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Tips for Staying Healthy

A healthy lifestyle can help you thrive throughout your life. Making healthy choices isn't
always easy, however. It can be hard to find the time and energy to exercise regularly or
prepare healthy meals. However, your efforts will pay off in many ways, and for the rest of
your life.
Steps you can take:

Be physically active for 30 minutes most days of the week. Break this up into three
10-minute sessions when pressed for time. Healthy movement may include walking,
sports, dancing, yoga, running or other activities you enjoy.

Eat a well-balanced, low-fat diet with lots of fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
Choose a diet that's low in saturated fat and cholesterol, and moderate in sugar, salt and
total fat.

Avoid injury by wearing seatbelts and bike helmets, using smoke and carbon
monoxide detectors in the home, and using street smarts when walking alone. If you own a
gun, recognize the dangers of having a gun in your home. Use safety precautions at all

Don't smoke, or quit if you do. Ask your health care provider for help.
UCSF'sTobacco Education Center offers smoking cessation and relapse prevention classes
as well as doctor consultations for smokers trying to quit.

Drink in moderation if you drink alcohol. Never drink before or while driving, or
when pregnant.

Ask someone you trust for help if you think you might be addicted to drugs or

Help prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV/AIDS by using condoms
every time you have sexual contact. Condoms aren't 100 percent foolproof, so discuss STI
screening with your provider. Birth control methods other than condoms, such as pills and
implants, won't protect you from STIs or HIV.

Brush your teeth after meals with a soft or medium bristled toothbrush. Also brush
after drinking and before going to bed. Use dental floss daily.

Stay out of the sun, especially between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. when the sun's harmful
rays are strongest. You are not protected if it is cloudy or if you are in the water harmful
rays pass through both. Use a broad spectrum sunscreen that guards against both UVA and
UVB rays, with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or higher. Select sunglasses that block
99 to 100 percent of the sun's rays.

Maintaining a Healthy Outlook

Women today have busy, demanding lives. You may feel pulled in different directions and
experience stress from dealing with work, family and other matters, leaving little time for
yourself. Learning to balance your life with some time for yourself will pay off with big
benefits a healthy outlook and better health.
Steps you can take:

Stay in touch with family and friends.

Be involved in your community.

Maintain a positive attitude and do things that make you happy.

Keep your curiosity alive. Lifelong learning is beneficial to your health.

Healthy intimacy takes all forms but is always free of coercion.

Learn to recognize and manage stress in your life. Signs of stress include trouble
sleeping, frequent headaches and stomach problems; being angry a lot; and turning to food,
drugs and alcohol to relieve stress.

Good ways to deal with stress include regular exercise, healthy eating habits and
relaxation exercises, such as deep breathing or meditation. Talking to trusted family
members and friends can help a lot. Some women find that interacting with their faith
community is helpful in times of stress.

Get enough sleep and rest. Adults need around eight hours of sleep a night.

Talk to your health care provider if you feel depressed for more than a few days;
depression is a treatable illness. Signs of depression include feeling empty and sad, crying
a lot, loss of interest in life, and thoughts of death or suicide. If you or someone you know
has thoughts of suicide, get help right away. Call 911, a local crisis center or (800)

7 Ways to Stay Healthy

1 Reboot your brain with power naps

Nodding off for 15-30 minutes at work doesnt mean you are lazy. On the contrary, it helps
enhance memory and reduce stress. A midday snooze reverses information overload, says a
Harvard University study. A NASA study shows that napping helps you focus better by
improving your ability to focus on one task while holding other tasks in memory. But,
cautions the study, its only a short-term fix and no substitute for a good nights sleep. Its
also important to limit your nap to not more than 30 minutes. Any longer and you
would enter a deep sleep. Trying to wake up after that could make you groggy for a
2 Synchronize your biological clock with melatonin
Talking of getting a good nights sleepcritical for boosting memorythe key is to let
melatonin do its trick. Thats a versatile hormone produced by the brain. It synchronizes the
biological clock, regulates sleep and is a powerful antioxidant. Scientists believe it
strengthens the immune system and has a strong link to preventing depression, cardiovascular
disease, some cancers and sexual dysfunction. Melatonin production is influenced by the
daily pattern of light and darknessbasically, light suppresses it and darkness stimulates
its production. So, get plenty of light in the day and plenty of darkness at night.
3 Enjoy your place in the sun
If melatonin is why you need darkness, vitamin D is why you need light. Vitamin D is
synthesized in the body when it is exposed to sunlight. Studies have linked vitamin D
deficiency with increased risks of osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, cancers, multiple
sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and type 1 diabetes. And if you think Indians need not worry
because of the abundant sunshine, think again. Vitamin D deficiency is causing severe bone
loss in adults across northern India, reports the British Medical Journal. So get out from
under the tube light and into the sunshine. As little as 15-20 minutes of exposure to
sunlight in the early morning, without sunscreen, can help.

