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Sybase DBA Manual

Sybase DBA

It is a humble attempt from our end to welcome the readers into the intriguing
and amazing world of SYBASE. Outmost care has been taken to ensure that it is
easily grasped even by the novices. This document hopefully will become the first
step before you launch yourself into the profession of DATABASE
ADMINISTRATION. Few of the topics have been copied from

Sybase DBA Manual


Duties of DBA

ASE Overview and Architecture Diagram

What is Database?

How is data stored in database?

Disk Initialization

New Page Allocation Procedure in ASE






Roles & Groups


Logins & User


Interface & Error Log File


ASE Memory Usage




Configuration Parameters




Update Stats & Sp_recompile


Locks & Isolation Level


Phases When Query Is Executed & Process Status


Hit/Miss Diagram


Start and Shut Down Of Server

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MDA Tables


Multiple Temp Databases






How to Apply EBF


Query and Server Performance Tuning




Sybase Diagram


Replication Overview and Architecture Diagram




A Data Base Management System is a collection of programs that enable users to
create and maintain a database. It can also be said that DBMS is a process of
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managing data for efficient retrieval and storage of data. Hence it is general
purpose software that facilitates the processes of defining, constructing,
manipulating and sharing databases among various users.
The RDBMS is a database management system that that stores data in the form of
tables and there is also a relationship that exists between the tables. In a RDBMS
data and information is acquired by the relations or tables.

Duties of DBA
The following are some of the duties of a DBA Checking the server status (automate the job in crontab to monitor the server
Ensure that backups happen daily.
Health check for all the databases.
Performance related tasks (automate Update statistics & sp_recompile in
Rebooting the servers during maintenance window.
Security Management (adding logins/users with proper approvals from
application/technical leads).
Proactively monitoring the database data & log growth (threshold setup).
Monitoring error logs.

ASE Overview and Architecture Diagram

Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) has long been noted for its reliability, low total
cost of ownership and superior performance. With its latest version, ASE 15, it has
been dramatically enhanced to deliver capabilities urgently needed by enterprises
today. It lays the long-term foundation for strategic agility and continuing innovation
in mission-critical environments. ASE 15 provides unique security options and a host
of other new features that boost performance while reducing operational costs and
risk. Find out how you can exploit new technologies such as grids and clusters,
service-oriented architectures and real-time messaging.
ASE 15 meets the increasing demands of large databases and high transaction
volumes, while providing a cost effective database management system. Its key
features include on-disk encryption, smart partitions and new, patent-pending query
processing technology that has demonstrated a significant increase in performance,
as well as enhanced support for unstructured data management. ASE is a highperformance, mission-critical database management system that gives Sybase
customers an operational advantage by lowering costs and risks.

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Statement Cache

Wash Area

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Wash Marker can range from 20% t

Figure 1 Architecture Diagram

What is Database?
Database is collection of data objects (Tables, Views, Stored Procedures,
Functions, Triggers and indexes).
Number of databases that can be created under one adaptive server depends
on the configuration parameter number of databases
All the information regarding databases created in single adaptive server can
be viewed in system table SYSDATABASES and the database space usage in
Databases are broadly divided into system and user databases.
o System databases are default databases created during adaptive
server installation (master, model, tempdb & sysbsystemprocs) few
system databases are optional and can be created/configured by DBA
(sybsecurity, sybsyntax, DBCC and sybsystemdb). Some of them are
Sybsecurity, sybsystemdb, pubs, sybsyntax, and dbcc.
o User databases can only be created by the system administrator or
whoever has the system administrator privileges. A max of 256
Databases can be created on single adaptive server.
Create database database_name
[On {default | database_device} [= size]
[, database_device [= size]]...]
[Log on database_device [= size]
[, database_device [= size]]...]
[With {override | default_location = "pathname"}]
[For {load | proxy_update}]
With override: must be specified when data and log segments are placed
Defaulton2K pool

a same Database device.

For load: does not initialize the allocated space which saves times when a
dump will be loaded next
Alter database db_name on data_dev2= '100M'
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Drop database db_name: drops the database which is not currently in use
and not contain any constraints referring to other databases.
Dbcc dbrepair (db_name, dropdb)
Sp_helpdb: displays information about specified database. When used
without any db name displays information about all databases. When db
name is current database then displays even segment information.
Sp_helpdb db_name, 'device_name' displays device fragments in alphabetical
order; default order in which device fragments are added
sp_spaceused: Displays total space used by all the tables in current database
sp_spaceused appl3
sp_renamedb olddb_name, new_dbname (db must be in single user mode)
Master DB stores information regarding all other databases, Logins, Devices,
etc. It keeps track of all the databases. It has nearly 32 system tables. Some
of them are syslogins, sysdb, sysdevices, sysroles, sysprocess, etc. Server
wide details are stored in here. Its the heart of the Server.
Model DB is the template for all the databases, excluding the Master.
Temp DB can be referred as a workspace for the users to perform operations.
Its a volatile memory, so whenever the server is rebooted, it has to be
recreated using the template from Model DB. Three kinds of table are created
in the Tempdb,
o Session level (table name prefixed with #) - A session level temporary
table exists till the expiry of the session of the user
o Global level (table name prefixed with tempdb) - A global level
temporary tables exists till the server is rebooted
o Workable tables- System creates this kind of tables like for sorting
SYBSYSTEMPROCS DB stores all the system procedures

How is data stored in database?

The data in database is stored in the form of tables.
The smallest unit of data storage is Page. 8 contiguous pages is an Extent.
The size of a page can be 2KB, 4KB, or 16KB.
Table size = 1 Extent * page size.
Allocation unit: - Collection of 256 pages is called an Allocation Unit. Each
Allocation unit has a first page called Allocation Page, which stores all the
information of the pages of the Unit.
Object Allocation Map stores about the information of the pages of the Table.
In return all the OAM point to the AP of the entire allocation unit where object
data is stored.

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The number of entries per OAM page also depends on the logical page size
the server is using. The following table describes the number of OAM entries
for each logical page size:
2K logical page

4K logical page

8K logical page

16K logical page






Global Allocation Map (SYSGAMS system table) records and tracks all the
information of all the AUs in the particular database. SYSGAMS is not
accessible by any user. For every 8GB of disk space a new GAM is created.

