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Quaternary International 204 (2009) 8494

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A rst phytolith approximation to diet study in the archaeological site

Gascon 1, Pampean Region, Republica Argentina
Lumila P. Menendez a, *, Margarita Osterrieth b, Fernando Oliva a

gicos Regionales, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina

Universidad Nacional de La Plata, y Centro de Estudios Arqueolo
Centro de Geologa de Costas, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina

a r t i c l e i n f o

a b s t r a c t

Article history:
Available online 20 February 2009

The purpose of this study is to detail information about the use of plants by indigenous societies in
Argentinean archaeology through the qual-quantitative characterization of phytoliths extracted from the
archaeological site Gascon 1, located in the Pampean Region, Republica Argentina. This aim is achieved
through the evaluation of phytolithic fertility, quantity, and variety from diverse archaeological samples.
An exploratory study was based on the phytolithic analysis of materials from the Gascon 1 burial site,
where ve individuals of diverse sex and age were recovered. Foreign elements included as funerary
goods permit chronological assignment to IndigenousHispanic Contact. Seven types of samples
extracted from individual 5 were analyzed: a sample obtained from the sediment of the abdominal area,
two sediment samples from inside and two from outside the archaeological site, two samples of phytoliths extracted from the dental calculus and a sample of the carbonized material proceeding from the
offered pottery vessel.
Phytoliths are at maximum in the sediment sample of the abdominal area, minimum in samples from
outside the archaeological site, and intermediate values were found in samples from inside the
archaeological site. A cluster analysis and a principal component analysis were applied to the phytolith
recount results. In general, the emphasized morphologies correspond to gramineous short cells,
increased in the concentrated sample compared to the total sample. The majority could be assimilated to
the pooideae subfamily, then chloridoideae and nally panicoideae.
2009 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
The archaeological site Gascon 1 is situated in the Pampean
Region, in the southwest of Buenos Aires Province, Republica
Argentina, 40 km from the occidental extreme of the Ventania
Range (Fig. 1). Here, ve human burials and associated evidence
belonging to their funerary goods were recovered (Figs. 2 and 3).
The latter include pottery vessels, Ovis aries remains, necklaces
with metallic and vitreous (Venetian) beads, buckles and other
metal elements. These set of elements permit assigning the site to
shortly after IndigenousHispanic Contact (XVIIIXIX centuries)
(Oliva and Lisboa, 2006; Oliva et al., 2007).
As the preservation of vegetation remains is limited or null in
the southeast Pampean region, it was not possible to nd vegetation macro-remains. Considering this issue, the study of microremains was attempted through phytolith analysis, to achieve the

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (L.P. Menendez).
1040-6182/$ see front matter 2009 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.

objective of recognition of the use of vegetation resources by

indigenous societies in the area.
The purpose of the present study is to retrieve information
about the use of plants through the quali-quantitative characterization of phytoliths extracted from Gascon 1, burial 5 (SG1.5).
Phytoliths are present in samples from sediment of the abdominal
area, sediment of the left skull lateral, sediment adjacent to the
burial, samples extracted from the dental tartar and the carbonized
material inside the associated pottery vessel. A goal is to establish
comparisons between the phytolith associations found on each
pedoarchaeological section, dental tartar and the vessel material.
This objective will be achieved through the comparison of fertility,
quantity and variety of the phytoliths that are present on the
diverse samples extracted from the archaeological site.
In general, the preservation of phytoliths is satisfactory. There
are no oscillations and changes that could have inuenced phytolith preservation, probably because of the ambient geological and
pedological context of the area, environmental modications and
the characteristics of both natural and host sediments. The potential preservation is good to very good in the abdominal and pottery
sediment and the dental tartar. It decreases outside of the

L.P. Menendez et al. / Quaternary International 204 (2009) 8494


Fig. 2. Plan of the excavation Gascon 1.

Micou and Ancibor, 1995; Pique Huerta, 1999; Rodriguez, 2004), and
soil from the abdominal area and dental tartar (Lalueza Fox et al.,
1996; Cummings and Magennis, 1997; Tresserras et al., 1997) among
others. Related to the latter, there are several studies of dental
microwear, analyzed with SEM, which constitute an important
complement to phytolith studies (Lalueza Fox et al., 1996; Danielson
and Reinhard, 1998). There are also studies based on the critical
lecture of historical sources and travelers documents to complement the archaeological record (Perez de Micou, 1984).
Articulation between phytolithic studies and archaeological
problems was accomplished by diverse research groups worldwide,
although in the Pampean region it was not attempted until past
decades. This is strictly related with paradigmatic changes in
Argentinean archaeology during the 1980s (Binford and Clark
Howell, 1981; Politis, 1988). Studies of plant resources related to
archaeology started in the 1980s and increased signicantly in the
1990s in Argentina (Pochettino, 1985; Cortella and Pochettino,
1990; Pochettino and Scattolin, 1991; Roig and Martinez Carretero,
Fig. 1. Localizacion of Gascon 1 in the area under investigation.

