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Java ReferencePoint Suite

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Table of Contents
Point 6: Working With RowSet........................................................................................................1
Understanding Database Connectivity Techniques......................................................................2
Existing Database Connectivity Techniques...........................................................................2
Techniques Used in JDBC......................................................................................................2
Introducing RowSets........................................................................................................................4
Types of RowSets...................................................................................................................4
Uses and Properties of RowSets............................................................................................5
Implementing the CachedRowSet...................................................................................................8
The FetchEmployee Program.................................................................................................8
Understanding the ShowEmp Program..................................................................................9
Implementing the WebRowSet......................................................................................................12
Importing Packages and Defining the main() Method...........................................................12
Writing the Code for the main() Method................................................................................12
Writing the Output to a File and Navigating Records............................................................12
Defining the Methods for Startup and Navigating Records...................................................13
Browsing Data Retrieved from the Database........................................................................13
Implementing the JDBCRowSet....................................................................................................17
Instantiating the JDBCRowSet Class....................................................................................17
Performing Database Operations.........................................................................................17
Related Topics................................................................................................................................19

Point 6: Working With RowSet

Ryan Moore
Applications need to communicate with databases to access information such as employee records,
payroll systems, travelscheduling systems, and so on.
Numerous Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) have been developed to enable Javabased
applications to communicate with databases. Of the available APIs, the Java Database Connectivity
(JDBC) API is commonly used for connecting to databases. This API uses the RowSet interface to
access information.
To understand how to work with the RowSet interface, you need to first understand the basics of
JDBC (for more information on JDBC, see JDBC Data Access API).
This ReferencePoint explains the methods of connecting to a database and describes the
techniques involved in JDBC, the disadvantages of these techniques, and the role of a RowSet in
JDBC. The ReferencePoint also explains the types of RowSets, their uses, and the implementation
of the CachedRowSet, JDBCRowSet, and WebRowSet classes, which form a part of the RowSet

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Understanding Database Connectivity Techniques

Some of the commonly used databases are IBM DB/2, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, and
SQLBase. APIs that facilitated clients to interact with these databases were provided by these
vendors. Each database needed an individual API. As a result, the same application code was not
applicable to all databases. JDBC partly solves this problem by providing a common interface that
allows applications to communicate with all databases.

Existing Database Connectivity Techniques

JDBC is an objectoriented standard API that allows application code to make requests, retrieve
data, and access specific details from databases. JDBC connects to a database using one of the
following four types of JDBC drivers:
JDBCODBC bridge: Uses a native library with a common interface Open Database
Connectivity (ODBC) and is not databasespecific.
NativeAPI: Is partly a Java driver and accesses a databasespecific driver using a native
library. This driver is faster than the JDBCODBC bridge driver because it has to traverse
fewer layers.
Netprotocol: Is a pure Java driver and uses a database gateway to communicate with the
database server.
Nativeprotocol: Is a pure Java driver and communicates directly with the database.
Nativeprotocol is a fast and popular JDBC driver.

The first two drivers, JDBCODBC bridge and NativeAPI, require the client computer to have a
native library. The other two drivers do not use a native library and are dataspecific. Therefore,
these drivers are much faster that the JDBCODBC bridge and NativeAPI drivers. Figure
261shows how a driver works and the various layers that drivers need to traverse:

Figure 261: Working of JDBC Drivers

Techniques Used in JDBC

The core JDBC API, java.sql.*, includes the standard (Java Development kit). This API is not a
single interface, but a group of interfaces that facilitate database connectivity. A few important JDBC
API interfaces are:
java.sql.DriverManager: Manages a set of JDBC drivers

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java.sql.Connection: Opens a connection with a specific database

java.sql.Statement: Executes SQL statements
java.sql.ResultSet: Retrieves a set of results from the database based on the request.

To connect to a database using JDBC interfaces:

1. A request for data is placed and a connection is opened to the database server.
2. The ResultSet object obtains the requested values and makes the data accessible.
3. The connection is kept open until data exists in the ResultSet object.

