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Aricept, Aricept ODT (donepezil)

Classification: Anti-Alzheimer’s agents, cholinergics

Indication (Use): Mild to moderate Dementia associated with Alzheimer’s disease

Normal dosage: Adult ~ PO 5mg once daily; /p 4-6 wks may increase to 10mg once daily (dose
should not exceed 5mg/day in frail, elderly females, Severe Alzheimer’s Disease~ (should not
exceed 10mg/day)

Side Effects: CNS: H/A, abnormal dreams, depression, dizziness, drowsiness, sedation
(unusual). CV: AFib, hypertension, hypotension, vasodilatation GI: diarrhea, N/V, anorexia
GU: frequent urination Derm: ecchymoses Metab: hot flashes, wt. loss.

Nursing implications: Assess V/S, RR prior to admin; When administering IV monitor B/P,
HR, and ECG frequently Contraindications/warnings/interactions-Use cautiously with patients
with underlying cardiac disease, especially supraventricular conduction defects, ulcers, taking
NSAIDs, seizure history, asthma. Hold or Do not give this med: HR below 60, BP < 100
Systolic, > 160, N/V, any severe side effects.

Patient teaching: Explain the purpose of the medication; thoroughly explain possible side
effects and what adverse reaction to looks for, contact Primary care provider (PCP) if any
questions or concerns or any noticed severe side effects. Take before bed without regard to food.
Takes weeks before improvement is seen, may cause dizziness. May cause dizziness; Change
position slowly; May take weeks before improvement in baseline behavior is observed.

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