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Fear is a word most of us never really consider until w!"!#$%&'!"()*"(!"+,'-."$//,%01&2)"()$."(!"&'.!'+".,"&'"
life, or perform as well as we should. It is the emotion that prevents us from taking risks, makes us hesitant to
try new things, and causes us to rationalize why we cannot do something. Fear is the emotion that causes each
of us to procrastinate, even when we know what we should be doing. It allows us to make excuses when we are
simply just afraid to fail, succeed, or do whatever it takes to get what we want out of life. Fear is a faceless
enemy that each of us must encounter if we aspire to do anything worthwhile. This is why it is relevant for
anyone who desires to accomplish great things in life to first examine exactly what is Fear, and secondly how
best to conquer it.

Fear is a perception. It is a perception created in our mind about how something will turn out if we decide to
take on a task, action, or simply make a decision. Some fears can actually be helpful, and are based realistically
on accurate perceptions: if a person fears they will be injured or die if they jump off a tall building, that fear is
based realistically on the laws of physics and human anatomy. This kind of fear helps keep us safe, and
generally does not restrict us from achieving our true potential.

The problem comes from those fears that are caused either by doubts concerning our ability to succeed at the
task at hand, or desire to run from the likely consequences of failing. Fears are greatest when the task is outside
of our comfort zone, meaning we have never done anything like it before. For example, if you were deciding
whether to travel alone in a foreign country, but had never traveled alone before, there would be some anxiety
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but we spend so much time considering them. Fear, you see, is not logical; not based on facts. Therefore, one
the best ways to define F ear is as an acronym, F alse E vidence A ppearing Real.

How do we overcome these false perceptions or fears? One of the greatest ways is embodied in just three
words: ;?/.&,'"/67!2"9!$7@<"A)&'B"$8,6."&.C how many times have you been afraid to do something or merely
hesitant, then you acted and faced your fears? Chances are good that the fears you had were a lot worse than the
actual act of doing what it was that you were first fearful of. Was it the first time you learned to ride a bike,
went to college away from home, or just the countless times you were afraid to approach and talk to someone
Consequently, the greater the fear you have, the greater the reward that you will receive when you face it.
Action cures fear!

So if you ever have a time when you have to make a decision, a decision that makes you fearful, remember two
things: One, most fears are based on feelings, not logic, and usually the greater the fears the greater the possible
reward. Finally, there is only one way to overcome fear, and that is by action. Once we act, we overcome our
fears, and when we overcome fears then and only then can we accomplish great things.

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