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Historical Notes on Religion

True religion and true spirituality is not a liability, but an asset to the development of a
human being. It can calm emotions and give insight pertaining to the true value of a
person. I write on such things, because I like to study about religion and it gives a keen
perspective about the fact that man is more than the sun of atoms or electro-chemical
reactions. Man is a physical and spiritual being with great value, and with the power to have
a functioning, authentic connection with Almighty God. The story of Christianity begins
with the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. The time frame was exactly in the time of Augustus.
It's tied up with the Roman Empire from the start. Jesus was a prophet from Galilee, which
is the Northern province of the Roman called area of Palestine (or exactly Israel). The
Romans ruled their Empire over lands, but they usually didn't interfere with the local
governments. Israel was difficult to rule since the people to the Romans were
stiffnecked and found them strange, etc. Some Jewish people talked about how God
was more powerful than their false gods, which is true. The Roman Empire didn't
concern themselves with the religious mores of the people unless when it caused
trouble for them. Jesus wasn't encouraging Jewish people to overthrow the Roman
Empire by violence, but change their lives and be worthy of his support. God the Father,
who could be firm to help his people (of Jews and Gentiles) showed his love by sending his
Son to the world. Jesus said that the Kingdom of God wasn't of this world. Jesus Christ
focuses more so on the spiritual kingdom and he formed the New Covenant. The New
covenant wanted people to love one another and promoted the belief that all men are your
brothers and sisters. The poor and the downtrodden loved this message. Most of the
wealth back then was among the aristocracy. This was frustrating the rabbis (of the Pharisee
sect, primarily the educated but not aristocratic rulers of Israel), because Jesus Christ's
followers were calling him the Messiah and restorer of the Jewish people. The Pharisees
refused to call him the Messiah and believed that he was a false prophet. The Pharisees had
to convince the Sanhedrin (or the Judges) that Jesus was a threat. The Sanhedrin acted like
they were conservative and criticized Jesus. The Romans via Pontius Pilate were
convinced to kill Jesus Christ as an insurrectionist when he wasn't. Jesus was
innocent of the charges and was mocked as the "King of the Jews." After Jesus Christ's
death and resurrection, Christianity spread like wildfire. The reason is that the resurrection
was a cornerstone of the faith and many witness in the 1st century saw Jesus after his
resurrection and before his ascension into Heaven to be with God the Father. Peter was the
most famous apostle of Christianity. He said that the Gospel is meant for all men (that
means Jewish people & Gentiles). Paul of Tarsus was a Jewish person of the Benjamin tribe.
He persecuted Christians until he had a religious visions from Jesus Christ asking why is he
persecuting him (and his believers). Paul was blinded and became the Apostle Paul. He
converted to Christianity and was on route to Damascus. Easily, Paul was one of the
greatest missionaries in religious history. Paul is the common figure in quoting Christian
doctrine. He believed that the Messiah came to Earth for the benefit of all people. He led
converts in Asia Minor, Greece, Italy, and other places. Peter and Paul died at the hands of
the Romans under the Emperor Nero. The Book of Revelation is the last book of the Bible.
It was written by the Apostle Paul and it was finished near 100 A.D. Some scholars believe
that the 7 Churches of Ephesus, Symrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and
Loadicea outline the 7 Church ages in religious history. All of these places are in Asia Minor
or Turkey. The churches are described in Revelation Chapter 2 and 3. Of course, the
Laodicea era is the last era that some like the author John Daniel believe pertain to our
generation from 1945 to the Rapture of Church.

Polycarp believed that God’s grace saved people not by works alone. Even Cyprian
gave a speech in the Council of Carthage issuing the truth that no man should set
himself up as a “bishop of bishops.“ Centralized authority of religious leaders can by
gradual development. Hippolytus was one of the most articulate early church leaders
that refuted Modalist and Gnostic heresies. Religious History is something to learn.
Christianity in Britain existed for a long time. Christians spread as far as Britain as
early as the 2nd century A.D. Aristobulus is said to experience martyrdom in Britain
during the 100’s A.D. Hippolytus numbered him as one of the 70 disciples, who was
the brother of Barnabas. He preached the Gospel to the Celts of Northern Spain
before his arrival into Britain. It was about A.D. 200 that Tertullian wrote thus: "Parts
of Britain were inaccessible to the Romans but have yielded to Christ." Christianity
spread fast from Israel into Alexandria, Greece, Asia, North Africa, Gaul, and
England. There has been found in the 200’s and 300’s A.D. of smal timber churches
suggested at Lincoln plus Silchester and baptismal fonts (being found in Icklington
and the Saxon Shore Fort at Richborough). The Icklingham font is made of lead, and
visible in the British Museum. A Roman Christian graveyard exists at the same site in
Icklingham. Christians in the UK converted the Druids. The Druids were pagans
worshipping idols and Nature with human sacrifices even. Diocletian had his savage
Christian persecution in the 3rd century A.D. Some martyrs under the region of
Emperor Diocletian include At. Albans, Aaron, and Julius of Caerloen. Later, apostate
Christianity from Rome came into the UK by the 500's A.D. in a serious level. In the
Middle Ages, Christians believed in God and faced persecuted by the Roman Catholic
Church. Heresises like Gnosticism believe that Jesus Christ was a spiritual being only
bashing the physical material reality. Yet, the Bible is clear that Jesus Christ came
into the flesh: “…Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus
Christ is come in the flesh is of God: every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has
come in the flesh is not of God…” (1 John 4:2) and "whosoever shall confess that JESUS
IS THE SON OF GOD, God dwelleth in him and he in God." (1 John 4:12).