Figure 2 Overview on Allocation Unit

Latch: - Latches are non transactional synchronization mechanisms used to
guarantee the physical consistency of a page. While rows are being inserted,
updated or deleted, only one Adaptive Server process can have access to the page
at the same time. Latches are used for datapages and datarows locking but not for
all pages locking.
Note: - The most important distinction between a lock and a latch is the duration

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Table 1 Difference between Latch and Lock
A latch is held only for the time
required to insert or move a few
bytes on a data page, to copy
pointers, columns or rows, or to
acquire a latch on another index page

A lock can persist for a long period of
time: while a page is being scanned,
while a disk read or network write takes
place, for the duration of a statement,
or for the duration of a transaction

Disk Initialization
Disk initialization is the process of allocating disk space to server. During
initialization adaptive server will divide the new allocated disk into allocation
units and an entry is made in sysdevices system table.
All the information regarding devices connected to the Server, can be viewed
in system table SYSDEVICES.
Device that can be connected to a server was up to 256 till version 12.5, later
got unlimited from version 15.
A disk that is allocated to a server cannot be shared with other servers. Any
number of databases can use a disk as long as they are in the same server,
restricting to a single file system.
Number of devices that can be allocated to the adaptive server depends on
the configuration parameter number of devices
Disk once initialized to the adaptive server can only be dropped when all the
associated databases are dropped
Disk default option for system database has to be turned off.
Disk init
Name = "device_name" ,
Physname = "physicalname" ,
[Vdevno = virtual_device_number,]
Size = number_of_blocks
[, vstart = virtual_address
, cntrltype = controller_number]
[, contiguous]
[, dsync = {true | false}]
ASE 15.0
Disk init name = 'dev2',
Physname = '/data/sql_server.dev2',
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Size = '100M', (vdevno is automatic in 15.0),Directio= true
Default (dsync = true) - disk writes are guranteed
The object is extended to another AU
Note: dsync/directio applied only for File System.
Directio is faster than dsync both cannot be used.
Maximum devices pre 15.0 256 15.0 onwards 2 million
sp_helpdevice: shows device details
sp_dropdevice device_name: drops the device name and will not delete file in
file system. Make sure to drop the database before dropping any device.
sp_deviceattr device_name, 'dsync/directio, {true, false}

New Page Allocation Procedure in ASE

Figure 3 Page Allocation Procedure

Whenever a user inserts some data it first checks for available pages in the current
extent (OAM) and inserts into it. If not found a new extent is allocated for that object
in the same allocation unit with the help of the allocation page. This extent is
mapped to the OAM of the object. If the extent is not available in the same
allocation unit it checks with GAM for a new allocation unit (available extent),
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allocation page where a new extent can be allocated. After the extent is allocated to
the object in a different allocation unit, this extent is mapped with the OAM of the
object present in the other allocation unit. If there are no allocation units available
for the current requested page in the current GAM, a new GAM is created and later
altogether the whole process for new page is processed. If the data exceeds 8GB,
new GAM comes into picture. In this way GAM, AU, AP, OAM come into picture when
a new request for a page is requested.

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Segment can be describes as the logical name that can be give to a
single/fraction/more devices.
Two types of segments- System and User
System defined- System, Default & Log
System- stores all the data related to system tables in that particular
Log- all data modifications in the database are temporarily stored in log
Default- stores the data related to user created data objects
User defined- A max of 32 segments can be created in a database including
the 3 system segments.
SYSSEGMENTS, SYSUSAGES system tables stores detail information regarding
the segments, DB size, etc.
The Data and Log segments for a single database should not be placed on a
single device in order to improve the performance and recovery is impossible.
Before deleting the segments we should ensure that the objects associated to
that segment are dropped.
When we add the additional space to the database system and default
segments will automatically extends on new device where as user created
segments has to be manually extended.
There are 3 ways in which we can move tables form one segment to another.
o Using bcp- Take a backup of the objects and then copy them back to
new segment.
o Using clustered index- By re-creating a clustered index for the object
on new segment.
o Using sp_placeobject It moves the next upcoming records to the
new segment.

Creates seg_name in the current database and device name
sp_addsegment seg_name, db_name, device_name: db_name matches to
current database
sp_placeobject segment_name, object_name, db_name: future allocation will
be mapped to new segment. Object name can be table name, or index name,
sp_helpsegment seg_name: Displays information about all the segments in
current database. If specified display information about only one segment
which is specified
Sp_dropsegment segment_name,
segment in the current database


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Sp_extendsegment, segname, db_name, device_name

Thresholds monitor the free space in a database and alert the DBA to take
appropriate action to prevent the max usage of the database segments coz if
neglected the server will hang and is users cannot access.
Thresholds can be defined on data and log segments.
Two types of thresholds : System & User
o System level- Last chance Threshold. Usually 18% of log space is
reserved for LCT. LCT threshold limit value cannot be modified and is
set by the adaptive server automatically. We can only modify the
stored procedure Sp_thresholdaction.
o User level- Free chance Threshold. FCT is defined by the user as per
the usage of the database and log segment size.
Sp_thresholdaction sends alert if transaction crosses the LCT.
A max of 256 thresholds can be created for a Database.
All the details regarding the thresholds can be found in SYSTHRESHOLD.
FCTs can be dropped or modified.
Sp_addthreshold dbname, segname, free_space, proc_name:
To add a
Sp_modifythreshold dbname, segname, free_space [, new_proc_name] [,
new_free_space] [, new_segname]: To modify a given threshold.

Roles & Groups

Roles provide individual accountability for users performing system
administration and security-related tasks. Roles are granted to individual
server login accounts, and actions performed by these users can be audited
and attributed to them
Groups provide a convenient way to grant and revoke permissions to more
than one user in a single statement.
The sp_addgroup system procedure adds a row to Sysusers in the current
database. In other words, each group in a database-as well as each user-has
an entry in Sysusers.
By default ASE databases has default group as public group.
Below are a few descriptions of ROLESo System Administrator (sa_role )
o System Security Officer (SSO_role)
o Operator (oper_role )
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Sybase technical support (sybase_ts_role)

Replication (replication_role)
Distributed transaction manager (dtm_tm_role)
High availability (ha_role)
Monitor and diagnosis (Mon_role)
Job Scheduler administration (js_admin_role)
Real Time messaging (messaging_role)
Web Services (web_services)
Job scheduler user(js_user_role)

Create role role_name [with passwd "password"[, {passwd expiration | min
passwd length | max failed_logins} option_value] ]: To create a role.
Sp_addgroup grpname: To create a group.

Logins & User

SYSLOGIN holds the details which allow people to access the Server level.
SYSUSERS holds the details which allow people to access the Databases level.
These two above table are related with the column suid.
Syslogins: Suid, dbname, name, password, srvname, procid.
Sysusers: Suid, uid, gid, name.
Sp_addlogin loginame, passwd [, defdb][, deflanguage][, fullname][,
passwdexp]: To create a login with a default database.
Sp_adduser loginame [, name_in_db [, grpname]]: To create a user for a login
for a database.

