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MTH 236H: Series of Groups

Luke Cybulski
April 18, 2014
Problem 35.2
The first series has factor groups of order 20, 3, and 60Z/{0} is simply isomorphic to 60Z, and so is infinite order. Next, the second series has factor groups
of order 49, 5, and 245Z/{0} is isomorphic to 245Z, and so is infinite order. So,
from these, we need to add factor groups of order 49 and 5 to the first series and
factor groups of order 20 and 3 to the second series. This can be done by inserting factor groups before 60Z and 245Z. Thus, the isomorphic refinements
{0} < 14700Z < 300Z < 60Z < 20Z < Z
{0} < 14700Z < 735Z < 245Z < 49Z < Z
Problem 35.4
The first series has group orders of 1, 4, 24, and 72 (read from left to right).
The second series has group orders of 1, 3, 6, and 72. So, we can use Lagranges
theorem to see that the first series has factor groups of order 3, 6, and 4, and
that the second series has factor groups of order 12, 2, and 3. So, for the first
series, we can insert h36i between {0} and h18i, and this gives factor groups of
order 3, 6, 2, and 2. Next, we insert h6i in between h12i and Z72 , and this gives
factor groups of order 6, 2, 2, and 3. Thus, we see this gives the isomorphic
refinements of the two series:
{0} < h36i < h18i < h3i < Z72
{0} < h24i < h12i < h6i < Z72
Problem 35.5
The first series has factor groups of order 10, 6, and then (60Z Z)/{(0, 0)} is
isomorphic to 60Z Z, and is thus of infinite order. The second series has factor
groups of order 20, 4, and then (Z 80Z)/{(0, 0)} is isomorphic to Z 80Z,
and is thus of infinite order. So, for isomorphic refinements, we must add factor
groups of order 20 and 4 into the first series and then factor groups of order
10 and 6 into the second series. This can be done by inserting factor groups
before 60Z Z and Z 80Z. Thus, the isomorphic refinements are:
{(0, 0)} < 4800Z Z < 240Z Z < 60Z Z < 10Z Z < Z Z
{(0, 0)} < Z 4800Z < Z 480Z < Z 80Z < Z 20Z < Z Z

Problem 35.12
First, the center of S3 is simply the identity {0 }. Next, the center of D4 is the
set {0 , 2 }. Thus, the center of the direct product S3 D4 is simply given by:
Z(S3 D4 ) = Z(S3 ) Z(D4 ) = {0 } {0 , 2 } = {{0 , 0 }, {0 , 2 }}
Problem 35.13
First, the center of S3 is simply the identity {0 }. Next, it is clear that the
center of Z4 is Z(Z4 ) = Z4 , considering Z4 is abelian. Thus, the center of the
direct product S3 Z4 is given by:
Z1 (S3 Z4 ) = Z(S3 ) Z(Z4 ) = {0 } Z4
Now, we consider the factor group (S3 Z4 )/Z1 (S3 Z4 ).
(S3 Z4 )/Z1 (S3 Z4 ) = (S3 Z4 )/({0 } Z4 )
= S3
We then know that the next element of the series, Z2 , can be defined inductively
so that Z2 /Z1 = Z((S3 Z4 )/Z1 ). Looking at the above factor group, it is clear
that Z((S3 Z4 )/Z1 ) = {{0 } Z4 }. Thus,
Z2 /Z1 = Z2 /({0 } Z4 ) = {{0 } Z4 }
This gives that Z2 = {0 } Z4 (Recall that for some group G, G/G
= {e}.
In our case, {0 } Z4 is the identity element of the factor group, so it must
be that Z2 = Z1 , else we would not get Z2 /Z1 = {e}). Then, we get Z3
from Z3 /Z2 = Z((S3 Z4 )/Z2 ), but since Z2 = Z1 and Z((S3 Z4 )/Z2 ) =
Z((S3 Z4 )/Z1 ) = {{0 } Z4 }, it is clear that Z3 = Z2 . So, continuing this
process gives Zi = {0 } Z4 . Then, we know the ascending central series is
given by
Z1 Z2 Z3
Thus, the ascending central series for S3 Z4 is
{0 } Z4 {0 } Z4 {0 } Z4
Problem 35.16
This definition is incorrect, i.e., it says a composition series of abelian groups,
while it should say a composition series such that all factor groups Hi+1 /Hi are
abelian. Therefore the correct definition is technically:
A group G is solvable if it has a composition series {Hi } such that all factor
groups Hi+1 /Hi are abelian.

Problem 35.17 (proofs are given for non-trivial answers)

(f ):True
First, if G is simple, we use the composition series {e} < G. Next, if the
order of G is 1, then we are simply left with the trivial composition series. So,
we then have the last case, which is that G is finite and that G is not simple, i.e.
a proper nontrivial normal subgroup of G. Furthermore, we know there will
be at least one maximal normal subgroup, say M1 . Then, we know that G/M1
is simple. Thus,we can form the composition series {e} < M1 < G. If M has at
least proper non-trivial normal subgroup, one will again be a maximal normal
subgroup, say M2 . Thus, M1 /M2 is simple and we have the composition series
{e} < M2 < M1 < G. We can continue to use this same process, but since
G is finite, it will eventually stop, i.e., the only normal subgroup left of some
maximal normal subgroup Mi will just be {e}. So, the final composition series
will be {e} < Mi < . . . < M2 < M1 < G.
First, we note that the factor group Sn /An
= Z2 , and thus simple. Next,
An /{e}
= An , and for n = 2, 3 and n 5, An is simple. So, the composition
series for S7 : {e} < A7 < S7 . Yet, A7 is not abelian, thus S7 is not solvable.
If |G| = p for p prime, then by Lagranges theorem, G can only have the
improper subgroup and the trivial subgroup. Thus, G is clearly simple, and so
the composition series {e} < G. Next, all groups of prime order are cyclic,
hence G is cyclic. Moreover, we know all cyclic groups are abelian, thus the
factor group G/{e}
= G is abelian, and G is solvable.
Problem 35.18 Let e be the identity element in S3 . Now, we first see that the
factor group (S3 S3 )/(S3 {e})
= S3 , but S3 is not simple. Thus, starting with
the series {e} {e} < S3 {e} < S3 S3 we can refine it by inserting S3 A3 in
between S3 S3 and S3 {e}. Furthermore, (S3 {e})/({e} {e}
= S3 {e},
which is not simple, so we insert A3 {e} in between S3 {e} and {e} {e}.
This gives the following refined series:
{e} {e} < A3 {e} < S3 {e} < S3 A3 < S3 S3
From this, we see the factor groups have orders (starting from (S3 S3 )/(S3 A3 )
2, 3, 2, and 3. Thus, since these orders are prime, we know that all the factor
groups of simple. Thus, the prior series is a composition series of S3 S3 . Next,
we know that all groups of order 2 and 3 are abelian, thus S3 S3 is solvable.

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