4 Let food be your medicine

Every doctor will tell you that a balanced diet and good eating habits are key for keeping the
body and brain running at optimal levels. So delaying meals to meet the demands of your
work or going on a crash diet to lose weight are no-nos. Thats because staying hungry will
make you lose weight, but most of it will be from a loss of muscle. Muscles break down into
glucose (the fuel the body burns for energy) when you have starved and are out of immediate
sources of energy. That has a cascading effect on the body. One, less muscle means your body
will burn fewer calories. Two, when you return to a normal diet, the weight comes back first
as fat. The food you eat only converts to muscle with accompanying exercise. Three, as you
replace muscle will fat, your clothes will stop fitting. Fat cells take up more space than
muscle cells. If you dont crash diet, what can you do? The U.S. National Heart, Lung and
Blood Institute recommends the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) eating
plan, which includes eating less salt and sodium and avoiding processed foods
( DASH can help you lose weight,
and is heart-friendly as it prevents and controls high blood pressure. Along similar lines,
WHOs Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health (DPAH) recommends limiting
salt (sodium) consumption, reducing fat intake and increasing consumption of fruits and
vegetables, as well as whole grains and nuts. Bonus tips for frequent travelers: The biggest
health disruptor while traveling is the absence of any order to your daily routine. So it all
boils down to bringing back order. Get enough sunlight. Take naps. And get as much
movement as you canwalk up and down the aircraft; walk rather than take the
5 Build in rest periods in your workout session
A workout routine goes hand in hand with a good diet to control weight. But if you find it
difficult to schedule a block of time for the gym, heres some good news for you: Short 10minute bursts of moderate-intensity exercise, adding up to a total of 30 minutes a day, works
just as well for people with sedentary habits. The second bit of good news? Taking a welltimed rest in the middle of a long workout session helps the body burn more fat. According to
an article in the June 2007 edition of the Journal of Applied Physiology, programs with
repetition of shorter exercise might be preferred when prescribing exercise to sedentary
people, such as overweight individuals. In addition, several studies have shown that repeated
bouts of shorter exercise produce similar changes in cardiovascular fitness and weight loss

compared with a single bout of prolonged exercise. Resting is beneficial even for fitness
freaks intent on bulking up. Muscle growth occurs whenever the rate of muscle protein
synthesis is greater than the rate of muscle protein breakdown. During resistance training,
muscle cells are damaged; during rest, satellite cells located on the outside of the
muscle fiber repair damaged cells, resulting in increase in muscle fibers.
6 Hug your family and friends
Seriously. Several studies show that the human touch has a therapeutic physical and
psychological effect. A study by the University of North Carolinas Karen Grewen and
Kathleen Light, shows that hugging your partner can reduce heart rate and blood pressure,
both classic signs of stress. According to the Touch Research Institute, University of Miami
School of Medicine, massage therapy benefits everyone, from newborns to senior
citizens. It improves attentiveness, reduces stress hormones, improves immunity and
even reduces pain.
7 Study to prevent age-related memory loss
Several studies published in Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of
Neurology, show an inverse link between Alzheimers disease (AD) and how highly educated
you are. Essentially, the more formal education you have, the lower the risk of developing
dementia and Alzheimers disease compared to people with less education. However, higher
education doesnt protect against how fast one loses memory if they do get affected by AD.
According to the Alzheimers Foundation of America lifestyle choices have a lot to do with
maintaining mental well-being. Growing evidence suggests that regular mental calisthenics
may help reduce the risk of Alzheimers disease or other memory disorders by enhancing
cognitive reservethe minds resistance to damage; stimulating growth of new brain cells; and
maintaining or strengthening connections between brain cells. So go solve that Sudoku
puzzle or visit the museum and keep the brain ticking.
15 Best Ways to Prevent Acne: Avoid Breakouts With These Tips!
Do you suffer from acne breakouts? If so, youve probably spent countless dollars on acne
creams and gels that promise to help clear your skin. The bad news is youre probably
wasting your money. The good news is, there are ways to prevent future breakouts that wont
cost you a penny.
Acne breakouts often occur because of changes youve made to your daily routine. Maybe
youve started using a different laundry detergent, shampoo, face cream or soap. These are
often the biggest culprits of an acne breakout. If you want to keep your skin clear and radiant,
avoid breakouts by following these 15 simple tips
1. Choose Acne-Friendly Makeup