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Introducing RowSets
In the existing techniques of data transfer, the application keeps the connection open until the
ResultSet object is in use. This feature can be a drawback when large numbers of end users
connect to the server at the same time, slowing server response.
A solution to these problems is the RowSet available with the JDBC 2.0 API extension package.
The RowSet interface opens a connection, retrieves data, and closes the connection.
The RowSet object, which is instantiated from the RowSet interface, contains a set of rows retrieved
from a ResultSet object, a database, or another tabular data store.
The RowSet object is an extension of a ResultSet object. You can iterate through a RowSet in a
manner similar to iteration through a ResultSet object. Table 261 lists comparisons between the
RowSet and the ResultSet:
Table 261: Comparison of a ResultSet and RowSet
Is a table of data representing a database Contains a set of rows from a result set or another
result set
source of tabular data, such as a file or spreadsheet
Is usually generated by executing a
Is executed using a bean development tool
statement that queries the database
Can be used in a while loop to iterate
Follows the JavaBeans model for properties and event
through the result set

Types of RowSets
The two types of RowSets are:
Disconnected RowSet: Stores data in memory and makes a connection to a data source to
retrieve data or communicate updates back to the data source. A disconnected RowSet
does not keep the connection open throughout the data transaction. An example of a
disconnected RowSet is the CachedRowSet class.
Connected RowSet: Opens a connection and keeps it open as long as the RowSet is in use.
Examples of connected RowSets are the JDBCRowSet and WebRowSet classes.

The JDBC API includes three classes: CachedRowSet, JDBCRowSet, and WebRowSet. The
RowSets implemented by these classes are:

CachedRowSet: Is a disconnected RowSet that caches data in memory and provides all the
features of the JDBC 2.0 ResultSet. CachedRowSet transfers a set of rows across a
network and makes a result set scrollable and updatable. CachedRowSets are thin and
serializable. This makes them the perfect tool to supply thin Java clients, such as a Personal
Digital Assistant (PDA) or Network Computers (NC), with tabular data. The code for creating
a CachedRowSet is:
CachedRowSet crset = new CachedRowSet();

JDBCRowSet: Is nonserializable and uses an internal connection that opens a connection

on a call to the execute() method and closes the connection by the close() method. The
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JDBCRowSet acts as a layer around the ResultSet, making it appear as a JavaBean

component. Requests to JDBC RowSets are filtered by the mapping call in a JDBC
connection, statement, or result set. The JDBC interface is used in the same way as other
RowSet implementations. The code used to create a JDBCRowSet is:
JDBCRowSet jrs = new JDBCRowSet();

WebRowSet: Is a connected RowSet that provides a distributed implementation of the

RowSet interface. A WebRowSet is similar to JDBCRowSet but uses the HTTP protocol to
communicate internally to a Java Servlet that provides access to the database. A
WebRowSet caters to thin clients that need access to only a set of rows. The code used to
construct a WebRowSet is:
WebRowSet wrs = new WebRowSet();

Table 262 lists the key factors and contains a comparison between the CachedRowSet,
JDBCRowSet, and the WebRowSet:
Table 262: A Comparison of RowSets

Disconnected RowSet

Connected RowSet

Connected RowSet

Caches data in memory


Serializable and can be

moved across Java Virtual
Machines (JVMs)

Uses an internal connection that Uses the HTTP

opens on execute() and closes protocol to
on close()
internally with a
Java Servlet

Uses and Properties of RowSets

RowSets can be used for:
Transmitting data over a network
Making a result set scrollable, updatable, or both
Permitting the driver, its connection, and the current result set to be used as JavaBeans
Retrieving filtered data by querying for values within a specified range

The main objective of a RowSet is to store values from a table. Rows are requested from a
relational database. As a result, the RowSet needs to have certain properties that allow it to connect
to the database. The properties of a RowSet need to be set to determine its functionality.

