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Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Assessment of Professional Competence Professional Experience Route ease Study ‘The New WM Highway and Truck Route Candidate's ane Candidate's membership nurnber: SI. General “This document is compiled in accordance with the Royal Instution of Charred Surveyors APC Candidate's Guides for the RICS Assessment of Professionel Competence, ‘Contdentitity statement “The flown document conaine confidential information incided for the purpose of fhe Assessment of Professional Compatence, Due to tho elen's concem and sent of the project issues dacussad mths report. the project informaton, ie. project name, clent name, contractor's name and contact price, 3 ‘isguted to maxe tne project unientranie. Declaration | confirm his case study document fa tue reprecentation ofthe candidate's own wark anc invelvement inthe roject detail here. Oni Date: 63 November 2014 Counselor: aa Dato: €3 November 2014 Membership ruber im, ‘Sponsor's name: Khan Mohammed Faisal Membership number: ama acti ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. Contest/ introduction 44 Purpose 12 Objectives 13 Key Face 14 Project Detas 142 Description ofthe Works 15 Role 18 Competencies “The Arproach 2.4 What you do? 22, What was the level of esponsibity’? 23. Who.wete the stakeholders? 24 What was the timeline? 25 Give atleast one example of giving reasoned advice toa client fora level’ competency. The Result 3.1 What ai you aciove? 4, Lessons Lgaenod 44 “What aa you team trom tis? 42 What barter did you face? 43. What would you do ditferenty next tne? 44 What can thay lean trom this? 5. Appeniix 5.1 Figure 1.0 Road layout network for construction of The New WM Highway ad Truck Route” 52 Figure 20.a Selection citria score and weighted score comparison fr bridge deck 53. Figure 20. Selection crteria score and weighted score comparison for bridge abument 54 Figure 20. Selection ceria sore and weighted score comparison or tie per 55 Figie 3.0.8 Qualitative comparison for bridge deck 56. Figute 30.5 Quatatve comparison fr bridge abutment [57 Figure 3.0.c Quatatve comparison for bridge pier 58 Figure 40 Consietion duration comparisons 44 12 4 14 Context / Introduction Purpore ‘The ain ofthis repot isto demonstrate my approach and understanding of, the work of @ Chatired Quantiy Surveyor, This report has boon wntton as a criique ofthe practice and precesses undertaken by maeelf withthe inenilon 1 present tha varoue etrucural concept design entone for a rage stiucue within the tender preposal fer the design and construct of “The New WM righway and Truck Route projet Objectives ‘The objective ofthis reports o discuss aed compare the stuctural concept design options for abridge structure to be constructed in he proposed road network wih the layout of each junction saisying all late demands. Relr lo Appendix 5, igure 1.0 Road layout network for constuctan of The New Wit Highway and Truck Route Koy Factors In ordeto achieve the abjecves from the eoncopt design options forthe bridge stucture, key factors for bridges wete proposed incuaing + Compatiity win the configuration of junction Standardization + Gonetiction scheme + Sustanabiy Project Details Descrition ofthe Ste “Tne prec nckided approximately 48km of road network and a fotal of ve inerehenges. The highway ‘consisted ofa TO-lane section (Sin each crecion) win addtional colecorslstnouor roads, onage toads and ramps. In adlion to this, four separated truck lanes (2 in each decion) wore proved ‘ring rom the Uo in point with the exieingintrehange to the project mat near to te intersection between tis highway and existing road. ‘The proposed junctions of the highway comprise of main bridges and directional ramp bridges. The rman bnges are to cuss over ho proposed at graae roads ncung extansion of he alm eds NG serce roads for futue trafic volume, whi the ramp bridges are proposed to proude additonal DDescrition of he Works ‘The scope of work neuded complate design and constructon of a new highway, ncuding five cferent ca7ace spate interehanges wih cross roads, tk anes, cverpass and underpacs structures, 48 16 retaining walls, pedestian ane biycle paths, trafic signs, ITS, landscape and hards:ape and artscape, Steet ating al elated infrastuctores, ae Role | was appointed by my estimating and engineering manager as the Lead QS for his tender project. Competencies Being ar ofthe tendenng team bring tor his projec, | demonstrated my knowlege inthe following areas of 8 competencies onstuction technology and environmental services ‘uanifetion and costing of constuction works Sommunicaton and negotiation onduct rules, thes and proessional practice Data management ‘fealty and eaoty Sustainatty Teamworking| (The Context «18 werds) 24 22 2a 24 “Tho Approach What id you do? ‘As part of the tender team. | was assigned the task of leading a group of OS's. My primary responses as lead QS in tis tndor were +e visits wh ny tear to Kentty the exiting ste conditions 1 sucying the stectural concept doeign option reper provided by the design coneitant which formed part of tender document ‘+ analyzing the vaious stuctural design concepts for possible frm ofthe mah bridge and ramp bndgo stucture + providing analysis on constuction methodology by selecting the most suitable construction Eenome. ing asthe main focal source of tender information, for example, answesng tender quate tnd carfications, tender crculars reveled, revision to cravings, se 1+ measured quanities accurately through standard measumng sofware ‘+ quanttyng the major consructon elements suc as concrete, reinforcing