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Normodyne, Trandate (labetalol)

Classification: antianginals, antihypertensives, Beta Blockers

Indication (Use): Management of HTN

Normal dosage: Adult ~ PO 100 mg twice daily initially, may be increased by 100 mg twice
daily q 2-3 days as needed (usual range 400-800 mg/day in 2-3 divided doses; doses up to 1.2-
2.4 g/day have been used) IV~ 20mg (0.25mg/kg) initially, additional doses of 40-80mg may be
given q 10 min as needed (not to exceed 300mg total dose) or 2mg/min infusion (range 50-
300mg total dosage required)

Side Effects: CNS: fatigue, weakness, anxiety, depression, dizziness, drowsiness, insomnia,
memory loss, mental status change, nightmares EENT: blurred vision, dry eyes, nasal stuffiness
hypotension GI: constipation, diarrhea, nausea GU: ED, decreased libido Misc: drug induced
lupus syndrome RESP: bronchospams, wheezing Derm: itching, rashes ENDO: hyperglycemia,
hypoglycemia NEURO: paresthesia

Nursing implications: Assess B/P, P. frequently during admin, Assess for orthostatic
hypotension when pt. moves from supine position, Chk frequency of Rx refill to ensure
compliance, Monitor V/S q 5-15 min during and /p drug admin, Monitor I/O and daily weight,
(fluid overload, peripheral edema, dyspnea, rales/crackles, fatigue, weight gain, JVD)

Patient teaching: Explain the purpose of the medication; thoroughly explain possible side
effects and what adverse reaction to looks for, contact Primary care provider (PCP) if any
questions or concerns. Instruct patient to take medication exactly as directed, at the same time
each day, even if feeling well; do not skip or double-up on missed doses. If a dose is missed, it
should be taken as soon as possible up to 8 hr before next dose. Abrupt withdrawal may become

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