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There are two kinds of properties, static and dynamic. Static properties are set at development time
and dynamic properties are set at run time.
Table 263 lists the important properties of RowSets and their descriptions:
Table 263: Important Properties of a RowSet
Data Source
Transaction isolation
Escape processing
Maximum field size
Maximum rows
Query time out
Type map

Sets the RowSet type
Sets the concurrency for a RowSet
Sets a RowSet's command property to the given String object and clears
the parameters, if any, which were set for the previous command
Sets the data source property name for the RowSet object
Sets the username property for a RowSet to the given user name
Sets the password used to create a database connection for this RowSet
to the given String object
Sets the transaction isolation property for a RowSet to the given constant
Sets the escape substitution before sending SQL statements to the
Sets the maximum number of bytes that can be used for a column value in
this RowSet to the given number
Sets the maximum number of rows that this RowSet object may contain to
the given number
Sets the maximum number of seconds the driver will wait for a query to
execute to the given number
Installs the given java.util.Map object as the type map associated with the
Connection object for this RowSet

The properties are specified using the set method during development time and their values are
retrieved during run time. Before setting the properties, you need to create the RowSet. The
respective code for creating a CachedRowSet, a JDBCRowSet, and a WebRowSet are:
CachedRowSet crs = new CachedRowSet
JDBCRowSet jrs = new JDBCRowSet
WebRowSet wrs = new WebRowSet

The method for setting the properties is the same for all RowSets. In this list, a CachedRowSet is
used to set the properties listed in Table 263:
Type attribute: Sets the type to scrollable, allowing you to make updates by scrolling to the
rows that need to be updated. The second line is the default setting of the type property,
which is set to insensitive or nonscrollable:

Concurrence attribute: Enables you to update the rows when the concurrence attribute is set
of updatable. By default, the concurrence property is set at readonly, as illustrated in the
second line of code:

Command attribute: Sets the command attribute. In the given line of code, the RowSets
command string is set with the query SELECT * FROM PRICES. The command property
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works in combination with the execute method. When you apply the execute method, the
RowSet retrieves data from the PRICES table:
crsSet.setcommand (SELECT * FROM PRICES)

Data source attribute: Facilitates making a connection. You need to specify the data source
name, the user name, and the password. The code that sets the username and password
for the data source object and sets the data source attribute is:
crsSet.setDataSourceName ("jdbc/pricesDB)

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Implementing the CachedRowSet

The CachedRowSet is similar to a ResultSet except that it is disconnected. It reduces connection
time and communicates easily with thin clients. The CachedRowSet caches the requested data in
memory and ends the connection.

The FetchEmployee Program

This section contains the program that fetches the records of employees from
the specified table and stores them in CachedRowSet according to the properties set for the
CachedRowSet. The CachedRowSet object is then assigned to a session variable and displayed
using another servlet.
Importing Packages and Deriving from the HttpServlet Class
Declare the import statements for including the necessary packages for using the APIs of servlet,
SQL, and input output operations:


After importing the packages to run the application, create a class, FetchEmployee, which extends
the HttpServlet class for performing the servlet tasks. After creating the FetchEmployee class,
override the service method for writing implementation of the servlet:

public class FetchEmployee extends HttpServlet

public void service(HttpServletRequest req,HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException,IOE

Managing Database Operations

To manage database operations in the program:
1. Create objects of the Connection, Statement, and ResultSet classes for managing database
2. Register the driver for JDBC. In this program, the name of the driver is
3. Initialize the connection object using the getConnection() method of DriverManager and the
statement object using the createStatement() method.
4. Create a string object and assign the SQL query to it.
5. Execute the SQL query using the statement object and assign it to the ResultSet object.
6. Create an object of CachedRowSet and populate the values from the ResultSet object.
7. Create a Session object and bind the object of CachedRowSet to the Session object by
assigning it a name, mycrs.
8. Close the connections and assign the ResultSet object to null.
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9. Redirect to another servlet, ShowEmp, for displaying the results.

