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A. Answer the following questions based on following text!
Teksnya saya yang tentukan bisa dari handout atau saya cari lagi
Soalnya 10. 8 soal jawabannya ada di dalam teks, 1 soal kalian yang tentukan sendiri, 1
soal lagi kalian bikin summary less than 50 words (kurang dari 50 kata).
B. Change these sentences into simple past tense
They meet outside the cinema.
Meet met
2. An Australian sheep give us a very good wood.
Give gave
3. She always takes the medicine with no food.
Takes took
4. Some patients do not meet more than one doctor.
Do not did not
5. She has a rash all over her body.
Has had
6. The prescriptions are on the table.
Are were
7. My niece throws the medicine into trashcan.
Throws threw
8. I always get this medicine with other medicines.
Get got (always dihilangkan, karena menunjukkan keterangan present)
9. The pharmacist put the patients prescription on the desk.
Put put (verb 2 dari put adalah put)
10. His nephew studies pharmacist in institute of Bakti Tunas Husada.
Studies studied
C. Analyze the following sentences. Write T if is true: correct it if it False!
She felt happy when she is with him five months ago.
True. (felt verb 2 dari feel)
I eat ice cream with my friend yesterday.
False. (eat = verb 1. Seharusnya ate)
Raina and Lizzy come to my house last summer.
False. (come = verb 1. Seharusnya came)
He pay the bill for the dinner last night.
False. (pay = verb 1. Seharusnya paid)
Mona told her friend to buy lasagna at the restaurant last week.
True. (told verb 2 dari tell)
Did she get her prescription yesterday?
True. (Interrogative sentence, verb 2 harus kembali ke bentuk verb 1)
We move to a new house few years ago.
False. (move = verb 1. Seharusnya moved


I visited lots of interesting places in Milan last year.

True. (visited verb 2 dari visit)
The students was very clever.
False. (karena students berbentuk jamak/plural, maka to be bentuk past tense
harus were)
10. Ethan drink coffee at Daniels house last night.
False. (drink = verb 1. Seharusnya drank)
NB: Untuk bagian C jawabannya gak usah kayak contoh. Yang pake penjelasan terus dibenerin
itu buat yang salah (FALSE). Kalo jawabannya bener tinggal tulis (TRUE) aja.
D. Arrange these sentences into good conversation
Bagian terakhir, menyusun kalimat menjadi dialog atau percakapan.
Dialognya dari handout hal 11 dan 14. Yang akan saya pilih entah hal 11 atau hal 14. Jadi
silahkan buka dan baca lagi.

A. Make a paragraph telling your experiences in the past (unforgettable moment,
embarrassing moment, happy moment, sorrowful moment, funny moment, etc). But
before you make a full length paragraph, make an outline first (kerangka karangan).
(Buat dulu kerangka karangannya, kayak dulu. Baru bikin paragrafnya. Ok Ok Ok )

This is the blue print (kisi-kisi)

Sorry I didnt come last week.
Good luck for the final test guys!!!
Fighting ^_^


: Untuk CV dikumpulkan hari H UAS Bahasa Inggris aja, sama kayak kesan dan
pesan. Collect di satu orang (PJ) soft copynya dimasukkan ke dalam CD (satu

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