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Messages From The Lord.

Messages From The Lord.

Message Listing.

The Sins of Our Children.

Condemning Sin in the Flesh,The Other Side Of Jesus.
Concerning Hell.
The Chosen of Christ.
The Miracle of Life.
The Beginning of The End.
Effective Prayer.
Being A Light in A Dark World.
Messages From The Lord.

The Sins of Our Children.

Many say that we are held accountable for the sins of our children. But is that so? The
Bible teaches that we will be held accountable for every idle word that we speak. That
we must seek out our own salvation, with fear and trembling. There is no verse in
scripture that states that the unruliness of our children will be accounted to us as parents.
Sin is a matter of choice and not hereditary. Its not something that is passed down from
generation to generation.

There is of course a curse that can be passed down to our children, that the scripture
talks about. Specifically, when Jesus was being tried before the Jews and they called for
His execution. Pilot warned them and they said let the curse be upon us and our children.
I’ve noticed that some people try to blame their parents, for the condition of children ,
that end up on drugs, in jail or dead. They say ,if only the mom or dad, did this or that,
then ma-by the child would have turned out different. Is this a true statement or is it an
excuse for the lack of belief and trust in the lessons that the parents tried to teach? I
believe that we should put the responsibility where it belongs, on the individual.

The Bible states, Teach a child in the way of the Lord and the Word shall not depart from
them. Does this mean that the lessons taught will save the child later in life? No, this is a
misunderstanding of scripture. Again the salvation of each person is based upon their
accepting Jesus as their Savior. The word will not depart from them, but they still must
make the commitment to Christ on their own. Then why does the Bible teach this? That
there will be no excuse, when it comes the time for their judgment. The Bible does state,
that if a man stand uprightly before God, then He will save his entire household.

This is true, but, there goes a responsibility to God, on the part of each child to, endure
until the end. Those that are saved are saved indeed, but those that endure unto the end,
the same shall be saved. There is a controversy here in this statement, where some
preach, once saved always saved, but in my studies I find, no where in scripture, where
it ever contradicts, endure unto the end. We must tell our children the truth, they must
hold on until death, their faith in Christ. Well show in scripture that the individual is held
accountable for the word that they have been taught.

There is a misconception going around in some teachings, it states that, everyone will be
held accountable for everything in scripture. But this cant be, for we are only held
accountable for what we have been taught. Lets get into the scripture and sort all this
out. Matthew 27:25, “ Then answered all the people and said,”His blood be on us and
our children.” Mark 13:12 “Now the brother shall betray the brother to death,and the
Messages From The Lord.

father the son,and the children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause them to
be put to death.”

Romans 9:11 For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil,
that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of Him that
calleth. In Matthew 27:25, The Jews brought a curse upon their children ,by their
obstinate and hatred of Jesus. They condemned their children to banishment and
captivity for generations to come. We can also bring curses upon our children by the
same actions and also inaction's. By not believing upon the name of Jesus, or by
swearing an oath to God out of spite. For the Bible states, Its better not to make an oath,
than to make one and break it.

Here in this verse we can see that the parents weren't held accountable for the sins of
their children but just the opposite, the children had to bear the sins of the parents, hard
to believe but its true. Most of what we see in scripture has to do with prophecy, where
the worst enemies that we will have will be of our own family. Children are born
without sin, many believe the exact opposite, but the Bible is clear on this. Look at

Romans 9:11 ,closely and you will see that Baby’s are born, having done, neither Good
or evil, so children have an equal chance in life to make up their own mind to do good or
to choose evil ,as a way of life. We raise up a child in the word and it shall not depart
from them, but they will still be given a choice. So as you see ,we are not held
accountable for the sins of our children. ars

Condemning Sin in the Flesh,The Other Side Of Jesus.

There has been a lot of controversy over what a Christian is supposed to do to convey
the teachings of Jesus to the lost and unruly in the world. We have been told here lately
that we must be more tolerant and kind and submissive to other points of view. We are
told and condemned ourselves over specific issues that have affected the Nation, region,
local people and the Church as a whole. We have been subjected to anti-Christian points
of view, where the world is now calling good evil and evil good.