Apostate Christianity grew into higher levels via the advent of Emperor Constantine
of Rome. Now, before that time, Christians were heavily persecuted. The greatest
persecution in that era occurred under Diocletian of course. Now, Constantine
claimed that he had a vision of a voice to say Under this sign conquer. So, he placed
on his military insignia, the pagan Chi-Rho image, to defeat his military rivals for
control of the Roman Empire. After he became Roman Emperor, he legalized
Christianity as an established religion to be protected from persecution. The catch is
that the Christians approved by the Roman Empire would be safe. Independent
Christian groups & pagans were heavily persecuted by the Roman authorities. I don’t
agree with the pagans’ religious views, but even they shouldn’t be murdered because
of their personal creed. Constantine united the Church and the State, which isn’t
mentioned in a word of the Scriptures. Constantine the Great, who had joined church and
state in the Roman Empire and had thereby laid the foundation for the establishment of the
Roman Catholic Church, hired Eusebius to produce some Greek New Testaments. Frederick
Nolan and other authorities have charged Eusebius with making many changes in the text of
Scripture. “…As it is thus apparent that Eusebius wanted not the power, so it may be shewn
that he wanted not the will, to make those alterations in the sacred text, with which I have
ventured to accuse him..” (Nolan, Inquiry into the Integrity of the Greek Vulgate, p. 35).
Constantine further centralized power in religion by supporting the Council of Nicea
in 325 A.D. Church history by some is described by Pre-Nicene and Post-Nicene. The
Council of Nicea opposed Arianism and believed in the Trinity. Arianism came from
Arius. Arius was a teacher who believed that Jesus Christ was a great man, but not
equal to God the Father. In other words, to Arius, Jesus was a super human being
greater than humans but not God exactly. This heresy set the stage for the creation
of the Jehovah Witness, Oneness theology, etc. Critics of it believe that it centralized
the church into fewer hands instead of making the church’s authority to be more
decentralized (as found in the Bible). Constantine of course wasn’t a real Christian
since he was a closet sun worshipper and wasn’t baptized until he was on his death
bed. He promoted a government theocracy. Theodosius I made Christianity the state
religion of the Roman Empire in 391 A.D. The truth is that the Catholic Church never
gave us the Bible. God gave us the Bible via Jewish people (except Luke). The
writings of the Bible were already finished by ca. 100 A.D. long before modern
Romanism came about.

Early church people rejected the creeping heresies trying to influence Christendom.
Vigilantius lived form 364-408 A.D. He was born in South France near the Pyrenees Mts. He
was converted by Christian travelers and associated with Sculpicius Severus, a writer who
feed the hungry , clothe the poor, and visited the sick, while he engaged in many literary
labors. He later met Martin, bishop of Tours where he began to be against Monasticism.
Sculpicius reluctantly followed asceticism, a way of life that undermined the doctrine of
Christ's one sacrifice, etc. He later became a messenger to Paulinus of Nola, Italy. He
witnessed paganism firsthand. Monasticism is from Buddhism and Egypt not Christianity
popularized by heretic Anthony from Egypt. He later meet Jerome of Bethlehem and
developed a good relationship in the beginning. He also visited Rufinus at Jerusalem then
he broke his silence to publicly speak out against monasticism and asceticism to promote
the gospel's simplicity. At 404 A.D., Jerome began his propaganda campaign lies about
Vigilantius. At the Cottian Alps, Vigilantius started to end pagan ceremonies. That
region was against mandatory celibacy and vows of continence as well. The Alpine
Church of France and Italy welcomed Vigilantius with open arms and his preaching was
powerful. According to Jerome's letter to Reparius, Vigilantius denounced church
mandatory celibacy of clergy, lighted tapers, the worship or veneration of relics, all-night
vigils, and prayers to the dead. He just opposed false superstitions which is biblical. He also
opposed relics on bones, institution of monks, etc. Unfortunately, none of his writings exist
today. He wrote literature opposed to Arians not making him an Arian.
One of the Christians in the Middle Ages were the Waldensians. They translated the Bible in
their own tongue in trying to spread the Gospel to other people. Many false accusations
were made by them by Roman Catholics and professing Christians. The big lie made
against the Waldensians is that they were collectively a bunch of Gnostics running around
like heretics expressing their viewpoint. That lie is erroneous and inaccurate since real
sources show that the Waldesnians back in the 1200’s to the 1600’s believed in
mainstream, orthodox Christianity. The Paulicians and the Albigensians were indeed
Gnostic in their religious cosmology (Gnosticism teach that God created the whole spiritual
world, while Satan created all of the material world. Gnosticism don‘t like Yahveh since he
created the physical world. Therefore, Gnosticism is a heretical view in that they reverse the
Biblical account of God), but not the Waldenses people collectively. The Waldensians unlike
the Gnostics praise the Old Testament books of the Bible that views God as the creator of
the physical and spiritual world. Their confession of faith dated in 1120 by Morland
mention that: “…Article 3: We acknowledge for the holy canonical Scriptures, the Books of
the Holy Bible, viz. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. . . .
Article 4: The Books above said teach this, that there is one God, Almighty, all wise, and all
good, who has made all things by His goodness, for He formed Adam in His own image
and likeness, but that by the envy of the Devil, and the disobedience of the said Adam, sin
has entered into the world, and that we are sinners in Adam and by Adam…” SO, the
Waldenses were creationists in believing in worshipping God, who created the material
world that the Manichaeans or Gnostics didn’t worship. Many Waldesnsians were married
and rejected mandatory celibacy as found in Article 9 of their confession and the 1532
confession of Angrogne. The Waldensians spread the Gospel, refuting Papal priests, and
were heavily persecuted by the Roman Catholic Church authorities because of their
religious doctrines.
You can’t really conceive of the full scale of church history without expounding the evil
history of the Inquisition. The Inquisition represents the evil of murdering plus torturing
fellow human beings for the reason of theological, political, or ideological differences. We
can easily disagree with each other on issues without being violently disagreeable. Millions
of people died by the Inquisition. The Inquisition include a lot of events. Pope Innocent IV
in 1252 supported inquisitorial procedures like seizing property from people called a
“heretic,“ having a magistrate to deal with an inquisitorial commission (whose salaries are
paid by the State), torture, and other evils. This was issued by Innocent IV in his bull called
AS EXTIRPANDA. The St. Bartholomew massacre was on extension of the Inquisition. It
occurred on August 22, 1572. Admiral Coligny was the chief Protestant leader in France.
Later in that day, Catholics murdered Coligny and thousands of Protestants in France. Over
20,000 people were killed. Protestantism in France was radically decreased after that
incident. The Inquisition lasted for so long that it that it was ended in the 1800’s lasting
centuries according to the words of Avro Manhattan via his article entitled, “Unholy
Mother of Intolerance The Inquisition” : “…Indeed, in Europe torture was still enforced
by all the Tribunals of the Holy Inquisition until the last century, the pope being forced to
abolish it only in 1816. It was Napoleon, who entered Madrid in 1808, who was to abolish
the Inquisition. When the Spanish Parliament in 1813 declared it incompatible with the
Constitution, the Vatican protested. Super-Catholic Ferdinand VII restored it in 1814, with
the full approval of the Church. The Holy Inquisition was finally suppressed by the Liberals
in July, 1834...” Yet, the name of the Inquisition today is change into the “Supreme Sacred
Congregation of the Holy Office.” This was done by Pope Pius X in 1908 then it became the
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in 1965. Pope Benedict XVI was one apart of the
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
1453 was one of the biggest moments in religious history. It was when
Constantinople was conquered by the Ottoman Muslim Turkish people.
Constantinople was weakened by the Crusade that harmed the residents and property
of that city. Constantinople has the stable currency called the bezant lasting centuries.
The Black Death killed people in that region and in Europe plus Asia during the 1400’s.
It isn’t a secret that the Vatican wanted to control mostly-then Orthodox
Constantinople (being built on 7 hills as called the New Rome). The Council of
Florence, which ended on July 5, 1439, was the last great desperate effort by
Old Rome to end the Great Schism before the conquest of Constantinople by
the Turks. Constantine XI (from 1449 to 1453) was the last Roman Emperor
since he refused to bow down to Islam (pray 5 times a day, etc.). The Emperor
died in battle with the Turkish armies. The Turkish Muslims slaughtered men, women,
and children in St. Sophia’s Church and they used some young women as concubines in
the harem of the Sultan Mehmed II. In that time, Greek scholars were in that city. In fear
of a theocracies, these Greek scholar migrated into Italy with their manuscripts. These
manuscripts were the basis for the Textus Receptus. These scholars educated many
people in the Universities not only in Italy, but throughout Europe. Ben Chayyim has a
famous history in religion as well. His total name was Abraham Ben Chayyim. His work
was the Ben Chayyin Massoretic Text. This text was the underlining text of the Old
Testament of the King James Bible. Ben Chayim was once a Jewish rabbi and then he
became a converted born again Christian later on. The Massorets were scribes that had a
responsibility to keep and guard the text of the Old Testament. They preserved it well
indeed. The Ben Chayyim Massoretic text has been respected by all spectrums of translation
scholars. This text was based on the majority of manuscripts available. Strict rules were
made in translating the Old Testament with even counting words, counting letters, and
getting rid of a manuscript even if one mistake was one on the manuscript. The
Traditional Chayyim Text can lay claim to be uninterrupted in preservation of the Old
Testament from the time of David (as found in Psalm 12) until now in 2010. John Wycliffe
produced an early English translation of the Bible. He was an Oxford Professor and
theologian. He was so hated by the Catholic that years after his death, Roman Catholic
authorities burned his bones and threw them in the river. Even John Wycliffe’s assistant
John Hus was burned at the stake.

