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Issues from Texas Medical Board Watch

emailed to TMB President Roberta Kalafut DO October 21, 2008

from Shirley Pigott <>

Roberta M Kalafut DO Texas Medical Board
to <>,
Texas Ranger <>
cc Shirley Pigott MD Texas <> 10/21/
date Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 9:25 AM 08
subject Issues from Texas Medical Board Watch

Dear Dr. Kalafut,

TMBW has about a half dozen doctors we think should be investigated but Mari Robinson
blocks the filing process. If you could assist us in finding a way (soon) that TMBW can get
legitimate complaints filed and the investigatory process initiated, I would much appreciate
it. I have been told by legislators that a "good approach" is to go through the president
when a staff member is a problem like Mari Robinson is.

We want a process which has enough merit that the Federation of State Medical Boards
might be interested in recommending it to medical boards in other states. The "process"
I'm referring to is one that assures all complaints receive an initial logging in and a
permanent record so no one person can block anything.

Texas Agency Watch is very interested in a "process" that would be generally applicable to
any Texas state agency.

US State Agency Watch is similarly interested in a process that would be applicable to state
agencies in other states.

TMBW has been contacted by five different complainants about Mark Blotcky MD. The initial
person of the five who was harmed was Susan Diamond MD, a Dallas internist. She made a
complaint several years ago and no one contacted her before the complaint was dismissed.
I submitted a new complaint a couple of months ago listing her as the person who was
harmed. I gave enough information in the initial complaint to open an investigation. I later
received an email asking standard questions I had already answered (same one apparently
that is sent out to every complainant initially), saying that if I didn't respond no complaint
would be opened. However, this letter was inappropriate because I had already given them
sufficient information! I received a letter a couple weeks ago from Robinson saying
something like "...after a thorough review..." "...the complaint was determined to be
jurisdictional..." but there was not a problem "with the standard of care".

This does not make sense. Neither Robinson nor the investigator, Joan Donley, called me or
Dr. Diamond for new information. Of course I don't know what information the board
already had so I have no idea whether I submitted new information on behalf of Dr.
Diamond. I did mention that four other persons also had complaints. We will not file these
complaints until an investigation is properly initiated on behalf of Dr. Diamond and her
extensive circumstances where she was harmed.

Robinson exhibits the same behavior repeatedly when, for whatever reason, she decides not
to investigate a particular doctor. Yet TMBW sees many doctors with trivial complaints gone
after with gusto by this same Robinson. She may be in denial as to whether or not she is
able to practice medicine, since what she states she is doing, such as determining the
standard of care, is the practice of medicine. All of my previous allegations against her
stand. Every day that goes by I find more reasons that disqualify her for her job, either by
incompetence (which I doubt) or corruption (more likely) or just plain whimsical meanness.

It is the position of all three organizations which I have founded, Texas Medical Board
Watch, Texas Agency Watch, and US State Agency Watch, that our founding fathers put
needed checks and balances in our constitution so that no one can abuse the power
entrusted them by our citizens. Sometimes we must remind our government leaders that
they cannot abuse power. We may need to remind them that the reason for the checks and
balances are to protect our rights. Our founding fathers did NOT envision that every
problem with state government must be handled by a lawyer through litigation. My job as
executive director of TMBW, TAW, and USSAW, is to make government work at the state
level. What we do should work in any state, because we are all under the same constitution
and rule of law.

This is an urgent problem we cannot allow to continue.


Shirley Pigott MD
Executive Director
Texas Medical Board Watch
361-573-0264 office
361-652-9474 cell
361-573-0054 home

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