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Prelude to Foundation

Forward the Foundation

Foundation's Fear
Foundation and Chaos
Foundation's Triumph
Foundation and Empire
Second Foundation
Foundation's Edge
Foundation and Earth
I, Robot / The Complete Robot (except 'Mirror Image'!)
The Caves of Steel
The Naked Sun
Mirror Image (short story)
The Robots of Dawn
Robots and Empire
The Stars, Like Dust-The Currents of Space
Pebble in the Sky
Prelude to Foundation
Forward the Foundation
Foundation and Empire
Second Foundation
Foundation's Edge
Foundation and Earth

The Robot series:

The Caves of Steel. 1954. ISBN 0-553-29340-0. (first Elijah Baley SF-crime novel
The Naked Sun. 1957. ISBN 0-553-29339-7. (second Elijah Baley SF-crime novel)
The Robots of Dawn. 1983. ISBN 0-553-29949-2. (third Elijah Baley SF-crime novel
Robots and Empire. 1985. ISBN 978-0-586-06200-5. (sequel to the Elijah Baley tri
Galactic Empire novels:
The Currents of Space. 1952. ISBN 0-553-29341-9. (Republic of Trantor still expa
The Stars, Like Dust. 1951. ISBN 0-553-29343-5. (long before the Empire)
Pebble in the Sky. 1950. ISBN 0-553-29342-7. (early Galactic Empire)
Foundation prequels:
Prelude to Foundation. 1988. ISBN 0-553-27839-8. (occurs before Foundation)
Forward the Foundation. 1993. ISBN 0-553-40488-1. (occurs after Prelude to Found
ation and before Foundation)
Original Foundation trilogy:
Foundation. 1951. ISBN 0-553-29335-4.
Foundation and Empire. 1952. ISBN 0-553-29337-0., Published with the title 'The
Man Who Upset the Universe' as a 35c Ace paperback, D-125, in about 1952
Second Foundation. 1953. ISBN 0-553-29336-2.
Extended Foundation series:
Foundation's Edge. 1982. ISBN 0-553-29338-9.
Foundation and Earth. 1986. ISBN 0-553-58757-9. (last of the Foundation series)

(a dream to follow Foundation's Triumph)

(voices -- overheard softly in the night)
"So did Hariseldon get to see Dors again, before he died?"
"Of course he did. Why do you ask? We have played at least fifty simulation
s of the reunion, some of them with high fidelity/probability scores. In all of
them we sense their love. Their joy, combined with poignant sadness at having to
part again, so soon."
"Yes, but why did he have to die?"
"It wasn't optional. Anyway, he was ready for that body of his to join the
Great Cycle."
"You're holding something back. I can feel it. Tell me what it is!"
"Are you sure you're ready? You are still quite young and it's a bit compli
"I'm sure I'm ready. Tell me!"
"Well.. there is a continuaton, of a sort. For now, let's call it a fable.
Something that might have happened, somewhen along the stream that flows from pa
st to present."
"Is it a true story?"
"That will be for you to investigate for yourself. But I can tell you how i
t begins..."
(a dream to follow Foundation's Triumph)
On a planet.
On a hillside.
Time had passed.
In a cave.
In a long, white box.
A human being awoke.
Pushing back the lid, he breathed clean air.
Sitting up, he gazed past green meadows toward an evening already bright with cr
owded stars.
Shading his eyes, he looked upon the future.
"Pengia," he said. "I wonder what year it is."
Looking at his right hand, Hari flexed strong fingers. He felt young.
He smiled. There was much to do.

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