The Reformation had an interesting history in it of itself. The Reformation tried to do the
right thing, but some Protestants in the Reformation were infiltrated by Rosicrucians and
they didn't totally separate themselves from the Papacy. That's a historical fact. The
Protestant Reformation certainly made great contributions in our society, yet even
all of the Protestants weren't perfect. I don't believe in one extreme saying that all
of the Protestants were influenced by the Rosicurians (having little benefit for the
human race) or the other extreme saying that the Protestants were all loving and all
tolerant of differing religious points of view. The truth is in between those 2
extremes. You have to acknowledge much of the political and religious liberties that
we enjoy in America proceeded in great measure from the Reformation. Although,
many Protestants have made contributions in history that I do respect from taking religious
plus political liberties to another level, etc. A desire for reform in the Catholic Church came
from within that apostate church. Indulgences, ignorance by priests, the banning of the
common man to read or write the Bible in his or her own tongue, and other abuses came
about. Erasmus in his work taught was Jesus was the role model in which Christians should
act like. Erasmus spoke 8 languages like Aramaic. He was so brilliant that the Vatican
invited Erasmus to become a monk, but he refused since he wanted to promote certain
knowledge. He desired a spiritual reform of the heresies in the Roman Catholic Church. He
was especially respected even in Northern Europe. Erasmus believed that all knowledge
and truth comes from God. Erasmus said the following about the Holy Scriptures and
his life:

"All I ask for is the leisure to live wholly to God, to repent of the sins of my foolish
youth, to study Holy Scriptures, and to read or write something of real value. I could
do nothing of this , in a convent." (J.A. Froude, The Life and Letters of Erasmus
[New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1894], p. 25).

In 1505 he wrote, "I shall sit down to Holy Scriptures with my whole heart, and
devote the rest of my life to it… all these three years I have been working entirely at
Greek and have not been , playing with it." (J.A. Froude, The Life and Letters of
Erasmus, p. 87).

