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Love and the theory of evolution

Evolution. What in our life doesnt appear to evolve from one form to another? Thoughts, children, animals, plants,
basically all things in life, seem to move from one stage of evolution into another form of realization. Therefore, it
would seem logical, given the obvious fact that everything is in a state of evolution or transformation, that life is an
evolutionary process.
Consequently, according to many, we all grew out of microbes after a cosmic big bang and then became monkeys and
now something that we call human beings. And who knows what we will be tomorrow.
It isnt difficult to accept evolution as a main component of human existence. In every aspect of our lives we experience a continuous evolution, a change from one form into another. The problem, though, is that evolution has taken
a very banal concept and has turned it into religious fanaticism.
By its very nature, the theory of evolution is discriminatory.
It takes a very simple concept and gives it enormous significance and power. The popular notion of evolution has created and fanatically pursued the notion that human beings
are superior to any other life form on planet Earth. Why?
Because, according to some, human beings are more evolved
than any other species. And then evolution also goes on to
explain that certain human beings are more evolved than
other human beings.
Unfortunately, it doesnt seem important to the theory of
evolution that all of humanity, regardless of race, color or
creed, is endowed with the same human qualities as you or me. Or that the rest of the planet Earth could survive
perfectly well without the so-called evolved human beings. Actually, planet Earth would definitely do better without humanity living on it and destroying it. James Lovelock, known for proposing the Gaia hypothesis, even goes so
far as to call humanity on Earth a harmful parasite.
The problem appears to be with the word evolution. The very nature of the word requires humanity to separate
and discriminate life into its perceived respective categories a before and after, a this and a that. And as a result of
all our separating and labeling we have created subjectively discriminating categories purporting to be clear evidence
that some groups in life have evolved more than others.
Just ask any bigot, whether racist, sexist or nationalist, if that person isnt happier to be white instead of black, to be a
man instead of a woman or to be an American instead of a Mexican, and youll see the consequences of the theory of
evolution. But what have these supposedly more evolved categories of humanity actually evolved into? What is the
measure for understanding why some human beings feel superior to other human beings or treat other species of life
on Earth as being inferior to them?
I would propose that for most people the true measure in this evolutionary process is money and the power it buys.
The more money you have, the more youre evolved. The less money you have, youre a cockroach. And if you have
neither money nor power, then you try to identify with the groups that do, hoping that some of their money and
power will rub off onto you.

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Materialism is the basis of evolution. Today, the theory of evolution has nothing to do with possible scientific proof that human beings may have evolved from microbes into monkeys and into what we are today. And
if were truthful, nobody even cares about possible scientific proof. The average person knows nothing about
science anyway. But the average person thinks he or she knows something about money. For most human
beings today, evolution equals materialism.
And some human beings use evolutions materialistic nature to justify why theyre indifferent and cruel to
other human beings. Evolution is the excuse humanity uses to torture and kill other human beings. Its the
expression of the more evolved flexing their muscles. As a result, we have certain nations, religions and races
that have exasperated the notion of the survival of the fittest by suppressing others. And they feel their superiority through their money and the power we human beings have permitted money to have in our lives.
It wouldnt matter if the richest person in the world were totally ignorant. Humanity would accept and
respect that person as being evolved. And it wouldnt matter if the poorest person in the world were totally
loving. Humanity would consider that person to be a cockroach and treat that person as such.
Pick up any newspaper and see how many photos of loving human beings you can find. Typically you only
find photos of the rich, the famous and the victims of a cruel society. Are any of these loving human beings?
Nobody ever asks them to be loving human beings. They just have to be rich, famous or a victim.
Go to any school or university and ask the students
how many want to be rich and famous in life. Then
ask them how many want to be loving human beings
in life. Ask them if they could choose, which would
they prefer. The idea sounds absurd to you? Why?
In the past 100 years, humanity has tortured, starved
to death, murdered or made homeless billions of human beings in the name of fortune and fame. Who
wants to be the loving human being that becomes the
victim of such madness?
So has love evolved, step by step, with the theory of
evolution? We know more about pension tax shelters, investment funds, new cars, holiday resorts, the latest
fashion in clothes and mobile phones than we do about what it means to love another human being and how
to do it. Sure, we learn how to fornicate, but we rarely show ourselves capable of learning how to love the one
were with. As a species, what have we human beings done to grow love and compassion in life?
The theory of evolution has evolved love and compassion into useless emotions in our world. Instead evolution has elevated indifference and hatred for humanity as an essential characteristic for the survival of the
fittest. Money, and the power it buys, has evolved into our highest concept of Evolution, the ultimate God.

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