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WHC is a registered United Kingdom Charity No. 232409

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Dearest Crusader friend,

It is really great to have contact with you. We

thoroughly enjoy receiving and reading your letters
and emails and thanks for keeping in touch with me
and all your friends at the Sanctuary. There is so
much more that we can achieve when we work

The Crusade’s Mission is to achieve World Brotherhood and we can only

manage that with your help. We all have a responsibility to make this
Earth a better to place to live in. All of us without exception contribute to
‘global warming,’ environment pollution and the destruction of natural
habitats. You might think, ‘surely he isn’t talking about me?’ I am and I
include myself as well. It is a matter of reducing the impact that each of
us has. I am not going to continue to ‘beat the drum,’ you know what I
am talking about. If we co-operate then there is a better chance that all
of us will enjoy a better environment, a more sustainable economy,
better health, in fact lots more as well. We can do that for today,
tomorrow and for the future as well. The World Healing Crusade is well
placed to work with you in the local community, the nation and in the
International sphere as well. Why not become an active member right
now; share your thoughts, send in your articles, organise meetings for
me to attend and let’s heal the world and each other!

Yours sincerely,

Your Testimonies
My Testimony – Nancy Leonard - UK, - December 2009.

In 1928 when I was two weeks old my mother passed away leaving a
husband and four other girls. My childhood in a one parent family was
very difficult in many ways. Work for men was scarce and my personal
experience of World War Two was horrific. My working life in a factory
started at the age of fourteen with long hours and a small pay packet.

I went into the forces when I was seventeen where I met and married Bert
when I was nineteen. My life altered considerably in the following years. I
became much happier and many years after our son was born and grown
up, we spent about fifteen years of joy and laughter meeting hundreds of
people of different nationalities in festival folk dancing. Our great joy was
mountain climbing in Austria where I had many experiences, some of
which were quite spiritual.

About ten years ago I contracted Dystonia which is a neurological illness;

it caused very painful muscular spasms. It can also stop the mind from
functioning correctly. For eight years medical treatment did not help.
During this time many prayers were said for me and I asked God into my
life. Then a miracle happened. Our Lord Jesus came into my heart and
the slow process of healing began. Not only did the Lord heal me, He
showed me that my illness happened because I was not living my life as
our Creator intended I should live it. I had become too negative minded,
was eating and drinking the wrong foods etc; and therefore abusing my
body. It became very clear to me that I should also learn to forgive the
drawbacks of my early childhood, to live in the present and not the past
and to follow His example of living to the best of my ability.

I had a major operation in June 2008 and I believe I survived it because of

the many prayers that were said for me, I also know now that to have trust
and faith in our Lord is extremely important and is necessary for the
remainder of my life. So now I want to thank God and ask His blessings
on all who prayed for my complete recovery. Miracles do happen even in
this day and age. Your prayers were answered. Thanks be to God. Amen

All Creatures Great and Small
Brother Andrew

Everything in the Universe was and continues to be created by God.

Nothing exists without God and He is the abundance that we see
expressed in all things. From the tiniest microbe to the largest
elephant, from Leonardo to Lenin, every aspect of creation has a
Divine purpose. As humans we tend to concern ourselves with 'our'
world to the exclusion of other beings. We destroy habitats, building
houses and shopping complexes, robbing the natural world of its
inherent riches. Scientists 'design' crops to resist pesticides and weed
killers and feeding areas for animals, birds and insects is destroyed.
Hedgerows are ripped up to increase farming productivity, thus
removing shelter for God's creatures. Watercourses are polluted,
killing fish and plants and adversely affecting our own health. Air
quality is very low and continues to decline. It has got to stop and we
must try to redress the balance!

The Crusade is a Charity that supports the wellbeing of the world and
all within it! From animate to inanimate matter, from Human to animal.
We work on an all inclusive basis because we are dealing with all
God's creations. God uses His people to assist in the Divine healing of
all in need. Perhaps it is easier for a person in need to seek assistance
because more often than not they can express the problem in words.
Yet what about an animal? This dear being also requires an
opportunity to receive healing. When we are sensitive to the health
problems that manifest within creatures then we are in a position to
help them. After all, they are as important to God as we are! Over the
years we have had the pleasure of praying for animals as well as
Humans, and not surprisingly, wonderful healings have taken place.

"Dear Friends at the Sanctuary,

I am pleased to write to you with wonderful news. My beloved tabby cat ‘Jamie’
has had a complete and swift recovery, since I rang about a fortnight ago and
asked for healing prayers on his behalf. I had thought I was going to lose him;
but once again the efficiency of prayer and faith have been proven, and all is
well. Especially I thank the friend to whom I spoke on the telephone. In the
anxiety of the moment I did not make a note of the name. God bless you for
your prayerful help.” D.T.
We are not bodies, but spirits; in prayer we worship God in spirit and in

Jesus revealed the Father of love, compassion, forgiveness and all

The more we fight a weakness the stronger it becomes. The more we
strain and use will power to overcome it, the more power we give to the

You live and move and have your being in Him, now, and forever. You
are the temple of the Holy Spirit, now, and unto all eternity.

