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Pros of sex education in high school

1. Classes are gender exclusive. This saves embarrassment amongst students
and teaches them only what is necessary to know based on their gender.
2. Taught properly, sexual education could become a regular course such as
Human Anatomy or Biological Science complete with tests and grading
that goes towards their graduating credits.
3. Student's can be taught the correct terms of the reproductive system,
sexually transmitted diseases and birth contraceptives rather than the
"street lingo.
4. Myths surrounding intercourse can be dispelled (such as not being able to
get pregnant the first time).
5. Studies show that many teenagers become sexually active before the
inclusion of the educational classes. Early inclusion of classes has proven
to help students remain either abstinent or to at least be responsible if
they are active.
6. Appropriate sexual education can have an impact on preventing sexual
problems in adulthood.
7. The ability to help teenagers make the correct choices, in the safest way
possible. Whether that is abstinence or sex or whatever.
The ability to help teenagers avoid the addiction of pornography.
The ability to help teens not to be afraid of their bodies, and if they
decide to masturbate, to not cause further damage.
The ability to help teens set goals for dating, to help themselves decide
things like how far is too far, how to avoid pregnancy, recognizing when
they are ready or not, what to do if pregnant, etc.

Cons of sex education in high school

1. Students may still suffer from embarrassment or get excitable by the topic
matter. This can cause for out-of-control classrooms if students take to
giggling or making inappropriate remarks.
2. Most sexual education classes are taught as a brief interlude during a
physical education or a health class. This is not a long enough time to
effectively relate such serious material.
3. Often, sexual education can go against an individual's moral or religious
beliefs. Many schools do not teach "abstinence only" but teach how to
have intercourse safely, whereas many religious and family values stress
marriage before intercourse.
4. Sexual education is often viewed as a "recreational" course and not a
serious subject (this is a direct correlation to the fact that there are no
grades or scores to be derived from class).
5. Teachers are not always trained how to properly teach sexual education
courses and may transgress their own beliefs or morals into the subject
matter rather than stick with the facts.
6. The attitudes of parents, educators or religious leaders in the community
can cause the subject matter to vary from state-to-state, or even school-toschool.
7. Some teenagers will use sex as a method of rebelling against their
parents, showing they are adults, and sex education may inadvertently
encourage this by treating a teenager like an adult instead of like a child.
Teens are often in the middle of confusion when it comes to their bodies
and their feelings, and sex education tends to encourage sex to figure
things out. In the words of some of the sex ed I got, "You won't know if
you're bi unless you try it and find out you're bi." This can trap a person
in a cycle of behaviors that they wouldn't have engaged in if left alone.
It can cause an over familiarity with the body of the opposite sex, and
encourage exploration.
If taught wrong, it can encourage pornography addictions.
If taught wrong, it can discourage abstinence attempts, or justify them by
saying "well, no one stays a virgin anymore."

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