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An Automatic Video-Object Based Steganographic System for Multi-Use

Message Hiding Using Wavelet Transform

Klimis S . Ntalianis, Nikolaos D. Doulamis, Anastasios D. Doulamis, and Stefanos D. Kollias
National Technical University of Athens, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering

9, Iroon Polytechniou se., Zografou, Athens, 157-73, GREECE

steganographic system is proposed in this paper for multiuse message biding. Initially video objets from different
images are selected and for each video object a message is
embedded into its most significant wavelet coefiidents to
provide invisibility and resistance against lossy
tnnsmksion or otber distortion. The architecture conshts
of three moduk. In the first moduk initial messages are
enciphered using one or more encryption algorithms. The
enciphered messages are imprinted onto whitebackground images to construct the messageimages to be
hidden. In the second module each of tbe cover video
objects is dwornposed into two levels with seven
subband8 using the DWT. Next QualiFed Significant
Wavelet Trees (QSWTs), which are paths of significaot
wavelet coellicientg are estimated for the highest energy
pair of subbands of each video object. During the third
module each messageimage is redundantb embedded to
the caellicients of the best QSWTs of a video object nnd
the IDWT is applied to provide the stego-objed In the
last stage stego-objects are combined to provide the fmal
content to be transmitted. Experimental results under
various loss rates indicate the robusbess and ellicieacy of
the proposed stegaoograpbic system.







A significant interest for hiding and enciphering systems

has appeared during the last decade, mainly due to two

reasons. Firstly, telecommunication and publishing indumies
have become interested in biding copyright marks
(watermarks) in digital media such as audio, video,
docnments etc., foreseeing the urgent need for intellectual
property protection. Secondly, decisions by various
governments to consider stmng eocryption algorithms out of
law have motivated people to study methods by which
enciphered messages can be embedded in seemingly
imocuo\s cover media [I]. Fwthermore the need for privacy
and sufficient security in several applications such as ebunking, mobile telephony, medical data interchanging etc.,
is rapidly increasing.
To confiord the content security problem cryptography
and steganography were proposed, where c'yptographic
algorithms scramble messages so that they cannot be
understood, while steganographic methods hide messages so
that they cannot be seen. Generally, steganagraphy utilizes
the typical digital media such as text, images, audio or video

files as a carrier (called a host or cover signal) for hiding

private information in such a way that unauthorized parties
cannot detect or even notice its presence.
On the other hand the MPEG-4 standard introduced Video
objects (VOs) which are semantic entities (e.g. a buman, a
building etc.) ready for independent acquisition, editing,
coding and distribution. These semantic entities make the
produced content far more reusable and nexible, leading to a
migration tiom hne-based to object-based consideration of
digital media.
Several steganographic algorithms have been proposed in
literature most of which are performed in pixel domain,
where more embedding space (capacity) [Z] is provided
Many of the existing approaches are based on Least
Significant Bit (LSB)insenioq where the LSBs of the cover
file are directly changed with message bits. Examples of LSE
schemes can be found in [31, 141. LSB manipulation
programs also exist for several image formats and can be
faund in [5]. However, LSE methods are dnerable to
extraction as pointed out in several works [61, [71, 181.
Additionally LSE techniques are very seositive to image
manipulations. For example convening an image from BMP
to P E G and then back would deswoy the hidden information
[6]. Furthermore if an enciphered message is LSE-embedded
and transmitted over an error prone network then it may not
be poss&le to decipher it, even in case of liule losses.
On the other hand, a limited number of methods to
confront these problems has been proposed. In [9] spread
spcxtnun image steganography (SSIS) was introduced. The
SSIS incorporated the use of error control codes to correct the
large numbcr of bit errors. In [IO] the message is hidden in
the signhit values of insignificant children of the detail
subbands in non-smooth regions of the image. Using this
technique stegaographic messages can be send in lossy
environments, with some robuslness against detection or
attack. However low losses are considered and the problem
of compression remains.
In this paper an efficient wavelet-based steganographic
method is proposed for message hiding into video objects.
The main advantages of the proposed system are: (a) hidden
messages are perceptually invisible, statistically undetectable
and thus difficult to extract, @) stegwbjects present
significant resistance against lossy transmission since the
message-image is embedded to their most significaat wavelet
coefficients, (c) different messages can be created by
synthesizing different stegodbjects to produce particular
content and (d) several messages can be compactly
transmitted and separately retrieved according to
authorization privileges. In particular in the proposed system

