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End Time

"Same shamans have told Villoldo that the world will indeed come to
an end ... that the planet will become in the years ahead in a way
that is beyond our capability of understanding the present. The period
between 2002 - 2012 its a called the Pachacuti, meaning the time
when everything comes back reversed when realitattea is
restructured. " Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges in his book
"Mysteries of the Grand Cross of Hendaye"

Much has been written about time and end December 21, 2012, when
the famous Maya calendar ends abruptly.

An interesting thing is that Mayasii, which were very advanced in

astronomy, cosmic data calculasera until millions of years past. Why
their calendar ends on the winter solstice in 2012?

Equally disturbing is that in quite another part of the world, the

tradition of Kalachakra (Wheel of Time) says that after 960 years of
the revelation of secret teachings in Tibet (which was made in 1027)
will come a period of 25 years which will culminate with the end of
time. A simple math leads us to an intriguing result: 1027 + 960 +
25 = 2012.

A few years ago began to emerge comments and theories on the two
"current" Convergence: Maya calendar and the Kalachakra Tibetan
tradition. However, no one could answer a simple question and
expectations: As we approach the year 2012 and entered the age of
Aquarius, transforming collective consciousness of humanity will be
without cataclysms or will require a great cleansing and "screening"
Hopi Indians as traditional (and more) record? Or both?

I recently read a book called "Mysteries of the Grand Cross of

Hendaye" to answer that question. Today we are at the edge of time,
with all the necessary consequences. And indeed the whole reality will
return "inside out". The same thing happened in Atlantis thousands of
years ago when, as now, the rule of greed, materialism, lust for
power and technology at the expense of spirituality.

At least 30 years a lot of metaphysical and spiritual information which

entered the field of planetary consciousness, and not by accident.
This led many people to return again to spiritual honest in all its
forms. But not enough. Just look at our world today and we see
clearly that the vast majority decided to ignore this signal. Personally
I think that the polarization of consciousness is part of the process of
clearing the planet.

Out of the prophetic teachings, I remember a Christian, being closest

to the current level of understanding of humanity and are therefore
most appropriate. The Bible says that wheat will be separated from
the cockle. This "sorting" already takes place under our eyes.

It is widely agreed that over the millennia, creed beautiful planet has
gone through various cataclysms. Whether it was flood, ice age,
reversal of poles or other major violence, many of them happened
very quickly. Our home is not as stable and secure as I want us to

In ancient beliefs we find reference to the equinox precession

phenomenon with a period of 25,920 years. This great cycle, or
Cosmic Year, is central to the traditions of Egypt, Mayans, North
American ... It was so important that ancient astronomers to know
exactly their place in this great cycle, because their existence
depended on it.

? FPRIVATE "TYPE = PICT; ALT = Mysteries Grand Cross of Hendaye"

Secret Cross of Hendaye

Great Cross of Hendaye in southern France is a monument
representing the end of time. Contains in coded form information
about a great year and Cosmic cycles of purification and "screening"
that come with it.

But more important than the message of the Cross describes the
process of purification: the northern hemisphere of the planet will
pass through fire "because of an event that occurs in the center of
our galaxy. The authors are not based on prophecy, but on scientific
research related to certain planetary and galactic alignments that led
past periods of purification. Such a process has already started for us.

These conculusions presented in the book have a sound scientific

basis. Recent astronomical discoveries support the claim that many
planetary changes have already started and these will increase as we
approach the year 2012.

In early 2004, the store "Fortune" and newspaper "The Guardian" has
made public a report by the Pentagon. Which states that in the
coming years we can expect: sudden change in climate that will lead
the planet in chaos, beyond 2010 Europe will support a radical
change of climate is estimated millions of human casualties due to
war and famine, until 2007 storm will destroy the Dutch coastal
barrier causing the loss of vast territories, riots and internal conflicts
will destroy India, South Africa and Indonesia, many times of drought
will affect most "grânarelor" world of nuclear threats will intensify,
United Kingdom and neighboring countries will move to a Siberian
climate, conflict and mistrust will penetrate all aspects of life, climate
change will be a greater threat than terrorism.

Scientific evidence to support a sudden change (in the order of

several years) the climate there, because such changes have
occurred in the past. Two recent articles published in "Fortune" and
"Common Dreams" describes how these changes are associated with
the last ice age that occurred 13,000 years ago. And it appears that
will happen again.
The credibility of a new Ice Age theory is supported by measurements
of Ulysses spacecraft (launched by the European Space Agency in
1993) which shows that the solar system gets ever more cosmic dust
coming from the galactic center which lowers the "light" on we
receive from the Sun.

Was also studied salinity North Atlantic Ocean over the past 40 years.
Salinity of ocean water level dropped as they began to melt becoming
more glaciers, leading to lower speeds ocean currents in the area
(including the famous warm Gulf Stream current), with consequent
implications regional climate. Expect such a strong cooling of the
weather in the coming years will affect the cooling north-east coast of
the U.S., eastern Canada, United Kingdom and neighboring countries.
As average temperatures in Europe could fall by 7 to 14 degrees.