The makeup you use (and how much you use) has a big impact on the health of your skin. Its
quite ironic that the products you spend a lot of money on to keep your skin looking good,
could potentially be clogging your pores and encouraging the pimples youre trying so hard
to hide.
If youre prone to breakouts, look for products that say non-comedogenic on the label. This
means that the product is specifically designed not to clog your pores. Clogged pores are one
of the leading causes of breakouts. Many dermatologists will also recommend lightweight or
oil-free products with a non-comedogenic label, which is which means that makeup wont
clog your pores. Also, avoid heavy, greasy products that contain ingredients like mineral oils
and cocoa butter, which can spur pimples.
2. Change Your Pillow Case Weekly
Forget the $50 bottle of acne cream youve been purchasing every month, changing your
pillow case is a proven method for preventing breakouts. All of the sweat, dirt and makeup
from your face is seeping into your pillow every night. Particularly if you dont wash your
face before heading to bed, basically you are sleeping in all of the dirt, oil, and debris that
collected on your face all day.
If you dont wash your pillow cases regularly youre basically planting your face on a pillow
of sweat and dirt for 8 hours. Not only will your face stay oily, but the potential for clogging
your pores with excess dirt is also very high. Washing your cases will give your face the fresh
rest it needs at the end of the day.
3. Moisturize
If youve turned to acne products to control your outbreaks (which most of you probably
have), the importance of moisturizing becomes a key component in keeping your breakouts at
bay. Most acne products contain ingredients that dry out the skin, thus, moisturizing
immediately after is critical. Make sure you hydrate your skin with water before applying the
Daily moisturizing is an essential part of keeping acne at bay by clearing away excess oils,
dirt, and makeup that collect on your skin day and night. This is why morning and evening
cleansing and moisturizing is important. If the acne treatment your dermatologist prescribed
contains benzoyl peroxide or other drying ingredients that can zap your skin of the moisture,
a light moisturizer that contains glycerin or hyaluronic acid will aim to keep moisture locked
in your skin to prevent redness, drying, and flaking.


I will talk about the qualities needed for a good high school teacher in the US. This will
differ for other countries and other grade levels, I am sure.
To me, the most important quality of a good teacher is patience. No matter how good your
students are, they will test your patience at many points during the day.
A second very important quality is caring. Maybe it should be first. Students can typically
tell which teachers actually care about them -- about them as people and about their learning.
After that, I think a teacher needs to have a quick mind (to deal well with questions and such,
but that may be because that is my style of teaching -- another teacher might talk about being
very organized and planning well.
A good teacher is the teacher who plays these vivid roles together: tutor, controller, friend,
feedback etc. The teacher must not be too strict or too retiring. S/he should find out students'
demands and fulfill them remaining as much objective as possible. The teacher must not view
the class as a place to rule, rather, should better help students feel that they do have an
equally important role to play in the classroom. That is why learner-centered classes are
getting popularity these days.