Listing 261 shows the code to implement database management in the
Listing 261: Database Management in the Program

Connection con;
Statement smt;
ResultSet rs;
String fsal="100";
String tsal = "800";
con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:mydsn","","");
smt = con.createStatement();
String sql = "select * from employee where sal between "+fsal+" and "+tsal;
rs = smt.executeQuery(sql);
CachedRowSet crs = new CachedRowSet();
HttpSession s = req.getSession(true);
rs = null;
catch(Exception e)

After implementing the code in Listing 261, you can manage database operations from the program.
You can view the complete code of this program here

Understanding the ShowEmp Program

The program retrieves the value from a session variable and assigns it to an object
of the CachedRowSet class by typecasting it. The values in the CachedRowSet class are displayed
at the client.
Importing Packages and Deriving from the HttpServlet Class
To use the program, first declare the import statements for including the necessary
packages for using the APIs of the servlet, SQL, RowSet, and input/output operations:


After you import the necessary packages into your application, create a class, ShowEmp, which
extends the HttpServlet class. The ShowEmp class performs the tasks implemented in the servlet
and overrides the service method for implementing the servlet:

public class ShowEmp extends HttpServlet

public void service(HttpServletRequest req,HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException,IOE
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Declaring Objects
After declaring the HttpServlet class:
1. Declare the String objects to store the values fetched from the CachedRowSet.
2. Create a Session and PrintWriter object for responding to the client.
3. Create an object of the CachedRowSet to assign to the object retrieved from the session.
4. Typecast the object retrieved from the session object to the CachedRowSet form.

Listing 262 shows the code to perform these steps:

Listing 262: Declaring Objects for the Program

id = new String();
name=new String();
add=new String();
ph=new String();
city=new String();
state=new String();
country=new String();
HttpSession s = req.getSession(true);
PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();
CachedRowSet crs = new CachedRowSet();
crs = (CachedRowSet)s.getAttribute("mycrs");

Displaying Information to the Client

After you typecast the object retrieved from the session object, create a table and print the values to
the client. To print values, use the while loop and iterate through the rows retrieved in the RowSet.
Listing 263 shows the code for this process:
Listing 263: Displaying Information to the End User

out.println("<Title> Employee Details </Title>");
out.println("<Table border=1>");
out.println("<Tr><th>Employee Id</th><th> Name</th><th>Add</th><th>Phone</th><th>City</th><th>S
name = crs.getString("name");
add = crs.getString("add");
ph = crs.getString("Ph");
city = crs.getString("city");
state = crs.getString("state");
country = crs.getString("country");
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catch(Exception e)

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Implementing the WebRowSet

The WebRowSet is a connected RowSet. The program is created based on the same scenario used
for the CachedRowSet. The objective is to acquire employee records and store them in the RowSet

Importing Packages and Defining the main() Method

Declare the import statements for including the necessary packages for using the APIs of servlet,
SQL, and input/output operations:


After importing the packages, create a class, MyWebRowSet, and a method, main(). In the main()
method, create an object of the MyWebRowSet class:
public class MyWebRowSet {
public static void main(String args[])
MyWebRowSet rs = new MyWebRowSet();
try {

Writing the Code for the main() Method

In the main() method, after you create an object of the WebRowSet class, write the code to retrieve
data from the employee table. To retrieve this data:
1. Set the properties, such as Data Source Name (DSN), username, and password, of the
2. Provide the SQL statement as a parameter to the command property of the WebRowSet.
3. Run the query using the execute command and populate the results.

The code to retrieve data from the employee table is:

WebRowSet wrs;
wrs = new WebRowSet();
wrs.setCommand("select name, id from employee");

Writing the Output to a File and Navigating Records

To write the output to a file and navigate records:
1. Create an object of the FileWriter class to write the contents to a file named Employee.xml.
2. Display the values using the method scrollData().
3. Write the details in the file.

