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NATURE|Vol 466|22 July 2010

The pre-hibernation increase in mass over

the study period (19762008) was largely due
to phenotypic plasticity, as has often been
found3, rather than to genetic change. This
means that the marmots are not changing
genetically, but that they have higher masses
owing to altered environmental conditions. It
remains unclear why they are now heavier. In a
mechanistic approach, there is always another
underlying causal level to be explored. For
instance, Ruf and Arnold4 showed that hibernating alpine marmots (Marmota marmota)
that had pre-hibernation dietary access to
specific plant compounds (polyunsaturated
fatty acids) were able to drop their temperature at hibernation to a lower level, and hence
needed less fat at the start of hibernation.
It is thus possible that, in the yellow-bellied
marmot, changes in flower phenology or seed
production also play a part. Interestingly, Ozgul
and colleagues observed a marked decline in the
number of flowers of tall bluebells (Mertensia
ciliata), a plant included in the marmots diet5,
in the study after the year 2000. This may mean
that the marmots have lacked some specific
plant compounds, and so have needed to be fatter to survive hibernation. This would indicate
a strategic change in hibernation mass, whereas
Ozgul et al. assume that change is attributable
simply to the prolonged growing season, and
the extension of the time available for marmots
to become heavier. Further insight into the
complex ecological and physiological mechanisms involving energy expenditure during
hibernation, winter temperature and diet during pre-hibernation fattening is needed to fully
understand the observed abrupt increase in the

marmot population after 2000.

The major challenge in climate-change
ecology is to predict the impact of future climate change on populations6. The study on
marmots2 emphasizes again that this challenge needs to be tackled with mechanistic
population models that incorporate ecological and evolutionary processes7,8. In the case of
the marmots, the altered ecological processes
change the way in which the demographic rates
are affected by hibernation mass. The evolutionary processes select for phenotypic plasticity that is, how the environment influences
hibernation mass. The task ahead is to model
these processes simultaneously2,8, as well as to
integrate physiology and molecular genetics
into these mechanistic population models. It is
only by this route that biologists will be able to
forecast the implications of various climate scenarios for population viability and, ultimately,
for biodiversity.

Marcel E. Visser is at the Netherlands Institute

of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW), PO Box 40, 6666 ZG
Heteren, the Netherlands.

1. Parmesan, C. Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst. 37, 637669

2. Ozgul, A. et al. Nature 466, 482485 (2010).
3. Gienapp, P., Teplitsky, C., Alho, J. S., Mills, J. A. & Meril, J.
Mol. Ecol. 17, 167178 (2008).
4. Ruf, T. & Arnold, W. Am. J. Physiol. Regul. Integr. Comp.
Physiol. 294, R1044R1052 (2008).
5. Frase, B. A. & Armitage, K. B. Ethol. Ecol. Evol. 1, 353366
6. Jenouvrier, S. et al. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 106, 18441847
7. Visser, M. E. Proc. R. Soc. B 275, 649659 (2008).
8. Chevin, L.-M., Lande, R. & Mace, G. M. PLoS Biol. 8,
e1000357 (2010).


Fluorination made easier

Tobias Ritter
By putting the pieces of a chemical puzzle into the right order, a thorny
problem in catalysis has been solved. This opens the door to syntheses of
molecules that contain the useful trifluoromethyl group.
When chemists try to make molecules, they
cannot always get what they want. For example,
they have tried for some time now to find good
ways of introducing trifluoromethyl groups
(CF3) into complex organic molecules, but
without much success. There are compelling
reasons to develop such a reaction, because
the introduction of trifluoromethyl groups can
dramatically change the properties of molecules, often for the better. Among other things,
trifluoromethyl groups can increase the brain
penetration of drugs that act on the central
nervous system, and they can make materials
more durable. Reporting in Science, Cho et al.1
now describe a general catalytic reaction that
allows molecules containing trifluoromethyl

groups to be made much more easily than

Although trifluoromethyl groups have been
known for a long time, the preparation of molecules that contain them has been challenging.
This is because many of the synthetic methods for making these molecules required harsh
reaction conditions such as high temperatures,
which can be applied only to fairly simple molecules (which are often the most robust). For
the synthesis of more complex trifluoromethylated molecules, one needed to start from a
simple, readily available molecule that contains
a trifluoromethyl group and then build up the
desired molecule from it, a process that can be
lengthy and time-consuming.
2010 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

