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Augusta Cesarca 2, Dedinje, Belgrade; office@brookhill.

rs; Tel: +381(0)113691310;+381(0)642333839; +381(0)69633618

Brook Hill School Policies

Admissions Policy
Children from the ages of three to eighteen are admitted to Brook Hill International School without
prejudice as to disability, gender, race, colour or creed, as befits a non-denominational school with a strong
international base. We expect our students and their families to support the School's ethos as outlined in the
Prospectus and Student Handbook.
Prospective students and their parents/carers are encouraged to visit the School and to acquaint themselves
with its approach to education. During the visit, the Head of School will assess how well a prospective
student is likely to integrate into our School Community and to help in this parents/carers will be expected to
present previous school records and comment upon their child's academic progress to date. When more
information is required an Educational Psychologists report may be asked for.
Because of the variety of courses on offer and the varying educational backgrounds/requirements of our
students, we are flexible as to when a student arrives during the academic year. Staff are experienced in
helping students to settle in quickly, both academically and pastorally. Upon entry, all students undergo
English testing to ascertain their level of proficiency so that appropriate lessons/support can be timetabled.
Thus, a students level of English is not a barrier to entry.
The first stage in the admissions process is for the registration form to be returned with the students latest
academic reports or statement of results and the requisite registration fee and deposit paid. The registration
fee is non-returnable and the deposit is held for the duration of the students course and then credited to their
final account. The registration deposit confirms the place for the student and the fees are then payable termly
(or by alternative arrangement) in advance on the first day of each term.
Each application is considered by the Head of School on an individual basis and where an application is
successful the School will issue a letter of acceptance accompanied by a handbook and transportation form.
The School has the final decision in all cases of admissions.
Anti-Bullying Policy
We believe that all students have the right to live and be educated in an environment which is supportive,
caring and safe, and where there is mutual respect and co-operation. Bullying is anti-social behaviour which
threatens the fundamental principles of the School, and it will not be tolerated. Bullying is deliberately
hurtful behaviour to someone over a period of time. It can take the form of either, or both, physical
aggression or verbal abuse. Often it includes one or more of the following: intimidation, exclusion, rumourspreading, name-calling, anonymous messages, damage to or theft of personal property. The most likely
causes are racial prejudice, perceived disability or abnormality, or envy. The victim may react by becoming
silent or withdrawn, feigning illness, missing lessons, not eating, or not working. The potentially serious
consequences of bullying should not be underestimated.

Augusta Cesarca 2, Dedinje, Belgrade;; Tel: +381(0)113691310;+381(0)642333839; +381(0)69633618

To help us tackle this practice students are encouraged to report incidents of bullying to any member of the
staff who inspires their confidence.

The following procedures and recommendations are intended to discourage bullying in all its forms.
Unauthorised absence from class will be reported by the teacher to a Form Tutor or Head of School.
Poor academic performance will be monitored and investigated by the Head of School.
Form Tutors will see any member of their tutor group, by appointment, during the school day, who
wishes to discuss any personal problem with them.
Form Tutors will be informed by the Head of School of anyone in their tutor group who has reported or
is suspected of being bullied or bullying, and asked to monitor the situation.
Catering staff will report anyone who is absenting themselves from meals or not eating normally.
The issue of bullying and anti-social behaviour will be addressed at appropriate times in form
groups and assemblies.
Form Tutors will be vigilant around the School at all times. Any student whose behaviour is a cause for
concern will be discussed at our weekly Form Tutors meeting.
The School will discourage the formation of racial cliques and insist on the use of English in and out of
Students are advised that anyone who feels that they are being bullied, or who knows that someone else
is being bullied, should tell any member of the staff.
All complaints of bullying will be taken seriously, will be investigated, and will be dealt with
appropriately, effectively and sensitively.
Anyone proved to be systematically bullying one or more others will be given a warning to stop
immediately. If they continue, their parents will be informed and if the practice is not stopped
immediately they will be asked to leave the School.
Cyber-Bullying: Preventative Measures
All students are required to adhere to our Acceptable Use of IT Policy for the safe use of the internet.
Certain sites are blocked by our filtering system and staff monitor students use.
Sanctions may be imposed for the misuse or attempted misuse of the internet.
In PSHE lessons and in assemblies, guidance is offered on the safe use of social networking sites and
cyber-bullying. This guidance will cover blocking, removing contacts from friends lists and sharing
personal data. This is also included in our Acceptable Use of IT Policy.
Guidance is offered on the safe-keeping of names, addresses, passwords, mobile telephone numbers and
other personal details.
Mobile telephones are to be used with discretion and not in lessons. The use of cameras on mobile
telephones is not allowed in lessons or in swimming and changing areas.
Behaviour Management Policy
Good behaviour is essential to living and working in an international school community and of maintaining
a safe and secure environment for everyone. Students at Brook Hill are expected to display high standards of