Interface & Error Log File

An interface file contains network information about all servers on your
network, including Adaptive Server, Backup Server, and XP Server, plus any
other server applications such as Monitor Server, Replication Server, and any
other Open Server applications.
The network information in the file includes the server name, network name
or address of the host machine, and the port, object, or socket number
(depending on the network protocol) on which the server listens for queries.
Dsedit or Dscp utility are used to create an interface file. Using Dsedit or
Dscp is preferred than text editor as its easier to use and ensures that the
interface file is consistent in format.

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Error log is stored externally. All the server level events and severity level
>16 will be recorded in the error log.
We notice error number, severity level >16 and error message in the errorlog.
These error messages can be found in the table sysmessages.
Severity level less than 17 are not recorded in the error log, as the affect is
minimal. Object level error messages are not included in the error log.
We cannot start the ASE without errorlog file.

ASE Memory Usage

Memory is consumed by various configuration parameters, statement cache,
procedure cache and data caches.
The total memory allocated during boot-time is the sum of memory required
for all the configuration needs of Adaptive Server. The total memory required
value can be obtained from the read-only configuration parameter 'total
logical memory'.
The configuration parameter 'max memory' must be greater than or equal to
'total logical memory'.
'Max Memory' indicates the amount of memory you will allow for Adaptive
Server needs. During boot-time, by default, Adaptive Server allocates
memory based on the value of 'total logical memory'. However, if the
configuration parameter 'allocate max shared memory' has been set, then
the memory allocated will be based on the value of 'max memory'.
Caches in Max Memory / Adaptive Servero Procedure Cache- Adaptive Server maintains an MRU/LRU (most
recently used/least recently used) chain of stored procedure query
plans. As users execute stored procedures, Adaptive Server looks in the
procedure cache for a query plan to use. If a query plan is available, it
is placed on the MRU end of the chain, and execution begins. If more
than one user uses a procedure or trigger simultaneously, there will be
multiple copies of it in cache. If the procedure cache is too small, a
user trying to execute stored procedures or queries that fire triggers
receives an error message and must resubmit the query. Space
becomes available when unused plans age out of the cache, the
default procedure cache size is 3271 memory pages.
o Statement Cache- The statement cache allows Adaptive Server to store
the text of ad hoc SQL statements. Adaptive Server compares a newly
received ad hoc SQL statement to cached SQL statements and, if a
match is found, uses the plan cached from the initial execution. In this
way, Adaptive Server does not have to recompile SQL statements for
which it already has a plan. This allows the application to amortize the
costs of query compilation across several executions of the same
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statement. The statement cache memory is taken from the procedure
cache memory pool.
o Data Cache- At the point of installation the default data cache is of 2K
memory pool. The data cache contains pages from recently accessed
objects, typically:
sysobjects, sysindexes, and other system tables for each
Active log pages for each database
The higher levels and parts of the lower levels of frequently used
Recently accessed data pages
The key points for memory configuration are:
o The system administrator should determine the size of shared memory
available to Adaptive Server and set 'max memory' to this value.
o The configuration parameter 'allocate max shared memory' can be
turned on during boot-time and run-time to allocate all the shared
memory up to 'max memory' with the least number of shared memory
segments. Large number of shared memory segments has the
disadvantage of some performance degradation on certain platforms.
Please check your operating system documentation to determine the
optimal number of shared memory segments. Note that once a shared
memory segment is allocated, it cannot be released until the next
server reboot.
o Configure the different configuration parameters, if the defaults are not
o Now the difference between 'max memory' and 'total logical memory'
is additional memory available for procedure, data caches or for other
configuration parameters.
o The amount of memory to be allocated by Adaptive Server during boottime is determined by either 'total logical memory' or 'max memory'. If
this value too high:
o Adaptive Server may not start, if the physical resources on your
machine does is not sufficient.
o If it does start, the operating system page fault rates may rise
significantly and the operating system may need to re configured to

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Figure 4 How Adaptive Server uses memory

For a good performance, the Hit/Miss ratio should be over 90% and can be
found by stored procedure sp_sysmon.

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To change the default settings for the database we use database options.
Sp_dboption- displays or changes database options.
List of database options areTable 2 System Tables DB Options


abort tran on log full
allow nulls by default
async log service
auto identity
dbo use only
ddl in tran
delayed commit
disable alias access
identity in nonunique
no chkpt on recovery
no free space acctg
read only
single user
trunc log on chkpt
unique auto_identity

















Syntax- sp_dboption [dbname, optname, optvalue [, dockpt]]

Configuration Parameters
Config parameter defines the server wide settings and is divided in to static
and dynamic.
All the static configured parameters values are stored in table sysconfigure.
All the dynamic configured parameters values are stored in table
Config values also stored in the <server name>.cfg file and every time you
modify the config values the current <server name>.cfg file will be saved as
<server name>.001 and new config values will be appeared in <server
name>.cfg file.
We cannot start the ASE without valid config file.
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Always have the backup for config file

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Indexes are created for the faster retrieval of the data. Indexes are preferred
when the total requested records are less than or equal to 5% of total table
Whenever a new record is inserted into a table with no index, it stored into
the last available page called hot spot. Table without a clustered index is
known a Heap Table.
When there is no index on the table the user requested query will perform the
table scans (scanning each page that is allocated to the object). To avoid
the table scan we prefer indexes.
Indexes can be broadly divided into two types
o Clustered Indexes- There can only one clustered index for a table in
binary tree format. The leaf nodes contain the data itself. Data is
stored in physical order (asc/desc). Total 3 levels (root, intermediate &
data/leaf). Whenever we recreate the clustered index the non-clustered
index (if exists) will be automatically recreated and update statistics
will run on the object automatically (ASE will run internally).
o Nonclustered Indexes- There can be as many as 249 non clustered
indexes for a table. The leaf nodes contain pointers that map to the
actual data. This is the reason why it takes more time for nonclustered
index data. It is logical. Total 4 levels (root, intermediate. Leaf & data).
All the indexes can be found in table sysindexes for a database. Table is
identified by value 0; Clustered index is identified by value 1, where as rest
non clustered indexes are identified from 2 to 249.
Diagrams that explain clearly about clustered and non clustered
index pages.