0 2002 IEEE SMC


Messagk N

Stereoscopic Pairs-

Video Objects
Extraction Module

Im rint






QSWTs Detection Module


Figure 1: System overview

the initial message is enciphered using one of the encwtion
methods proposed in literature [Ill. Afternards the ciphermessage is imprinted onto a white-background image to
c o n m c t the message-image to be hidden By imprinting the
cipher-message onto an image, the amount of information to
be hidden is reduced, hut the robuhless against transmission
losses or other distortion increases substantially. Then a
proper cover video object is selected according to the size of
the fmal message and is decomposed into two levels by the
separable 2-D wavelet transform, providing tJuw pain of
subbands (HLaHL,),
(MaLH,)and (HH2,HH,): Next, the
pair of subbands with the highest energy content IS detected
and a Qualified Significant Wavelet Trees (QSWTs)
approach similar to [I21 is proposed in order to select the
coefficients where the final message should he casted.
QSWTs, which are based on the defmition of the EZW
algorithm [13], are bigbcnergy paths of wavelet coefficients
and enable adaptive casting of the message-image energy in
different resolutions, achieving resistant information
embedding. Finally the message is redundantly embedded to
both subhands of the selected pair, using a non-linear
insertion procedun that adapts the messagc to the energy of
each wavelet coefficient. Differences between the original
and the stego-ohja are imperceptible to human eyes, while
messages can be retrieved even under severe transmission
losses. Experimental results exhibit the efficiency and
robusmess of the proposed VO-based steganographic
scheme. An overview of the proposed system is presented in
Figure I.

Coefficients with local information in the subbands are

chosen as the target coefficients for hiding a message.
Coefficients selection is based on QSWTs derived from EZW
[I31 and the basic definitions are given below.
Fintly a parmt-child relationshp, is defmed between
wavelet coefficients at different scales. corresponding to the
same location. Excepting the highest fralumcy subhands (i.e.
HL,,LH,,and HHI),every coefficient at a given scale can be
related to a set of coefficients at the next finer scale of similar
orientation. The coefficient at the come scale is called the
parent, and all coefficients corresponding to the same spatial
location at the next finer scale of similar orientation are
called children. For a given parent, the set of all coefficients
at all finer scales of similar orientation corresponding to the
same location are called descendants.
Definition 1: A wavelet coefficient xn(i& D is a parent
of xr,(p,q)). where D is a subband labeled XL., LH,,HH,.
p=tP2-1 Ii.2, g-j.2-lji*2,n>l, D 1 a n d p l .
Definition 2 If a wavelet coefficient x.(i,j) at the coarsest
satisfy k,,(ij)l<T,
scale and its descendants x,&J
for a given threshold T, then they are called
wavelet mouecs, where I&
Definition 3: If a wavelet coefficient x.(ij) at the coarsest
scale satisfy kn(ij)l>T,for a given threshold T, then x&) is
called a significant coefficient [13].
Definition 4; If a wavelet coefficient x,,(ij) E D at the
coarsest scale is a parent of x,,@.q), where D is a subband
labeled HL, LH,, HH., satisfy kn(ij)l>Tl,Lr..,(p,.q)l>T~for
given thresholds T, and T,, then x&)
and its children are
called a QSWT



By applying the DWT once to a video object, four parts of
high, middle, and low frequencies (i.e. LL,,HL,,LH,,HH,)
are produced, where subbands HL,, LH,and HH, contain the
finest scale wavelet coefficients. The next coarser scale
wavelet cwfficients can be obtained by decomposing and
critically sub-sampling subband LL,. This process can be
repeated several times, based on the specific application.
Furthermore the original video object can be reconstructed
using the IDWT. In the proposed steganographic scheme,




the proposed stcganugnphic method one of the initial
steps includes finding the QSWTs for a pau of subbands of
the cuver vidco oblect. Towads this direction let us w u m e
that thc cover video object IS decomposed into W O L v C l S
using the DWT to provide three pairs of rubbands:
P,:( H L , HL#).P2:(LH,.LH,) and P,. (HH,. HH,). In the

Figure 2: Unsupe~sedemaction of the fmt cova video object. (a) Original left channel. @) Original right channel. (c) Color
segments mask. (d) Depth segments mask. (e) Projection of the color segments onto the depth segments mask. (0Fusion of the
color segments belonging to the same depth segment. (s) Extracted foreground video object.

pmposed scheme the selected pair contains the high&

energy content compared to the other two pairs. This can be
expressed a.:
Select P; Ep, = mm(Ep,, E n , EpI),where
E p k = Y E [ x z ( i j ) I 2 + [~x ,~( ~ J ) ] ~


Forj=l toMpl

I* M~zxNp,isthesizeofsubbandLHz'l


i=l j - I



with xz(iJ)ER. R={HLa LHA HHd, x~(p,&S.