Augusta Cesarca 2, Dedinje, Belgrade;; Tel: +381(0)113691310;+381(0)642333839; +381(0)69633618

behaviour and take increasing responsibility for self-discipline. Therefore we expect good manners, good
behaviour and good will from all members of our community, knowing that high expectations characterise a
good school and make a vital contribution to the development of individual self-confidence. We employ a
fair and consistent, though suitably flexible, system of rewards and sanctions, which addresses the needs of
individual students, as well as those of the whole School community.
It is our intention to recognise and appreciate achievement in all aspects of School life through assemblies,
classroom rewards, appointments to positions of responsibility and the award of commendations and prizes,
but where necessary we will also punish. The healing of the harm done by bad behaviour to the individual
concerned and reconciliation with others are at the heart of our behaviour management policy, to which a
willingness to forgive is also integral. An individuals acknowledgement of their fault is clearly a help in
this, and owning up to wrongdoing will be taken into account in any punishment given. High standards of
behaviour and consideration for other are maintained through:
Expectation that all members of our community will treat each other with respect and kindness
Clear expectations of staff, students and parents as expressed in the Handbook
Clear, consistent consequences for unacceptable behaviour
Reinforcement of expectations in assemblies and form groups
Promotion of respect, courtesy and kindness in all aspects of School life
Provision of courses that are stimulating, challenging, well prepared and appropriate to all
Close communication and involvement with parents and guardians
Periodic professional development days
Fostering a positive attitude towards the School through praise, rewards and attention to the individual
progress of every student.
Our students are expected to uphold the good name and reputation of Brook Hill at all times, whether they
are at, or away from, School. They are also expected to take part conscientiously in classes, tutorials, sports
and other extracurricular activities. This involves politely and promptly obeying all directions of staff.
Behaviour must at all times show respect for self and others.
Our code of conduct is outlined in our Student Handbook and students are expected to familiarise
themselves with this.
At Brook Hill we want our students to feel respected and safe at all times.
We expect:

Courtesy, understanding, and respect for others at all times, including travelling to and from School

All students to aim to achieve their full potential

All students to be organised and punctual, remembering to bring necessary equipment to their

Augusta Cesarca 2, Dedinje, Belgrade;; Tel: +381(0)113691310;+381(0)642333839; +381(0)69633618

Homework and coursework to be completed on time

Student Planners to be kept up to date

Appropriate clothes to be worn properly, at all times

Students to care for, and look after, the School buildings, the environment, and the School
equipment. Therefore, the chewing of gum is not permitted. Litter should be placed in the bins

Students to move sensibly round the School.

Breaches of School Discipline

Expulsion: A student is liable to expulsion for a grave breach of School discipline, for example, a serious
criminal offence or some wilful act calculated to cause serious damage to the School or any of its members.
Formal expulsion implies that the students name will be removed from the roll of the School and reference
to the facts and circumstances will be made in response to every request for a reference. All outstanding fees
up to and including the term of expulsion shall be payable and any deposit shall be retained by the School.
The Head of School will decide whether or not to expel a student after consulting all members of the School
Management Team.
Suspension: A student may be suspended for a period of up to a week while a complaint is investigated or
as a sanction in its own right. This may be extended in serious circumstances. School privileges may be
withdrawn during the period of suspension at the discretion of the Head of School.
Detention: A student may be placed in detention for a breach of School discipline. This will be agreed upon
by the School Management Team and Head of School, who will inform the student's parents and give them
one day's notice of such. The detention will normally take place after the last lesson of a School day and will
last for one hour. Appropriate work will be given during this time. In the case of repeated detentions a letter
will be issued to the student's parents or guardians warning the student's future at the School is under serious
Other sanctions: The Head of School may prescribe and authorise the use of such other sanctions as comply
with good educational practice. Such sanctions may include withdrawing student privileges, requiring a
student to complete a piece of written work, or requiring a student to enter into a behaviour contract with the
Use of restraint
Any use of restraint by staff will be by reasonable and non-injurious means, and will only be used when
immediately necessary and for the minimum time necessary to prevent injury to self or others or very
serious damage to property. Where restraint is used by staff, this is recorded in writing.