Do we as Christians judge others, No. We condemn sin in the flesh as scripture

instructed us to. If we as Christians and ministers of the word don’t live up to the
expectations of God to deliver the truth to a lost and dieing world, who then will? The
opposition to the truth speaks of My Lord, Jesus only as the Christ of Love and
understanding, but they ignore the other side of The Son of God. Jesus, the Ruler,
Messages From The Lord.

Conqueror, Debater, The Angel of Truth, Fighter of Unrighteousness, and the Rebuker of
Sin and corruption. They ignore Jesus the Warier and punish-er of evil, the destroyer of
the anti Christ, false prophet and beast.

Jesus came to this world as a Lamb, the next time He will not come submissive or tame,
He will not come as a Baby in swaddling clothing, He will not come in a manger, He
will not come in piece, but He will come as the Avenging Angel of Revelations. With
Power and Great Glory. The Glory that He had prior to Bethlehem. With Power and
Great Glory, a warier of renound, a warier of Righteousness, a warier, with the backing
of the Father and Power of the Holy Ghost.

Will there be faith on the earth when He returns? A question that we all should ask
ourselves. Will there be men and women of integrity and morals on this planet of sin?
Mel Gibson produced a film of extraordinary quality of the murder of Jesus; maybe He
should also make a film based on the return of our savior at Armageddon. True, Jesus
died for our sins, but we as Christians, no longer serve a, suffering, dieing Messiah
(Hebrew), we serve the risen, Lord of Lords, King of Kings, The reigning King Jesus,
alive and well, sitting on the right hand of Power.

We serve the one, whose vesture is dipped in blood, riding a white stallion, weal-ding
the sword of the Lord God Almighty. Who shall return with our Lord at the time of His
Victory, will it be of those that stood the greatest test of faith in this life, will it be those
of great courage in times of adversity? The Bible doesn’t state, but I pray that some of us
today, in this time, in this era of global change, are found worthy to ride with Him,
whose coming will mark, the end of sin and corruption.

The survival of mans soul is at stake, the future of our loved ones and enemies is at a
turning point. The spirit of anti-Christ is abounding every where, nation to nation, in our
schools, government, politics, neighborhoods, there’s no where you can go without
hearing anti Christian, anti Jewish comments. Can this world last much longer, have we
become so lax in our studies that we can discern the signs of the seasons but miss the
signs of the times?

Romans 8; 16, should give us all a reason and a passion to fulfill the commission that
Jesus left to us. “ The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children
of God.” We are not hear on this earth to make a name for ourselves, but we are hear to
make the name of Jesus, stand out to the world and herald a new age to come, where all
sin and unrighteousness, will be defeated forever. “ For as many as are led by the Spirit
of God, they are the sons of God” Rom.8; 14. So let us all rejoice in the Spirit of
adoption, whereby we cry Abba, Father, we are who we are by the grace of God. Hold
Messages From The Lord.

on Children, for our redeemer still liveth and shall return to deliver us from the
destruction to come. Glory be to God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit forever.
Amen. References Romans 8:1-22, Revelations, the battle of Armageddon. ars.

Concerning Hell.

As the scriptures say a lot about Heaven, it also says about the same about Hell. Its
existence, that most people want to ignore. To give people an alternative to everlasting
piece, God introduced a place of torment into their decision. Hell in the beginning was
created not for man, but for Satan and his fallen angels. Man was created to live
eternally with God on this planet. I know that you’ve all heard the stories, that came out
of Russia, about the scientist drilling down into the depths of the earth, dropping sound
devices into the holes and hearing screams and the sounds of people ,at incredible
depths. True ?

I don’t know, but it makes for a good discussion around the dinner table. What I know is
true thou, is Gods account of a place that is hotter than a great blast furnace. Lets take a
look at Luke12:4-5 , Jesus by His own words confirmed the existence of Hell, “But I
will forewarn you whom ye shall fear; fear Him, which He hath killed hath power to cast
into Hell,....” Remember now the Gospel is for those who will believe, atheist will say
there is no hell or heaven, and until God deals with them in a manner of His own

They will remain un-believers, but one act of violence or near death experience for them
,will turn the most stern atheist into an agnostic. Even in the book of Psalms, the sorrows
of Hell are apparent, 18:8, 16:10, 55:15, Psalms 27:20, gives us a unique look at the
condition of hell and its size, lets read, “Hell and destruction are never full, so the eyes
of man are never satisfied.” David knew about the existence of hell, and his information
came from the Holy Spirit. How many times, does the Bible have to say that something
exists, before its considered to be true?