A Protestant pastor preached his funeral sermon and the money that he left was used
to help Protestant refugees. In 1559, Pope Paul IV placed everything that Erasmus
had ever written on the Index of Forbidden Books. So, Erasmus wasn’t on good
standing with the Roman Catholic Church at all. The Textus Receptus script beginning
started by Erasmus was completed by others (by the names of Stephens, Beza, and Elzevir).
Catholicism breaks with Martin Luther later. Luther was a very serious professing Christian
that tried to lead Christian reforms. Luther was apart of Germany. He was brilliant as a
young scholar and he was already teaching at Wittenburg in his mid 20's. He taught
theology to monks. He was an Augustinian monk of the Strict Observance in a Germany
monastery. The Strict Observance is the name given by Baron von Hund, which is apart of
Freemasonry. When Martin Luther had a religious experience in finding out that salvation
was by grace through faith not by works. Pope Leo X's indulgences (or people paying taxes
to the Roman Catholic Church for salvation or elimination from purgatory, which is a
heresy) caused Luther extreme angry. The reason is that indulgences was a form of bribery
to benefit the Papacy in order to create building projects, etc. Luther rejected the Pope
being the Vicar of Christ. According to a report written by Philipp Melanchthon, Luther
posted the Ninety-Five Theses at the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany on October 31,
1517. The Prince of Wittenberg agreed with Luther. Pope Leo X responded by
excommunicating Martin Luther and the Prince. From then now, Luther's life was in danger
and Catholics wanted to kill him. This caused Lutheranism to be formed. John Calvin was
another reformer. He fled from France into Switzerland. He denied the real presence
physically in communion (disagreeing with Luther and the Pope on this issue). He was once
apart of the University of Paris. In Geneva, Calvin formed his government. John Calvin
promoted many biblical truths and made errors especially inside of his theocracy of
Geneva. John Calvin believed in Augustine's version of predestination. Anabaptists were
persecuted by both Protestants and Catholics, because they believe that all men are equals,
that only believing adults receive baptism (as the Bible says), there is no complex hierarchy
in the church, and that church & state should be separated. Scholars believe that
Anabaptists lead into the development of the Quakers, Memmonites, etc. Anabaptists
influenced the Baptists, but the Baptists came from the English Separatism Movement.
Roger Williams and John Clarke formed early Baptists churches. Each man desired to
promote religious freedom. Baptists reject infant baptism as I do. Baptists were persecuted
by some Protestants as well, because Baptists reject infant baptism. BALTHASAR
HUBMAIER was a famous Anabaptist leader. He worked with Zwingli to oppose Roman
Catholicism. He was murdered since Balthasar rightfully exposed infant baptism as a heresy.
BY FAITH IN CHRIST!” Humphrey Middleton was one of the Baptists that were kept
imprisoned for years during Edward’s reign. This brutal tactic was supported by the
Protestant reformer Thomas Cranmer. Crammer would be burned by the murdered Bloody
Mary. Even Baptists were persecuted in the days of Queen Elizabeth I. Langley, in his
English Baptists before 1602, mentions churches in nine counties that trace their origin to
the days between 1576 and 1600. One Anabaptist burned at the stake was HENDRICK
TERWOOKT. He was only 25 years old. In 1615, the Baptists petitioned King James for
freedom of religion. They stated their doctrine plainly and proved from Scripture that it is
not the will of Christ that Christians persecute those who have different beliefs. This, too,
was rejected. Even in the 1700’s, Baptists were persecuted in America by the Church of
England or the Anglican Church. On June 4, 1768, several Baptists were arrested in
Spottsylvania, Virginia and imprisoned. Among these were John Waller, Lewis Craig, and
James Childs. They spent almost six weeks in prison. Likewise, the Protestants earnestly
sought religious liberty from the Roman Catholics. When they obtained it, some of them
refused to grant the same to the Baptists, though the latter pleaded with them humbly and
quoted the Scriptures in a most sensible and godly fashion. We can disagree with heretics
and not have fellowship religiously with them. Yet, we shouldn’t force them to believe like
we believe, persecute them, or kill them because of differences of thought. That is immoral
and wrong. My family are mostly Baptists and I am an Independent Baptist myself.

Rome responded to the Reformation by forming the Counter-Reformation, which was evil.
The Catholic Church wanted to respond to the challenges of the teachings. The One of the
earliest responses in the Counter Reformation was the Council of Trent, which was
supported by the Jesuits. The Council of Trent was a decree made by the Vatican and the
Jesuits from Trent, Italy as a product of a meeting from 1545-1563. It promoted Catholic
doctrine and condemned as anathema (or damned to Hell) those people who believe that
man can’t get salvation by his or herself, who believe that purgatory is wrong, who believe
that veneration of relics is evil, and believe that the Bible has the right to be accurately
translated in a person’s own tongue. The bashing of Bible translation by Rome didn’t end
with the Council of Trent. Pope Leo XIII (1878-1903) published an “Apostolic
Constitution” in 1897 which stated: “All versions of the vernacular, even by Catholics,
are altogether prohibited, unless approved by the Holy See, or published under the
vigilant care of the Bishops, with annotations taken from the Fathers of the Church
and learned Catholic writers” (Melancthon Jacobus, Roman Catholic and Protestant
Bibles, p. 237). The Jesuits were leaders in the Counter-Reformation. They are group of
priests that acted as a military group of people to promote Catholicism and attempted to
destroy Protestantism. The Jesuits was created by the soldier named Ignatius Loyola in
1540 A.D. He was from Spain and got injured in battle. Later, he claimed that a vision via a
trance came unto him to fight for his faith. Loyola came to the Emperor and the Pope
sanctions his order. The Jesuits trained for battle physically and through other means. The
Jesuits would send agents into universities, religious schools, government, etc. all over
Europe, the Americas, Africa, and Asia in order to promote the Vatican's agenda of global
domination (which trying to crush the influence of Protestants & Baptists in the world
The following is a recorded, bloody Jesuit order, which is similar to Freemasonry's bloody

"...The Jesuit Oath mentions the following:

(The Superior speaks:)

My son, heretofore you have been taught to act the dissembler: among Roman
Catholics to be a Roman Catholic, and to be a spy even among your own brethren; to
believe no man, to trust no man. Among the Reformers, to be a Reformer; among
the Huguenots, to be a Huguenot; among the Calvinists, to be a Calvinist;
among other Protestants, generally to be a Protestant; and obtaining their
confidence, to seek even to preach from their pulpits, and to denounce with all
the vehemence in your nature our Holy Religion and the Pope; and even to
descend so low as to become a Jew among Jews, that you might be enabled to gather
together all information for the benefit of your Order as a faithful soldier of the Pope.
You have been taught to plant insidiously the seeds of jealousy and hatred between
communities, provinces, states that were at peace, and to incite them to deeds of
blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in
countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and the sciences
and enjoying the blessings of peace; to take sides with the combatants and to act
secretly with your brother Jesuit, who might be engaged on the other side, but openly
opposed to that with which you might be connected, only that the Church might be the
gainer in the end, in the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end
justifies the means. You have been taught your duty as a spy, to gather all statistics,
facts and information in your power from every source; to ingratiate yourself into
the confidence of the family circle of Protestants and heretics of every class
and character, as well as that of the merchant, the banker, the lawyer, among the
schools and universities, in parliaments and legislatures, and the judiciaries and councils
of state, and to be all things to all men, for the Pope's sake, whose servants we are
unto death. You have received all your instructions heretofore as a novice, a neophyte,
and have served as co-adjurer, confessor and priest, but you have not yet been
invested with all that is necessary to command in the Army of Loyola in the service of
the Pope. You must serve the proper time as the instrument and executioner as directed
by your superiors; for none can command here who has not consecrated his labours
with the blood of the heretic; for "without the shedding of blood no man can be
saved"..." (Journals of the 62nd Congress, 3rd Session, of the United States
Congressional Record (House Calendar No. 397, Report No. 1523, 15 February, 1913,
pp. 3215-3216) (European Institute of Protestant Studies)

There has been evil, illegitimate attacks against the Reformation (like saying everyone in it
were wrong or Rosicrucians) and legitimate critiques of it. These legitimate critiques deal
with the reality that some in the Reformation movement (not all of it) could of been
infiltrated by the Rosicurians. The Rosicurcians were hated by the Roman Catholic Church,
but believed in the heresies of spiritual alchemy, spiritual contact, and other forms of
occultism. Barbara Aho has written on this even though she is wrong to believe that the
Priory de Sion still exists today and her constant Jewish baiting rhetoric. The truth is that
Secret Societies , New Agers, etc. have used apostate Christianity to promote an
evolutionary and global religious system as admitted by Anne Besant in her own words:

"...If these teachings be regained, their influence will soon be seen in wider and deeper
views of truth; dogmas, which now seem like mere shells and fetters, shall again be seen to
partial presentments of fundamental realities. First, Esoteric Christianity will reappear in
the ‘Holy Place’, in the Temple so that all who are capable of receiving it may follow its
lines of published thought; and secondly, Occult Christianity will again descend into the
adytum, dwelling behind the veil which guards the ‘Holy of Holies’, into which only the
Initiate may enter…” (Annie Besant, Esoteric Christianity, pp. 26-7).