Pentagon report shows that, paradoxically, the summer is becoming

warmer, leading to faster melting of glaciers and oceans, with serious
consequences for regional ocean currents and climate. In extreme
winters can reach very low temperature, like Siberia, the countries
bordering the North Atlantic. And many other areas will undergo
similar changes.

Contact the South of France

The extraordinary message carved in mysterious cross at Hendaye

has its origins in ancient schools of Gnosticism, alchemy, Sufism,
mystical Christianity and Kabbalei. It seems that this message was
written on the cross by a survivor of the terrible days of Atlantis.
Central to the book is that the cross is a reference point for current
planetary purification.

Jay Weidner says that "insiders looked old school time and human
experience in one dimension based on cycles." Ancient Indian texts
describe (with many thousands of years before the Bible) as the
Great Cycle of 25,920 years was divided into 4 age: "In the same
way as under one of the other seasons, as the Moon passes through
periods of birth, growth, maturity and death, humanity as a whole
passes through 4 phases of this great cycle. It is composed of the
Golden Age (Satya), was a silver (Treti), was the bronze (Dvapara)
and was rolling (Kali). "

Today we are not only at the end of iron age, but at the end of
25,920 years. According to ancient writings, was of iron is the period
in which black magic is religion and people find pleasure in to control
and dominate others and even the planet. Earth, air and water are
polluted. Wars, famines and epidemics around the human race. Time
itself now hurries toward the end that will allow a new cycle to begin
again. "

You only have to look carefully around you and see that all these
symptoms are present.

Cosmic alignment

To really understand the message of the cross of Hendaye is

necessary to understand the phenomenon of precession equinox.

In short, the planet Earth spins around its axis like a spinning top
that is staggering. As a result, the planet's north pole traces in space
a large imaginary circle with a period of 25,920 years. This truly
"Cosmic Year" is one of the well guarded secrets of the ancient
spiritual schools of ancient civilizations.

Milky Way galaxy is part of our solar system. Seen in profile, looks
like a round bread with a middle (center) prominent. Center of the
galaxy (discovered in 1917) acts as a heart that slowly pulsate,
sending into space a mysterious energy.

The authors of the book states that the message of the cross at
Hendaye confirms recent scientific discoveries in astronomy, which
shows that the galaxy center is responsible for periodic energy pulses
that influence our solar system. Secret ancient tell us that the
galactic center is the source of the Creative Consciousness that
guides the evolution of humanity and the whole galaxy and determine
the quality of life and consciousness on Earth.

Because AIM is often copied articles on various forums and then

taken over by other magazines and websites, without specifying their
origin, we inform that the address of this article is and is published in Active Information

While bringing more of philosophy, it is not so. The authors show that
the discovery physicist Paul LaViolette is essential. He published his
book "Land of fire" which shows that approximately every 13,000
years a surge of energy the Earth receives from the galactic center
that leads to disaster. Last time it happened at the end of the Ice

Moreover, LaViolette has examined samples of Greenland ice and

discovered layers of Iridium, an element from the center of the
galaxy. All these "rain" galactic have period 13,000 years. Suspect
any connection with the precession of equinox?

A unifying vision

Those who are aware of what is happening today in the world

recognize that something is about really. Ancient traditions of the
Hopi Indians, mayans, Edgar Cayce, The Wheel of Time Tibetan and
more, all converge to those days. Why right now humanity is
concerned about the reduction planetary oceni North Atlantic salinity,
global warming, the risk of a new Ice Age?

Why just now climate change drastically? In the summer of 2003,

nearly 15,000 French died from excessive heat in only 3 weeks.
Alaskan ice melts faster telephone lines and poles are in danger of
falling, lack the support. Since 2002 there have been the hottest
summers in recent 500 years. In the last few decades some glaciers
in Switzerland decreased by 50%, like polar ice north of Alaska and
Canada region. Sir David King, the man most respected scientists in
Britain said recently that "we face a climate disaster" (and because
the British government tried to silence).

We can not ignore such information.

So what to do? Let us raise our hands to heaven and give up all
hope? Absolutely not. Ancient traditions tell us that those who are
prepared will pass successfully through all these events, retrieved
into the new cycle.

Towards the end of the book, the authors recall the discussions we
had with some of Alberto Villoldo shamans in Peru. "He speaks of a
possible evolution of the species Homo Sapiens to Homo Luminous".
In this direction are important recent research on human genome and
possible re-organization of genes in new forms that would give rise to
DNA chains with more spirit (currently two). Be the result of
mysterious energy from the galactic center?

One thing is certain: these shamans are convinced that something

truly profound is going to be achieved and that is a very important
step for humanity.

As a reference, worth reading "Fingerprints of the gods" by Graham

Hancock, "Maya Prophecies" by Maurice Cotterell and Adrian Gilbert
and "Beyond the prophecies and predictions" by Moira TIMSS.

More about 2012 and the end of time here

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