No matter what WE think we want, the eternal truth is that our only real
need is to allow the will of God to be done in us.

In His grace, lay down your life in love more completely than ever
before, to inspire, heal and bless everyone you meet day by day.

Discords, disease, troubles and trials are all states of tension; dis-
ease. Peace the opposite quality to discord, disharmony, disease!
Therefore the healing of all the tensions of man lies potentially in the
great peace.
Healing Recordings for You
A 2 – Your Christ/Inheritance Through Release – Bro. Conrad – (New)
A 3 – Love God/ The Holy Spirit – Brother Conrad - (New)
BT 5 – The Power of Love/Abiding in God – Brother Mandus
C 2 – One World – One God – Brother Conrad
E 5 -Taking Control – Brother Andrew
E 8 – Being Alive – Brother Andrew
E 9 – No Real Division – Brother Andrew
GS 2 – The Plan Divine / Simplicity, Faith & Love – Brother Mandus
GS 4 – Pray Without Ceasing / The Bread of Life – Brother Mandus
HC 3 – Healing Help / Healing Prayer – Brother Mandus
HC 4 – If You are Sick/Healing Prayer – Brother Mandus
HC 8 – Meeting You in Healing Prayer – Brother Mandus
HM 5 – Relax – Brother Andrew
HM 8 – Meditate With Me – Brother Andrew
MH 1 – Into The Lord’s Peace – Brother Conrad (New)
MH 2 -The Healing Sleep – Brother Conrad – (New)

All are recordings are priced at £6. They are available on CD and
audio tape. When you make your order please specify if you
require tape or CD, thank you.

WHC Healing DVDs

GN1 - Good News – Brother Andrew -(Special price £5)

CCCS – The Crusade Christmas Carol Service - (Special price £5)
HPS1 - Healing Prayer Service - (Special price £5)

Postal charges:- UK .50p; Europe £1.00, International £1.50

The Vision - Brother Mandus
In the Silence of Your Soul

But seek ye FIRST the Kingdom of God, and

His Righteousness and all things shall be
added unto you. " — Jesus.

So many good friends who seek the Kingdom of God proclaim their
failure to enter the wonderful peace which is so tantalisingly held before
them by the Lord and the saints, mystics and countless others throughout
recorded history. It is a paramount human need that we MUST seriously
try to eliminate the difficulties and simplify the process by which ordinary
God-seeking folk can FIND the Kingdom. Perhaps the only way to help
anyone else is to try to reduce this Heavenly experience to words which
relate personal adventures in this seeking and finding. I trust you will forgive
me if I share with you my own secret thoughts, but I yearn for everyone to
share these healing blessings of the great peace. I do so with deep
humility, fully conscious of many short-comings, and only because I
KNOW mankind can only be saved through Christ.
In the first place of course, I accept completely the truth of the indwelling
Spirit of God. I remember now (and am always recalling it), the greatest
experience in my life; that one vital moment when I was baptised by the
Holy Spirit within. For one perfect second; unexpected, unheralded and
while I was doing a trivial task, my personal mind and body was
FUSED in LIGHT! A breathless, unbearable LIGHT- PERFECTION, as
intense as the explosion of a flash of lightning within me. More
unendurable than the Holy Flame revealed as LIGHT, was the perfect
nature of Christ which extinguished self. In this timeless second I knew
a love wisdom knowledge and ecstasy transcending anything I could

Book Reviews
Power Thinking – Brother Mandus

“I have only one deep conviction to share with you and that revolves
around an urgent need for an all-embracing and all-pervading simplicity
in every approach to the study of the mind and of man’s infinite potential
evolution… We are all involved in the greatest intellectual expansion the
world has ever known.”

In this book, Brother Mandus devotes chapters to ‘The Creative Power

of Prayer,’ ‘The Creative Power of Silence’ and ‘The Creative Power of
Imagination.’ Along the way, he helps the reader to search for powers
that can be released into immediate creative good. ‘Power Thinking’ is a
book of encouragement and hope.

The Grain of Mustard Seed – Brother Mandus

“There is no news like Good News, especially if it is endowed with

centuries of joyful experience. This book is a very humble effort to share
with you the good news I discovered to be true in the gospels of Jesus
Christ.” The emphasis throughout this book in on the fundamental
principles of love and faith in Christian expression.

This Wondrous Way of Life – Brother Mandus

This outstanding and unusual book reveals the power of the Great
Creator of the universe to take ordinary human beings, just where they
are , with their troubles, diseases and disasters and lead them onward
and upward when life becomes the great adventure it was meant to be,
instead of a strain and struggle in their own strength which eventually
breaks so many of them.

All books are priced at £6 + p. & p.

Postal charges:- UK £1; Europe £2, International £3.50


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