Motivation - By setting specific tasks and allowing young people to work through obstacles
to achieve those tasks, video games can help boost self-esteem and help children learn the
value of persistence. By providing immediate feedback as video game players solve
problems and achieve greater expertise, players can learn to see themselves as having skills
and intelligence they might not otherwise realize they possess. Gaming helps young people
realize that intelligence is incremental, i.e., something that can increase with time and effort
rather than being fixed. Immediate feedback also keeps players in the "zone of proximal
development (link is external)" which allows them to solve problems on their own while
working towards specific goals. Since difficulty level rises as players advance, the skills
they gain from gaming continue to improve with time. Games also provide intermittent
reinforcement to encourage players not to give up despite growing challenges.
Again, there is little evidence showing that the motivational benefits from playing video games
necessarily carries over into the real world. Still, many of the problem-solving skills learned in games
can be applied to real-life problems. The motivational benefits from video games likely varies
depending on the personality and individual circumstances of the player.
Social - Perhaps more than ever before, video games have become an intensely social activity.
Instead of the stereotypical gaming nerd who uses video games to shun social contact, over 70 percent
of gamers play with friends, whether as part of a team or in direct competition. Games such as World
of Warcraft and Farmville boast millions of users, with online social communities and regular
interactions with fellow gamers. Social and prosocial activities are an intrinsic part of the gaming
experience with gamers rapidly learning social skills that could generalize to social relationships in
the real world. Though many games have a violent content, they still provide players with an
opportunity to learn social skills by focusing on cooperation with team members. Research has
shown that playing violent video games in groups reduces feelings of hostility better than playing
such games alone. More research is definitely needed, but there seems to be a strong potential value
of cooperative play in developing social behaviour and curbing antisocial thoughts and behaviours.

Bahasa melayu
Gaya hidup yang sihat boleh membantu anda untuk berkembang maju sepanjang hidup anda.
Membuat pilihan yang sihat tidak selalu mudah, namun. Ia boleh menjadi sukar untuk mencari masa
dan tenaga untuk bersenam atau menyediakan makanan sihat. Walau bagaimanapun, usaha anda akan
membayar dalam pelbagai cara, dan untuk sepanjang hidup anda.
Langkah yang boleh anda ambil:
Sentiasa aktif selama 30 minit pada kebanyakan hari dalam seminggu. Break ini kepada tiga sesi 10
minit apabila ditekan untuk masa. Pergerakan sihat mungkin termasuk berjalan kaki, sukan, menari,
yoga, berjalan atau aktiviti lain yang anda menikmati.
Makan, diet rendah lemak yang seimbang dengan banyak buah-buahan, sayur-sayuran dan bijirin
penuh. Pilih diet itu rendah lemak tepu dan kolesterol, dan sederhana dalam gula, garam dan jumlah
Elakkan kecederaan dengan memakai tali pinggang keledar dan topi keledar basikal, dengan
menggunakan asap dan pengesan karbon monoksida di rumah, dan menggunakan smarts jalan ketika
berjalan sendirian. Jika anda mempunyai senjata api, mengenali bahaya mempunyai pistol di rumah
anda. Gunakan langkah-langkah keselamatan pada setiap masa.
Jangan merokok, atau berhenti jika anda lakukan. Tanya doktor anda untuk mendapatkan bantuan.
UCSF'sTobacco Pusat Pendidikan menawarkan berhenti merokok dan kelas pencegahan penyakit
yang berulang serta perundingan doktor untuk perokok cuba berhenti.
Minum secara sederhana jika anda minum alkohol. Jangan sekali-kali minum sebelum atau semasa
memandu, atau apabila hamil.
Tanya seseorang yang anda percayai untuk membantu jika anda berfikir anda mungkin akan ketagih
dadah atau alkohol.
Membantu mencegah jangkitan kelamin (STI) dan HIV / AIDS dengan menggunakan kondom setiap
kali anda mempunyai hubungan seksual. Kondom tidak 100 peratus foolproof, jadi membincangkan
pemeriksaan STI dengan pembekal anda. Kaedah kawalan kelahiran selain daripada kondom, seperti
pil dan implan, tidak akan melindungi anda daripada STI atau HIV.
Berus gigi selepas makan dengan lembut atau sederhana berus gigi. Juga berus selepas minum dan
sebelum tidur. Gunakan benang gigi setiap hari.

Elakkan matahari, terutama 10:00-3:00 apabila sinaran matahari yang memudaratkan paling keras.
Anda tidak dilindungi jika ia mendung atau jika anda berada di dalam air - sinaran berbahaya melalui
kedua-duanya. Gunakan pelindung matahari spektrum luas yang menjaga terhadap kedua-dua UVA
dan UVB, dengan faktor perlindungan matahari (SPF) 15 atau lebih tinggi. Pilih cermin mata hitam
yang menghalang 99-100 peratus daripada sinaran matahari.

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