will be assessed and determined individually for each project. This
will depend on the particular characteristics of each individual project, especially
specific site and operational conditions. CopyrightMAN Diesel & Turbo.
5510-0026-04ppr Sep 2014 Printed in Denmark

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