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M e d z i n r o d n n u m i z m at i c k s y m p z i u m Slovensk numizmatick spolonos pri Sav

Koice 16. - 19. mja 2013

s h r n y r e f e r to v

, O

16. - 19. 2013 .


International numismatic symposium - lecture summaries
Slovak numismatic society at Sas
Koice, May 16 - 19, 2013

Zbornk shrnov refertov z medzinrodnho numizmatickho sympzia

Peniaze, hospodrstvo a spolonos
vydala Slovensk numizmatick spolonos pri SAV pre potrebu astnkov sympzia
Summaries of lectures presented during the International Numismatic Symposium
Momey, economy and society
have been issued by the Slovak Numismatic Society at SAS for need of the symposium participants
Editor: Zbyek ustek.
Grafick prava, sadzba a preklady pvodnch textov do sloveniny a anglitiny:
Lay out and translations of original texts in Slovak and English: Zbyek ustek
Jazykov prava slovenskch textov:
Checking of Slovak texts: Elena Minaroviov
Correctures: Elena Minaroviov, Marin Sojk, Zbyek ustek.
Nklad: 150 vtlakov
Issued in 150 copies
Odporan spsob citovania shrnov:
Recommended mode of citing the summaries:
filipow, K, & kuklik, B., 2013: Odznaczenia dla onierzy i lotnikw czechosowackich w Polskich Siach Zbrojnych
(1939-1945). p. 102. In Z. ustek (ed.): Zbornk shrnov refertov z medzinrodnho numizmatickho sympzia Peniaze,
hospodrstvo a spolonos. Koice 16. - 19. 5. 2013, Koice, 105 pp.

Nlezy stredovekch minc v imleu Silvaniei Bthoryho katie

Finds of medieval coins in imleu Silvaniei Bthorys castel
Descoperiri monetare medievale la imleu Silvaniei Castelul Bthory
Daniela Marcu & Emanoil Pripon
Muzeul Judeean de Istorie i Art Zalu, Str. Unirii 9, 450 042 Zalu,, Judeul Slaj,
e-mail: damasus2000@yahoo.com1), 2)

Panstvo imleul sa nachdza na severozpade Rumunska

(upa Slaj, Sedmohradsko). V psomnch prameoch sa
spomna prv raz v 13. storo. Napriek tomu kamenn
hrad imleul na Pevnostnom kopci (dealul Cetii) sa
objavuje v dokumentoch a v roku 1531, ke je pripisovan
enskej lnii rodu Bthoryovcov. Poas 15. storoia loha
pevnosti kles, no osdlenie na jej pt sa rchlo rozvja
a nadobda vznamn hospodrsku a spoloensk
lohu. Preto po roku 1417 dokumenty o nej hovoria
ako o oppidum Somllyo. Koncom 15. storoia Mikul
Bthory stavia pri rieke Crasna, na pt hory so starou
pevnosou hrad (arel 1), ktor sastne so spoloenskm
vzostupom rodiny Bthoryovcov zo imleu sa pribline
koncom 16. storoia roziruje a dopa o nov pevnostn
sstavy (arel 2).
V svislosti s politickmi a vojenskmi udalosami
z ias knieaa Juraja II. Rkocziho padol hrad za obe
poiaru. Neskr sa stva hraninou pevnosou (1665), ktor
sa spomna a do poiatku 18. storoia, ke je narchlo
zahrnut do zpasu medzi Frantikom II. Rkoczim a
Habsburgovcami. To malo ak dsledky pre celistvos
budovy. Po Satmrskom mieri (1711) sa nedotknut
priestory vo vntri budovy premenili na vojensk sklady
a vzenie. Z voakedy monumentlneho celku sa zachovali
nad povrchom zeme dve okrhle vee na vchodnom
okraji arelu 1, vea s brnou a sasti tvorhrann bastiny
arelu 2.

V rokoch 2006-2010 sa uskutonilo 5 archeologickch

zchrannch vskumov, ktor poskytli nov poznatky o
pdoryse arelu 1 (vea s brnou, okrhly bastin, dva
tvorhrann bastiny, ktor sa nachdzaj na junom a
zpadnom krdle, priom zpadn krdlo vykazuje viacer
fzy vntornho usporiadania). Vsledkom archeologickch
vskumov je ohromujce mnostvo nlezov: keramiky
(ndoby, kachle, rry), skla, kovu (elezo, me, striebro) a
architektonickch prvkov (zlomky tvarovanch kameov).
Okrem toho bolo njdench 110 minc dokumentujcich
cel histriu budovy.
Najstarie mince pochdzaj z polovice 15. storoia
a dvaj sa do spojitosti s budovanm arelu 1. Obdobie
najvieho vzostupu rodu Bthoryovcov (od konca 16.
storoia do druhej polovice 17. storoia) je ilustrovan
nlezmi poskch, sedmohradskch, eskch amaarskch
minc. Ztoho obdobia pochdzaj aj mince s mimoriadne
vzcnym vskytom v Sedmohradsku, ako naprklad
polovin ecu razen vo Franczsku vTours vroku 1659.
Sasne s prechodom Sedmohradska pod habsbursk
vplyv, miesto starch minc postupne preberaj rakske
mince, ktor s medzi mincami njdenmi nahrade vemi
poetne zastpen.
Nlezy minc na bthoryovskom hrade prispievaj
nielen lepiemu poznaniu nominle zastpench v obehu
v priebehu 15. a 17. storoia, ale aj lepiemu poznaniu
politickej histrie Sedmohradska.