Augusta Cesarca 2, Dedinje, Belgrade;; Tel: +381(0)113691310;+381(0)642333839; +381(0)69633618

A record will be kept of all punishments administered to students.

Awards at Presentation Day.

Form Tutors and Subject Teachers, with their excellent knowledge of individual students, have an important
role to play in boosting confidence and rewarding students with verbal praise when they achieve their
personal best. It is important this is not used to 'bribe' students or given for something that we would expect
from all students as a matter of course.
See Bullying Policy and advice in Student Handbook.
If a student asks to speak to a member of staff about confidential issues, the adult should say the following:
If you tell me something, and I feel someone is at risk of getting hurt in some way I will have to pass it on.
If the student chooses to disclose sensitive information on the following topics the teacher needs to follow
the guidelines below:

1. A child protection issue such as physical, sexual, emotional abuse

Listen to students disclosure in full
If necessary keep the student with you or in a safe place
Inform the Head of School
Write up a statement of the disclosure (sign & date/time) as soon as possible and pass to the Head of

2. Substance Misuse (drugs, alcohol)

Listen to students disclosure in full.
If under the influence of substances take him/her to a safe place.
Inform the Head of School or Form Tutor
Brook Hill has a zero tolerance drugs policy.

Augusta Cesarca 2, Dedinje, Belgrade;; Tel: +381(0)113691310;+381(0)642333839; +381(0)69633618

3. Criminal Activity
Listen to students disclosure in full.
Refer to the Head of School as soon as possible.

4. Self-Harm
If a student discloses that s/he or someone else is self-harming, inform the Head of School as soon as

The Confidentiality of Student Information

Please make sure when speaking to another member of staff or on the phone about a student that you cannot
be overheard. Also make sure that any written information on students is not left out for others to view.


During Class
Pay attention, be positive and polite, bring required equipment
Aim to complete all set tasks to the best of your ability
Treat the teacher and students in your classes with respect: there should be no calling out
Mobiles and i-pods may not be used in academic time
No food and drink allowed in the classroom, other than small bottles of cold water
Leave bags in appropriate places only
Food or drinks should only be consumed in the dining areas.
Dining areas
Queue in a single file and do not queue jump!
Sit at the table and converse with others politely
Speak in English
Clear your eating area when finished.
Look tidy and dress appropriately in academic time, showing self -respect and respect for others
No flip-flops, low cut tops, skimpy shorts or short skirts (girls)
Hats should only be worn outside
Body piercings are discouraged and should not be visible.

Augusta Cesarca 2, Dedinje, Belgrade;; Tel: +381(0)113691310;+381(0)642333839; +381(0)69633618

Commendations are given for especially good pieces of work/ test/ presentations in a subject or for really
good effort.
Commendations are also awarded for extra-curricular involvement or for leadership. Staff are invited to
recommend individual students or small groups for commendation. The following list gives an idea of the
criteria which could apply:
An exceptional piece of work (for that particular student)
An achievement worthy of special commendation
A generous public-spirited act
Noteworthy effort in any aspect of School life
Achievement against the odds.
The Head of School will then see the student and congratulate him/her. An entry is then made in our
Commendations Book.

Curriculum Policy
Student Body
Our courses reflect the academic and pastoral needs of each individual without discrimination in relation to
age, gender, nationality, colour, religion or disability.
Brook Hill follows the UK National Curriculum and offers a wide range of Cambridge Examinations
courses. For students who do not speak any English or very little we offer Intensive English courses to help
them cope in the classroom and in examinations.
This should meet the needs of all our students in terms of their ability and expectations. The majority of our
students will have limited experience of British educational qualifications and of learning the English
language and culture. Therefore, subject courses take account of this.
Without discrimination based upon age, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, colour, religion, age or
disability, all staff are required to be proven specialists in their field. At interview, new staff are assessed for
their ability to teach and all staff are part of the programme of developmental lesson observations.