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Figure 5 Non clustered index

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Figure 6 Clustered Index

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Table 3 Page Split, Overflow Pages, Row Forwarding

Page Split(APL)

Overflow Pages

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If there is not enough room
on the data page for the new
row, a page split must be
A new data page is allocated
on an extent already in use
by the table. If there is no
free page available, a new
extent is allocated.
The next and previous page
pointers on adjacent pages
are changed to incorporate
the new page in the page
chain. This requires reading
those pages into memory
and locking them.
Approximately half of the
rows are moved to the new
page, with the new row
inserted in order.
The higher levels of the
clustered index change to
point to the new page.
pointers to the affected data
rows must be changed to
point to the new page and
row locations.
When you create a clustered
index for a table that will
grow over time, you may
want to use fill factor to leave
room on data pages and
index pages. This reduces the
number of page splits for a

Special overflow pages

indexes on all pageslocked tables when a
newly inserted row has
the same key as the
last row on a full data
page. A new data page
is allocated and linked
into the page chain,
and the newly inserted
row is placed on the
new page.
The only rows that will
be placed on this
additional rows with
the same key value. In
a nonunique clustered
duplicate key values,
there can be numerous
overflow pages for the
same value.
The clustered index
Instead, the next page
pointers are used to
follow the chain of
overflow pages until a
value is found that
does not match the
search value.

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A data-only-locked table is
updated so that it no
longer fits on the page, a
forwarding performs the
following steps:
The row is inserted onto a
different page, and
A pointer to the row ID on
the new page is stored in
the original location for
the row.
Indexes do not need to be
modified when rows are
forwarded. All indexes still
point to the original row

Sybase DBA Manual

Update Stats & Sp_recompile

The update statistics helps Optimizer to prepare the best plan for the query
based on the density of the index key value in the sysstatistics table.
Execute/schedule update statistics on heavily modified user objects on
daily basis.
SP_RECOMPILE causes each stored procedure and trigger that uses the named table to be
recompiled the next time it runs.


update statistics table_name [index_name].

sp_recompile objname.

Locks & Isolation Level

Adaptive Server protects the tables, data pages, or data rows currently used
by active transactions by locking them. Locking is a concurrency control
mechanism: it ensures the consistency of data within and across
Locking affects performance when one process holds locks that prevent
another process from accessing needed data. The process that is blocked by
the lock sleeps until the lock is released. This is called lock contention.
A deadlock occurs when two user processes each have a lock on a separate
page or table and each wants to acquire a lock on the same page or table
held by the other process. The transaction with the least accumulated CPU
time is killed and all of its work is rolled back.
Adaptive Server supports locking at the table, page, and row level.
o Allpages locking, which locks datapages and index pages ,It can
acquire just one table-level lock.
o Datapages locking, which locks only the data pages, It can acquire a
lock for each page that contained one of the required rows.
o Datarows locking, which locks only the data rows, It can acquire a lock on
each row.

Adaptive Server has two levels of locking:

o For tables that use allpages locking or datapages locking, either page
locks or table locks.
o For tables that use datarows locking, either row locks or table locks.
Page and row locks
o Shared locks-Adaptive Server applies shared locks for read
operations. If a shared lock has been applied to a data page or data
row or to an index page, other transactions can also acquire a shared
lock, even when the first transaction is active. However, no transaction
can acquire an exclusive lock on the page or row until all shared locks
on the page or row are released. This means that many transactions
can simultaneously read the page or row, but no transaction can
change data on the page or row while a shared lock exists.

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Exclusive locks-Adaptive Server applies an exclusive lock for a data

modification operation. When a transaction gets an exclusive lock,
other transactions cannot acquire a lock of any kind on the page or row
until the exclusive lock is released at the end of its transaction. The
other transactions wait or block until the exclusive lock is released.
Update locks-Adaptive Server applies an update lock during the initial
phase of an update, delete, or fetch (for cursors declared for update)
operation while the page or row is being read. Update locks help avoid
deadlocks and lock contention. If the page or row needs to be changed,
the update lock is promoted to an exclusive lock as soon as no other
shared locks exist on the page or row.

Table locks
o Intent lock-An intent lock indicates that page-level or row-level locks
are currently held on a table. Adaptive Server applies an intent table
lock with each shared or exclusive page or row lock, so an intent lock
can be either an exclusive lock or a shared lock. Setting an intent lock
prevents other transactions from subsequently acquiring conflicting
table-level locks on the table that contains that locked page. An intent
lock is held as long as page or row locks are in effect for the
o Shared lock-This lock is similar to a shared page or lock, except that it
affects the entire table. A create nonclustered index command also
acquires a shared table lock.
o Exclusive lock-This lock is similar to an exclusive page or row lock,
except it affects the entire table. For example, Adaptive Server applies
an exclusive table lock during create clustered index command.
Update and delete statements require exclusive table locks if their
search arguments do not reference indexed columns of the object.
Syslocks contains information about active locks, and built dynamically when
queried by a user. No updates to Syslocks are allowed.
Deadlock can be tuned with two options
o Deadlock checking period specifies the minimum amount of time (in
milliseconds) before Adaptive Server initiates a deadlock check for a
process that is waiting on a lock to be released.
o Deadlock retries specifies the number of times a transaction can
attempt to acquire a lock when deadlocking occurs during an index
page split or shrink.
Spinlock ratio- A spinlock is a simple locking mechanism that prevents a
process from accessing the system resource currently used by another
process. All processes trying to access the resource must wait (or spin) until
the lock is released. If 100 are specified for the spinlock ratio, Adaptive
Server allocates one spinlock for each 100 resources. The number of
spinlocks allocated by Adaptive Server depends on the total number of
resources as well as on the ratio specified. The lower the value specified for
the spinlock ratio, the higher the number of spinlocks.
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Sp_lock reports information about processes that currently hold locks.
Lock promotion can only happen from row to table and page to table level.
Config parameters related to locks are :
o Number of locks
o Lock scheme
o Lock wait period
o Lock spinlock ratio
o page lock promotion HWM
o page lock promotion LWM
o page lock promotion PCT
o row lock promotion HWM
o row lock promotion LWM
o row lock promotion PCT
The isolation level controls the degree to which operations and data in one
transaction are visible to operations in other, concurrent transactions.
There are four levels of isolation which ASE has, of which level 0 is default.
Level 0 also known as read uncommitted, allows a task to read
uncommitted changes to data in the database. This is also known as a dirty
read, since the task can display results that are later rolled back.
Level 1 - also known as read committed, prevents dirty reads. Queries at
level 1 can read only committed changes to data. At isolation level 1, if a
transaction needs to read a row that has been modified by an incomplete
transaction in another session, the transaction waits until the first transaction
completes (either commits or rolls back) .
Level 2 also known as repeatable read. It prevents no repeatable reads.
These occur when one transaction reads a row and a second transaction
modifies that row. If the second transaction commits its change, subsequent
reads by the first transaction yield results that are different from the original
Level 3 also known as serializable reads. It prevents phantoms. These occur
when one transaction reads a set of rows that satisfy a search condition, and
then a second transaction modifies the data (through an insert, delete, or
update statement). If the first transaction repeats the read with the same
search conditions.