tar, formwork, et, ‘nd make a comparison sheet ‘+ managing the QS team by alocatng each individual esponsiilies, moning the progress of work against schedule nd checking the accuracy of work + inputing data to Bil of Quantities 4 attending internal and exeral meetings + partcpating in tender review. ‘What was the level of responsibility? My responsibly for this tender was classtied as heh level and essential to develop greater Understanding af the kay issues ofthe tender. | provided a detaied analysis of the bidge stuctre the tender management team though compating the various options of bridge dock, abutment and badge por based on the structural dosign concept reper submited by the desgn consultant The {evaliaton was based onthe selection cri and respecive weed scores dab. | have presented ‘he comparison table indicating the selecion cera scores and a graph showing the respective sores based on the weighted importance as shown m Append, Figure 2.0. B& ¢ “This comparison exercise was highly eral in analyzing wha ypes of bridge frm were to be priced in the tender interns of quay, consiuctaty and cost Wiho wore the stakeholders? ‘This tender was one ofthe majo projects funded by a Gatar government owned cempany response for the planning. design, procirement. constuction, lvery. and asset management of all Iniastuctue projects and pubic buldings. ‘The company’s other responsible incivled. govering ‘he design, consttucion, and management of major projects indudng roads, drahage and bullings such as puble buildings, schools and nosptas What was the timeline? ‘Tho whole ofthe works, and each section, wore planned to be comploted and shall ave passed the fests on completion win 1002 calendar days and detects Sabi perod of 400 calendar days. The ‘otal tender period for this projet was 121 calendar days 25 ‘ve at east one example of giving reasoned advice to a client for a level 3 competency. Various options for appropiate form of bxkigo deck, abutment and bridge pier have been compared ‘based an te information and advice of the design experts we engaged inthis tender. | prepared. ‘epot basad on qualtalve comparison, quantiatvelcost assessment and constucion duran and ‘reverie this roport to the fonder managoment team. This report helped my management team to ‘ee for te best possible option to be used. ‘Qvaitave comparcon The brige deck options were qualtatvely compared accorsing to soveral selection erterons such as saestnetes, tad compatbty, local market expertise, ele as sown in Appendices 8, Figute 30.4. The bidge decks being compared were: + castinstu box gider + supert geder + baider ‘Te same qualitative comparison vas made forthe abutment and the per options based on specic selection cia, Refer to Append 5, Pure 30.0 and Figure 3.0.¢ respectively, Quantivicost assessment ‘Thad caleulaed the estimated construction cost based on the benchmark lnforation. Listed below were the constuction cost compansons. The configuration of the bridge model being used was {sumed to have two spans continuous of 35m, hereto: ‘spans continuous of 35m = 70m Sm Om x 25m = 1.75072 Cost per Unit Area Ta “3400.00 19 Costper Unt ea ees eg = fearing supported 1.300,00 629 eed 1,200,000 636 | also measured and quantified the major constuction material's for the bridge stuctue. | had ‘alelaed quantities for super-T biage deck and castin sau box grder deck Simiy, | had ealculted the quintiies for the bridge pie, ebutment and other ems such as, MSE val, cafbel. omnia plank. tc Ths helped our estimator to produce a more detailed caiulaton of the fotal enstueton cast for the briege stucture Construction duration Tentatne construction schedule was proposed for each bridge deck option, the bx ade bridge deck and precast super-T ier to compare the tequited constuction duration as shawn in Appendix 5, Figure 40 Construction Duration. In th repr, was identiied thatthe curation forthe construction of Ddge using castin-stu box gider and super ger was 12 months and 8 morins respectively ‘Win athe comparison data | compiled, my input enabled my bid manager to deci and fnalize which ‘option o considor. After much dlscussion and folowing advice from the design oxoers, I oleve Wat the bost opten wae chosen, priced inthe tender submission and offered the best vaie for money 1 teeter (The Approseh: 802 words) 34 “The Result What cid you achieve? In this epot, | achieved my purpose to demonstrate my approach to, and understanding of, the work of 2 Chartered Quantey Surveyor. My technical understanding on bridge stueure and he impact on onstruction of major highways wes greater than before in terms ofthe fling 1 Constuctatity | have learnt that the choice of the appropriate construction scheme or methodology was. boneficial so as to achieve more effective bridge constructon, for exampla, the const ton of box girder bedge dock takes longer duration than precast upe-T gidertndge deck k was because the constuction of box ger brkge deck can be only commencedonce subsrucres ‘wore comploied, while precast super-T ger can be fabricated from the precast Tactory Parallel basis during the substructure constucion. Hence, the brdge constuction duration ould be significantly reduced by overapping construction activites of suostuetures and bage deck + Design | have leat fom the stuctural design concept report provided by the consultant, that, there ‘ware onidge lorms tat possess the most aesthetic featur. Other forms were comatibi wih a possible road alignment and ‘coniguration and some hers had possessed simiar Ssadventages and sdvantages, ‘+ Quantification and costing | undertook two diferent exercises of calculating the