Sie sind auf Seite 1von 25


Create a form to insert, save

and update data in the MySql
Record creation is limited to 1
per User

1. Create a new form

1. Go to the Chronoforms Forms

2. Create a new form
In this example I have created a form
with 2 multiple Checkbox Groups.
You can add any kinds of fields, just
adapt the code you will find below in
DB Read and DB Save Actions.

1. Create a new form

General tab

Add your titel

2. Design your form

Designer tab
Create your fields

2. Design your form

Designer tab
Create an UserID Hidden Field

2. Design your form

Designer tab : Create an Checkbox Group

General tab : Fill-in the fields accordingly

2. Design your form

Designer tab : Create an Checkbox Group

General tab : Fill-in the fields accordingly

2. Design your form

Designer tab : Create an Checkbox Group

Validation tab : change value if needed

2. Design your form

Designer tab : Create an Checkbox Group

Dynamic Data tab : do not change the value

2. Design your form

Designer tab : Create an Checkbox Group

Events data tab : add events if needed

2. Design your form

Designer tab
When you have finished with creating your
fields in the Designer View, you can move
forward with
1. Creating you database table or
2. Setting up your form

2. Design your form

Create your database table

1. Save and close your form,

2. In the Form Manager click the form for
which you want to create the database table
3. Click on the Create table button
4. In the Create table Panel, please unchecked
the Submit Field which is not necessary from
the field list
5. Click on the Save button
6. Your database table is created
7. Go back to the Forms manager
8. Open your form
9. Go to the Setup tab

2. Setup your form

Setup tab
Add the needed actions to your form

2. Setup your form

Setup tab : add a DB Read Action

Fill-in the Basic tab fields accordingly

Table Name

2. Setup your form

Setup tab : add a DB Read Action

Fill-in the Basic tab fields accordingly

2. Setup your form

Setup tab : add a DB Read Action

Do not change the values in the External
Database tab

2. Setup your form

Setup tab : add a Custom Code Action (On found)

Fill-in the Content field
(copy/paste the PHP code and adapt)

$user = JFactory::getUser();
("server, "username", "password", "databasename");

$con=mysqli_connect("server, "username",
"password", "databasename");
// Check connection
if (mysqli_connect_errno())
echo "Error: " . mysqli_connect_error();
$FormData = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM
"tablename" WHERE user_id=".$user->get("id")."
$line = mysqli_fetch_array($FormData);
$checkbox1=$line['checkbox group name'];
$pieces = explode(",", $checkbox1);
$form->data["checkbox group name"] = $pieces;
$checkbox2=$line[checkbox group name'];
$pieces = explode(",", $checkbox2);
$form->data["checkbox group name"] = $pieces;

2. Setup your form

Setup tab : add a DB Save Action (On not found)

Fill-in the Basic tab fields accordingly

Create If not Exists

Table Name

2. Setup your form

Setup tab : DB Save Action

Fill-in the External Database tab fields

Table Name

Table Name

2. Setup your form

Setup tab : add a Custome Code Action (On load)

Fill-in the Action Label and the Content field
If user already filled in the form then fields will be prepopulated

$user = JFactory::getUser();
$con=mysqli_connect("server, "username",
"password", "databasename");
// Check connection
if (mysqli_connect_errno())
echo "Error: " .
$FormData = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM
"tablename" WHERE user_id=".$user->get("id")."
$line = mysqli_fetch_array($FormData);
$checkbox1=$line['checkbox group name'];
$pieces = explode(",", $checkbox1);
$form->data["checkbox group name"] = $pieces;
$checkbox2=$line['checkbox group name'];
$pieces = explode(",", $checkbox2);
$form->data["checkbox group name"] = $pieces;

2. Setup your form

Setup tab : add HTML (Render Form) (On load)

Fill-in the fields accordingly

2. Setup your form

Setup tab : Handle Arrays (On submit)

Do not change the values

2. Setup your form

Setup tab : add a DB Save Action (On submit)

Fill-in the Basic tab fields accordingly


Table Name

return array("user_id" => $form->data["userID"]);

2. Setup your form

Setup tab : add a DB Save Action (On submit)

Fill-in the External Database tab fields

Table Name

Table Name

2. Setup your form

Save your form

When you have finished to setup your form,
please save your form. You can now for

1. Test your form by clicking the Test form

2. Create an article, add
in it and publish it.

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