Phases When Query Is Executed & Process Status

When ever a query is executed it is executed in three phases parser, compiler
and execute. Parser checks for the syntactical errors, compiler checks for the
query plan in data cache ( if not found gets backs from database), execute
checks for the result in the data cache ( if not found gets back from the
During the phases of execution, the single process can change to various
states depending on the availability of the i/o, query plan, data, etc. Below
are mentioned the possible states of a process.

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Table 4 Process Status



Effects of kill Command

recv sleep

waiting on a network read


send sleep

waiting on a network send


alarm sleep

waiting on an alarm, such

as wait for delay "10:00"

lock sleep



Waiting disk I/O, or some

other resource. Probably
indicates a process that is
extensive disk I/O


in the queue of runnable



actively running on one on

the Server engines


serious error
extremely rare


killed when it "wakes up", usually
immediate; a few sleeping processes do
not wake up, and require a Server reboot
to clear

detected Kill command not recommended. Server

condition; reboot probably required to clear

a process, such as a
threshold procedure, run
by SQL Server rather than
by a user process

Immediate; use kill with extreme care.

sysprocesses before killing a background

killed when it "wakes up": 1) when space

processes suspended by is freed in the log by a dump transaction
log suspend reaching the last-chance command or 2) when an SA uses the
threshold on the log
LCT_admin function to wake up "log
suspend" processes

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Sybase DBA Manual

Hit/Miss Diagram
During the execution of a query, it goes through many phases, which can
result as a HIT or a MISS depending on the availability of the data in the
The below diagrams clearly explain the steps involved during HIT or MISS.

Max Memory
Connection Established
Network Handler

Data Fetched back to USER

Send Sleep HIT
Receive Sleep


Figure 7 Steps when a Query is executed by a USER --- HIT

1. Connection is established between user and the ASE.
2. A new session is created for the user.
3. When a query is fired, it is passed to parser, next to complier and then
executed till the result is fetched back to the user.
4. Parser checks for syntactical errors, compiler checks for existing query plan in
procedure cache, execute checks for the corresponding data in the data
5. If everything is found where expected, its called a HIT.
Shared Memory

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Max Memory
Connection Established
Network Handler

Data Fetched back to USER

Send Sleep
Receive Sleep


query plan not found

Interface file









Figure 8 Steps when a Query is executed by a USER --- MISS

Executes Query
Connection is established
between user and the ASE,
Session Created
A new session is created for the user.
User Log Cache in Shared Memory
When a query is fired, it is passed to parser, next to complier and
executed till the result is fetched to the user.
Parser checks for syntactical errors, compiler checks for query plan in the
procedure cache, if not found it gets prepared by the optimizer, execute
checks for data in data cache and if not found gets from the disk and sent
back to user.

Sybase DBA Manual

5. If any one of them (data or query plan) is not found where expected, its
called a MISS.

Start and Shut Down Of Server

To start the ASE execute startserver f RUN_<server name>. Use m to start

the server in single user mode.
The following examples show the RUN_servername file edited to start an
Adaptive Server named TEST in single-user mode On UNIXo #!/bin/sh
o #
o # Adaptive Server Information:
o # name: TEST
o # master device: /work/master.dat
o # master device size: 10752
o # errorlog: /usr/u/sybase/install/errorlog
o # interfaces: /usr/u/sybase/interfaces
o #
o /usr/u/sybase/bin/dataserver -d/work/master.dat
o -sTEST -e/usr/u/sybase/install/errorlog
o -i/usr/u/sybase/interfaces
o -c/usr/u/sybase/TEST.cfg m
Use P option in run server file to generate the password for the SA which
prints the new SA password in the errorlog, for this we need to reboot the ASE
Once the configuration file is loaded, it creates memory in the shared
memory and creates the file <server name>.krg. Solaris\Unix or any
environment, allocates shared memory for the ASE server. In version 12.5.3Session
User Log Cache in Shared
max of 3.7 GB can be allocated to the ASE server.
IPC does the job of controlling and monitoring the shared segments of shared
Shut down of a server can be in two modes. <Server name>.krg file will be
automatically deleted when ASE server goes offline.
o Wait- its a clean shut down which checks and ensures that all
transactions are closed.
o Nowait- Its a dont care shut down, which kill all the transactions

Recovery- Getting the database to the current state of data from a previously
maintained backup.
Refresh- Loading data from one database to another irrespective of sever.
Restore- Taking the database to a previous state.
Backup- Taking an extra copy of the existing data.
Steps to be followed for test refresh.
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Take backup for Prod and Test DB, and also db_options for the test should be
saved before the refresh operation.
Bcp test.dbo.sysusers out <file name> -Ulogin Sserver Ddatabase.
Bcp test.dbo.sysprotects out <file name> -Ulogin Sserver Ddatabase.
Bcp test.dbo.sysaliases out <file name> -Ulogin Sserver Ddatabase.
For copying the ddl of a table the command use ddlgen Ulogin Ppassword
-S[server] T[object_type] (if user requested to take the backup for specific
Load the Test DB with Prod DB backup.
To modify the system table configure the parameters- sp_configure allow
updates on system tables, 1.
Delete the rows from sysusers excluding dbo user-Delete from sysusers
where name not in (dbo).
For copying back the data to sysusers, sysprotects table we need to execute Bcp test.dbo.sysusers in<path> -Ulogin Sserver Ddatabase.
Bcp test.dbo.sysprotects in<path> -Ulogin Sserver Ddatabase.
To reconfigure the access parameters to system tables - sp_configure allow
updates on system tables, 0.
Online database database name.
Set the db_options for the database.
Remap the users after load/refresh

Run dbcc and update stats on need basis.

