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Peru Tusuy: Danza y Bailes

del Peru
1. Carnaval de Arapa

2. Santiago Danza de Junin


3. Valicha Danza de Cusco


4. Anaconda Danza de la Selva


5. Inga Baile de Ica


6. Huayno Costeo de Piura


Folk Dance Workshops

Jack Benny Center for the Arts

Dance Teachers

Jessica Loyaga and Ruben Pachas

Coordinator of Folk Dance Cohort

Leopoldo Garcia

1. Carnaval de Arapa
El Carnaval
Carnival, in many countries of the world, has become an
international fiesta and has common characteristics: a feeling of
freedom and illusion, use of disguise, masks, and costumes,
colorful dances, music, and songs, and a lot of joy and fun. In
the Christian religions, carnival is a time of preparation for the
season of lent.
Carnival is also associated with the agricultural cycle of planting
and celebration of the fertility and productivity of the earth. The
first celebrations go back in ancient history to Egyptian, Roman,
and Greek times in which the rich and poor changed roles during
carnival, disguised with masks and costumes. These were
festivals, which had origins in primitive times honoring Dionysus
(son of Jupiter), the god of fertility, wine, happiness, and
Hence, Carnival is associated with spiritual, astronomical, and
natural cycles of nature, both in ancient history and in
contemporary time.
The Inca festival of HUCHUY POGOY, or the blooming of plants
during the spring months of February and March in Peru, has
become associated with the Christian festival of Carnival since
the time of the Spanish conquest. Indigenous traditions have
mixed with the European and African traditions brought to the
new world in the 15th and 16th centuries. Carnival has ancient
festival elements imbedded in the music, dance and traditions.
Thus, native people celebrate both their own heritage and the
new costumes brought to Peru by the Spanish.
La fiesta Inka a la afloracin denominada HUCHUY POGOY O
afloracion a las plantas durante el mes de febrero a Marzoera
una fiesta donde se practicaba el juego y el duelo que en el
carnaval indgena se llama puqllay; estas fiestas coincidieron
con las fiestas de los carnavales que los conquistadores trajeron

a America e impusiern de manera presionante sobre las

costumbres Nativas. Muchas de estas fiestas a la afloracin son
conocidas como Carnavales en la actualidad.


In Puno, the Carnaval festivales have been celebrated since 1880.

The Fiesta de la Candelaria (Candle Mass Fiesta}, is a festival in
honor of the Virgin of Candelaria, patron saint of the city of Puno,
held in the first fortnight of February each year. It is one of the
largest festivals of culture, music and dancing in Peru, in terms of
the number of events related to the cultures of the Quechua and
Aymara peoples and of the mestizos of the Altiplano.
At the core of the festival are performances of music and dance
organized by the Regional Federation of Folklore and Culture of
Puno, consisting of more than 200 dances in more than 150 dance
sets. These include "native dances" from the various communities
in Puno and sets of dances organized in different quarters of the
city, mostly those known as "costume dances". These
performances directly involve 40,000 dancers and some 5,000
musicians, and indirectly involve about 25,000 people including
directors, sponsors, embroiderers and the makers of masks,
boots, shoes, bells and other items.

Carnaval de Arapa- Provincia de Azangaro


The Carnaval of Arapa is a traditional agricultural dance related to

the blessing the earth and the Mother Goddess, "Pachamama. It
is an expression of joy and youthfullness of the pastoral people
who during the development of the dance manifest their romantic
feelings. On Monday of the fiesta, called the adoration of the
flowers, ''Ticachaska'' houses, fields, and animals are adorned
with flowers. On Tuesday or Wednesday, the people observe
''Chacu Apaycuy'', during which gifts of live animals and food is
given to the village authorities or influenTial people.
El alferado de las ''Madejas'' es el eje principal de la fiesta y es un
respetado personaje que organiza y estimula la danza. Es ocasin
para que las parejas jvenes compartan mediante la danza, sus
afinidades y amistad con el fin de formar una familia en el futuro.
En forma de juego se pueden llegar a raptar entre jvenes y
llevar a la futura novia a casa de los padres en una tradicin
llamada ''Llasaska''.

Personaje de la danza El Pukllay Machu

The ''Pukllay Machu'' is an important person in the dance group.

