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Adding Style with CSS Jump Start

Q&A Log
09:09:00 PST
Question: Does Bootstrap qualify as a "pre-processor"? Will you be talking about it?
Answer: Bootstrap is more of a CSS framework. We'll talk about it, but it's not a preprocessor
09:22:56 PST
Question: Will you be talking in this session about changing styles according to the device?
Answer: Yep, we'll talk about that in module 4: Media Queries
09:24:05 PST
Question: can every html element be a selector?
Answer: Yep!
09:27:29 PST
Question: Can you assure the right font by providing it ?
Answer: Yes, there are some web fonts that you can provide and use
09:29:27 PST
Question: Video recording will be available on MVA site?
Answer: Yes it will
09:31:58 PST
Question: Is there going to be any discussion concerning float clearing?
Answer: Yes, in the layouts module
09:34:10 PST
Question: The DOM builds a tree of the document, if I am correct. Is it not possibme to to select elements in the tree
by CSS ? For example, select all underlying elements of a specific list?
Answer: It is indeed possible to select based on DOM structure, and we'll talk about that next module
09:37:25 PST
Question: what feature provided by bootstrap same thing can provided by with css3
Answer: Bootstrap just has a lot of base styles for you to make styling easier. It's entirely CSS based.
09:44:07 PST
Question: what the difference between css and css3 features
Answer: CSS3 is just the newer/updated version of the CSS spec
09:52:27 PST
Question: Q: The F12 works great for a webpage, but is there anything like that for if I am making a Win8 store app
with HTML to check the CSS ?
Answer: Have you tried using Blend for Visual Studio?
09:59:48 PST
Question: just a short correction for the F12 Tools: the number behind the style source is not the score of any
calculation as Chris just mentioned but just the line number, where the declaration can be found
Answer: Thanks
10:00:29 PST
Question: So bootstrap is like jquery for javascript.
Answer: I like that analogy!

Live Event Date: December 3, 2014

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Adding Style with CSS Jump Start

Q&A Log
10:00:43 PST
Question: What type of project do you create on Visual Studio for a HTML website?
Answer: I just used Blank Web Project
10:06:07 PST
Question: is there a way to change all the h1 referances in the bootstrap.css for diferent sized screens?
Answer: You can edit your bootstrap files to make custom ones, and you can, of course, change the h1 properties in
your own style files and import that
10:07:22 PST
Question: Helen or Christopher, is it possible to "inherit" properties from a class into another class ?
Answer: That's something preprocessors do, but CSS natively you can have multiple classes for an element though,
so that multiple styles will be applied
10:07:23 PST
Question: Are you required to place the <link rel=stylesheet ...> tag before the <style></style> or is this just the best
Answer: Best practice
10:08:17 PST
Question: I might be wrong, in some case where I use third party software tools for web like radcontrols where css is
inject dynamically, I usually use !important quite alot. I don't any other way to archive that without using important
Answer: Good point. There are use cases for !important, but they do tend to be edge cases like what you mentioned
10:14:08 PST
Question: Can we use browser specific css? Or can we distinguish browsers in css?
Answer: Yes, with vendor prefixes, which we'll talk about in a bit
10:33:34 PST
Question: In case of nested divs, first child div will be the first Child?
Answer: yes
10:38:46 PST
Question: HI i am very new to css can you please tell me deference between margin and padding
Answer: we'll touch on that next module
10:39:31 PST
Question: Was that ctrl K ctrl D to format
Answer: yes
10:41:35 PST
Question: Will there be any discussions about media queries today?
Answer: yes. in module 4
10:52:12 PST
Question: Eg. div:first-child:first line (no double colons)
Answer: You do need to use the double colons for first-line
10:59:29 PST
Question: but if we are using something like size in width or height than what is best practice either px or %
Answer: depends on your need. A photo or something works best in absolute sizes like px, whereas layout work best
in %
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contain inaccuracies. You bear the risk of using it. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the information.

Adding Style with CSS Jump Start

Q&A Log

11:01:21 PST
Question: This discussion of rem vs em has been very helpful. What module are we in? I would like to be able to
come back to this section when the recording is made available.
Answer: this is module 2
11:02:30 PST
Question: it blows up the line-height as well, is it true? although you did not specify that anywhere?
Answer: yes, that is true. it updates the entirety of the font
11:06:27 PST
Question: Can we use conditional styles on basis of screen size?
Answer: You can! we'll see media queries later
11:10:44 PST
Question: Is the sizing of the text while sizing the browser a new feature of css3? Or is it present on earlier version
Answer: I want to say that's a CSS3 thing, although I don't always remember when something came to be.
11:22:42 PST
Question: Is it best way to use inline styles ?
Answer: Generally, no. I've been doing it for simple demos, but real world you want a separate file.
11:26:26 PST
Question: It's possible to place divs next to each other using the float attribute, but you have to remember to clear it.
Is the inline-block a better substitution for this method?
Answer: Float is nice, but you can run into issues with overlapping elements.
11:27:44 PST
Question: I'm 2 hours late, is this module 2?
Answer: Module 3
11:36:07 PST
Question: when the code gets posted do we get a before and after file?
Answer: We can make that happen
11:38:16 PST
Question: What is z-index actually works for. I did not get it.
Answer: It makes sure something is on top
11:42:36 PST
Question: are the f12 tools a plug in or a separate app?
Answer: Built right in
11:42:49 PST
Question: Is z-index like the 3rd dimension?
Answer: It is
11:43:52 PST
Question: I think that the Z-Index in related like layers more Z-index more nearby from us ... less Z-layer ... more
away from us... is that right?
Answer: That's exactly it!