The dominium imleul is situated in northwestern part

of Romania (Slaj County, Transilvania). It is mentioned
for the first time in written documents from 13th century.
In spite of it, the stone castle imleul itsel situated on the
Citadel Hill (dealul Cetii) appears in the documents as
late as in 1531, when it is ascribed to the feminine line of
the Bthory family. In 15th century, significance of the castle
declined, but settlement on its foothill developed rapidly
and played a significant economic and social role. Therefore
the documents wrote about it after 1417 as oppidum
Somllyo. By the end of 15th century, Nicolaus Bthory
builds up at the Crasna river, at the foothill of the old castle,
a new castle (area 1), which was gradually enlarged and
completed by end of the 16th century (area 2), in accordance
with the ascendance of the house Bthory of imleu.
In connection with the political and military events from
the period of the county George Rkoczi II, it was damaged
by fire. Later it becomes a border fortress (1665), which was
mentioned up to the early 18th century, when it was rapidly
included into the conflict between Ferenc Rkoczy and the

House of Habsburg. It had serious impact on the building

integrity. After the Szatmr Peace (1711), the intact interior
parts of building were transformed into military deposits
and a prison. From the originally monumental complex,
there had been preserved only two rounded towers on the
eastern margin of the area 1, a tower with gate and partially
quadrate bastions of the area 2.
In 2006-2010 five archaeological investigation were
undertaken. They have given new pieces of knowledge
about the ground plan of the area (tower with gate, rounded
bastion, two quadratic bastions situated in the southern and
western wing, the western wing shows several phases of its
inner disposition). The archaeological investigation brought
a fascinating amount of finds: ceramics (vessels, tiles,
pipes), glass, metals (iron, copper, silver) and architectonic
elements (fragments of profiled stones). Out of this, there
have been found 110 coins illustrating the whole history of
the building.
The earliest coins come from mid 15th century and are
put in connection with building up the area 1. The period


of the greatest ascendance of the Bthory family (from late

16th century up to second half of 17th century) is illustrated
by find of Polish, Transylvanian, Bohemian and Hungarian
coins. From this period, the coins very rarely occurring
in Transylvania also originate, like the half-ecu stroke in

France in Tours in 1659. Simultaneously with increasing

Habsburgic influence in Transylvania the role of older coins
is overtaken by the Austrian coins, which show a significant
quantitative representation among the coins discovered in
this castle.

Domeniul imleului, situat n nord-vestul Romniei, judeul

Slaj (Transilvania), este menionat pentru prima dat n
documente, n secolul al XIII-lea. Totui, cetatea imleului
(fortificaia cu zid de piatr de pe dealul Cetii) apare n
documente la 1531, cnd este atribuit pe linie feminin
familiei Bthory. Pe parcursul secolului al XV-lea, rolul cetii
ncepe s scad, ns aezarea de la poalele ei se dezvolt
rapid i capt un important statut economic i social astfel
nct, dup 1417, documentele vorbesc despre oppidum
Somllyo. Spre sfritul secolului al XV-lea, Nicolae Bthory,
construiete lng rul Crasna, la poalele dealului unde se
afl vechea reedin, un castel (incinta 1), care odat cu
ascensiunea social a familiei Bathory de la imleu, va fi la
rndul su extins i completat cu noi sisteme de fortificare
(incinta 2), undeva spre sfritul secolului al XVI-lea.
n contextul evenimentelor politice i militare din
timpul principelui Gheorghe Rkoczi al II-lea, castelul cade
prad focului, apoi devine cetate de grani (1665), statut
meninut pn la nceputul secolului al XVIII-lea cnd este
iari implicat n confruntrile dintre Francisc Rkczi al
II-lea i Habsburgi, cu urmri grave pentru integritatea
edificiului. Dup pacea de la Satu Mare (1711), spaiile
rmase intacte din interiorul incintei sunt transformate n
magazii militare i locuri de detenie pentru condamnai.
Din ansamblul monumental de altdat se pstreaz n
elevaie cele dou turnuri circulare de pe latura estic a
incintei 1, turnul de poart i parial bastioanele patrulatere
ale incintei 2.
n intervalul 2006-2010, au fost derulate 5 campanii de

cercetare arheologic preventiv, care au pus n eviden

noi date planimetrice pentru incinta 1 (un turn de poart,
un bastion circular i dou bastioane patrulatere ce aprau
latura de sud i latura de vest, acesta din urm cu mai
multe faze de amenajare interioar). n urma cercetrilor
arheologice a rezultat o cantitate impresionant de materiale
arheologice: ceramic (vase, cahle, pipe), sticl, metal (fier,
cupru, argint), elemente arhitectonice (fragmente de pietre
profilate). De asemenea au fost descoperite i un numr de
110 monede ce acoper ntreaga istorie a edificiului.
Cele mai vechi monede se dateaz ncepnd cu jumtatea
secolului al XV-lea i sunt puse n legtur cu perioada de
amenajare a incintei 1. Perioada de maxim ascensiune a
familiei Bthory (de la sfritul secolului al XVI-lea i pn
n a doua jumtate a secolului XVII), este ilustrat prin
descoperirile monetare de factur polonez, transilvnean,
boemian i maghiar. Rein atenia pentru aceast
perioad, cteva monede ce constituie apariii rarisime
n Transilvania, printre care o jumtate de ecu emis n
Frana la Tours n 1659. Odat cu intrarea Transilvaniei sub
influena habsburgic, locul vechilor emisiuni monetare
este luat treptat de moneda austriac, aspect foarte bine
reliefat cantitativ prin intermediul descoperirilor monetare
din castel.
Prezentarea descoperirilor monetare din Castelul
Bthory ajut la mai bun cunoatere a nominalelor aflate
n circulaie pe parcursul secolelor XV-XVII, dar constituie
i o contribuie interesant i util la istoria politic a


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