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Assignment/Activity Title Theater History Project

Skill Research

Portfolio Category Critical

This past quarter in drama class, we did a project that was both challenging and interesting in its own ways. The
assignment was to research an era in theater history and give an oral presentation on the time period. My group studied
theater from the 1850s to the 1900s. At the beginning of the project, I was unsure about how our final product would turn
out. It was the first long term assignment of the year, and I wasnt really that enthusiastic about the subject we signed up
for. To top it all off, both my partner and I were very nervous when it came to presenting to the class. Public speaking is
probably my biggest weakness as a student and a person. Doing that for ten minutes straight seemed like a nightmare. We
threw ourselves into our research to try to push that stage fright to the back of our minds.
One of the most surprising things I learned from this project was through the research. As I said before, I was a little
hesitant about researching such an old period in history. I had no prior knowledge on the subject and wasnt sure if I could
manage almost a month of studying it. However, once I read more into it, I became very fascinated by theater in the early
19th century. I was particularly fond of the works of Oscar Wilde. I was captivated by the way he wrote and changed
society through controversial plays that questioned moral standards. He was a true realist, and I grew inspired by his love
of art to start up painting again. It was quite a discovery about myself, but I am glad that it happened. This helped to peak
my interest in history slightly, and helped build my researching skills. I learned how to manage my time well and to
collaborate so things got done productively.
The research was probably the easiest part. The most challenging aspect of this project for me was the presentation. I am
not comfortable at all with speaking in front of my peers, and it seemed very intimidating to do that for ten minutes.
Luckily, Ms. Jeral was able to relate. She gave my partner and I a very influential pep talk about overcoming shyness and
acting confident. It was a small gesture, but I really appreciated it. I wasnt sure how our peers would react to our
presentation, and was scared that theyd get bored or laugh. However, they seemed to enjoy it and were fond of my art,
which was something I never would have expected. I found a new kind of confidence with myself through this. I was
proud of pushing back my fears and speaking my mind.
In the end, this project had an impact on me and my growth in CAP. I learned how to overcome intimidating obstacles like
public speaking and performing for people. I am most proud of this accomplishment, even if it is a baby step. My shyness
isnt going to go away any time soon, but this project helped me to look past it and not to be so critical of myself. These
are skills that I am going to need in the future, and through the oral presentation, I am prepared more. I feel that this
project is important to include in my portfolio because of the significance it has had for me as a student and a person. I
have built up crucial researching and social skills, and for that, I am very thankful for this experience.

Student Signature


Teacher Signature


Advisor Signature


Assignment/Activity Title
SkillWriting, Media, Research.
Reasoning, Ethics.


Metacognitive ReflectionThe following questions ARE NOT A

SCRIPT!! Use the ideas within the questions to reflect on the
assignment and its significance to you.
Your reflection MUST use Times New Roman font, size 11, single

How does this assignment reflect your growth in the category in which you are
placing it?

How have you changed as a result of this assignment?

Why is it important to include this piece in your portfolio?

How and where does this fit in with your prior knowledge?

How do you think that others will react to this product?

What process did you use to complete the product?

What did you learn by doing this assignment?

How does the portfolio product illustrate the connection(s) you've made
between yourself and the course material?

In what ways would you do things differently if you could do it over again?

What did you discover about yourself?

How does it relate to your future?

How does it illustrate your strengths and/or weaknesses?

What obstacles and challenges did you have to deal with, and how did this
struggle change you?

How does the portfolio product show that your perspective on the world has

How does it relate to your understanding of the world around you?

Which of your accomplishments makes you feel most proud?

Student Signature


Teacher Signature


Advisor Signature


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