One. I believe that one of the most remembered verses in scripture about hells existence
,is found in Isaiah, 14: 12-15. “How art thou fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer, son of the
Morning......yet thou shall be brought down to Hell, to the sides of the pit.” These verses
not only prove the existence but condition and layout of Hell. A pit is a , grave or a vault,
this grave that the writer talks about, has length, width, breath, depth and sides. An
inescapable, vault or prison for the unrighteous and un-repenting of mankind and the
who-rd of fallen angels of Satan.
Messages From The Lord.

Some consider Hell as a place without light, with heat greater than a modern blast
furnace, because the scriptures state that the sinner “will be cast into outer darkness,
there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. “ This is just a taste of the scripture
concerning Hell, enough to allow those that are lost to start thinking about their future.
In the Book of Jude, the scripture tells us that,” On some having compassion making a
difference and on others using fear, hating even the garment, spotted by the flesh.”
Convincing some of the existence of Hell, is an important way of turning them around
and directing them to Jesus. “Even thou, I make my bed in Hell, the Lord is with me,
and I pray that God will always be with you. js, ars

The Chosen of Christ.

We as ministers must believe what the Bible states as truth. This sermon deals
with,telling the truth, not as we know it but as Jesus told us. Jesus never tolerated sin and
neither does He or the Father expect us to. If we as ministers cant tell the truth about
what sin is then we are as lost as those that we try to reach. Lets see what Jesus had to
say about sin. Luke 17;1-4 , ” It is impossible but that offenses will come; but woe unto
him, through whom they come.”..”rebuke him...”

Luke 14 ;34-35,”Salt is good, but if the salt have lost his is neither fit for the
land...but men cast it out. He that hath ears, to hear, let him hear.” If we are offended by
the scripture then we are offended by Christ. Ministers are the guiding light to the world.
Jesus called the Pharisees , fools and hypocrites. Why? They deviated from the truth.
Are there not men so called ministers today that have and are deviating from the truth?
The answer is yes, are they called by God to minister ?

If their eye is dark ,then , no. Jesus said, ” Take heed therefore that the light which is in
thee be not darkness.” I will say again, a man calling himself a minister of God, called
by Jesus, a chosen one of Christ, will Not, behave himself, outside the boundaries of the
Gospel of Jesus Christ. He will not be a drunkerd, fighter, thief, homosexual or anything
that is unrighteous, in the sight of the Lord. There are men today that are totally unruly.
They have left their first love and have gone astray in a path that will lead to utter
destruction., and those who agree with them or allow them to minister unto them are just
as guilty in the sight of God. Be not partaker in their sin.

The scripture states very loudly, ...” and If he hear not the church, cast him out as a
heathen.” Strong words., yes, but realize that we are in a battle for the souls of men, its a
battle that we cant afford to lose. If we cant stand up for righteousness, then we will fall
for anything. No sin shall inter into the kingdom of Heaven, period. Lets look now at
Messages From The Lord.

what Paul said about those that are unruly in the church. Romans 16:17-18, ” Now I
beseach you breathern, mark them which cause devisions and offences that are contrary
to the doctrine, which ye have learned, and avoid them.” Paul as with Jesus never gave
options as far as sin was concerned.

How do we, in this verse” mark them”?,.. by telling others, the doctrine that they are
using is false and warn them to avoid these types of people. Isn't this gospel, isn't this,
word, isn't this a commandment?,.. then why do ministers often avoid using the power
that Jesus has delegated unto us, the chosen of Christ? Lets look at a commentary of
Matthew Henry on this verse....Romans 16;17, M.H. Com.,... ”If truth be forsaken, unity
and piece will not last long.

Many call Christ, Master and Lord, who are far from serving Him. They corrupt the
head by deceiving the Heart.” The Holy Spirit has lead me to write this sermon ,because
of the divisions in the church around this country and the world, willing me to warn
them that are unruly, that Christ will repay all that cause division and spread false
doctrine. We are the chosen of Christ and are expected to stand up for righteousness and
truth. ” and it shall come to pass ,that they shall say, piece and safety, and sudden
destruction shall come upon them.”

