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Windows 7 Network Slow - 6 Easy Ways to Make it Fast

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By D inesh
W indow s 7 gotsom e im proved features than Vista including speed ofnetw ork. Som etim es you m ay notice the
netw ork slow ness com pare to XP due to m ore advanced features and
requirem ents.These 6 easy steps to help solving W indow s 7 netw ork slow
problem by disabling som e features.
N etw ork is a m ajor factor in com puting.W indow s 7 com puters w illbe slow in
accessing shares on old M S W indow s servers and non M S O perating system s
including Sun and Linux.Accessing data and transferring data over netw ork are stillproblem in this case.
Resolving D N S requests internally (LAN or W AN )and externally (Internet)also could be slow in W indow s 7.The
follow ing m ethods Im listing outis w orked for m e to speed up W indow s 7 netw orking w ith N T,2003 and Sun

1)D isable Autotuning

D isabling autotuning w illhelp m uch on D N S lookup and netw ork discovery.Itim proves the data transfer speed
also over the netw ork.D isabling autotuning in w indow s 7 is very sim ilar to W indow s vista m ethod.Read m ore
here aboutdisabling autotuning in w indow s vista.
To recap im portantsteps,
Startcom m and prom ptas adm inistrator,and follow the com m ands as show n in below exam ple.

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2)Rem ove RD C (Rem ote D ifferentialC om pression)

This feature introduced w ith W indow s Vista to transfer data over netw ork in com pressed form at.The sam e
RD C feature continued in W indow s 7 also.Since m ostofthe old operating system s cam e before vista do not
supportthis RD C feature,itslow s dow n netw ork data transfer in w indow s 7.You can rem ove this RD C (Rem ote
D ifferentialC om pression)in w indow s 7 by visiting controlpaneland program s and features.C lick on Turn
W indow s features on or off
,as show n below .
Rem ove RD C (Rem ote D ifferentialC om pression)in Vista

3)Rem ove IPv6 from netw ork properties.

Ifyour internalor externalnetw orks do not require IPv6 protocol,better rem ove itunder netw ork connection
properties.Keeping IPv6 in your com puter som etim es slow s dow n netw ork by trying to register IPv6
addresses,or trying to getIPv6 address,or trying to resolve IPv6.Better rem ove itifits notrequired.
Rem ove IPv6 in W indow s Vista
4)C lear D N S C ache
You can rem ove any D N S cache from com puter,so nexttim e D N S requestw illbe solved by updated D N S
server.This w illavoid your com puter to try broken or changed D N S records from cache.To clear D N S cache,
open com m and prom ptas adm inistrator and type ipconfig / flushdns
C eaer D N S C ache in Vista

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5)D isable W ireless N etw ork and any additional(including Virtualadapters)netw ork adapters.
Ifyou w illnotbe using w ireless netw ork or its your secondary netw ork,Irecom m end you to disable w ireless
netw ork in w indow s 7 under netw ork connection. Ifits enabled,w indow s 7 com puter w illbe trying to connect
available w ireless netw ork around you,and trying to login though its netw ork.Loading your profiles and start
up program s w illbe slow w hile booting because ofthis.
6)M odifying Link Speed & D uplex Value in N etw ork adapter Properties.
This step also helps som etim es w hen you face problem w ith w indow s 7 netw ork slow .Icantsay w hich option
w illw ork better,because itdepends on your physicalnetw ork setup (netw ork adapter,cable type,LAN speed
and netw ork sw itch).By defaultitis setfor Auto N egotiation.Butyou can play around w ith Value options and
find outw hich is w orking better for your com puter and netw ork.

Im sure above steps w illhelp to solve w indow s 7 netw ork slow .Feelfree to suggestany additionalsteps you did
to solve w indow s 7 netw ork slow ,or problem s you face to fix it.


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Purconn says
M arch 29,2012 at6:04 am
This w orked like a gem .Ihad a clientw ho upgraded allhis clientpcs to W indow s 7 Pro 64bitbutstill
used a W indow s Server 2003 SBS.They used an accounts application w hich w as very slow after the
upgrade.Im ade the changes above and everything ran like Iw ould expectafter an upgrade.
M any Thanks

Luke says
M ay 21,2012 at2:11am
O M G thank you sooo sooo soo m uch.This caused m e so m uch headache itunes m atch w as giving m e
connection reseterror and w indow s update too!!!You RO C K!!!!

C hris says
M ay 22,2012 at6:32 am
Point# 3 solved the problem s in m y new pc w ith W indow s 7.Before doing this allofm y program s w ere
suffering ofslow netw ork speed.Thank you so m uch.

D ida says
June 1,2012 at11:56 am

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Windows 7 Network Slow - 6 Easy Ways to Make it Fast

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um m H i!!!Ialready follow ed allthe steps exceptfor # 6 Icantfind the Link Speed and D uplex in
the N etw ork C onnection Properties.So,w hatshould Ido? Ihope to see your reply soon thank

Russ says
June 6,2012 at7:12 am
Justhad a flick around to try and find itm yself ifound itthus
N etw ork sharing centre,
selectchange adapter settings on the leftside
Rightclick on the adapter then selectconfigure.
and follow step 6 ittook m e a w hile to find itas like a dum b ass ididntrealise the tip is for
w ired connections.
anyw ay hope ithelps!

W illiam says
June 8,2012 at1:38 pm
W hile follow ing step one ofthis article,Inoticed thatm y N etD N S Statew as disabled.After m aking
the change to netdns=enablem y netw ork started running atthe norm alspeed again.Thanks for this
article as itdid indirectly pointto the issue Iw as having

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