Debate rages whether Martin Luther was a Rosicrucian or not. Some believe this and some
don't. People say that his coat of arms has the Rosicurcian emblems on them with the Rose,
cross, and a circle around it. The truth is that the seal was designed for Luther at the behest
of Prince John Frederick in 1530. Luther wrote of the seal as representative of his theology
and faith. You shouldn't compare God to a seal, but many other seals relate to German
locations not just Rosicrucianism. There is no doubt that this seal has occult symbolism (the
rose looks like the feminine principle or the Pentagram. The Pentagram in the occult
represents Isis, Venus, or the perfected man). Some believe that Martin Luther praised
alchemy. If he did do that, he was wrong of course. Johann Valentin Andreae, a Lutheran
pastor and mystic, worked at Tubingen University. Andreae's personal coat-of-arms, like
Martin Luther's includes the ROSE and CROSS motif. There has been no conclusive
evidence that Martin Luther was a Rosicrucian or a member of any Secret Society though.
What is true is that many Freemasons infiltrated Lutherans, Southern Baptists, and other
apostate Protestants (as opposed to real Bible believing Protestants and Baptists), but real
Christians have rejected Secret Societies strongly for many years. Aho promotes the lie that
John Calvin was completely Jewish (as citing words form the words form the Masonic B'nai
B'rith Lodge meeting). He wasn't Jewish, but was a Frenchmen. Calvin's father was a French
man named Gérard Cauvin, and his mother was named Jeanne le Franc. Aho is right to
point out the John Calvin made political and theological errors though. So, Aho is slick with
her deceptions. John Calvin believed that communion was a remembrance of what Jesus
Christ accomplished on the cross. Tyndale made his Bible in English that influenced the
King James Bible greatly (90% of the words in the KJV has been influenced by Tyndale’s
English Bible). His Bible was from the Textus Receptus line. Tyndale was well suited to his
task. Spalatin, a friend of Martin Luther, wrote this in his diary of what professor Herman
Buschius told him about Tyndale and his New Testament:

"The work was translated by an Englishman staying there with two others,--a man so
skilled in the seven languages, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Italian, Spanish, English, and
French, that which-ever he spake, you would suppose it his native tongue"
(Translators Revived, pp. 27-28)

Tyndale was betrayed by his friend. He was imprisoned and nearly frozen to death
during a cold winter in his cell. He translated the New Testament into English along with
some Old Testament books. He had trained at least 2 other people to carry on his work.
He wasn’t finished. When he was burnt at the stake on October 6, 1536, he cried out
prophetically that: “..Lord! Open the King of England’s eyes!..” That very day, a copy of
Tyndale’s New Testament was being printed by King’s own printer.
Troy and others certainly inspired me to take a second look at the great Geneva Bible. After
much research, the Geneva Bible should be given much more respect than it is presently in
2010. The Geneva Bible is one of the most historically significant Bibles in history. It was the
main Bible for the 16th and part of the 17th centuries of the Protestant Movement. It has
been used by Oliver Cromwell, John Milton, John Knox, John Bunyan, and others. John
Bunyan wrote the famous book of "Pilgrim's Progress." The Geneva was the first English
Bible with a study guide, aids, and other verse citations to make the reader understand the
Bible in an efficient manner. Also, you can cross reference verses with commentaries as
well. The language of the Geneva Bible was clear cut. It was favored over the Bishops's
Bible. William Whittingham supervised the plan to create the Geneva Bible from Geneva,
Switzerland. They weren't in England at that time, because the reign of Queen Mary I of
England(who reign from 1553 to 1558) prosecuted anyone who wasn't a Catholic. She was
called bloody Mary. Other translators were Myles Coverdale, Christopher Goodman,
Anthony Gilby, Thomas Sampson, and William Cole. Whittingham was directly responsible
for the New Testament while Gilby oversaw the Old Testament. The full edition of the Bible
with a revised NT came about in 1560. It was printed in whole in 1576. The first Bible
printed in Scotland was the Geneva Bible in 1579. The Geneva Bible was translated from the
Greek Textus Receptus manuscripts and the Hebrew texts. There is the 1599 modern
edition of the Geneva Bible as well. Most of the New Testament in the Geneva Bible came
from translations from William Tyndale as well. The Geneva Bible was innovative in being
the first Bible to have verse numbers, which were based on the work of Stephanus or
Robert Estienne of Paris. Pilgrims coming into Plymouth used the Geneva version of the
Bible. King James didn't like the Geneva Bible since it had Calvinistic leanings. He also
frowned on what he considered to be seditious marginal notes on key political texts. A
marginal note for Exodus 1:9 indicated that the Hebrew midwives were correct in
disobeying the Egyptian king's orders, and a note for 2 Chronicles 15:16 said that King Asa
should have had his mother executed and not merely deposed for the crime of
worshipping an idol. The King James Version of the Bible grew out of the king's distaste for
these brief but potent doctrinal commentaries. He considered the marginal notes to be a
political threat to his kingdom. Rome especially didn't like it since it was very much
outspokenly anti-Roman Catholic doctrine, which it ought to be. Rome was still persecuting
Protestants in the sixteenth century. Keep in mind that the English translators were exiles
from a nation that was returning to the Catholic faith under a queen who was burning
Protestants at the stake. I respect the King James version of the Bible and I respect the
Geneva Bible, but it's very clear that the KJV-Only philosophy (which I define as believing
that we should use only the KJV for studying religion in the Bible without studying
the original languages, etc. The original language gives us the real meanings of the
world) is a Jesuitical tool of Counter Reformation in order to bash the Textus Receptus
script (and distract from the real history of Bible along with the promotion of the fraudulent
Alexandrian texts). This is precisely why the Geneva Bible is hated by many quarters today.
The Geneva Bible was very popular in the 1500's and the 1600's. The UK was the base of
the Textus Receptus English translation of the Holy Bible from the Tyndale Bible to
the King James Version of the Bible in 1611. Even bloody Mary murdered numerous
Christians because they rejected transubstantiation and other false doctrines.
“…Christ is with us until the world’s end. Let his little flock be bold
therefore. For if God be on our side, what matter maketh it who be against us,
be they bishops, cardinals, popes, or whatsoever names they will?…Where no
promise of God is, there can be no faith, nor justifying, nor forgiveness of sins:
for it is more than madness to look for any thing of God, save that he hath
promised. How far he hath promised, so far is he bound to them that believe;
and further not. To have a faith, therefore, or a trust in any thing, where God
hath not promised, is plain idolatry, and a worshipping of thine own
imagination instead of God…”