We are not of this world, we are in this world but we don't have to tolerate the false
doctrine, teachers, preachers and especially sin. We will as the Chosen of Christ,
continue to battle sin at the source, cutting it up from the roots. We have a flock to
protect and if we don't stand between them and the wolf, then who will. ..” where much
is given, much is expected...” Jesus is expecting much from us, for we hold the keys to
the kingdom in our hands, we are ambassadors of Christ. Peace, love and prosperity to
all, ” blessed are the feet of the man who carries the gospel..” in Jesus name, Amen. You
are the Chosen of Christ. ars.

The Miracle of Life.

Have you ever seen a pitcher of warm water turn to Ice, how about seeing cancer
disappear, prophecy's fulfilled, have you ever been pronounced dead yet still alive, have
you ever been told that you have, Cardiovascular disease, Cancer, Diabetes, and Reflex
sympathetic dystrophy? Have you ever lost everything that you’ve owned? John 11:26-
27 Jesus said unto her," I am the resurrection, and the Life, he that believeth in Me, thou
he were dead, yet shall he live , and whomsoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never
die. Believest thou this ?"

How many people can actually that they believe in Jesus and His promises? Its easy to
Messages From The Lord.

say that the doctor healed me or it wasn't as bad as the doctors first thought, or some
other excuse, except the truth. Some people cant handle the truth, some ignore the truth.
Why is it so hard to get Christians to believe what Jesus said in John 11? Didn't he say
that He WAS the life, or was He making this up, just to make Himself look good? I
know that miracles do happen, I know that Jesus can raise people from the dead, I know
that cancer can be cured by prayer, I know that a warm Glass of water can turn to Ice
before your eyes, I know that My Redeemer liveth.

I Know. "he That Believeth in Me " Here is the key, the key that opens up promises, the
key that opens up healing , mysteries , prayers, dreams, the key that will raise the dead
and that will turn warm water into Ice. You may have heard the sermon, Now Faith, its
true, its a fact of accomplishing any thing that your heart desires. It opens up doors with
that key of belief, Satan puts up a fire before the door of belief, a shadow, a screen , a
lie, and all you have to do is walk thru the fire, it cant harm you, its full of bright color
and smell but there is no heat, its as when Jesus told us of clouds with no water, a picture
of something that doesn't exist.

Jesus said, "I am the way the truth and the life," The way, a path, a door, an opening to
some place other than where you are, Jesus is the door to the sheep fold and no man
enters except thru Him. Satan try's to block that door with deception, lies and deception,
putting up a smoke screen. The Truth, Fact, statement or statements with proof of
existence, without false hood. The Life, living in our out of body, relevance, growth to
maturity, self existence without end, eternal. The Miracle of life is in Jesus and in Faith,
In God, in the Holy Ghost, in the Word. How do the statements at the beginning of this
sermon fit in, because they are fact, their true,

How do I know?, because it is my Miracle of Life, I was pronounced dead of a massive

heart attack, and still I live, I have cardiovascular disease, I have been diagnosed with
Liver cancer and I still Preach, I have Reflux Sympathetic Dystrophy and I still use my
Arms, in a Court House, before witnesses, I asked God to show me my future and the
belief poured warm water into a glass picture on my table , and it turned to Ice, showing
me that the Jury had a cold heart. Unbelievable ? Yes, My God is unbelievable, Hes the
God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Hes the everlasting to everlasting. The Miracle of
life is in the Blood, which we have and are the seed of God, His blood flows thru us.
You are Kings and Priest before God. You've done without for too long, you've been
denied for too long you've been separated from the Master for too long, its time you take
your place as a child of the King.

How, by accepting the Miracle of life that was given to you at you rebirth. Can you be
healed, Yes, delivered, Yes, set free from the bondage of, doubt, bad memories of days
Messages From The Lord.

gone past ,Yes. What God has done for others, He will do for you. John 11:25-26, " I am
the resurrection, and the Life,....And who so ever believeth in Me Shall Never Die." The
Miracle of Life, isn't really a Miracle, its fact ,its promise, its, destiny, its part of who we
became, when we gave our Heart to Jesus, If children, then heirs, heirs of God, and joint
heirs with Christ.

