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Dear M.P.
I have heard talk lately of the number on the back of my Birth Certificate being a bond
tracking number. Apparently our pledge to consent to taxation supports these bonds. I have also
heard that we have the right to access funds within those bonds, or the revenue generated by them
to pay for our education. If so this would be a great benefit to millions of students throughout
this great country.
Also, over the last election, I heard a great deal of talk concerning government
accountability coming from those we have elected. I feel that accountability is impossible
without honesty, knowledge and competence. Towards that ends I must ask you a series of
important questions. These questions are very simple and straightforward and I demand you
answer them fully, completely, honestly and immediately. Failure to do so will mean you accept
my right to answer these questions myself, and then inform you as my representative, what those
answers are. You will then be bound by those answers as if you had supplied them. This seems
very fair, reasonable and equitable to me. I have numbered the questions for your easy reference
and to aid in our communications.
1. What exactly is the number on the back (front) of my Birth Certificate?
2. Why is it not identified as to its function?
3. Is it a 'bond tracking' number?
4. If so, when was a bond generated?
a) Who generated it?
b) Did they enjoy informed consent?
5. What is the value of the bond, assuming there is one?
6. Who owns title to that bond?
7. Does that bond generate revenue?
8. Does my pledge, promise, oath or obligation, support the bond, if there is one?
9. If yes, when did I pledge, promise or make oath?
10. If there is no money in my bond generating revenue, who stole my money?
11. Who initially put money in the bond?
12. Is interest paid on that bond?
13. If so, to whom and how much interest is paid?
14. Does the revenue generated by the bond, if there is any, form part of the 'Federal
Transfer Payments' the Federal and Provincial levels of government bicker over?
15. Would either level of representation have the right to control or access those
payments if they were not acting as a representative?
16. To who do those Federal Transfer Payments actually belong?
17. Is there a fiduciary over the bond?
18. If so who is it?
a) If not does this mean NO ONE is in charge of the bond?
19. Is it true we have the right to deny consent to be represented and thus governed?

Please answer these questions as herein directed. Many people want and need to know the
answers to these simple questions. If you cannot or will not answer them, all must conclude that
you are grossly incapable of representing me, and appropriate and lawful steps will then be taken.

Sincerely and without malice aforethought, ill-will, vexation or frivolity, Will U.

Tell me the Truth All rights reserved, non- assumpsit , With Prejudice

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