Database consistency checker (dbcc) checks the logical and physical
consistency of a database and provides statistics, planning, and repair
dbcc Tablealloc checks the specified user table to ensure thato All pages are correctly allocated.
o Partition statistics on the allocation pages are correct.
o No page is allocated that is not used.
o All pages are correctly allocated to the partitions in the specified table
and no page is used until allocated.
o No page is used that is not allocated.
dbcc Checkalloc ensures thato All pages are correctly allocated
o Partition statistics on the allocation pages are correct
o No page is allocated that is not used
o All pages are correctly allocated to individual partitions and no page
used until allocated.
o No page is used that is not allocated
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dbcc Checkalloc [(database_name [, fix | nofix] )]
Tablealloc checks the specified user table to ensure thatAll pages are correctly allocated.
Partition statistics on the allocation pages are correct.
No page is allocated that is not used.
All pages are correctly allocated to the partitions in the specified table
and no page is used until allocated.
o No page is used that is not allocated.



indexalloc checks the specified index to see thatAll pages are correctly allocated.
No page is allocated that is not used.
No page is used that is not allocated.
CheckTable checks the specified table to see thatIndex and data pages are linked correctly.
Indexes are sorted properly.
Pointers are consistent.
All indexes and data partitions are correctly linked.
Data rows on each page have entries in the row-offset table; these
entries match the locations for the data rows on the page.
o Partition statistics for partitioned tables are correct.
Dbcc checkdb runs the same checks as dbcc CheckTable on each table in
the specified database. If you do not give a database name, dbcc checkdb
checks the current database. dbcc checkdb gives similar messages to those
returned by dbcc CheckTable and makes the same types of corrections.
DBCCDB database setup
o Determine Size sp_plan_dbccdb.
o Initialize Disk Devices- Based on size create data and log devices.
o Create dbccdb Database- Create dbccdb on the above created devices.
o Install Stored Procedures- isql -Usa -P -SASESERVER iinstalldbccdb
o Configure Adaptive Server- sp_configure "number of worker processes",
o Create Workspaces.
o Set dbccdb Configuration Parameters.
o Run dbcc checkstorage.
o Evaluate Configurations.

Sp_addserver PROX_<server name>,NULL,<server name that u mention in
interface file>
Sp_addexternlogin PROX_<server name>, <login name in source server>,
<user at remote server>, <password at remote server>
Sp_addobjectdef proxy_<table name>, PROX_<server name>,<remote
database name>,<remote object owner>,<object name>,table
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Create proxy_table , proxy_<table name> at PROX_<server name>,<remote
database name>,<remote object owner>,<object name>

MDA Tables
MDA tables provides detailed information about server status, the activity of
each process in the server, the utilization of resources such as data caches,
locks and the procedure cache, and the resource impact of each query thats
run on the server.
Steps that need to be followed during installing MDA tableso Check for sp_configure enable cis and set to 1.
o Add loopback server name alias in master - sp_addserver loopback,
null, @@servername
o Install MDA tables - isql -U sa -P <password> -S<Server Name> i
o Assign 'Mon_role' to logins allowed MDA access- grant role Mon_role to
o To test for basic configuration select * from master..monstate
o Assign several configuration parameters like enable monitoring to 1,
sql text pipe active to 1, sql text pipe max messages to 100, plan text
pipe active to 1, plan text pipe max messages to 100, statement pipe
active to 1, statement pipe max messages to 100, errorlog pipe active
to 1, errorlog pipe max messages to 100, deadlock pipe active to 1,
deadlock pipe max messages to 100, wait event timing to 1, process
wait events to 1, object lockwait timing to 1, sql batch capture to 1,
statement statistics active to 1, per object statistics active to 1, max
sql text monitored to 2048

Multiple Temp Databases

Multiple tempdb is useful when a user or an application needs specified
tempdb, for its operations. If in any case if the rest tempdb are full, the
default tempdb would be helpful in getting back the rest to normal
operations. The default tempdb is usually assigned to the SA, to avoid server
tempdb full. The number of user created tempdb can be configured according
to the available hard ware resources and the user application.
Steps to be followed during creation of tempdbo Creating devices for tempdb - Create temporary database <temp db
name> on <device name>=<size on device>Log on <log device
name>=<size on device>.
o To add the database as a tempdb- Sp_tempdb add, <tempdb name>,
o To bind the tempdb - sp_tempdb bind, lg, <login name>, db.
<Tempdb name>.
o To unbind the tempdb - sp_tempdb unbind, lg, <login name>, db.
<Tempdb name>.

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Optdiag -Displays optimizer statistics or loads updated statistics into system
The advantages of Optdiag areo Optdiag can display statistics for all tables in a database, or for a single
o Optdiag output contains addition information useful for understanding
query costs, such as index height and the average row length.
o Optdiag is frequently used for other tuning tasks, so you should have
these reports on hand.
Isql - Interactive SQL parser to Adaptive Server.
Syntax isql Uuser Sserver Ddatabase.
When connecting to the server with isql, it goes to the file (sql.ini for
Windows/interface.ini for Solaris), and finds the path for the server.
ddlgen- This is used to take a back up of a table structure
Defncopy- This is used to take a backup of defaults, views, rules stored
procedures and triggers.
Bcp two options in and out. Out is to extract the data from the e object to
flat file and In is vice versa. Again In have two options, fast bcp (nonlogged) and slow bcp (logged). For copying back the data the option must
be set to true- sp_dboption select into /pllsort, true.

If server config value has reached the max threshold limit for number of
open databases, number of open objects, number of open indexes,
number of user connections & number of locks. Please follow the steps
Sp_countmetadata- Gives information about the total number of objects like
tables, sps, views, triggers, etc. sp_countmetadata "configname" [, dbname].
Sp_monitorconfig- Gives information about max usage/current max value of
the above mentioned config parameters.
Sp_configure- To reconfigure the parameters with new value.
To check if the port is opened
Telnet <IP ADDRESS> <Port Number>
if the port is opened you will see a blank screen in command prompt....
To abort all the open transactions when log is full- Select LCT_admin(abort,
pid, dbid).
Process to kill the open transactions
a. The PID for the current running transaction can be identified from table
b. Once the PID is identified, the user details can be found from the table
c. Execute dbcc TRACEON (3604): Turning on the trace flag will display
the trace output on console rather than the error log.
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d. Execute dbcc SQL TEXT (spid) : to view the details of the transaction
e. Execute dbcc TRACEOFF (3604)
f. To Kill Process- kill PID.
To view server status in Unix- showserver, & ps-esf |grep Sybase.
To know server version details- select @@version OR records in error log OR
dataserver v.
To know the current isolation level used by the server- select @@isolation.
For manually clearing shared segments- ipcrm s/m<pid> and verify the
values with <server name>.krg file and once you clear the memory then
delete the <server name>.krg file.
Also check for any active Sybase process ps eaf |grep Sybase. Kill the active
Sybase process related to the particular server.
Memory Jam- It occurs due to the non de-allocation of the shared segments in
the shared memory.
To recover this we have to check out the number of servers running. Later we
have to match the <servername>.krg file with the details available on the
shared segment allocated to the server.
Delete the identified segment by using- ipcrm s<PID>.
Its always a better practice to hold a backup of the <servername>.krg file,
as it is deleted once the server gets shut down.