Romans 8;17. We now are royal blood, a people that was not a people, a royal priest
hood, we have the life within us, we are more than conquerors. Accept the Miracles that
are set before you, never doubt, Jesus proclaimed our victory over death, hell and the
grave, He proclaimed us, victors over disease, illness, death, We are who we are ,by the
grace of God. Sing praises to His name, for He is the great I Am. We no longer live in
the shadow of death, we are no longer beggars , we are no longer slaves to sin and Satan,
as Martin L. King, once said, I'm Free at last, I'm free at Last, Thank God almighty, I'm
free at Last. "Ask , and it shall be given you , seek and ye shall find , knock and it shall
be opened unto you."

Have you asked, have you sought, have you even knocked on the door, where Jesus
stands ready to make intersessions to God on you behalf, so that your prayers will be
answered. Where death no longer control's your destiny, where sickness , no longer will
bind you down , where disease will be only a minor interruption , and where hatred will
no longer be in your vocabulary. The Miracle of life is many things, what it is to one,
may be something different to others. You have to find out what it is to you. What has
God done for you, how can you stand up and praise Him, what Miracle of life can you
share with some one else?

I'm alive by the grace of God, and without fear for the future, for the scriptures say, " If I
live, I live unto the Lord, If I die I die unto the Lord, so weather I live or die, I am the
Lords." Bless you all, in the Name of Jesus. ars

The Beginning of The End.

Most people look at prophecy as ,for someone else, but this year that idea will change
forever. Isiah 10;5 O Assyrian, the rod of mine anger, and the staff in their hand is mine
indignation. Isiah 59:1, 10:5 thru 11:16, 66:1- 24. The Bible states that the antichrist
shall confirm a peace treaty with Israel for the length of seven years and at the mid point
or 3 and a half years he shall break it.

The Bible also states that God Himself, at the battle of Armageddon ,shall kill the
Assyrian. The point of this message is to call the lost into repentance, before its too late,
I'm not setting dates or times, just presenting the facts , so that others can make up their
Messages From The Lord.

mind as to weather resist the call of God or take a look at the condition of their souls
again. The Bible tell us in Revelations about Babylon and her destruction, lets take a
look at Babylon again. The scriptures note that Babylon is a city of great wealth and
prominence and is the center of money and goods. That the world had become wealthy
by her and that she was the center of their attention.

The Assyrian capitol of Babylon was was destroyed but the scripture tells us that she
shall be destroyed twice. Jesus said, and this is very important to remember in prophecy,
" That which is flesh is flesh and that which is spirit is spirit" Now if we look at every
city in the world that would match the Bibles description of Babylon there comes, two,
into mind, 1. New York City, New York and, 2. Babylon, Iraq. New York is the center of
modern day commerce and center of world trade and the world banking system. Could
this be the reason terrorist are trying to destroy her or is there something else.

Babylon ,Iraq has been destroyed, but Saddam Hussein was trying to rebuild it, this is
fact, he even placed his own name on the bricks of the construction site of the temple of
Murdak. Speculation, you might say, but lets not decide yet, lets look at Bible fact. If we
look closely at the Assyrian in scripture, God warns him and Israel about him. Who then
is the Assyrian? The Assyrian in scripture was and still is a nation of people that
controlled the Babylonian Empire and took Israel into captivity. The problem here lies,
that the Assyrians no longer have a nation but are scattered throughout the world. Then
how can be define who the Assyrian is?

We take the scripture as is and start to be Bible detectives. We know that the Bible tells
us that the Assyrians are the people of, Chaldeans, Nineveh, Hittites, Luites, Uruk and
the people of Ur. Today they would be the people of western Egypt, Syria, Iran ,Iraq, etc.
Why is this important to us today, look at the news headlines ,here is one article that
might bring all of this home to you, Jerusalem- Israel had secret contacts with Syria
several months ago... The secret meetings appeared part of an effort to restart peace talks
between Israel and one of its most intractable enemies. From the Associated Press,

The actual location of the Babylon in scripture isn't that important but a piece treaty with
the Assyrian or Antichrist is extremely important. How can we ignore scripture and the
news when they both agree. A piece treaty will come and the antichrist will arrise as the
savior of the middle east and he will break the treaty and try to destroy the Israelis. The
mark of the beast, travel in and out of the United States has taken a dangerous turn ,in
security, a color code for passengers will soon be in effect, most of your money is now
direct deposited, you never see it, earth quakes in divers places, the oceans are dieing,
the two poles are melting, things are changing.
Messages From The Lord.