He is the wise one or leader of the dancers. His role is to
recommend, impart his wisdom and grace to the people and
(complementa la comparsa} and to forecast the next agricultural
season. At the end of the dancing the people leave for the lake
en una valsa de totora el da del ''Cacharpari'' (Despedida) y se
convierte en el personaje principal. Dances have a basked of fruit
which they give to the villagers as a gift . . . siempre con
recomendaciones, los que son tomados y guardados por los
pobladores como una especie de privilegio, pues recibir un regalo
del Pukllay Machu es significado de un buen presagio.
At the end of the Carnaval, el Pukllay Machu escapes his jealous
guardians and goes to the great hills until the next year. . . .
escapa de sus celosos cuidadores danzarines y se aleja por la
inmensidad de los cerros y chacras aledaas hasta el ao

Dance Clothing

- Tombito o Sombrero: It is a traditional Puno hat and made

from sheep wood. It is decorated with white handkerchief
- Blouse: The blouse is made of silk material of various
colors, but is used more frequently white color.
- 2 Polleras : Andean skirts made of wool of castilla.
- Ojotas : Variety of sandal that is a platform from which
come two plastic strips of cloth or other material that pass
through the instep and fastened between the big toe and
the one that follows.
- Coraguas : skeins of multicolored wool.
- Bandera: White flag.

- Sombrero negro: It is a traditional black puno hat and

made from sheep wood. It is decorated with white
- Shirt : White shirt long sleeve
- Pants : Black Pants
- Coraguas : Skeins of multicolored wool
- Chuspa : Small purse
- Ojotas : Variety of sandal that is a platform from which
come two plastic strips of cloth or other material that pass
through the instep and fastened between the big toe and
the one that follows
- Bandera: White flag.

La musica del carnaval es muy alegre, dulce y movida. Y es
ejecutada por Pinkillos y por tambores o bombos . La cantidad de
musicos lo determina la poblacion y el scenario. The music of
carnival is very joyful, sweet, and movida. It is performed by the
Pinkillos, drums, and bombos. The length of the music is
determined by the participants and the space of the dancing.



Puno departamento
El departamento de Puno se encuentra ubicado en la zona sud
oriental del Per. Posee un clima fro y semiseco con una
temperatura promedio anual de 9C y de 3 C durante el invierno.
Su capital es Puno, ubicada a orillas del lago mas alto del mundo
el lago Titicaca y sobre los 3 827 msnm. En la antigedad, la
meseta del Collao estuvo poblada originariamente por grupos
Aymaras (Collaos, Zapanas, Kallahuayos y Lupacas) y
posteriormente por Quechuas. Segn el cronista Inca Garcilaso
de la Vega, la aparicin de los Quechuas coincide con la leyenda
de Manco Cpac y Mama Ocllo, quienes surgieron de las aguas
fundar el


2. Santiago Danza de Junin

Historical Context
We see from the earliest cave paintings that humans were
pictured as engaged in hunting. In the history of Peru, the
Andean people learned to live with animals who became part of
their life and considered sacred and useful for their survival.
The gave the people not only food, but material for clothing, a
way of transportation, and most important, a friend for life.

Marking the Cattle

This festival is celebrated in July and one of the largest in the
Animals are adorned with ribbons identifying owners of the

Department of Junin
The department (state or province) is 4,000 meters above sea
level in the inter andian zone of Peru. The Mantaro valley is the


home of the Huana people, referred to by the writer Inca

Garcilazo de la Vega (1609).
Each year on June 25 is the day of the animals and the
shepherds. It is the feast day of Saint James the Apostle (Tayta
Shanti - Nombre en quechua), and for this reason is called the
dance of St. Santiago or St. James. People dance and sing for a
productive harvest and also baptize their animals.