construction cost inthis tender, The fs txorciso comprised of calculating based onthe estimated cost per area of bridge strut and the other wate quantiying the msjor constuction materiale to rrve en te total cost In ths fstimation, i concluded tha a badge using precast super-T giler deck was more economical than east hy st box gider bridge deck ‘+ Data management and collection | nave leaint that for a successul tender bid, the data collection emairs one of the most Important task pir fo he stat of the tender (Nave learn the importance of sxstng formation such as the asbull drawings of the exising bridges in the area, torographical. survey, B3eotechneal ivestigaton an uty nctwork for exiting services. | have encured that te ompleteness ofthe tender document recawes has een checked and venied + Maintonance and sustanabity | have understood that maintenance was one ofthe key areas to consider, 28 the design fe of the sttucure i the pored for which a stuctue or part of ft be Used forthe mended purpose. | have learnt that there were bige forms thet have minum or moderate maintenance ‘As the envirrmental condition in Gl regions subjected to very high hurity and het cate, "have understood thatthe durabily of the structure san imperatveelemen! 19 alow bw Use of the bridge structure tothe complete design ie. + Health and safety During our site vist, | have encountered a situation that was aferent from what have texperenced beloe, The proposed atea was near loa resticted goverment mary base and Pat ofthe proposed site woud be accessible ony if we have a vald government pormit to enter. | nave also leamtotier rules and regulations whch I nee to folow suchas, "no taking of Photographs’ within the specie distance from the resticted area (The Result: 628 words) 4a 42 4a 4a Lessors Learned What id you learn from this? “This tender project has stforded me an excellent opportunity to take @ high degree of responsibity on ‘an extemely complex and demaning scheme. Ihave not any Improved my understanding ofthe oles ‘and responsibaes ofthe various members involved inthe tener Tea, bul | have developed a greater Understning of thelr ndhdual roles and contrbutons within the team. Thi has sengthened my ‘pinion mat ne success of every Did was not only based onthe teenncalkrowiedge ofthe project Out ‘llectve teamuork and collaboration i aso essential What barriers did you face? During the eaty stage of he tender. here were various proposals fr possible bridge forms by the ‘desig consultant. The consultant issued revision drawings an aflevent bridge forms which made the Calculations of materials quanibes a very tedious exercise. | put pressure to mysel to deliver my work fon the target schedule Anothe key issue that ve encountered was lack of avadabe Infomation of the proposed project ite ‘uch as existing vilitles plan, a detaled topographical suey, comprehensive geotechnical fepOn, ete ‘which was necsssary forthe uantticaton of constuction materials ‘What would you do differently next time? faced te same situation, | would put more pressure on the desi team to advice onthe best option for tho sidge stature in terms of quay, cost and constuciabiry. Ths would minmise the lmpast on the timeline of my deliverables and other team members| would be more determnad to request nd gather as much information about the proposed projec ste from the clent as these reports are ssontial on pricing @ more competive oi What can others lear from this? ‘The best lessons others can eam ae the factors fo consider on winning the bit ever ae: + wining a bid takos 2 lt of preparation. The preparation ofa tender can ray on technical and ‘commercial knowledge and valuable time of every teem member. Planning [s very important because an effecive plan can be used as template moving forward ard toughout the whole lender period ‘+ choose opportunities that ft the company business and consider the amount of time and resources needed fo prepare and deliver ‘+ mantaring an organsedtencer documentation {ing coer and concise in what was priced onthe tender, knowing the specific requirements of, the tender +9009 presentation (Lessons Learned: 400 words) 54 52 63 64 65 55 67 68 -Appensix Figure 1.0 Road layout network for constuction of The New WM Highway and Truck Route Figure 2.0.a Selection ereria score and weighted score comparison for bridge deck Figure 2.0. Selection cera sore and weighted score comparison for bridge abutent Figure 20.¢ Selection criteria score and weigited score comparison fr bridge por Figure 3.0.2 Qualtatve comparison fr bridge deck Figure 0.0 Qualtatve comparison for bridge abutment Figure 0. Quaitatve comparison fr bie pet Figure 4.0 Constructon duration compartons 5.2 Figure 20. Selection criteria score and weighted score comparison for bridge dock Sesto Weed | jes fe ele tlidun = US ff, ‘53 Figure 2.2.b Selection criteria score and woightod score comparison for bridge abutment Ct ef Yule Ce 5.4 Figure 23. Selection criteria score and weighted score comparison for bridge pier saa = = ‘fear saps, (cometata tide [ree ea rater dreary yen (rman ears cen Fey {ge cur of reco rere asta f PRS fensred tree conor remand terees somemes! korn pate 15.7 Figure 3.0.c Qualitative Comparison for bridge pier 52 Figure 49 Construction duration comparisons “enstctibn pri in moth ‘Competencies demonstrated inthis case study Pease insert the core technical, optional echnical and mandatory competencies demonststed inthis case ‘study soeeian pate a See = aaa a Say onal “otal Word count 1880 words “et Wor stow tdci flab iona 2 Tenn sires 3 Tout some | te * oemteamed ‘ove

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