How much more does have to allow to happen before those that are lost call upon His
name? The world is starting to burn, our forest are going up in flames, hurricanes,
volcanoes, massive mud slides, and still the lost will not come to Jesus. Fire and smoke,
mingled with Blood, all these tribulations and they still will not repent. The Assyrian is
coming, mankind is racing toward Armageddon, their feet run swiftly toward mischief,
murder on their minds and blood on their hands. Children having children, homosexuals
abound, race-ism, antisemitism, greed, lust, fornication, lies adultery, as the Bible states,
as was in the days of Noah, so shall it be.....

Lets look at Isaiah 35: 1-10, ..." and the desert shall rejoice, and blossum as a rose, Israel
has blossomed, where there was only desert ,there rises crops to feed the nation and
crops that are exported a bountiful harvest for the children of God." 3." Strengthen ye
the weak hands and comfirm the feeble knees......behold your God will come with
vengeance , even God with a recompense, He will come and save you. " Jesus knew and
told us that a fire had already been kindled and He never came to stop it, but to call the
lost to repentance. The stage is set and the players are ready to preform their last act. The
nations around Syria are becoming weaker as she becomes stronger, the antichrist will
arise as a man of piece and he shall take three nations by force and the rest will abdicate
to him. Ten Crowns and Ten Kingdoms.

Our enemies are now our friends and we start pulling away from Israel. The Bible states
that all nations shall compass about Israel, ready to destroy her. Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel,
Revelations are all being fulfilled, there is a storm coming, and we are powerless to stop
it. Only Jesus can quiet the storm, only Jesus can save you thru the day of the Lord.
Only Jesus can save you and pull you out of the fire. How much more do you have to
see, how much more do you have to endure alone, sickness, depression, a loneliness and
an empty space in your heart that you cant fill with drugs or alcohol. Will it take fire,
falling down from Heaven to turn you around, will it take the ground opening up before
you to open your eyes, as to what is happening?

Verse 5, " Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be
unstopped." What will it take? Jesus loves you, God loves you, cant you love them in
return, All they want is to trade your sins for a life that will never end, joy unspeakable
and full of glory. Think about what I've said, think about your future, think about the
possibilities, if Jesus would come this moment would you wake up in Heaven or would
you have to face the Assyrian, the king of unrighteousness? The beginning of the end
started when Eve took the first bite. Where will you be, more importantly who will you
be, when Jesus returns, a christian, blood bought and washed, or lost without hope?
Remember we are in , The Beginning of The End. ars.
Messages From The Lord.

Effective Prayer.

"Our Most Gracious Heavenly Father. I come to you in the Name of your Son Jesus,
asking, praying and giving thanks, for all the Blessings that you have bestowed upon me
and my family. You are the Lord God almighty, the God of Abraham, The God of Isaac,
and the God of Jacob and thou art my God." This is the beginning of my prayers to God,
who, know,sees and understands all our needs before we even ask. What makes a prayer
and effective prayer? An effective prayer is not a prayer at all, really, but a
communication, one on one, with God.

A unifying of Spirits, thru Jesus Christ our mediator. The Bible tells us that we are to
come unto the throne room boldly and submit our petitions to God. We must praise God
for His excellent Greatness, Power, Majesty and for His Glory, this is not much to ask,
for all that our Lord has done for His Children. Hebrews 4:14-16; Seeing then that we
have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold
fast our profession. (If we Confess, Jesus, our, Profession, of Jesus will be valid.) For we
have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities;(Jesus
considers all who believe because He experienced all that we do.) but was in all points
tempted like as we are, yet without sin.

"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and
find grace to help in time of need. " Our most common prayers to God consist of our
deepest concerns for the health and well being of our Friends, Loved One, Family, and
our Enemies. This is our every day trial of faith that comes when we see others suffer.
This however is different from a close encounter with the Lord for those things that
Jesus called Petitions. In a general sense, a Petition is, a request, supplication or prayer;
but chiefly and appropriately, a solemn or formal supplication. This is deeper than a
prayer, that most of us, without us realizing, are common repetitive prayers.

