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Twist and Shout Socks (A Crochet Cabled Sock Update)

By Lauren Irving

Finished size:
7.375” (8.125”, 9.125”) foot circumference
9.5” (10”/10”) foot length – US Women’s size 8.5 (9/9)

2 (2, 3) skeins KnitPicks Gloss (70% Merino, 30% Silk) 220 yds./50 g. Cosmos
Note: for a crew length sock you will need 3 skeins for any size.
Clover C-Hook (2.5 mm)

Skill level
Intermediate to Experienced

Approximate Time to Make: 20 hours

6 sc x 7 rows = 1"
6 hdc x 4.5 rows = 1”
A pattern repeat for 7.375” is [cable or cable twist and bpdc, fpdc, bpdc] = 1”
A pattern repeat for 8.125” or 9.125” is [cable or cable twist and bpdc (fpdc, bpdc) twice] = 1.25”
One full cable repeat for all sizes is (1 cable twist row and 3 cable rows) 1 full cable =7/8" / 4 full cables =

To add to or reduce the length of the foot, add or remove one full cable repeat in the foot.

Toe is worked in a spiral, do not join rounds.
The rest of the sock is worked in individual rounds, join each round with a sl st.
Ch 2 counts as 1st dc.
The ribbing and cabling on the instep does provide some ease in this sock. For a more fitted sock you may
want to try a sock circumference smaller than your measurement so it will stretch around your foot.
Don’t forget to try these socks on as you go. You will know within the first 3 inches of the sock whether or
not you like the fit of the size you chose.
If you find you have a small hole where the heel joined to the instep (top of foot), use a small piece of yarn
and weave the hole closed, then weave in the ends.

Stitch guide
Sc: single crochet – insert hook in stitch, yo, pull up a loop, yo, pull through both loops on hook.
Sc inc: 2 sc in one st.
Sc dec: sc decrease – insert hook in st, yo, pull up a loop, insert hook in next st, yo, pull up a loop, yo, pull
through 3 loops on hook.
Hdc: half double crochet – yo, insert hook in st, yo, pull up a loop, yo, pull through 3 loops on hook.
Hdc inc: half double crochet increase – 2 hdc in one st.
Hdc dec: half double crochet decrease – yo, insert hook in st, pull up a loop, yo, insert hook in next st, yo,
pull up a loop, yo, pull through 5 loops on hook.
Fpdc: front post double crochet – yo, insert hook around the post of the st below from the front of the
fabric, yo, pull up a loop, (yo, pull through 2 loops on hook) twice.
Bpdc: back post double crochet – yo, insert hook around the post of the st below from the back of the
fabric, yo, pull up a loop, (yo, pull through 2 loops on hook) twice.
Fptr: front post treble crochet – yo twice, insert hook around the post of the st below from the front of the
fabric, yo, pull up a loop, (yo, pull through 2 loops on hook) three times.
Sl st: slip stitch
Beg ch-2: beginning of chain 2

Special Stitches
Cable Twist: sk 2 st, fptr in next 2 sts, fptr in 2 skipped sts
Cable: fpdc in next 4 st

Toe and Foot (all sizes)

Ch 9
Rnd 1: 2 sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next 6 ch, 4 sc in the last ch, working on the opposite side of the
foundation, sc in the free loop of the next 6 ch, sc inc. (20 sc)
Rnd 2: Do not join, work in spiral. Sc inc, sc in next 8 sc, sc inc in next two sc, sc in next 8 sc, sc inc. (24 sc)
Rnd 3: Sc inc, sc in next 10 sc, sc inc in next two sc, sc in next 11 sc, sc inc. (29 sc)
Rnd 4: Sc inc, sc in next 12 sc, sc inc in next two sc, sc in next 12 sc, sc inc. (32 sc)
Rnd 5: Sc inc, sc in next 14 sc, sc inc in next two sc, sc in next 14 sc, sc inc. (36 sc)
Rnd 6: Sc inc, sc in next 16 sc, sc inc in next two sc, sc in next 16 sc, sc inc. (40 sc)
Rnd 7: Sc inc, sc in next 18 sc, sc inc in next two sc, sc in next 18 sc, sc inc. (42 sc)
Rnd 8: Sc inc, sc in next 20 sc, sc inc in next two sc, sc in next 20 sc, sc inc. (48 sc)
For 7.375” circumference, stop here and continue on round 12. For 8.125” and 9.125” sock, continue to
round 9.
Rnd 9: Sc inc, sc in next 22 sc, sc inc in next two sc, sc in next 22 sc, sc inc. (52 sc)
Rnd 10 for an 8.125” circumference only: Sc inc, sc in next 25 sc, sc inc, sc in next 25 sc. (54 sc)
For 8.125” sock stop here and continue on round 12.
Rnd 10 for a 9.125” sock only: Sc inc, sc in next 24 sc, sc inc in next two sc, sc in next 24 sc, sc inc. (56 sc)
Rnd 11 for a 9.125” sock only: Sc inc, sc in next 26 sc, sc inc in next two sc, sc in next 26 sc, sc inc. (60)
Rnd 12 for all sizes: Sc around. (48/54/60)
Rnd 13: Sc, mark first st, sc in next 43 (52/58). Place marker here. This is the new beginning of the round.
Rnd 14: ch 2, [(sk 2 st, fptr in next 2 st, fptr in 2 skipped st, cable twist made), bpdc (fpdc, bpdc) once
(twice/twice)] 3 times, cable twist, hdc, hdc dec, hdc in next 18/18/24 sts, hdc inc, join with a sl st to beg
ch- 2. (48/54/60)
Rnds 15-17: ch 2, [(fpdc in next 4 st, cable made), bpdc, (fpdc, bpdc) once (twice/twice)] 3 times, cable,
hdc, hdc dec, hdc in next 18/18/24 sts, hdc inc, join with a sl st to beg ch- 2. (48/54/60)
Rnds: 18-37: Repeat rnds 14-17. (48/54/60)
Rnd 48: Repeat rnd 14.. (48/54/60)

