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dB Masters' PHP FormMailer 3.0.

dB Masters' PHP FormMailer is created by:
Dan Ball
Owner and Operator
dB Masters Multimedia
** One major change in version 3.0. You no longer link to emailer.php. You link
to whatever form you want to process.
Now, the action of that form has to direct to emailer.php as shown in the sam
ple form.
1- Edit emailer_form.php (or any other form for that matter) by building the for
m you desire. See reference below for hidden field options.
2- Be sure the action of the form is aimed at the emailer.php file
3- Build the "Thanks" and/or "Error" page(s) if you choose the custom option
4- Edit the top few variable at the top of emailer.php to suit your needs, the a
vailable variables are as follows:
// recipient configuration - this is the array of recipients for the form, the n
umber in the brackets
// must match the number in the "recipient_group" hidden field explained below
// General Variables
// whether or not to check the referrer, 1 for yes, 0 for no
// domains allowed to use the emailer, with and without www
// Default Error and Success Page Variables
$error_page_title="Error - Missed Fields";
$error_page_text="Please use your browser's back button to return to the
form and complete the required fields.";
$thanks_page_title="Message Sent";
$thanks_page_text="Thank you for your inquiry";
subject - The subject of the email to be sent
reply_to_field - The name of the field that should be put in the "from" field of
the email
required_fields - a comma separated list of fieldname to be validated for conten
required_email_fields - a comma delimited list of fields to be validated for val
id email address syntax
recipient_group - the number that refers to the number in the brackets of the li
st of recipients to recieve this email
error_page - the filename (and path if necessary) to a custom error page, if mis
sing or blank default text in variable above will be used
thanks_page - the filename (and path if necessary) to a custom thanks page, if m
issing or blank default text in variable above will be used

send_copy - whether or not to send a copy of the mail to the sender

copy_subject - subject of sent copy
copy_tomail_field - field of email address to the sender for the sent copy
mail_type - layout of email options are "vert_table" or "horz_table", anything e
lse will result in plain text email
mail_priority - 1 is high, 3 is normal
return_ip - do you want the IP of the sender returned with the email if availab
le? 1 is yes, 0 is no
> To call the form link to the emailer.php file NOT the emailer_form.php!
> DO NOT use spaces in the field names of your form. A good option is to use an
underscore ("_") instead.
> When making the form, always include the <?php echo $fieldname; ?> as the valu
e of each field. This will make the field populate with the previously entered i
nformation should someone not fill out all required fields and see the default e
rror page.
> the recipients_group hidden field may seem confusing, but it is done this way
to prevent spambots from harvesting actual email addresses from hidden fields th
e way many scripts do
3.0.1 - Now configurable to use any field for the "from" field in the resulting
email set with a hidden field
3.0 - Added most of the variable from previous version to hidden fields for easi
er management of multiple forms
Added multiple recipient groups to allow emailer.php to handle multiple fo
List of recipients to be used is sent via a hidden field as a reference nu
mber, NOT the actual email addresses to prevent email harvesting
Removed footer and header includes to make the emailer a stand-alone scrip
t to work with any and all forms on your site
Made the domain referrer security check optional
2.9.1 - Added CC and BCC header option
Added option to email results of form back to the sender
2.9 - Any URL's are now made to clickable links in any HTML-based email
2.8 - Added the option of returning the users IP address as well, if it is avail
2.7 - Now it supresses the submit button from the form results
Added a horizontal tabling option
2.6 - Added the ability to filter email fields for valid email addresses
2.5 - Added the ability to filter requests to your form from other domains
Added XHTML 1.1 validated coding (sent emails are HTML 4.01)
2.2 - Added mail priority option to flag form mailing s as "high-priority" or "n
Added header and fotter includes for easier customizing of the look and fe
Fixed bug in validation error messages.
2.1 - Added ability to you custom made or the default error and success pages.

2.0 - Rewritten for easier configuration

Easier setup of validated fields
Included form file added
1.0 - Initial release
This application is covered under the AGPL license.
As an addendum to the AGPL license, I also offer to the users of this script, th
e ability to purchase the right to remove the required links for the price of $2
0 per domain.
For those of you that want the quick and dirty version of this license and adden
dum it means the following:
You can freely use the script and modify it all you wish, but always retain the
copyright notice in each file, and the visible link to the FormMailer homepage i
n the any form using the FormMailer.
You can sell or freely ditribute your modified version of this script so long as
dB Masters copyright and link stay in tact.
You can, for $20 per domain, purchase the right to remove the link
See the license.txt file for further information
Support is not promised with any of the freely used dB Masters' Scripts, however
, there are forums at where you may be able to
find help.

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