There is nothing wrong with this, God knows us by our level of Faith, but Jesus told us
that the Father already knows our needs before we even ask. Hence the Lords Prayer. A
humble petitioner; one who entreats submissively. Entreating; beseeching; supplicating;
asking earnestly and submissively. A prayer addressed by a person to the Supreme
Being, for something needed or desired, or a branch or particular article of prayer. An
Effective Prayer comes from the Heart, is Spontaneous and is directly, from praying in
the Holy Ghost, toward the Father. Effective Prayers are those when we spend time with
the Father, discussing all that we see, hear and feel. God is a God of thoughts and
feelings. he wants to talk to you and not just listen. He wants a real relationship, a loving
relationship with His Children.
Messages From The Lord.

We must spend time with Him, Getting to know Him, as He gets closer to us. Even
doctors today tell us that a child grows best when, there is an interaction between them,
and the parent, is God any different than a loving human parent? When your prayers go
beyond just speaking at God and become prayers to God, then your prayers become a
relationship, with God. Wesley states of Hebrews 4:16 - Let us therefore come boldly -
Without any doubt or fear. Unto the throne of God, our reconciled Father, even his
throne of grace - Grace erected it, and reigns there, and dispenses all blessings in a way
of mere, unmerited favor.

Eph 3:11 According to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord:
Eph 3:12 In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him. We
have access to God, without going thru man, nor Angel, for Christ Gave us of His Spirit,
that we may enter into the Presence of God by the Name of Jesus. There is no need for
any mediator than Jesus. Another man cannot be a mediator for you, this is beyond his
power and access. When we understand our rights and privileges, that we possess, then
our prayers and our very lives can be changed, so long as it is in the will of God. This is
stated in 1John 5:14, "And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any
thing according to his will, he heareth us:"

Many times our prayers fall short, because they are not in Gods will for that person,
place nor situation. If prophecy is dependent upon something happening, God will not
answer a prayer that would change the prophecy. 1John 5:13 These things have I written
unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have
eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. 1Jo 5:15 And if we
know that he hear us,(Are you confident enough that God actually hears your prayers, if
so then you are in direct contact with Him.

I always ask God to forgive me of any sin that I may have committed, so that my heart is
clear, before interring into His presence.) whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the
Petitions that we desired of him. Psa 20:5 We will rejoice in thy salvation, and in the
name of our God we will set up our banners: the LORD fulfill all thy Petitions. Pro
15:28-29; The heart of the righteous studieth to answer: but the mouth of the wicked
poureth out evil things. The LORD is far from the wicked: but he heareth the prayer of
the righteous. An effective prayer is not a mundane nor repetitive prayer, for Jesus was
dissatisfied with the Pharisees repetitive prayers. Thus He taught us of praying with the
Heart and with Power.

Our prayers must address the fact, that, when we mention the Name of Jesus, we are
then in Direct presence with God. We are no longer a servant but a Child of God. Jesus,
Messages From The Lord.

as we became a believer, became not Just Lord and Christ to us, but also a Friend.
Therefore God will deal with us not as a stranger but as a King & Priest. James 5:16
Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The
effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. This is a passionate request
and conversation with the Father.

What is needed is a conversation with God without asking for anything. Seeking His
will for us, seeking His wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding and Feelings for us. Take
time just to talk with God. You'll feel the difference each time you pray. ars.

References for Heb 4:16 - Heb_10:19-23, Heb_13:6; Rom_8:15-17; Eph_2:18,

Eph_3:12 Heb_9:5; Exo_25:17-22; Lev_16:2; 1Ch_28:11 Isa_27:11, Isa_55:6, Isa_55:7;
Mat_7:7-11; 2Co_12:8- 10; Phi_4:6, Phi_4:7; 1Pe_2:10

Being A Light in A Dark World.

Being A Light in A Dark World. Every time I set down to write I always ask God what
He wants me to say, for in me is nothing important. My Sermons come from the
Inspiration of God. I hear on a daily basis, of many Christians in need, from the poor to
the rich. People seeking aid, answers and reasons for their dilemma. I am writing a
young lady with an extreme problem, I write Churches that sometimes, but most often,
need revival within itself.