Augusta Cesarca 2, Dedinje, Belgrade;; Tel: +381(0)113691310;+381(0)642333839; +381(0)69633618

Due to the breadth of the curriculum and small student body, a significant proportion of teachers will be part
time. These staff are expected to develop their subject areas as effectively as full time colleagues and play an
active role in cross-curricular discussion.
All teaching staff should make the best effort to learn students strengths and weaknesses through discussion
with the students and colleagues.
Because of the size of the School, many subjects are taught by a single teacher. Teachers should take every
opportunity to share educational ideas and knowledge about their students and to develop informal cross
curricular links. The content of courses should accord with the requirements of the relevant awarding bodies.
When devising the scheme of work for a course, account should be taken of the students experience and
abilities. All subjects should include opportunities for the students to be successful within their level of
ability and should be designed to challenge and extend each student to their limit within a supportive
atmosphere. Schemes of work must be produced to indicate what is being taught and when.
All lessons should include a range of techniques for teaching and learning tailored to particular classes. Use
of a range of available resources is encouraged. Where resources are unavailable, subject staff should pass
requests to the Head of School.
A range of assessment tasks will be given each half-term, with one formal test each term. Marking should
include summative and formative elements that provide each student with:
A clear vision of where they are in their learning
A good understanding of why they are at this point
A concise route to take them beyond their current position.
A range of internal assessments will be used to establish half termly and termly averages.
Wider curriculum
A range of academic, cultural, social, leisure and sporting activities is offered. For each of these, relevant
health and safety guidelines should be followed and be matched to the students taking part. Links with the
community are pursued through sports and other less formal ongoing and one-off events.
Activities are offered by staff who are encouraged to volunteer their expertise and passions to support the
The Head of School and School Management Team will develop and implement the values of the School,
identifying its aims and providing clear direction in this. They will create an environment in which students
have the opportunity to fulfil potential into which the curriculum fits, overseeing the work of the School in
conjunction with relevant staff.

Augusta Cesarca 2, Dedinje, Belgrade;; Tel: +381(0)113691310;+381(0)642333839; +381(0)69633618

Teachers will record marks in line with School assessment policy and follow all procedures outlined by the
School Management Team and Head of School.
The Examinations Officer and person responsible for UCAS will take collective responsibility for these
Tutors will help deliver the Personal, Social, and Health Education (PSHE) programme.
Drugs Policy
At Brook Hill we take health education very seriously and are keen to ensure that the school is a drug free
environment where students can learn in safety.
to ensure that Brook Hill is free from illegal drugs (and solvents)
to educate students on the effects of drugs (and solvents) on the mind and body
to provide opportunities for students to practise the personal and social skills and the strategies needed
to deal with situations involving drugs
to explain the legal situation with regard to the use and misuse of drugs
to enable young people to identify sources of appropriate personal support.
Brook Hill operates a zero tolerance policy regarding substance abuse. In addition, where it has been
brought to the attention of the Head of School that a student has been formally cautioned by the police for
the possession of an illegal drug, the School reserves the right to exclude him/her.
The topic of drug abuse is also covered in PSHE and Biology lessons, as appropriate.
Smoking is not allowed in the School or in its grounds.
Students must not bring alcohol
to the School buildings or grounds
to school outings and trips.
Students found in possession of alcohol can expect to be suspended.
Child Protection Policy
Brook Hill recognises it has a duty to ensure arrangements are in place for safeguarding and promoting the
welfare of all our students.
Our policy applies to all staff working in the College.

Augusta Cesarca 2, Dedinje, Belgrade;; Tel: +381(0)113691310;+381(0)642333839; +381(0)69633618

There are five main elements to our policy:

Ensuring we practise safe recruitment in checking the suitability of staff and volunteers to work with
the students
Raising awareness of child protection issues and equipping students with the skills needed to keep
them safe
Developing and then implementing procedures for identifying and reporting cases, or suspected cases
of abuse through regular training for all staff.
We recognise that because of the day-to-day contact with students, School staff are well placed to observe
the outward signs of abuse.
The School will therefore:
Establish and maintain an environment where students feel secure, are encouraged to talk, and are
listened to
Ensure students know that there are adults in the School whom they can approach if they are worried
Ensure an anti-bullying policy is in place
Include opportunities in the PSHE curriculum for students to develop the skills they need to recognise
and stay safe from abuse
Physical intervention policy is understood by all staff
Whistle-blowing procedures are understood by students and staff.