La historia nos dice que en las pocas pre agrcolas los
investigadores descubrieron en las paredes de las cuevas
antiguas pinturas en la cual se puede apreciar al hombre
realizando la caza hacia los animales. Ms tarde la historia
nos cuenta de que el hombre logro la domesticacin de los
animales y con el pasar del tiempo apareci la Ganadera.
En la historia del Per el hombre andino no solo prctico la
ganadera si no tambin aprendi a vivir con los animales y
muchos de ellos fueron parte de su vida, considerndolos
muy sagrados y muy tiles para vivir. Estos animales les
brindan a la humanidad productos para su alimentacin, su
vestido, el transporte y lo ms importante un amigo en la



La festividad al ganado es considerada una de las festividades
ms fuertes y poderosas del mundo ganadero y se celebra
durante el mes de Julio y Agosto en el Per de cada ao y se le
denomina SEALAKUY- (Nombre en quechua-vocablo peruano)
Esta bendicin de sealar al ganado brinda a la comunidad
abundancia y fertilidad en la tierra y en los animales. La
marcacion consiste en sealar con vistosos aretes de coloridas
cintas a los animales para identificar de que familia o sexo son.
Tambien se les colocan coronas de flores de colores y la marca
( Metal caliente con la primera letra del nombre del dueodel
Ganado vacuno) en el muslo del animal.


El ritual de la bendicin consiste en: In order to start the
ritual, people offer coca leaves as a mode of pay to Mother
Earth (Pachamama) and Father mountain ( Tayta Wamanis
in quechua). This part of the ritual is called Pagapu
The ritual continues with the Coca Quintu (coca leaf). It
involves multiple sets of three coca leaves, which are


combined with llama fat and placed in the corrals where

animals are to be branded. It is believed that the Coca
Quintu can tell the future. In this case, people can ask the
Coca Quintu to tell them whether the reproduction of their
cattle will be prosperous in the future.

Departamento de Junn
Departamento de Junin esta bicado a 4,000 m.s.n.m es una
zona interandina en donde se encuetran algunos de los mas
antiguos vestigios de la fase primordial de evolucion de la
cultura peruana. El Valle de Mantaro es el lugar de origen de


la nacion y la cultura Huanca (nombre de la cultura ) , sobre

el cual se refiere el escritor Inca Garcilazo de la Vega (1609).




A la llegada de los espaoles la fiesta del Sealakuy

coincidio con la fecha de la fiesta del Apstol Santiago
(Tayta Shanti - Nombre en quechua) es por esto que se le
denomina Santiago en espaol y Tayta Shanty en quechua.
Esta fiesta es una de las fiestas ms connotadas de la
regin. Los pobladores bailan y cantan y festeja la fertilidad
de la tierra y el bautizo del ganado.
El 25 de Julio de todos los aos, es el dia central en todos los
pueblos del departamento de Junin, es denominado dia de
los animales y de los pastores. La figura del santo Santiago
Apostol es identificada como protector de la comunidad, de
las chacras, el territorio, los animales: toros, ovejas,
carneros, vacas y llamas. El ganado es sealado con aretes
de colores para adornarlos y con la marca en su muslo si es
ganado vacuno.


La fiesta has three parts: Los preparativos, la vispera y dia central
o el cerrojo.
1) Preparations: It is some days before of the central day; the
people prepare the chicha de jora, the ribbons for the erring,
the flowers necklaces, pans, coca leaves, cigarettes and the
ingredients for food. The flowers are important for the
ceremony and for make the Sealakuy. The name of the
flowers are: Waylla-Ichu( procreation of the animals) Wila
Wila (anesthesia) Lima Lima ( make to say something to the
animals during sealakuy).
2) Evening before first day: The evening before the main day
the neighbors and relatives gather cattle owner at home to
elect a foreman. They eat and drink after make a ceremony
denominate Velakuy (act of worship) on the table and siting
on the sheep skin.
3) Main day: In the Corral with people and animals the
ceremony "Pacha Wala" or "Lucy Lucydawn " start cleaning
the corral (Place where the Sealakuy STAY) with torches for
ward off bad luck. After that they eat the Patasca (trip soup )
and they start to prepare the WALLQAS ( fruit necklaces) as
a gift for the animals. The placement of colored ribbons
begins with the rite of colored ribbons placement start with
younger calves the male tape is placed in the neck and
earrings female, in the same way it is done with bulls and
cows but they are adding the WALLQAS. At each change of
animals COCA QUINTU ritual is performed. That is to
separate coca leaves in good condition has been delivered
the day before to each particpante of the sealakuy,
undamaged leaves mean that appear more offspring in the
future. The CERROJO consist in the foreman paint the faces
of the participants with wheat flour and maize. The foreman
delivered flower to the participants and they have it put on
their hats. The next day takes place in the SEAL PAMPAY it


is to collect the extra ribbons in the sealakuy to keep them

for next year.