Nevertheless, because trifluoromethyl

groups have been so successful in improving
various molecules properties, perhaps most
notably the biological properties of drugs,
chemists were willing to go the extra mile.
The antidepressant fluoxetine (Prozac), for
example, contains a trifluoromethyl group;
dutasteride (Avodart), a drug that changes the
processing of testosterone in the body, even
has two. But the synthetic rules were simple:
dont bother trying to attach a trifluoromethyl
group to a complex molecule, because success
is extremely unlikely.
With the advent of Cho and colleagues reaction1, the rules could be about to change. The
authors have tackled this synthetic challenge
by using palladium-catalysed cross-coupling
chemistry, a field that has been around for
almost 50 years. Cross-coupling catalysis, in
which two molecular fragments are joined
together with the assistance of a metal catalyst, has transformed, hands down, the way in
which chemists build molecules2. One reason
for its success is that it is simple to identify how
cross coupling can be used when devising a
synthetic route for a target molecule. Developments over the past few decades have increased
the efficiency and reliability of cross-coupling
catalysis to such an extent that it is now hard
to find a synthesis of a drug-like molecule that
does not use this chemistry.
So why has it taken so long to develop crosscoupling reactions for trifluoromethyl groups?
After all, the group is simply a methyl group
(CH3) in which all three hydrogen atoms
have been replaced with fluorines, and highly
effective cross-coupling methods for attaching
methyl groups to molecules have been available
for some time. The answer is that the electronic
properties of fluorine atoms are very different
from those of hydrogen atoms, which makes
trifluoromethyl groups much less reactive than
methyl groups for cross-coupling reactions.
Whats more, trifluoromethyl groups are more
prone to undergoing undesired side reactions
in cross-coupling processes.
Enter Cho et al.1, who have used simple
chemicals known as aryl chlorides (Fig. 1) as
starting materials for their reactions. These
compounds are readily available, in part
because they are widely used in other crosscoupling processes. In the authors trifluoromethylation reaction, aryl chlorides react with
a palladium catalyst, forming intermediate
compounds in which a palladium atom has
inserted itself into the carbonchlorine bond
of the aryl chloride so that the palladium is
bound to both the carbon and the chlorine
atoms (Fig. 1a). In the next step of the catalytic cycle, exchange of the chlorine for a trifluoromethyl group (provided by another
starting material) generates another palladium intermediate (Fig. 1b), from which the
desired product in which the chlorine atom
of the aryl chloride has been replaced with a
trifluoromethyl group forms (Fig. 1c). The
overall process is therefore the replacement



NATURE|Vol 466|22 July 2010


Hunting the cause of a population crash

The enigmatic spoon-billed
sandpiper Eurynorhynchus pygmeus
is famed for its bizarre cutleryshaped appendage and the
challenges of observing it.
Sadly, its also known for its
perplexing plunge towards
extinction. it is estimated that only
120220 pairs remain. The birds
summer breeding grounds on the
Russian Chukotskiy peninsula
are inaccessible to all but a few
ornithologists, and despite
occasional sightings across a vast
range from india to Malaysia the
main wintering sites were unknown.
Zckler and colleagues, however,
now show both what the likely
threats are to the overwintering
birds and how those threats might
be reduced (C. Zckler et al. Wader
Study Group Bull. 117, 18; 2010).

With no apparent sign of habitat

degradation at the breeding site,
Zckler and colleagues searched for
the birds wintering area. in January
2010, they found an estimated
half of the global overwintering
population in the Bay of Martaban
in Myanmar. The team identified
one bird that had been tagged with
a leg flag on the breeding grounds
in 2003. Analysis of carbon and
nitrogen isotopes from the few,
winter-grown, feathers collected
when the bird was tagged showed
that this individual was in the centre
of the densest data cluster, implying
that it was in the heart of the
wintering area.
Zckler et al. went further. On
making enquiries, they found
that local hunters use mist nets
to catch birds for the pot: an

of the chlorine atom in the aryl chloride by a

trifluoromethyl group.
An interesting aspect of this work is that
every step of the reaction cycle shown in Figure 1 was already known to work in isolation.
Researchers had discovered that complexes
such as the first palladium intermediate could
be made2; that trifluoromethyl groups could
be attached to palladium3,4; and that carbon
trifluoromethyl bonds can be formed from
palladium complexes3,4. Similar trifluoromethylation reactions of simple molecules have even
been reported57. But for productive catalysis
to make complex molecules, all the individual
steps need to work in synergy in the same
reaction flask, and in the presence of complex