Checking the server blocking process

a. When a process A is blocked by another process B, and B blocked by C,
and continued in similar fashion till N number of processes, these all
are blocked by the nth process. To unblock process A, all the sub
processes till Nth process should be killed or terminated.
b. To retrieve the blocked and corresponding blocking process ids, a
correlated query on sysprocess table, has to be executed.
c. Check the final process id
dbcc dbcc traceon(3604)
dbcc (sqltext <pid>)
dbcc dbcc traceoff(3604)
dbcc set tracefile <file-path> for spid
set show_sqltext on
set showplan on
dbcc set tracefile off for spid
d. If its a select operation, kill the process. Or else wait till the operation
is completed.
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Recovering Master Database
a. Recovering master Database can be done only if a valid dump of
Master database exists.
b. To build it again, steps followed are
i. Dataserver d<device name> -z<page size> -b<size>.
ii. User should log into the server, in single user mode.
iii. Load the Master DB from previous backup.
iv. Restart the server.
c. Backups of Necessary tables like syslogins, sysusages, sysdevices,
sysdatabases, and sysalternatives should always be maintained.

Point-In-Time Recovery
a. PITR can be done only if a valid full dump of database, transaction log
dumps and the dump of current transaction log (dump tran <db
name> to <file name> with no_truncate, this option will allow to
perform the backup if database device fails.).
b. To do PITR, steps followed are
Restore the full backup
Restore all the transaction logs in the sequence
Restore the most recent transaction log which was dumped with
no_truncate option
Bring the database online.
Extending Temp Database to separate data and log segments

Initialize data and log devices separately

Extend Temp database to these devices
Sp_configure allow updates, 1 Allows updating the sysusages table.
Delete from sysusages where dbid=2 and segmap=<the segment id
for master device>
e. Sp_configure allow updates, 0
f. Sp_helpdb tempdb- Shows the details for the Temp database.
Log free space issue (showing minus value in log segment usage)
log on to Sybase server
Use master
Sp_stop_rep_agent <database name >
Logon to replication server
admin health
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suspend connection to
admin who
admin health
admin disk_space
log on to Sybase server
use master
sp_dboption <database name >, dbo use,true
sp_dboption <database name >, single user,true
select spid from sysprocesses where dbid=db_id(<database name >)
(if find any active process kill them)
use <database name >
dbcc traceon(3604)
dbcc dbrepair(<database name >,fixlogfreespace)
dbcc traceon(3604)
use master
sp_dboption <database name >, dbo use,false
sp_dboption <database name >, single user,false
Logon to replication server
admin health
resume connection to
admin who
admin health
admin disk_space

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log on to Sybase server
use master
sp_start_rep_agent <database name >

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To find the ROWID
select rownum = identity(10) , <column name> into #<temp table name> from
<table name>
select * from #<temp table name>
drop #<temp table name>

How to Apply EBF

Sybase releases a bulletin and lists the details of the updates and bug fixes
(EBF details) for each version of Sybase server. All of these patches / hot fixes
are bundled in a package and released with the list of bugs fixed or
enhancements of the product
Process for Patch Deployment:
a. Download the patches from the Sybase Site.
b. Create a temporary directory, and unzip the patch file into this
directory. For DOS installations set the temporary directory as your
current directory and run setup.exe in that directory. For Windows
installations, double click on setup.exe from the explorer in the
temporary directory.
c. The patch ZIP file contains a file called README.TXT. This is a text file
documenting bug fixes and changes that were made to this release of
the software.
d. Evaluate the Patches and verify is the patch is suitable for your current
e. Classify them into required and not required. Any patch that is
presumed not to be necessary for deployment now can be ignored as
the final version of this hot fix will be rolled out in the next service pack
of the product.
f. Run basic DBCC checks to make sure the all the databases are in good
condition. If you find any error in DBCC output fix the issue before
rolling out the new patch.
g. Take a backup of all the system, user databases and BCP out of specific
system tables.
h. Lock all the users on the data server as we need to perform some post
install steps
i. Bounce the Server
j. Deploy the required patches in the test environment.
k. Run standard upgrade scripts like installmaster, installmsgs,
installmontables from $SYBASE/ASE_125/scripts
l. Verify the output for any issues.
m. Change the $SYBASE variable in .profile to point to new EBF directory
and source it

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Sybase DBA Manual

n. Copy the run server file into the new location ( if required since most of
the clients keep the run server file in $SYBASE/ASE/install )
o. Bring up the Server.
p. Verify the errorlog for any issues.
q. Validate the errorlog and fix the issues with applications.
r. unlock all the users and handover the server to apps team
s. If any of the hot fix is causing undesired results do not deploy the fix
until further testing.
t. Once the test environment looks stable with the new patch
deployments and all issues seen during the deployment are resolved
the same can be moved to production.
u. Document all the steps, observations and workarounds that have been
carried out during the testing phase.
v. Prepare a Checklist.
w. Plan for roll out into production.

Query and Server Performance Tuning

Below are some tools for Query Tuning
a. Show Plan- tells you the final decisions that the optimizer makes about
your queries.
b. Set Show Plan to turn the show plan off or on
c. Set Statistics I/O displays the number of logical and physical reads
and writes required for each table in a query. If resource limits are
enabled, it also displays the total actual I/O cost.
d. Dbcc trace on (3604, 302) - makes you understand why and how the
optimizer makes choices. It can help you debug queries and decide
whether to use certain options, like specifying an index or a join order
for a particular query.
e. Dbcc trace on (3604, 310) - gives per table I/O estimates.
f. Dbcc trace on (3604, 317) - gives report about all the plans.
g. Set no exec on- prepares the query plan with out executing the query.
Below are some points to be taken care for better performance
a. Data and Log of tempdb should be placed on different devices.
b. Data and log of user databases should also be placed on different
c. Data cache should be configured such that hit/miss ratio should be
greater than 90.
d. Statistics must be updated periodically, and also exec sp_recompile.
e. Run update index statistics
f. All Nonclustered Indexes should be placed on a separate segment.
g. All lookup tables should be placed on a separate segment.
h. Indexes should be proper. Reorg/Recreate if necessary.
i. Run reorg
forward_row/reorg rebuild
(select reorg rebuild
+name+char(10)+go from sysobjects where type=U and
lockscheme(name) not it (allpages)