The Santiago Dance

It is similar to the huayno rhythm (Peruvian national dance),
with the difference that Santiago rhythm is more accentuated
marking or step dancing. In the dance couples go to the beat
of the tinya (Drum) and pretend to be fighting and dancing
with bulls and cows and dancing.
The dance has the
following sequences:
First: The couples dance in two columns one for women and
another for men. At this point some people called PASACALLE
(dancing parade), because with this step through the streets
or move from one place to another.
Second: In this part the dancers are stomping to the beat of
the music using the step CHACATAN
Third: In this part the dancers jumping with one foot in front
moving to the sides and changing the foot fallowing the


The Music of the Sealakuy

The music is played through the instrument known as Tinya
(Drum) going to set the rhythm for the singing of the women.
With the passing of the years incorporates WACRAPUCO, violin,
clarinets, saxophones and harp.



UWISHCHUCO: It is a traditional huanca culture hat and made
from sheep wood. It is decorated with flowers.
BLOUSE: The blouse is made of silk material of various colors,
but is used more frequently white color.
POLLERAS: colorful skirts are made up of two parts and in two
colors. The bottom is talkeadas or embroidered with motifs of
flora and fauna
LLICCLLA: It is a small blanket which is worn on the back
ZAPATOS: Black shoes

SOMBRERO OR HAT: It is a traditional huanca culture hat and
made from sheep wood. It is decorated with flowers.
SHIRT: White shirt long sleeve
PANTS: Black Pants


MANTA: It is a large blanket that takes folded into four

rectangular cross on his back and tied at the front.
SHOES: Black shoes


3. Valicha Danza de Cusco

The word Huayno is from the word Wayna, which in Quechwa means youth. Before
the colonial times it meant WAYNARICUNATAKY or the Song recreating youth.
Huayno is an expression of music and dance of Andean people which was performed
since the time of the Incas to give tribute to the earth for the gifts and fruits the earth
Couples dance the Huayno, stamping their feet strongly on the floor or earth. These
strong stems represent agricultural and cattle workers. The words of the Huayno come
from Incan poetry called harawis, and the songs about rivers, nature, sorrow, joy,
adoration, and feeling. estos cantos nos cuentan de los rios, de la naturaleza, de sus
penas, de sus alegrias, de su adoracion y de su sentimientos.
It is a joyful and fun dance, always considering the present moment during fiestas,
family gatherings and reunions. Su carcter es divertido y jocoso, por lo que siempre
est presente para alegrar las reuniones festivas. Adems, no es excluyente, ya que
nios, adultos y viejos participan en el huayo, contagindose de su alegra y


Huayno en el Imperio de los Inkas

El Huayno nace durante la epoca Inka y constituy el baile
ms conocido en todo el imperio de los incas. La msica era
esencialmente popular y de mltiples expresiones,
manifestndose especialmente en la danza. El huayno
proviene de los antiguos Harawis ( Expresion de poesia que
expresa sentimientos intimos y amorosas de la literatura
popular Inka)
y de colectivas alegras en los laboreos
agrcola, sociales y jolgorios juveniles
El WAYU era una manifestacion artistica que reuna las tres
formas artsticas de la expresin: la poesa, la msica y la
danza a la vez, era la interpretacin de la naturaleza y en l
est presente la fuerza telrica misteriosa que una al
hombre inkaico con la tierra. LA WAYA que era la danza
cantada de tipo colectivo de varias parejas de ambos sexos,
uniendo sus manos y colocados de frente, cantaban la
meloda sencilla a ritmo lento.


Variantes y Composicion del Huayno

There are many variations of the Huayno, danced in the
north, center and south of the country. En el huayno
nacional Peruano se observan ciertas caractersticas:
a) Huayno del sur: Es de movimiento pausado y sentimental,
los instrumentos preferidosen su interpretacin son de
cuerda y viento: charango, arpa, quena, guitarra, antara y
b) Huayno del centro: Es de movimiento un poco ms
movido y de carcter muysentimental. Los instrumentos
ms usados en su interpretacin son de viento, cuerda
ypercusin como: quena, clarinete, saxo, arpa, violn y
c) Huayno del norte: Es ms movido y mestizo de carcter
festivo. Su letra termina en unremate (generalmente 2
versos que se repiten). Los instrumentos preferidos son de