-“The Obedience of A Christian Man” (from 1528) by William Tyndale

“…Newspaper headlines still quote Tyndale, though unknowingly, and he has reached more
people than even Shakespeare…”
• David Daniell in William Tyndale: A Biography (1994) [Yale University Press], p. 2

The most famous House of Stuart King was King James I of England. His mother was
the controversial Mary, Queen of Scotland. King James was the King of England, and
Ireland from 1603 to 1625. King James I wasn't perfect, but peace and low taxation
existed in his reign. King James lived in the peak of the Jacobean Era. He authorized the
existed of the King James Version of the Bible, which is a very accurate Bible to this day. It
was published in 1611. There was a draft to create a new version of the Bible during the
reign of Queen Elizabeth (who reigned from 1558 to 1603). The draft begins by saying
that: “…An act for the reducinge of diversities of Bibles now extant in the Englishe
tongue to one setled vulgar translated from the originall." After the Hampton
Conference of January of 1604, the idea for the KJV was created. In the 2nd day of the
Conference, Puritan Dr. John Rainolds (1549-1607) called for a new translation of the Bible.
The creators of the KJV were extremely scholarly men. Dr. Lancelot Andrews help create the
King James Bible. Dr. Andrews mastered 15 languages. Dr. William Bedwell was another
translator of the KJV. He new Arabic manuscripts, he studied in Cambridge, and other
things. He also began a Persian dictionary which is among Archbishop Laud's manuscripts,
still preserved in the Bodleian Library at Oxford today. Dr. Miles Smith was an expert in
Hebrew, Chaldee, Syriac, and Arabic. Dr. Smith went through the Greek and Latin early
church leaders and made annotations on them all. Even John Bois was an expert in
Hebrew and Greek. He studied at his father's knee, and at the age of 5, he read the
whole Bible in Hebrew. He could write Hebrew in a clear and elegant style by age of
six. John Spencer was elected Greek lecturer for Corpus Chirsti College in Oxford
University when he was 19 years old. It was written of him, "Of his eminent
scholarship there can be no question." He was a member of the New Testament group
(Romans through Jude) that met at Westminster. Dr. William Goode was a translator at
the translator committee. Goode was a scholar and knew German, French, Hebrew, and
Greek. Mr. Goode in his sermon on the Last Supper (which was published by the
Westminster Reformed Press) said that “liquor is the devil’s drink of deception…” The KJV
has also been called the Authorized version. One man who created a vernacular Bible
who believed in God was Juan Perez de Pineda of Spain. He lived from ca. 1490 to
1567. He rejected Roman Catholic doctrine when he was the head of the College of
Doctrine in Seville, Spain. Perez and other believers in that area were persecuted. So,
they settled in Geneva to form a Spanish church in that city. Later, he moved in France. His
translation of the New Testament into Spain relied greatly on the Enzinas version, which
was published in 1556 in Geneva. Cassiodoro de Reina was another Spanish man who fled
Spain to translate the Bible. He joined the Protestant revival and rejected Romanism. He
traveled into London, and Geneva to associate with the pastor Perez de Pineda (and his
Protestant Spanish church there). In 1567 Reina completed a Spanish New Testament that
“is hailed to this day as the greatest literary triumph in Spanish history.” Reina settled in
Basle, and the entire Bible appeared in 1569. Cipriano de Valera took over Reina translation
work. He made an entire Bible in 1602 in Amsterdam. He was very intelligent by mastering
at least 10 languages. He joined Oxford University in 1565. The first Dutch Bible was
published by Jacob van Liesveldt in Antwerp. He was beheaded in Antwerp for printing

*Around this time, radical changes occurred in the United Kingdom. Charles I was the King
of England who attempt to impose absolutism. This lead to a Civil War in England.
Absolutism is a fascist concept of the monarchy ruling a nation without absolute authority
(and without checks and balances upon the executive government). Oliver Cromwell was of
course the leader of the Protestant forces that defeated Charles I and his supporters in the
English Civil War. Now, the Restoration was the time of the return of the English monarchy
to power after the death of the leader of the Puritan Republic. Absolutism so failed England
that a constitutional government was established in the bloodless coup called the Glorious
Revolution. The Glorious Revolution of 1688 was one of the biggest events in history
whereby the evolving nature of constitutional government grew more equitable in the lives
of citizens. James II the Jacobite was deposed in the bloodless coup of the Glorious
Revolution and the Parliament gave the crown to the Protestant rulers from the Duchy of
Orange called William of Orange and Mary. These duo inspired the name of William & Mary
University based in Williamsburg, Virginia. Williamsburg is not too far from I live in Virginia.
I’ve been to Williamsburg on plenty of occasions. I know great people there. It’s a great
place to live, but I’m more of an urban man so to speak. One of the greatest parts of this
Glorious Revolution was when the Parliament of England did something. They enacted the
guarantee of individual liberties considered inalienable rights (or these rights come from
God by birth that can never ever be stripped by anyone) for all citizens called the English
Bill of Rights. The English Bill of Rights of 1689 influenced the American Bill of Rights that
we Americans hold so dear. The English Bill of Rights focused on the rights of citizens as
represented by Parliament against the Crown. The Bill of Rights of the U.S. utilized many
concepts form the English Bill of Rights like the right to petition, having an independent
judiciary, freedom from taxation without representation, the right to bear arms (although I
believe all humans regardless of the creed or religious have a right to bear arms
wherefore that is a representation of liberty), the freedom of speech, freedom from
cruel and unusual punishments, freedom from fines and forfeitures without trial, etc. Some
parts of the 1689 English Bill of Rights read in the following words:

“…That it is the right of the subjects to petition the king, and all commitments and
prosecutions for such petitioning are illegal;
That the raising or keeping a standing army within the kingdom in time of peace, unless it be
with consent of Parliament, is against law;
That the subjects which are Protestants may have arms for their defence suitable to their
conditions and as allowed by law;
That election of members of Parliament ought to be free;
That the freedom of speech and debates or proceedings in Parliament ought not to be
impeached or questioned in any court or place out of Parliament;
That excessive bail ought not to be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and
unusual punishments inflicted;
That jurors ought to be duly impanelled and returned, and jurors which pass upon
men in trials for high treason ought to be freeholders;
That all grants and promises of fines and forfeitures of particular persons before conviction
are illegal and void;
And that for redress of all grievances, and for the amending, strengthening and preserving of
the laws, Parliaments ought to be held frequently…Provided that no charter or grant or
pardon granted before the three and twentieth day of October in the year of our Lord
one thousand six hundred eighty-nine shall be any ways impeached or invalidated by
this Act, but that the same shall be and remain of the same force and effect in law and
no other than as if this Act had never been made…”
Westcott and Hort are famous figures in religious history. They are of course apostates of
the faith. We know that God's Word is divinely inspired and inerrant. People wanted to
destroy the Bible, but they won't be successful. The Bible is preserved in the Massoretic
Text in the Old Testament and the Greek Textus Receptus for the New Testament.
This text is from the Geneva Bible and the King James Version of the Bible were created
from. The New Greek Text is what modern versions come form (like the Revised Version of
1881, the Jesuit Douay Catholic Bible of 1582, the pro-Jesuit New International version, and
the New American Standard Version) which existed from a corrupted Greek Text. The
Douay Rheims version of the Bible add the unscriptural Apocrypha to it. The
Apocrypha is in error to promote magical incantation, lying, prayers to the
dead, suicide, etc. The Jewish Church and the Jewish people rejected them
as canonical and not sanctioned by the Lord. None of the Apocrypha works
were even written in the Hebrew language, which the original authors of the
Old Testament utilized. This new text comes from Vaticanus MS, the Sinaitic, the Latin
Vulgate, and other scripts. The Oxford Movement was when Vatican/Jesuit agents tried to
infiltrate & persecute the Protestant Movement in the United Kingdom during the 19th
century. One of the leaders of this movement was Cardinal Wiseman. He wanted England
to return under Roman control. He studied under Cardinal Mai, who was the editor of the
Vatican manuscript. This Oxford Movement involved the famous figure of John Henry
Newman. He was a leader of Oxford University and was an Ecumenical Anglican clergyman.
by 1845, he joined the Roman Catholic Church following another professor named Ward.
About 150 clergyman and eminent laymen joined the Roman Catholic Church in that time.
Wiseman said that the Jesuits inspired him to promote a textual critique. As early as 1816,
the American Bible Society wanted a revision of the Bible. This group was financially aided
by the British and French Bible Society of London, which have high level links with the
United Grand Lodge of England. Fenton John Antony Hort was an Anglican clergyman and
Brooke Foss Westcott was an Anglican clergyman. Hort, Westcott, and later Archbishop of
Canterbury Edward White Benson created the Ghost Society (which became the Society for
Psychical Research. All of these men were involved in the occult). In 1853, Westcott and
Hort began to create a new Greek Text of the New Testament beyond just a revision. They
hated the Textus Receptus. Really, they used Alexandrian corrupt manuscripts as an means
to supplant the Textus Receptus, which underlines the Authorized Version. Constantin
Tischendorf (1815-74) was a German textual editor, who discovered the Codex Sinaiticus
and Codex Vaticanus (which is based on the Westcott-Hort Greek Text). Tischendorf
discovered (c. A.D. 1844) the Vaticanus B manuscript in the Vatican Library and Sinaiticus
Aleph in a waste basket in a Catholic convent at the base of Mt. Sinai. Anglican clergyman
and brilliant textual scholar Dean John Burgon opposed the text of Westcott and Hort,
because it had errors and distortions. Westcott and Hort used their text in order for the
English Revised Version to be formed. Fenton John Anthony Hort's own words show that he
supported Romish doctrines, he believed in Evolution, he denied the substitutionary nature
of Jesus Christ's salvation, he hated democracy. Westcott promoted spiritualism, he denied
Heaven as being a place, etc. Wescott wrote this about the Scriptures: “…I reject the word
infallibility of Holy Scriptures overwhelmingly." (Westcott, The Life and Letters of
Brook Foss Westcott, Vol. I, p.207). Hort wrote that: “…The pure Romanish view
seems to be nearer, and more likely to lead to the truth than the Evangelical."
(Hort, Life and Letters, Vol. I, p. 77). The Neslte/Aland New Greek text followed the
Hort and Westcott New Greek Text.

Preterism is a strong heresy embraced by many Dominionists, Papists, and other

skeptics of the Christian faith. Preterism is the prophetic view that every prophecy of
the Book (including in the Book of the Revelation) was fulfilled by 70 A.D. absent
the Second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Some of their proponents believe Nero
was the Antichrist. That's false since Nero never set himself in the Temple of God as
found in 2 Thess. 2;4. Nero never had a global economy that was dependant on a
mark from him and he was destroyed by the coming of Jesus Christ (as found in
Rev. 13:17 and 2 Thess. 2:8). Nero wasn't even the Empire of Rome during ca. 100
A.D. when the Book of Revelation was completely. The Ecumenical Hank Hanegraff
(who calls himself the "Bible Answer Man") believes that most of the prophecies
from Revelation are fulfilled except the coming of Jesus Christ. Full Preterists
believes that Jesus Christ returned invisibly in 70 A.D., which is a lie. The Antichrist
haven't arrived since the Gospel isn't preached among all creation yet, global
government isn't here yet, and this false theology gives people a false since of
confidence. It gives people to ignore God's warnings people of the signs of the end
times. New Agers like Benjamin Creme support Preterism as an excuse to say that
the Antichrist is pass and his false Messiah is a true world leader, which isn't true.
Creme said that if we don't follow his false Christ of Maitreya, we will be buried by
him. This false Maitreya will never buried the truth at all. The Bible says that the
future Antichrist will be given full “power … over all kindreds, and tongues, and
nations” (Rev. 13:7). The Jesuit Order via the Jesuit Alcasar created the Preterist
doctrine as a means to deceive Protestants in not condemning Romanism as an
Antichrist system. Many Reformers and other Christian leaders like Wycliffe, Tyndale,
Luther, Calvin, etc. have called the Pope the Antichrist. The Reformation broke down
much of the power of Rome, so the Vatican used the Counter Reformation to stop
the spread of the Protestant gospel in Europe (Jesuits were apart of this agenda
as well). The Jesuits then and now want the Protestant Reformation to end. They
have infiltrated government, involved in war, support the Ecumenical Movement,
and done other nefarious actions for centuries since the early 1500's. So, Preterism
is heresy that should be exposed completely.