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The code for implementing these tasks is: FW = new"Employee.xml");
} catch (Throwable ex) {

Defining the Methods for Startup and Navigating Records

Define the methods for startup and navigating records by:
1. Creating a method, startup(), for performing startup operations before using the WebRowSet
2. Creating a Connection object and obtain the connection using a userdefined method
3. Setting the properties of the connection object
4. Creating a Connection object

The code for performing these tasks is:

private void startup() throws SQLException {
Connection con = getConnection();
Statement smt = con.createStatement();

Browsing Data Retrieved from the Database

In the scrollData() function, write the code to browse records retrieved from the database. When
writing the code:
1. Create variables for storing the values fetched from database.
2. Navigate to the beginning of the record.
3. Update the record with new value if the id value is equal to three.
4. Check for the position of the cursor and display the messages accordingly.

Listing 264 shows the code to browse information retrieved from the database:
Listing 264: Browsing Information Retrieved from a Database
private void scrollData(WebRowSet wrs) throws SQLException {
System.out.println("Displaying Records...");
String name;
int Id;
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while ( {
name = wrs.getString(1);
if (wrs.wasNull() == false) {
System.out.println("name is " + name);
} else {
System.out.println("name is null");
Id = wrs.getInt("id");
if (wrs.wasNull() == false) {
System.out.println("Id is " + Id);
if (Id == 3) {
wrs.updateInt("id", 110);
wrs.updateString("name", "Sam");
wrs.updateInt("id", 120);
wrs.updateString("name", "John");
wrs.updateString("name", "David");
} else {
System.out.println("Id is null");
if (wrs.isAfterLast() == true) {
System.out.println("We have reached the end");
System.out.println("This is row: " + wrs.getRow());
while (wrs.previous()) {
name = wrs.getString("name");
if (wrs.wasNull() == false) {
System.out.println("name is " + name);
} else {
System.out.println("name is null");
Id = wrs.getInt(2);
if (wrs.wasNull() == false) {
System.out.println("Id is " + Id);
} else {
System.out.println("Id is null");
if (wrs.isBeforeFirst() == true) {
System.out.println("Cursor at the Start");
if (wrs.isFirst() == true)
System.out.println("First Record");
System.out.println("Row Number: " + wrs.getRow());
if (wrs.isBeforeFirst() == false)
System.out.println("Not Before First");
if (wrs.isLast() == true)
System.out.println("Reached Last Record");
System.out.println("Now the Record No is " + wrs.getRow());
if (wrs.isAfterLast() == false)
System.out.println("No not after last");

Listing 264 completes the program.

You can view the complete code of this program here. Listing 265 shows the XML output of the program:
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Listing 265: XML Output

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF8"?>

<!DOCTYPE RowSet PUBLIC '//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD RowSet//EN' '
<command>select name,id from employee</command>
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Implementing the JDBCRowSet

The JDBCRowSet program demonstrates the implementation of the JDBCRowSet class. This
program implements the JDBCRowSet for displaying the records in the console.

Instantiating the JDBCRowSet Class

You instantiate the JDBCRowSet class to use its methods for retrieving data from the data source.
Before you instantiate this class, you need to import the necessary packages and create the main()
method for the application:
import java.sql.*;
import javax.sql.*;
import sun.jdbc.rowset.*;
public class MyJdbcRowSet
Connection con = null;
Statement stmt = null;
JdbcRowSet jrs = null;
public static void main(String Args[])
MyJdbcRowSet rs = new MyJdbcRowSet();

Performing Database Operations

You can define the Proceed() method for connecting to the data source and retrieving records as
1. Create an object of the EchoListener class for trapping the events that occur within rows.
2. Initialize the JDBCRowSet.
3. Set the properties of the RowSet.
4. Set the SQL command to the Command property of the JDBCRowSet class.
5. Browse the data and print it on the console by using the scrollData() method.
6. Close the JdbcRowSet.

Listing 266 shows the code for performing these steps:

Listing 266: Defining a Method to Interact with the Database

public void proceed()

try {
EchoListener echo = new EchoListener();
jrs = new JdbcRowSet();
jrs.setCommand("select name,id from employee");
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catch (SQLException ex)
System.err.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());

You can view the complete code of the MyJDBCRowSet program here.

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Related Topics
For related information on this topic, you can refer to:
An Overview of java.text API
Using Databases in Java

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