Huayno en el Cusco
El departamento del Cusco los huaynos se realizan en dos
modos; los huaynos tipicos cantados en la lengua quechua que
hatsa el dia de hoy existen y los huaynos de la ciudad
cantandos en espaol que nacieron despues de la colonia.
Cada lugar del departamento del cusco tiene su forma
caracteristica de bailar y cantar el huayno. Por lo general en el
cusco se mantiene la siguiente estructura del huayno.
El hayno en el departamento del Cusco es exclusivamente una
danza de parejas, generalmente suelta, y de pauelo. En las
clases populares es ms frecuente el contacto fsico: tomarse
las manos y hasta abrazar a la mujer por la derecha. En las
clases populares se invita a bailar poniendo el pauelo en el
hombro del invitado. Las mujeres suelen hacerlo, sobre todo
cuando el invitado es de un estatus considerado ms alto. Hay
dos momentos en el baile: el paseo y el zapateo. El zapateo se
baila con la pareja muy junta, a veces tomadas de las manos y
las vueltas que elos bailarines se dan representan las flores
que ellos cultivan en los campos del sur del Peru.


El departamento del Cuzco se encuentra ubicado en
la zona suroriental del pas, abarcando zonas de
sierra y selva. y situada sobre los 3,360 msnm.Su
capital es la ciudad del Cuzco, conocida como la
"Capital Arqueolgica de America.


According to legend, Cusco is the sacred capital of the

Imperio del Tahuantinsuyo. It was founded in the 11 th and 12th
centuries of present time by the Inca Manco Cpac, who came
from out of the Lago Titicaca. It was the center of government
of the four extensive quarters of the Imperio Incaico which
occupied the greater part of present day Ecuador, Colombia,
Per Bolivia, Argentina y Chile. El 23 de marzo de 1534,
Francisco Pizarro fund, sobre la ciudad del Cusco una ciudad
espaola, que se construyo sobre los cimientos incas. Cusco es,
por lo tanto; un tpico ejemplo de fusin y sincretismo cultural
habiendo heredado monumentos arquitectnicos y obras de arte
de valor incalculable. En el Cusco virreynal se sucedieron
grandes revoluciones contra el dominio espaol como la de Jos
Gabriel Condorcanqui (Tpac Amaru II) en 1780, la de los
hermanos Angulo en 1813 y la de Mateo Pumacahua en 1814.
En 1911, el investigador norteamericano Hiram Bingham
descubri la imponente ciudad incaica de Machu Picchu.


Partes de la Danza Huayno Valicha

The Valicha Huayno is famous in Peru because Miguel Angel
Hurtado, who was a music teacher in 1945, made this
composition for young beautiful lady Valeriana who pass
away this year. This huayno is the Hymn of Cusco and is
famous around the world . The dance has 3 parts:
PASEO : The walk is the first time the huayno in which dancers
perform crossings and meetings taking laps but always being
face to face
COJEO (Limps) : Young people go limping from right to left
and both are adorning themselves with colored huaraca that
they carry in their hands. In this part of young singles made
as figures representing agriculture at the harvest, the
rainbow, the star and the river.
ZAPATEO: The footwork is the part where show more
happiness, agility and strength to the footwork. The dancers
dance making crosses and turning a little accelerated. In this
part are young single figures like flowers of the field.


Musica del Huayno del Cusco

El huayno se compone de dos partes:
a) La primera precedida de una corta introduccin
instrumental (entrada), es contable yletrillas de 5 a 12
slabas aproximadamente de movimiento tranquilo y
b) La segunda parte generalmente es ejecutada nicamente
por instrumentos como adornosy bordones, es ms alegre y
en esta los bailarines efectan el famoso zapateo (la fuga).
El huayno era ejecutado casi siempre despus de un Harawi,
Las tribus y pueblos que habitaban esta parte de la tierra
danzaban por la alegra de vivir en una tierra generosa. Los
naturales los adaptaron a sus canciones. Sin embargo el
ritmo y el mensaje de las canciones autctonas no ha
cambiado, ms bien sus sonidos se han multiplicado.




