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e n n i f e r B a e r , R H N , N D
6 6 w e s t m o r e l a n d a v e
t o r o n t o , o n t a r i o m 6 h 2 z 7
t e l : 4 1 6 . 7 8 3 . 1 8 0 0 f a x: 6 4 7 . 3 4 6 . 7 6 6 6


Location: epigastrum; below ribs to the navel
Attribute: self-worth; valuing the needs of the self, and Personal Power
Related emotions: anger, resentment, unworthiness, guilt
Endocrine gland: pancreas: insulin & digestive enzymes
Associated organs: liver, spleen, stomach, small intestine
Colour: yellow
Homeopathic miasm: sycotic

Physiology: The solar plexus is related to the pancreas which secretes insulin, glucagons &
somatostatin (blood sugar control), and digestive enzymes (proper breakdown and absorption of
carbohydrates, protein & fats). The solar plexus also houses all the major organs of digestion, and,
like its namesake - the sun, provides the energy required to break down food molecules into their
smallest units, preparing them for absorption through the gastrointestinal tract into the
bloodstream, which delivers these molecules to all the cells of the body for use. The solar plexus
then, is integral to digestion, absorption and assimilation of nutrition.

Psychospiritual aspect: The solar plexus is the seat of the ego, which acts as a vehicle for the
desires of the soul. It allows us to identify and acknowledge our self-worth. This is the ability to
value oneself simply for being you. Many people are stuck at one end of the spectrum or the other
between being a pleaser (wanting to please everyone else, and perhaps martyring oneself to
accomplish this), and being selfish (only motivated by ones own desires). Self worth is the
balance between these two polarities. We must manifest integrity and endurance to achieve self-
worth. The solar plexus is the chakra which most often seems to need protection; as evidenced by
those who fold their arms over the area, or sit behind a desk. This is because of the sensitivity of the
solar plexus in picking up energetic or vibrational changes in the atmosphere especially in the
emotional plane.

Associated conditions: Activated by issues related to self-responsibility, self-esteem, fear of
rejection, and oversensitivity to criticism. Manifest as: Diabetes, Pancreatic Insufficiency,
Maldigestion & GI upset, Liver disease, gallstones, digestive tract ulcers, hiatus hernia, reflux,
Celiacs disease, Spleen disorders.

Write a list of at least 5 talents you are proud to possess
Work towards becoming more aware of your emotions in the moment, rather than becoming
overwhelmed by them. When you feel yourself starting to get upset, angry, tearful, excited, etc,
ask yourself what am I feeling right now? What am I feeling physically? What emotion am I
experiencing? Next, acknowledge that feeling, i.e. Im angry right now.. Then decide to either
stay present with that emotion, or to acknowledge it, release it, and move forwards.
Ways to acknowledge your feelings to facilitate moving forward:
Jennifer Baer, RHN, ND Body of Knowledge Healing Arts

J e n n i f e r B a e r , R H N , N D
6 6 w e s t m o r e l a n d a v e
t o r o n t o , o n t a r i o m 6 h 2 z 7
t e l : 4 1 6 . 7 8 3 . 1 8 0 0 f a x: 6 4 7 . 3 4 6 . 7 6 6 6

o journal keep track of when and why you experience different emotions, what you
experience physically, what your triggers are. Be sure to include both positive and
negative emotions.
o when an emotion comes up, take a pause before responding / acting. Take 10-20
seconds to ask yourself what you are feeling, identify the emotion, and take a few
deep breaths.
o if you are going to confront someone with your feelings, be calm, take some deep
breaths, and be direct. i.e: I am feeling angry right now about ______________.
When you ___________________, it makes me feel ____________________. Be
prepared to listen calmly and really hear what the response is. Together, make some
suggestions about how you could remedy the situation or avoid it in the future.
o write a letter that you do not send. Sometimes it is useful to get some things off your
chest. Doing it in the form of a letter lets you acknowledge the emotion without
censoring yourself. You can then go back and edit the letter, or never send it at all.
o blow off some steam: get physical go for a walk or run, use a punching bag, practice
your kickboxing moves, make some noise, rip up newspaper or scrap paper
(satisfying, and easy to clean up) anything that is not harmful to yourself, others, or
the environment.
o if you are sensitive and easily drained by others energies, imagine a mirror in front of
your chest and abdomen, which reflects back any negative energies rather than
allowing them to reach your solar plexus. If you do collect any negative energy or
emotion in this area, visualize yourself sending it down through the body, out your
feet and into the earth, which has the power to transform them into something more

Questions for Self-Examination:
Do you like yourself? If not, what dont you like and why? Are you actively working to change
these things? What could you do to change them?
Are you able to admit when you are wrong? Are you open to receiving feedback from others?
Do you automatically feel criticized when someone provides feedback?
Do you require the approval of others? For what? Why?
Do you or have you ever allowed yourself to be in any type of relationship with someone just
to avoid being alone?
Are there people in your life that you feel judged by, but continue to engage with?
Do you feel responsible for others well-being? Do you constantly feel the need to do
things for others? Do you have difficulty saying no to people?
Do you always say no if theres nothing in it for you? Do your needs always comefirst?
Do you feel that you value yourself? All the time? Most of the time? Rarely?

I am worthy of living my life to the fullest, without fear or guilt, as guided by my own inner voice.
Jennifer Baer, RHN, ND Body of Knowledge Healing Arts

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