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Sybase DBA Manual

Sp_monitor - Displays statistics about Adaptive Server. Adaptive Server
keeps track of how much work it has done in a series of global variables.
Sp_monitor displays the current values of these global variables and how
much they have changed since the last time the procedure executed.
Sp_sysmon - Displays performance information, displays information about
Adaptive Server performance. It sets internal counters to 0, and then waits
for the specified interval while activity on the server causes the counters to
be incremented. When the interval ends, sp_sysmon prints information from
the values in the counters.
If you face the performance issues.
Check the physical_io in sysprocesses table and trace the spid details
Dbcc traceon(3604)
Dbcc sqltext(spid)
Sp_object_stats 00:10:00
Sp_monitorconfig all

To find vdev number- Select max (low/16777218) from Master..sysdevices.
Procedure cache size= (max number of concurrent users)*(4+size of largest
procedures)*(Average plan size).
To get a rough estimate of the size of a single stored procedure, view, or
trigger, use: select(count(*) / 8) +1
from sysprocedures where id =
number of worker processes = [max parallel degree] X [the number of
concurrent connections wanting to run queries in parallel] X [1.5].
Size of the tempdb = 20% of sum up of all the user databases.
Size of Log disk= 10 % of the data disk of the particular device.
Size of DBCC database- can be found out from sp_plan_dbccdb.
Stored procedure to get the segment usage report

SQL to calculate database usage

select "Database," = convert(char(20),db_name(dbid))+',',
"Data Size," = str(sum(size * abs(sign(segmap - 4))) / 512.0, 7, 2)+',',
"Data Used," = str(sum((size - curunreservedpgs(dbid, lstart, unreservedpgs))
* abs(sign(segmap - 4))) / 512.0, 7, 2)+',',
"Data Free," = str(100.0 * sum((curunreservedpgs(dbid,
lstart,unreservedpgs)) * abs(sign(segmap - 4))) / sum(size * abs(sign(segmap4))), 3) + "%"+',',
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Sybase DBA Manual

"Log Size," = str(sum(size * (1 - abs(sign(segmap - 4)))) / 512.0, 7, 2)+',',
"Log Used," = str(sum((size - curunreservedpgs(dbid, lstart, unreservedpgs))*
(1 - abs(sign(segmap - 4)))) / 512.0, 7, 2)+',',
"Log Free" = str(100.0 * sum((curunreservedpgs(dbid,
lstart,unreservedpgs))* (1 - abs(sign(segmap - 4)))) / sum(size * (1 abs(sign(segmap - 4)))), 3) + "%"
from master..sysusages
where segmap < 5
group by db_name(dbid)
SQL to find the database and the related devices
select dbid, size,name, phyname "physical device"from sysusages,
sysdevices where name = 'xxx' and vstart between low and high compute
SQL to find the max CPU utilized
dr from sysprocesses order by physical_io
Select name,accdate,totcpu,totio from syslogins order by totcpu
Entry in interface file - master tli tcp /dev/tcp \x0002 0401 81 96 c451.
This can be interpreted asX0002 no user interpretation (header info?)
port number (1025 decimal)
first part of IP address (129 decimal)
second part of IP address (150 decimal)
third part of IP address (196 decimal)
fourth part of IP address (81 decimal)

Sybase Diagram
Sybase Diagram.doc

Replication Overview and Architecture Diagram

Sybase Replication Agent is the Sybase solution for replicating table data
changing operations and stored procedure invocations against a primary

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Sybase DBA Manual

Sybase Replication Agent extends the capabilities of Replication Server by
allowing non-Sybase (heterogeneous) database servers to act as primary
data servers in a replication system based on Sybase replication technology.
Rep Server is configured by using command rs_init.
Primary Dataserver - It is the source of data where client applications
enter/delete and modify data. This need not be ASE; it can be Microsoft SQL
Server, Oracle, DB2, and Informix.
Replication Agent/Log Transfer Manager- Log Transfer Manager (LTM) is a
separate program/process which reads transaction log from the source server
and transfers them to the replication server for further processing. With ASE
11.5, this has become part of ASE and is now called the Replication Agent.
However, you still need to use an LTM for non-ASE sources. When replication
is active, one connection per each replicated database in the source
dataserver (sp_who).
Replication Server (s) - The replication server is an Open Server/Open Client
application. The server part receives transactions being sent by either the
source ASE or the source LTM. The client part sends these transactions to the
target server which could be another replication server or the final
Replicate (target) Dataserver It is the server in which the final replication
server (in the queue) will repeat the transaction done on the primary. One
connection for each target database, in the target dataserver when the
replication server is actively transferring data (when idle, the replication
server disconnects or fades out in replication terminology).
Stable Queue- after Replication Server is installed; a disk partition is set up
used by Replication Server to establish stable queues. During replication
operations, Replication Server temporarily stores updates in these queues.
There are three different types of stable queues, each of which stores
different type of data.
o Inbound Queue- holds messages only from a Replication Agent. If the
database you add contains primary data, or if request stored
procedures are to be executed in the database for asynchronous
delivery, Replication Server creates an inbound queue and prepares to
accept messages from a Replication Agent for the database.
o Outbound Queue- holds messages for a replicate database or a
replicate Replication Server. There is one outbound queue for each of
these destinations:
For each replicate database managed by a Replication Server,
there is a Data Server Interface (DSI) outbound queue.
For every Replication Server to which a Replication Server has a
route, there is a Replication Server Interface (RSI) outbound
o Subscription Materialization Queue- holds messages related to newly
created or dropped subscriptions. This queue stores a valid
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transactional snapshot from the primary database during

subscription materialization or from a replicate database during
Stable Queue Manager manages all these operations related to Stable
Data Server Interface- It connects RDS and Rep Server. It reads data from
Outbound Queue and replicates to RDS according to the subscriptions.
Distributor- It takes care of sending committed transaction from inbound
queue to outbound queue with the help of Stable Queue Transaction (SQT)
Any exceptions encountered during the process are recorded into
o Whenever two servers required to be connected over WAN, they both
have to be set into a single domain.
o If Rep Servers are more than 10, Rep monitoring service (RMS) is
required to manage all of them. Otherwise they are managed by
Replication Manager.
o There can be multiple rep definitions for a single table.
o Multiple servers can be connected in two ways- Hierarchal and Star.
o The time to reach from PDS to RS is known as latency.

Page 45

Sybase DBA

Figure 9 Replication Architecture

Page 46

Sybase DBA Manual

Sybase License Definition
License Definitions

Job scheduling at UNIX level is done in crontab. All the DBA jobs are
scheduled to run automatically in crontab. Each user on UNIX level has own
crontab and one should have the privilege to add/modify the crontab.
Syntax- crontab [ -e [opens the crontab editor] | -l [lists all the crontab
entries] | -r [removes the crontab file].
Always have the backup for crontab.

Page 47

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