Comida Tipica del Cusco

Chuo Cola

Pepian de

Kapchi de habas
con mote



Carne de llama
de Coca

Te de Mate

Traditional Clothing for Huayno Valicha

Montera : Red Cloth cap with decorations.
Chaqueta adornada : Decorate Jacket with color ribbons
Manta : Big colorfull blanquet
Tikawaraca : Colorfull Andean sling, made by dyed wool

Chumpi : Andean belt or girdle made of sheep wool and

drawings of flora and fauna
Polleras : Andean skirts made of wool of castilla with
embroidered related to the flora and fauna.
Ojotas : Variety of sandal that is a platform from which come
two plastic strips of cloth or other material that pass through
the instep and fastened between the big toe and the one
that follows.


Montera: Red Cloth cap with decorations.
Poncho multicolor: Long and many-colored poncho covering
the chest of men
Chaleco bordado : Vest made of sheep wool and decorated
with colored drawings of flora and fauna
Camisa de tocuyo : Long-sleeved shirt fine wool sheep
Waraka : Andean sling, made by dyed wool sheep
Chumpi : Andean belt or girdle made of sheep wool and
drawings of flora and fauna
Chullo : Gorro woolen fabric which is typical of the Andean
Wara: Blak Pants decorated with ribbons from Cusco.
Ojotas : Variety of sandal that is a platform from which come
two plastic strips of cloth or other material that pass through
the instep and fastened between the big toe and the one
that follows.


Lugares turisticos del cusco

Machu Picchu



Aguas calientes


4. Anaconda Danza de la Selva

Anaconda Danza of the Jungle of Peru

La Anaconda
La anaconda es uno de los animales mas poderosos en
la mitologa amaznica porque tiene dentro de ella
misma los principios de la vida y su extremo. Su
cuerpo movindose en las agua simboliza la energa
vital de la creacin, cuando se enrrolla en el reposo,
simboliza la preservacin de la vida y finalmente
representa la destruccin del principio vital. Se cree
que la anaconda crea los retortijes en los ros y hace
que la gente se ahogue. La anaconda tiene mucha
influencia en la mitologa casi siempre influye en la
vida del individuo.

La Serpiente en la Epoca Inka

The cosmovisin is a concept and interpretation that a culture
has of the world. The Andean space is conceived in two
different levels: horizontal y vertical. En el plano horizontal,
los incas see the world as a duality: hanan y hurin (arriba y
abajo). While in the vertical plane they see it divided into
three planes.
1. Hanan Pacha: The heavenly world y slo las personas
justas podan entrar en ella y los dioses como Inti( Sol) ,
Mama Quilla( Madre luna ) etc.
2. Kay Pacha: The world where we live. En la cosmovisin
andina es el nombre del mundo terrenal, donde habitan los
seres humanos y pasan sus vidas. Here we find the gods, los
Apus, the mountains, birds, etc.
3. Uku Pacha: The world below, of the dad: en la mitologa
andina, Uku Pacha era todo lo que estaba debajo de la
superficie de la tierra o del mar. Dioses como la serpiente, la


iguana, los peces, los ya fallecidos y los no nacidos los

entramos aqui.


Cuentan muchos cronistas que al principio del tiempo hmedo
y clido (verano) los inkas ejecutaban un ritual denominada
"AMARU TUSUY" o danza de la serpiente csmica, la misma
que era presentificada por una largusima cuerda con hilos de
cuatro colores y estaba sostenida por hombres y mujeres que
bailaban al comps de una msica cadenciosa que felizmente
a pervivido hasta la actualidad. Nuestra asociacin basado en
estos y otros datos y al amparo de la msica que se ha
recopilado, hemos "recreado" esta danza que se supona
perdida hace casi mil aos.

La Selva Peruana
The Peruvian Jungle


Esta es conocida por ser uno de los principales pulmones del

mundo. Su extensin es de aproximadamente 756, 866 km,
divididos en la Selva Alta o, tambin conocida como Bosque
de Lluvias; Selva Baja o Bosque Tropical y Sbana de
Palmeras. La selva del Per posee tierras altamente frtiles
de tipo subtropical en el cual conviven diferentes habitats
que envuelven una flora y fauna abundantes.
Su principal fuente de agua es el ro Amazonas, el ro ms
caudaloso y extenso del mundo; el cual nace de la vertiente
de los ros: Ucayali y Maraon. Tiene una profundidad
aproximada entre 10 y 30 metros; su ancho vara entre 1.8 y
16km; su long. Su altitud es aproximadamente de 6 500 km,
de los cuales solo 3 713 km se encuentran en territorio
peruano. El mismo, se alimenta de ms de 1 100 ros
afluentes hasta su desembocadura en el Ocano Atlntico.
El territorio de la selva peruana abarca los departamentos de
Madre de Dios, Ucayaly, Madre de Dios y Loreto.