ClPd(II)L n

F3CPd(II)L n

(from TESCF3)

molecules. Rationally designing new catalytic

cycles by bringing together many individual
steps is one of the most challenging aspects of
reaction development, akin to piecing together
the most fiendish of jigsaw puzzles.
For Cho et al.1, the particular challenge was
to develop a palladium catalyst that could support all the individual steps of the cycle, while
avoiding unproductive side reactions such as
the destruction of the trifluoromethyl donor, or
the disintegration of the catalyst itself. The key
to their success was the use of special ligands
molecules that bind to palladium to modify
the properties of the catalyst. The research
lab involved in this work, headed by Stephen
Buchwald, has a history of developing ligands


L nPd(0)

estimated 30,000 shorebirds

are killed annually in this single
bay, which harbours up to 150,000
migratory shorebirds. Most of
the 26 hunters from 15 villages
who were interviewed were familiar
with spoon-billed sandpipers,
and reported regularly catching
Paradoxically, this second
discovery could be good news.
Only five of the interviewees were
full-time professional hunters
and their main targets are much
larger birds. The authors propose
that incentives should be offered
to the villagers to conserve the
birds; village elders may then
ensure that there is no hunting.
Such mechanisms have worked
elsewhere in Myanmar.
Zckler et al. say that, without

Figure 1 | Catalytic cycle for a

trifluoromethylation reaction.Cho et al.1
report a general catalytic reaction for adding
trifluoromethyl groups (CF3) to aromatic
rings. a, The catalytic cycle begins when the
palladium atom of the catalyst inserts itself
into the carbonchlorine bond of an aryl
chloride (such as chlorobenzene, shown
here), to form an intermediate in which
a chloride ligand and an aromatic ring is
bound to the palladium. Pd is palladium;
Ln represents ligands that are attached to
the palladium atom, but which do not
come from the reactants; numbers in
parentheses represent the oxidation state of
the palladium atom. b, The chloride ligand is
displaced by trifluoromethyl groups derived
from triethylsilyltrifluoromethane (TESCF3),
forming a second intermediate. c, This
breaks down to yield the desired product,
regenerating the catalyst so that it can take
part in another catalytic cycle.

2010 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

intervention, the spoon-billed

sandpiper could become extinct
within 1020 years. But now, thanks
to their persistent investigation
and willingness to engage with
local people, it may not. The story
illustrates how conservation is as
much a social science as a biological
one. When the two come together,
there is hope for real change.
Tams Szkely & William J. Sutherland

for cross-coupling reactions. Collectively

known as Buchwald ligands, these are widely
used because they work well for several different cross-coupling reactions. They are effective in the new trifluoromethylation reaction1
because they strike the right balance between
making the palladium centre of the catalysts
reactive enough to accelerate reactions, but
stable enough not to decompose.
Cho and colleagues have launched a Sputnik
shot in the field of trifluoromethylation. There
is no doubt that their work will have an immediate impact by allowing the preparation of
new fluorinated molecules. There is, nevertheless, still a long way to go to make the reaction
truly practical: the reaction conditions need to
become milder; cheaper trifluoromethylating
reagents need to be identified; and the amount
of catalyst used must be lowered. But this initial success1, combined with knowledge about
the reaction mechanism, will guide the future
development of this exciting area of science.
Tobias Ritter is in the Department of Chemistry
and Chemical Biology, Harvard University,
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA.

1. Cho, E. J. et al. Science 328, 16791681 (2010).

2. de Meijere, A. & Diederich, F. (eds) Metal Catalyzed Crosscoupling Reactions 2nd edn (Wiley-VCH, 2004).
3. Grushin, W. V. & Marshall, W. J. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128,
1264412645 (2006).
4. Ball, N. D., Kampf, J. W. & Sanford, M. S. J. Am. Chem. Soc.
132, 28782879 (2010).
5. Dubinina, G. G., Furutachi, H. & Vicic, D. A. J. Am. Chem.
Soc. 130, 86008601 (2008).
6. Oishi, M., Kondo, H. & Amii, H. Chem. Commun. 19091911
7. Wang, X., Truesdale, L. & Yu, J. Q. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132,
36483649 (2010).

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