S=(HL,. LH,, HH,) and Mpix Npk is the size of one of the
subbands at level 2.


The Hiding Strategy

After selecting the pair of subbank containing the highest

energy content, QSWTs are found for this pair and the final
message is embedded by modifying the values of the detected
QSWTs. Let us assum without loss of generality that pair
P,: QH2,Lff,) is selected. Initially the threshold values of
each subband are estimated as:

Next QSWTs are detected according to the following


End If

End If
End Forj
End Fori
Afterwards swnmatiou of the coefficientso f QSWT[i] for
i-0 to I is calculated and if the final message-image is of size
axb then the top axb QSWTs (according lo summation) we
selected for embedding the message. For this reason initially
the gray levels of the fmal message-image are sorted in
descending order prcducbg a gay-levels mahix. Then for
i=l to axb the coefficients +CO of the gray-levelsmatrix are
embedded as follows:
X ' k i J F X2(iJI*(l+CZX wfil)),
where x2(ij)ELHz, c2 is a scaling ,constant that balances
unobsmcmess and robustness and x&' is a coefficient of
the LH2 subband ofthe stego-object. This non-linear insertion



Figure 3: Unsupavised extraction of the second mver video object. (a) Original lefl channel. @) Extracted foreground video object.
procedure is similar to [ 141 and adapts the message to the
energy of each wavelet coefficient. Thereby when x&> is
small, the embedded message energy is also small to avoid
artifacts, while when xt(ij> is large the embedded message
energy is increased for robustness, Similarly for the
coefficients of subband LH, we have:



Finally the two-dimensional IDWT is applied to the

modified and unchanged subbands to form the stegoobject.



Considering that the s t e g w b j m (or a distorted version of

it) has reached its destination, the message-image is initially
e x w e d by following a reverse to the embedding method
process. Towards this direction let us assume that the
recipient of the stego-object has also received the size of the
message-image (axb), the scaling conslants (CI, cj) and
possesses the original cover video object. Then the following
Steps are performed in the recipient's side:
Stepl: Initially the received stegoabject X' and original
video object X are decomposed into two levels with seven
subbands using the DWT,




Step2 Using the size of message-image (axb). the
embedded posihons are delccted by ~&OWI& the hidmg
process deseribed in rubsenion 3.1. Then the coefftc~cntsof
subband LH?(LHI)of Y are subtracted fmm the cocfbcnts
of subband LH, (LH,)of Y and the result IS scaled down by
thc value of coefficient of Lfl> (LII,) of Y, multiplied hy e,

Fori=l t o a x b



X,"II (X,%,)



Sle 3 The resulting hidden message cocflicicnts w1("

and w'! are averaged and muranged to provide B e hidden

St~p4:The original message is recovered by decrypting
the cnciphcmd mcssagc. impinled onto thc message-image.


The cffectivenes, and robusmess of the proposed video
oblect-based steganographic system har been exlens8vely
cvaluatcd under v3nou1 ~CSIS, using real life wico ObJeCL?. In
particular fmtly two cover video Objccts WCILIunsupxvlsedly
extraced using the technique drscibed tn [ I SI. According to