La Fiesta de San Juan

The Fiest Day of St. John is celebrated on June 24 all over la
Selva del Per. On the night of the 23, men and women
bathe in the rivers for purification. It is a blessed bath, el
bao bendito, pues se cree que en tal fecha San Juan
bendice los cursos de agua y quien se bae en ellos tendr
felicidad y salud durante todo el ao. On the 24th people go
to barrio de San Juan, en Iquitos, to celebrate mass, and to
make a procession with bands and their typical bombos,

tambores y flautas. Luego hay el baile de la pandilla en

donde la gente baila alrededor de una palmera cargadas de
regalos y que se le conoce con el nombre de Unsha. El
plato tpico de la fecha es el "juane" hecho con arroz, gallina
y envuelto en hojas de bijao. Durante la Semana Turstica de
Iquitos se organizan bailes, desfiles de conjuntos tpicos,
concursos fotogrficos y una feria artesana

La Danza de la Anaconda
The Anaconda danza is not a dance, rather it is a religious act
that people perform in the region of Amazonas of Peru so that
all goes well in their cultivation of the earth..
Esta danza rinde homenaje a una de las criaturas mas feroces
que segn las creencias habitan en la amazona, la anaconda.

Segn la creencia al rendirle culto hace posible mejores

cosechas y evita que sucedan inundaciones o cualquier
desgracia en la comunidad. Esta danza actualmente lo bailan
los mestizos en diversas festividades con el jolgorio y la
alegra que necesita la anaconda.
La danza de la anaconda, no es una danza, sino ms bien es
un acto religioso que realizan las personas de la regin
Amazonas, para que les vaya bien en sus cultivos.

Vestuario de la danza


Vincha: (Decorated headband) Tape or handkerchief

sticks to the head at the height of the front or from
the crown to the neck, to hold the hair; Also it is used
as a garnish
Blusas de colores: Blouse decorated with different
colors and thin lines going in the back
Falda: Skirt made of dyed and original drawings of
Shipibo ethnic.
Correa: Belt made of jungle products and start
hanging on the waist.
Collares: Necklaces of jungle products

Vincha (Decorated headband): Tape or handkerchief
sticks to the head at the height of the front or from
the crown to the neck, to hold the hair; Also it is used
as a garnish
Cushma: Tunic made of dyed and drawings
representing the Shipibo ethnic.
Collares: Necklaces of jungle products.


Musica de la Danza Anaconda

La msica que practicaron los indgenas de la selva peruana en
siglos pasados, y antes de la llegada de los espaoles al Per,
se ciment y se cimenta en una clebre Escala Pentatnica
Mayor de Sol(Modo IV), usado esta forma por la mayor

vastedad numrica de comunidades tribales de la Amazona

Peruana, y que solo manifiesta espordicamente semitonos en
forma relativa o circunstanciales; esto por el rico y amplio
repertorio musical indgena amaznico. El ritmo de la danza es
como ritmo de el tanguio y es tocada con quenilla, tambor,
bombos, manguare y maracas.








Comidas Tipicas de la Selva Peruana

y chorizo

Tacacho con cecina


Inchicapi de Gallina con mani


Timbuche Ensalada de
Chonta o Palmito:

5. Inga Baile de Ica


African culture in Peru

Black Rhythms of Peru: Reviving African Musical Heritage in
the Black Pacific, she discusses the struggles faced by
Africans living in Peru throughout most of their history.
Africans were brought across the Atlantic to work as slaves
during the 1800s landing in Rio de la Plata. A small number
of Africans made a second journey on land over to the Pacific
Coast of South America settling in Peru denominated Black
Pacific culture. In fact, not until the 1950s and 60s did the
Afro-Peruvian culture really begin to revive and flourish
largely due to cultural expression in the forms of music and
dance. According to drawings by French and British travelers,
African drums and marimbas once existed in Peru and the
catholic religions tried to eliminated all customs of the African
culture, the Africans despite their great efforts to squash
African culture and identity, creativity through music created
a whole new identity evolving into the Afro-Peruvian culture
we have today with new instruments, dances, and types of