Church history didn’t start and end in Europe, Africa, or the Middle East. It has spread in the
4 corners of the Earth. That is very the precise reason that more should be made manifest
about Christians in a lot of cultural backgrounds. Many free black Americans formed
churches before 1800 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Petersburg, Virginia, and Savannah,
Georgia. Richard Allen was the famous black preacher from the Methodist Church who led
antislavery campaigns all over America.

Today in 2010, the Counter Reformation never stopped among the Vatican elite. This
movement still transpires it. Evidence of this is how the Roman Catholic Church supports
the Ecumenical Movement, the European Union, and the Emergent Movement. The
Emergent Movement is placing experiences and other mystical devices above faith in God
in trying to permit a real spiritual connection with God. It's common among the new
generation. The European Union or an unified European political, economic entity have
been a brainchild of the Vatican for centuries. One example is how the Vatican's Holy
Roman Empire desired an unified Europe under the authority of the Pope. Adrian Hitlon's
"The Principality and Power of Europe" on pg. 34 document this historical fact. Count
Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi was the Vatican nexus pitch man that formed
the foundation of establishing the European Union. Back in those days, Count Richard
Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi called his European vision PanEuropa (which was the
title of his book that the Count wanted a world government system accompanied by
national de-industrialization). Baron Louis Rothschild and Max Warburg initially funded the
PEU in 1923. Famous members of the Pan European Union was He is of Cretan, Austrian,
and other ethnic backgrounds. People in this one Europe movement include Winston
Churchill, George Bernard Shaw, H.G. Wells and Hjalmar Schact, the latter becoming Hitler's
Finance Minister. Khalergi was a fascist by wanting zero industrial growth and only securing
the maximum standard of living for those most fit. Otto von Habsburg and those linked
with the Mt. Pelerin Society & some leaders of the failed Austrian School of Economics. It’s
advanced by Ron Paul and his numerous adherents. The Mount Pelerin Society (whose
founder was Hayek) fund that economy movement via the aristocratic European nobility of
the Thurn und Taxis, Wittelsbachs, Hapsburgs and Kalergi families. Even Ludwig von
Mises was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. That should tell you something. The
Kalergis family believe that they are related to Byzantine royalty via the Venetian
aristocracy. In 1300, Coudenhove-Kalergi's ancestor Alexios Phokas-Kalergis signed the
treaty that made Crete a dominion of Venice. He was Roman Catholic. From 1908-1913 he
was schooled in Vienna by the Jesuits "Theresian Academy.” In the early 1920s he joined a
Masonic lodge at Vienna, where he would reach several degrees. The Pan European
concept was easily embraced by the Habsburgs, the Vatican, and the Opus Dei. Later this
PEU movement laid the groundwork for the existence of the European Union today.

Another big nexus point of power in Europe is Strasbourg. It’s a city that the seat of many
European institutions like the Council of Europe with its European Court of Human Rights,
its European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and its European Audiovisual
Observatory, the Eurocorps as well as the European Parliament and the European
Ombudsman of the European Union. The Centre of Liaison and Information of Masonic
Powers Signatories of Strasbourg Appeal (CLIPSAS) is an international organization
of Masonic jurisdictions. These jurisdictions are considered irregular by the United
Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) and most other Anglo-Saxon Grand Lodges because
they accept women, or do not require Masons to have a belief in a Supreme Being.
CLIPSAS was created in Strasbourg France on 22 January 1961, at the initiative of the
Grand Orient de France and eleven Sovereign Masonic Powers. The Grand Lodges
issued the Strasbourg appeal, with the goal to establish fraternal relations and the
recognition of Absolute Liberty of Conscience. Even today, the recent Catholic convert Tony
Blair supports Interfaith dialogue and Ecumenicalism. The Vatican puppet and Skulls &
Bones member George W. Bush believes in Ecumenicalism and neo-conservative ideology.
Religiously, he feels that Muslims and Christians worship the same God. Bush is a famous
Knight of Eulogia. So, the Vatican/Jesuit power structure and the Masonic elite (along with
Pilgrims plus European Black nobility families acting in an oligarchy) still have tons of
power in 2010. They use their Muslim puppets (many of whom are Freemasons & members
of Papal Knighthoods. The P.L.O. has had an office within the Vatican since 1994) to
promote globalization including the continuation of the evil war on terror.

We need our creativity, love for all humans, and a striving for justice irrespective of when
we are in the good times plus the bad times of life. One of the vital things in the world is
sending the Gospel to all Creation. Missionaries then and now like Dr. Kenneth Fraser,
Adoniram and Ann Judson were crucial in presenting the good news of the Lord Jesus
Christ to all the world. It’s certainly a prerequisite for me when I go through the joyful and
painful parts of life to possess that pure connection with my own spirituality. It offers hope,
faith, and comfort for me. Spirituality hopes faith and comfort to millions of people
worldwide too. Still, I will disagree with tyranny, I will support the right to life, I will show
compassion to all human beings, I will believe in individual liberty, and I will still maintain
my core convictions (regardless of what I go through in my life). Somberness is
common among some human beings. Yet, through transgressions in life, there
is still hope and faith. Beyond the storms of negativity and wickedness, faith
in God is very well a thorough act to take in order to facilitate our full
potential as apart of the human race. As long as you’re breathing, you can be
saved just as anyone else can. So, in life, never lose hope and never lose faith.
Since you’re breathing, you still have that solemn chance to improve the
quality of life that you possess since all life have intrinsic and worthwhile
“…Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and
lean not unto thine own understanding. In all
thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct
thy paths…”
-Proverbs 3:5-6

For God so loved the world, that he gave his

only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in
him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
-John 3:16

By Timothy

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