We recognise that staff working in the School who have become involved with a student who has suffered
harm, or appears to be likely to suffer harm, may find the situation stressful and upsetting. We will support
such staff by providing an opportunity to talk through their anxieties with the Head of School and to seek
further support as appropriate.

Allegations Against Staff

We understand that a student may make an allegation against a member of staff. If such an allegation is
made, the member of staff receiving the allegation will immediately inform the Head of School. The Head
on all such occasions will discuss the issue with the School Management Team.
Admission Policy Regarding Special Educational Needs
The School's Admissions Policy makes provision for the disclosure of disability and special needs and the
commitment of the School to deal appropriately and supportively in the admissions assessment process. A
failure of a parent to divulge SEN/disability at this time may cause the School to re-consider the student's
placement. Where a parent requests confidentiality regarding a SEN/disability, this request would limit what
the School could provide in making reasonable adjustments. Under these circumstances, the School has the

Augusta Cesarca 2, Dedinje, Belgrade;; Tel: +381(0)113691310;+381(0)642333839; +381(0)69633618

right to decide the balance of confidentiality and possible and reasonable adjustments for inclusion. No
student should be discriminated against on entry into the School because of their individual needs. Brook
Hill is prepared to accept students who have Specific Learning Difficulties but this will depend on the
severity of the disability and whether we have the facilities and staff in place to offer appropriate help.

Unauthorised Absence Policy

It is essential for students to attend all their timetabled lessons if they are to achieve the best they are capable
of in internal and external examinations. It is the expectation and right of parents to feel confident that their
offspring are being required to attend the lessons for which they are paying. It is the responsibility of
individual teachers to report when a student is missing or late, of the School Office to ascertain whether
there is a legitimate reason i.e. sickness or educational trip, and of the School Management Team to arrange
for the missed time to be made up.
Tutors register all students each day and authorised absences will be listed on the staffroom notice board by
a member of the office staff at the start of period 1.
Teachers must report any unauthorised absence during other periods by immediately informing the School
Office staff. Unauthorised absences will require the student to provide an explanation and to catch up on
missed work in he/her own time. If a student persists in absenting themselves from timetabled lessons,
parents will be informed of the issue and consequent concerns about academic progress. More serious
punishment will be arranged by the School Management Team and Head of School.

Complaints Policy
1. Complaints made to the School will be listened to and acted upon.
2. Complaints will be investigated thoroughly, fairly and promptly.
3. A member of the School Management Team will respond to complaints made by parents within 14 days.
4. Complaints made by students will normally be dealt with by the Head of School.
5. When the complaint is directed at a senior member of staff, the Head of School will always deal with the
6. When there is a formal complaint against the Head of School the Governors will be informed.

Augusta Cesarca 2, Dedinje, Belgrade;; Tel: +381(0)113691310;+381(0)642333839; +381(0)69633618

7. Complainants will not suffer as a result of a complaint.

Complaints Procedure
Most complaints are easily resolved informally by discussion with the appropriate member of staff at the
School. More difficult or complex concerns may involve more than one discussion.
Stage 1 Informal
Procedure for initial contact by members of staff:
1. Listen to the basic details of the complaint.
2. inform a member of the School Management Team.
Action to be taken:
1. Speak to those involved in complaint.
2. Speak to witnesses if required.
3. Take written statements if required.
If possible, collect sufficient evidence to make an objective decision about the complaint. Is the matter
concluded? If yes, agree action, communicate with complainant. If no, refer to higher authority or repeat
If the complaint is not resolved at this stage, the parent, guardian or agent, as appropriate, should be
informed about how to move on to the formal stage of the complaints procedure by making a written
complaint to the Head of School.
The Head of School will carry out an investigation and respond to the complainant. The complaint will be
acknowledged within 2 working days of receipt during term time, and a target date for providing a response
will be given. This will normally be within 14 days during term time. The Head of School may meet the
complainant to gain further information relevant to the complaint. Statements from witnesses will be
collected where necessary. When all the relevant facts have been established, the Principal will produce a
written response to the complainant.
Stage 2 Formal
If the complaint is not resolved, the Governors of the School will be involved and expected to help decide
the outcome.

Augusta Cesarca 2, Dedinje, Belgrade;; Tel: +381(0)113691310;+381(0)642333839; +381(0)69633618

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