Festejo is the most representative dance genre of the black

coastal population of Peru, which can be danced in mixed
(male and female) groups, as well as in pairs or solo. It is a
dance of celebratory nature, as suggested by its name
(festejar 'to party or celebrate'), found predominantly in
Lima and the Department of Ica - Chincha (also known as the
Afro Peruvian folklore city), but currently danced in almost
the entire coastal region of Peru. A highly energetic and
sensual dance which also allows improvisation from the
dancers. It is in Chincha where they continue to preserve the
traditional styles of festejo, lando, zapateo and other dances.
The dancers follow each strike of the cajon or box drum is an
Afro Peruvian instrument. Festejo was created by black
people who were brought to Peru from Africa (Congo, Angola
and Mozambique) in the seventeenth century by the
Spaniards for agricultural work conquerors, but the real goal
was to work in the mines. However, cold weather was
adverse to them, relegating them to field work and home.

Ica Departamento


The city of Ica is located on the south coast of Lima. It is an

oasis amid the desert plains of Peru. Ica is famous for that is
an important wine producing area. Worth mentioning the
harvest festival of Ica, realized with great wine consumption
and cachina. Here are the enigmatic Nazca Lines and
Paracas National Reserve and Lake Huacachina; outcrops
medicinal thermal waters,
Ica has a warm dry desert climate subtropical, with an
average temperature of about 22 C. Unlike the central
coast as in (Ancash and Lima), the Ica climate is dry and
sunny even during the winter months, although it is noted
that the winter nights are cooler and can drop to 7 or 8 C.
Ica is located in the Paracas National Reserve; in her living
colonies of various animals such as sea wolf and shorebirds
of various kinds.


Festejo Inga
"INGA" voice is an onomatopoeic cry of a child. It is a
collective dance which aligns to Festejo as it shows a similar
rhythm. It's probably the same rate but with "its own
choreography": a circle of dancers and singers surround one
in the middle who has in her arms a toy as she portrays a
child while dancing. Then the dancers pass the toy to
another dancer each who is dancing in the center. Although
dancing body movement could talk about a festive erotic
dance, whether you move the toy also indicates a practice to
order a game.


Dance Parts
The choreography is free and the creativity plays an
important role, is agile and dynamic dance, combine steps in
place and steps, and moving steps being characteristic of
the rest on the toes, and giving other small jumps where the
feet of the floor stand. Gestures, arm movements, the
flashover hip movements of skirts are elements that
distinguish quickly celebration of another dance course
complementing the process of falling in love in which
couples have been proposed.
The dance has 3 parts:
Presentation of the new baby: Dancers present to the
new baby dancing.
Dancing around the new baby: The dancers make a
circle and each dancer can take care of the baby for a
Jolgorio and grand finale: Dancers can make a little
game as a competition that is dance better with baby.


Traditional Attire
Dancer use traditional attires denominated CASA
HACIENDA ( It is clothes f the slaves who are living in
the house of the conquest)
-White Handkerchief on the head sometimes woman
-Tradiional dress of the 20 century
-White skirt in the dress- Black shoes or sometime no shoes
-White shoes long sleeves
-Vest any color
-Pants Pizarro with blondas to final of the pants
-Black shoes or sometime no shoes



Afro-Peruvian music encompasses a number of different
genres, from the dual-time signature ballad of the land to
the upbeat dances of the marinera and the festejo. All of
these are characterized by the Afro-Peruvian
instrumentation, rhythms that waver deceptively between
duple and triple-feel time, and vocals that play over the
instrumental base in surprising fashion. The percussion
instruments used in Afro-Peruvian music may be the best
example of this focus on Peruvian-izing Afro-descended
music. THE CAJON is originally from Peru and it was made for
afroperuvian slaves and day-by-day the CAJON is famous
around the world.


Quijada de Burro


6. Huayno Costeo de Piura

Huayno of northern Peru is a slow and deliberate rhythm also has
two sides of the entrance and footwork.

Traditional Clothing


Black Skirt
Faja o belt from north of Peru
Chall or blanket
White handkierchief


White pant
White shirt long sleeves
Faja or belt from north of Peru
Alforja from noth of Peru
White handkierchief



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