Setup row: Turn, working back along the hdc of sole, sc in next 12 (12/15)sts.
Rnd 1: Ch 12, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next 10 ch, sc once in the side of setup row sc, turn. (11 sc)
Rnd 2: Sc in next 11 sts, sc inc in last st, on opposite side of foundation chain, sc in next 11 sts, join with a
sl st to the 2nd st of the sole above the foundation chain, turn. (24 sc)
Rnd 3: Sc in next 10 sts, sc inc, sc, sc inc, sc in next 11 sts, join with a sl st to the 2nd st of the sole above
the previous row, turn. (26)
Rnd 4: Sc in next 11 sts, sc inc, sc in next 3 sts, sc inc, sc in next 10 sts, join with a sl st to the 2nd st of the
sole above the previous row, turn. (28)
Rnd 5: Sc in next 10 sts, sc inc, sc in next 5 sts, sc inc, sc in next 11 sts, join with a sl st to the 2nd st of the
sole above the previous row, turn. (30)

For 7.375” sock:

Rnd 6-11: Sc around, join with a sl st to the 2nd st of the sole above the previous row, turn. (30)
Rnd 12: (Sc dec, sc in next 4 sts) 5 times, sc dec., join with sl st to fptr in cable twist, turn. (26)
Rnd 13: Ch 2, hdc dec, hdc in next 20 sts, hdc dec, hdc, join with sl st to fptr of cable twist, ch 2, (cable,
bpdc, fpdc, bpdc) 3 times, cable, join with sl st to beg ch 2. (49)

For 8.125” and 9.125” sock:

Rnd 6: Sc in next 11 sts, sc inc, (sc in next 3 sts, sc inc) twice, sc in next 10 sts, join with a sl st to the 2nd st
of the sole above the previous row, turn. (33)
Rnd 7: Sc in next 10 sts, sc inc, sc in next 3 sts, sc inc, sc in next 2 sts, sc inc, sc in next 3 sts, sc inc, sc in
next 11 sts, join with a sl st to the 2nd st of the sole above the previous row, turn. (37)
Rnds 8-11 (8-13): Sc around, join with a sl st to the 2nd st of the sole above the previous row, turn. (37)
Rnd 12 (14): Sc in next 3 sts, (sc dec, sc in next 5 sts) 4 times, sc dec, sc in next 4 sts, join with sl st to fptr
in cable twist, turn. (32)
Rnd 13 (15): Ch 2, hdc in next 31 sts, join with sl st to fptr in cable twist, ch 2, [cable, bpdc (fpdc, bpdc)
twice] 3 times, cable, join with sl st to beg ch 2. (63)

Cuff (for all sizes)

Rnds 1-2: Ch 2, hdc in next 23 (31/31) sts, [cable, bpdc (fpdc, bpdc) once (twice/twice)] 3 times, cable, join
with sl st to beg ch 2. 49 (63/63)
Rnd 3: Ch 2, hdc in next 23 (31/31) sts, [cable twist, bpdc (fpdc, bpdc) once (twice/twice)] 3 times, cable
twist, join with sl st to beg ch 2. 49 (63/63).
Rnds 4-5: Repeat Rnd 1. 49 (63/63)
Rnd 6: ch 2, [(fpdc, bpdc) once (twice/twice), cable] 7 times, join with a sl st to beg ch 2. 49 (63/63)
Rnd 7: ch 2, [(fpdc, bpdc) once (twice/twice), cable twist] 7 times, join with a sl st to beg ch 2. 49 (63/63)
Rnds 8-10: Repeat Rnd 6.
Rnds 11-14: Repeat Rnds 7-10.
Rnd 15: Repeat Rnd 7.
Rnd 16: Repeat Rnd 6.

For crew length sock, after rnd 14, repeat rnds 7-10 2 more times, then repeat rnd 7 and 6.

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