this technique for a given stereoscopic pau of images a depth

segments and a color segments map are initially produced,
using stereoscopic analysis techniques and incorporating a
segmentation algorithm. Then color segments are projected
onto the depth segments map and fused according to their
degree of overlap with the depth segments to extract the
video objects. Video object e m t i o n results are depicted in
Figure 2. In particular in Figures 2(a) and 2(b) the left and
right channels of a stereoscopic pair of frames are depicted,
while in 2(c) and 2(d) the color segments and depth segments
masks are presented. Then in Figures 2(e) and 2 ( f ~projection
of color segments onto the depth segments mask and color
segments fusion are shown. Finally the extracted foreground
video objecl is depicted in Figure 2@). The second COVR
video object is shown in Figure 3, where the original left
channel is presented in Figure 3(a) and the extracted
foreground video object can be seen in 3@). In the performed
experiments two messages were used to be bidden (one for
each video object). The fmt, consisting of 35 characten
(excluding spaces) was: " S T E W OBJECTS FOR SECURE
COMUUNICATIONS' and it was hidden to the video object
of Figure 2(g). The s w n d message, consisting of 36
CRYPTOGWHY" and it was hidden to the video object of
Figure 3@). For simplification purposes both messages were
encipheted using a modified version of the Hill Cipher [I I].
However different algorithms can also be used, either to
make messages more diSieultto be retrieved by unauthorized
parties or to provide a layered message access according to
different privileges (case of multiple content-recipients). The
enciphelld messages were imprinted onto white-backgrourd
images to provide the message-images. The message-image
of the first case (32x88 pixels) can be seen in Figure 4(a),
while the message-image of the second case (34x93 pixels) is
presented in Figureqc).
Then according to the sires of the message-images, the
top 32x88 QSWTs were selected for the fmt cover video
object and the top 34x93 QSWTs were found for the second
cover video object to embed the message-images. For
simplicity in the performed experiments c, and cz were fued
in all frequency bands and were chosen to be ci;o.l5 and
c d . 2 . The stegwbjms can be seen in Figures 4@) and
4(d) respectively. As it can be observed the embedded
messages have caused imperceptible changes to the video
Next resistance of the pmposed system is investigated.
Towards this direction initially the final content to be
transmitted was created, by synthesizing the two stegoobjects and a background video object without any hidden



Figure 4:Final content generation (a) Message-image of the fmt case. @) Steg+object of the first case ( P S M . 42.3 dB). (c) Messageimage of the second case. (d) Stego+bject of the second case (PSNR: 445 dEl). (e) Synthesized fmal content using the two stegoubjects
and a backgroundvideo object.


Table 11: Message retrieval results for the stego-object of Figure 4(d), under different combinations of compression ratios and
The final content image i s depicted in Figure 4(e). This
image was then tested under different JPEG compression
ratios and Various Bit Error Rates (BERs). In particular
compression ratios of 2.6.and 5.1 were used to decrease the
mount of data. Then lossy transmission simulations were
performed for 3 different BERs of 3x104, IxIlT and 3 ~ 1 0 . ~
for the compressed fmal content image, considering that
typical average BERs for cellular mobile radio channels are
between IO and ID- [16]. Results of the message-images
for the fmt and second video objects are given in
Tables I and II respectively. In these tables PSNRs have been

estimated for the stego-objects afler the performed

combinations of compression and lossy transmission. Finally
in the two tables the retrieved messages are also presented
As it can be observed even under heavy transmission losses
the retrieved messages are still clearly readable.


Security is one of the major factors to be considered when
designing communication nehuorks to exchange secret or
personal information. SteganokFphy by
does not

ensure secrecy but when combined with cryptography, more

secure communication systems can be produced.
In this paper a wavelet-based stegaoographic system is
proposed, which bides information in the most significant
wavelet-cwfficient trees (QSWTs) of cover video objects.
Hidden messages are perceptually invisible, statistically
undetectable and thus difficult to extract The systems main
aim is to provide resistance of the hidden messages under
compression and transmission losses, in c o n a t to most
existing systems that focus on capacity issues. For this reason
the enciphered message is first imprinted onto a whitebackground image before being embedded to the cover video
object. The produced fml content to be transmitted can be
synthesized using one or more stegwbjects and other plain
video objects. The fml content-image presents more
robustness against losses or other distortion since content is
synthesized and not predetermined as in other systems.
Funhermore multiple messages can be transmitted and
separately retrieved according to autholization privileges, by
synthesizing different stegwbjects. The systems
performance has been evaluated under several combinations
of compression ratios and transmission losses, providing very
promising results. Funhemore, it should be mentioned that
in the performed experiments text messages have been
considered. Nevertheless any type of digital media (e.g.
binary/ peyscale/color images, audio, graphics etc.) can be
hidden by d i n g minor modifications to the proposed
In fume research, oblivious message retrieval methods
should be implemented and the problem of increasing
information capacity of the final content should also be
investigated in more detail.


The authors wish to thank MI. Chas Girdwood, for

providing the stereoscopic sequence Eye to Eye, produced
in the framework of ACTS MIRAGE project and Dr.
Siegmund Pastoor for providing the stereoscopic video
sequences of the DISTIMA project. This research is funded
by the State Scholarships Foundation of Greece.


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