As for the poor, Jesus said that we would always have the poor with us. There is nothing
that we can do, to really help them. The shear magnitude of the problem prevents us
from making a difference. Most times there are government officials that steal the aid
before it arrives to those in need. When it does arrive, Warring factions most often steal
it away from those that need it and say that, "We are going to Liberate you, so we need
the food more than you." Buying food for a day or two doesn't help them, even for a
year is little to alleviate the persistent problem.

We still must continue to aid where and when we can, but we must not feed them only,
but address the problems. Most of the problems around the world are controlled by one
factor, mans refusal to accept Jesus as Lord and Christ. God stated that famine will
encompass this world and it is coming to pass. There are so many that have been
deceived and diluted into believing that there are gods many and lords many, afraid to
ask questions for fear of their life, they go as a sheep to the slaughter, their head down
and their throat exposed.
Messages From The Lord.

This darkness grows by the minute and the Spirit of Anti-Christ also grows. If we cant
see that the end is growing closer, then we, as the "Light of the World", are also in
darkness. Have you ever tried to look into a mirror, then close your eyes for a minute,
and try to remember what you looked like? Its the same way it is with being a light,
sometimes we forget what we are all about, our light gets a little softer, not as bright. We
cannot fear the darkness but we must illuminate it.

When light and dark comes together, it turns gray, a little less notable, a little less
recognizable and a little less helpful. Every country around the world is in the same
condition and it gets worse by the minuet. When we go to bed at night some one in their
daytime is being killed, starving to death, raped, murdered, sacrificed and recruited into
the depth of utter darkness as a suicide bomber. The Apostle Paul stated that, Within
Himself there was no good thing.

Understanding our relationship with God is of the utmost importance along with the
wisdom, knowledge and understanding of His word. I have made mistakes in my
Ministry, and I am the first to admit it. We are not perfect and neither can we be, until
the time of Rejoicing with Jesus takes place. Even the Apostle Paul stated that He had
not attained perfection but was still striving for it. But even with our faults, we must still
be a light. A light in a dark world that is traveling down the road to death and

In Matthew 4:16, we see the effects of being a light in a dark world; " The people which
sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death
light is sprung up." many are on the streets seeking after a good feeling and answers as
to their purpose in life. Many have given up on trying to be a citizen of any country and
only live for the day, hoping to get a bit of food from somewhere. Multitudes are blinded
to the light by problems and situations that they have found themselves in. Others have
been taught as a Child to not expect any thing good in this life. In Luke 1:79, we see a
reason to give light in a dark world. " To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the
shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace." To give light to them that sit
in darkness and in the shadow of death, the darkness of sin and the shadow of eternal
death without hope nor escape.

A Darkness without the Father. We have read before;" Ye, thou I walk thru the valley of
the shadow of death, I will fear no evil;" The valley spoken of here is the outside world
that we step into each and every day. We must be a light, if not, we may have the blood
of those that we could have shown the way, on our hands. There is no super Christian, at
least I haven't seen one. We are all the light, shining together as one to open up the
darkness and show the way of peace, peace not in this life but rather into the next.
Messages From The Lord.

Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole
body shall be full of light.

If therefore thine eye be single, meaning that ones purpose in life must be to please the
Father in Spirit, without any other agenda. We are sent into the world to fulfill the will of
our Father. Matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men (Your Testimony of Jesus.),
that they may see your good works (These are the works and actions of not only of the
Spirit but also of the flesh.), and glorify your Father which is in heaven. (Seeking only to
Glorify God and not of ourselves.)

Luke 11:35 Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness. ( Let not
your light be one of self glorification. Keeping your mission always to gain souls for
Gods kingdom and not trying to set up your own.) John 1:5 And the light shineth in
darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. The darkness in this world is choking
multitudes, killing them from within. The light that we shine is not accepted to many
that prefer the darkness and many do not understand the willingness of a Loving God to
Save them. Jesus warned us that there will come a time when the darkness of this world
will be so great, that no man will be able to work. Is that time now, or is it near. Let us
always be a light, because our work shall soon be over and the night will fall. Is it so
hard Being A Light in a Dark World. ars

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