Live Event Date: December 3, 2014

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contain inaccuracies. You bear the risk of using it. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the information.

Adding Style with CSS Jump Start

Q&A Log
11:44:15 PST
Question: Is padding goes like top left bottom right?
Answer: Top Right Bottom Left
11:45:39 PST
Question: What was the key combination with the box-sizing property for adding automatically all properties covering
browser variants?
Answer: Tab Tab (tab twice)
11:54:03 PST
Question: Its really working Helpful with overflow and box size .. Great !
Answer: You're welcome
13:21:24 PST
Question: If the css file is placed in some other folder, do we need to pass absolute path to import that?
Answer: It needs to be a resolvable path.
13:23:04 PST
Question: Do we have intellisense for media queries?
Answer: You do
13:29:45 PST
Question: Is it good practice to add images through CSS or HTML? Should we add different size of same images (by
Photoshop)respective to device size or set width of image to 100%?
Answer: That's a long conversation. I like Picture Fill.
13:35:56 PST
Question: @media screen AND <-Answer: Yup!!
13:39:08 PST
Question: can you use the em for the image size?
Answer: You can, but it won't resize the file
13:48:36 PST
Question: For media queries, if we use speech so will css trigger when we have speech detected by browser?
Answer: Yes
13:48:45 PST
Question: Will this material be available after the series? I missed from Day one till now
Answer: About 3 weeks
13:48:58 PST
Question: Wait....there's a test?
Answer: There is. Pop quiz!
13:51:08 PST
Question: I'm glad that happened, i'll remember "and" forever now
Answer: We did that on purpose.

Live Event Date: December 3, 2014

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contain inaccuracies. You bear the risk of using it. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the information.

Adding Style with CSS Jump Start

Q&A Log
14:04:03 PST
Question: Why does the div::selection take 2 colons? Do any other pseudo classes do that? Does max-width: 700px
mean up to an including 700 px? or does it mean less than 700 px? I ask because what happens when you have
max-wdith:700px and later (min-width:700px and max-width:1600px)?
Answer: Max-width means going below 700px. :

election is a pseudo element and pseudoelements use 2 colons

14:12:12 PST
Question: Is pseudo element a short code of "Child"?
Answer: It's more like different portions of an element. For instance, the first line of a paragraph or the selected part
of a paragraph
14:13:48 PST
Question: For a specific web page by itself what is typically the amount CSS (in kb) that you would want to limit for
the browser's download? (summing referenced CSS sheets imported)
Answer: as small as possible. it's pretty easy to get your css to a couple of kb by using a minifier
14:14:45 PST
Question: can we apply style on click events of elements?
Answer: you'll need a little javascript to apply extra styles like transform
14:20:23 PST
Question: Are transitions and transformations a part of CSS3? Not prior to CSS3?
Answer: transitions have been around for a while., but there are more properties with CSS3
14:29:43 PST
Question: ... So ? any answer?
Answer: it's best practice to, yes
14:41:29 PST
Question: "If you're anything like me, and I know I am..." LOL!
14:52:16 PST
Question: I've probably missed it (arrived late) ... are the code samples available somewhere ... codeplex, github,
etc.? \
14:54:03 PST
Question: I don't think I will use javascript any more for any ui changes. it will help only to add or remove class .
thanks to css.
Answer: Awesome!
14:54:12 PST
Question: Super liked the concept: html for semantic, css for style and js for logic.
Answer: Thanks! I'm glad that helped!
14:54:29 PST
Question: If there are two transfom properties set, there will be a conflict?
Answer: It will, and use the standard CSS tiebreakers

Live Event Date: December 3, 2014

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contain inaccuracies. You bear the risk of using it. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the information.

Adding Style with CSS Jump Start

Q&A Log
14:55:24 PST
Question: Thanks for the demo!
Answer: You're welcome
14:55:50 PST
Question: can the preprocessor include the business logic alongwith styles?
Answer: It can do some basic logic
14:59:42 PST
Question: is there any tool to convert my standard css to any pre processor defined syntax?
Answer: Visual Studio can do it
14:59:46 PST
Question: Do these preprocessors work within visual studio?
Answer: They do
15:00:49 PST
Question: Is there any movement for CSS to incorporate LESS out of the box?
Answer: I think the problem is there are a lot of options available.
15:06:08 PST
Question: SASS is in my name...and far from LESS
15:18:41 PST
Question: so we need less.js that will re compile to css. so again we will overload our page with js for this
compilation. so do we need this pre processor?
Answer: Only if you're going to let the browser do it.
15:26:53 PST
Question: I want one of those PCs that they are using.
Answer: Planar PCT 2785 monitors
15:27:09 PST
Question: This was very informative. Thanks.
Answer: Thank you!
15:27:21 PST
Question: No more wine, Chris...
Answer: Duly noted!
15:28:19 PST
Question: let's drinks beer

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contain inaccuracies. You bear the risk of using it. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the information.

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