archaeological site sediments. This could be explained by the

proximity of the lagoon: salinity could have raised the pH and as
a consequence disturbed the phytoliths. The better phytolith
preservation of the abdominal and pottery sediment and the dental
tartar could be attributed to the environmental stability of the
archaeological site, no disturbance and no inuences on the water
level oscillations and salinity which could have endangered the
During the past twenty years, phytolith analysis has progressed
to the point that it has a strong body of technique and research
(Rovner, 1971; Pearsall, 1992; Piperno, 2006). In the international
phytolith literature, there are different applications of phytolith
studies in diverse archaeological contexts: pottery vessel residues,
domestic structures (Wurschmidt and Korstanje, 19981999; Babot,
2001; Oliszewski, 2005), cultivation elds (Pearsall, 1992; Korstanje
and Cuenya, 2005; Piperno, 2006), woody plant resources (Perez de

Fig. 3. Photo of the excavation Gascon 1.


L.P. Menendez et al. / Quaternary International 204 (2009) 8494

1991; Pochettino et al., 1998). Diverse evidence from archaeological

sites was systematically studied. Evidence includes macrovestiges
as carbon, seeds (Perez de Micou and Ancibor, 1995; Pochettino
et al., 1998) and microvestiges as pollen, starches and phytoliths
(Babot and Apella, 2003; Wurschmidt and Korstanje, 19981999).
In Argentina, phytolith analysis has been implemented on
different archaeological studies. The phytolith studies in archaeological sites background, on Pampean plains, is limited to recent
studies, in caves (Osterrieth et al., 2000, 2002), pedoarchaeological
levels (Osterrieth et al., 1999, 2008; Martnez and Osterrieth, 2003),
grinding artifacts (Zucol and Bonomo, 2008; Tassara and Osterrieth,
2008), and dental tartar. However, all these studies were done in
different areas but not on the central-west Pampean plains, in spite
of the increasing relevance of plant resources for human populations living in the Pampean Region in the Later Final Holocene
(since 1000 BP to historical times).
Phytolith study contributes to comprehending the dynamic
interactions between past populations and the use of available
vegetable resources (Piperno, 2006). It also brings information
which enhances results obtained from other evidence, such as the
presence of great quantities of Later Final Holocene grinding artifacts. Phytolith studies from Gascon 1 bring information about two
particular aspects: in the rst place, this study represents the rst
indication of vegetable use by indigenous societies in the area.
Secondly, it is relevant because the site occupation chronology was
determined as the end of the XVII through the beginning of the XIX
century. In this sense, studies in Gascon 1 contribute to enhance the
discussion about the models and or possible reinterpretations of
human occupations in this period on both micro and macro levels
(Politis, 1984; Barrientos, 2001; Martinez, 2002). In this period,
a complexization and ethnic interactive process occurred in the
Pampean region (Nacuzzi, 1998) that affected different alternatives
of land and resource use, among other aspects. Taking in consideration historical documents and other archaeological (previously
interpreted) evidence, there had been changes to the diet of the
indigenous societies that inhabit the Pampas during Latter Final
Holocene, both because of the interactions between Pampa and
Patagonia populations, but also interaction with Hispanic society.
The present study intends to contribute to the knowledge of these
processes through the analysis of the resources used by the indigenous societies.
2. Regional setting
The archaeological site Gascon 1 is situated in the southwest of
Buenos Aires Province, near the border with La Pampa Province. It is
located in Partido Adolfo Alsina, on the eastern border of a lagoon
without name, at 37 743S; 631245W. The site was detected by
one of the elds owners. Study started in 1996 through three
systematic archaeological excavations that covered a 36 m2 surface,
and continues to the present.
In the Pampean Region, the area under study is particularly
special because it represents a complex mosaic characterized by
a pronounced proximity of diverse environments. Ventania Range
and its adjacent plains constitute a limited space that concentrates
critical resources, useful for human group subsistence with an
economy sustained by hunting and collecting, lithic resources,
variability of spaces, and secure drinking water. This highland range
is placed in the Ecotonal Pampean Area (EPA sensu AEHSP, Oliva and
Algrain, 2005; Oliva and Lisboa, 2006), which is distinguished by
the presence of a high nutrient concentration zone (Yacobaccio,
1991). The Ecotonal Pampean Area (EPA) is notable for presenting
a typically Ecotonal environment with high nutrient concentration,
stable geographic landforms as Ventania Range, and permanent
drinking water fountains (streams, rivers and large lagoons).

According to travelers narratives, indigenous populations ate Prosopis sp. and Geoffroea decorticans fruits that were found on
elevated areas in the west of the ranges (Garcia, 1836). The landscape observed today and the animal and vegetable species
distribution concomitantly, has changed as a consequence of
climatic variables (Fidalgo and Tonni, 1981). This situation places
the environment into a particular dynamic in regard to obtaining
and using resources, generating at the same time different
perceptions for the indigenous societies.
Based on the Republica Argentina soil chart, the predominant
soils in the area are Entic Haplustolls, Typic Ustortent, Entic
Hapludolls and Typic Hapludolls. The EPA is a transition zone
between humid and dry Pampas, which offers an enlarged resource
range, able to be exploited by the inhabitants (Oliva, 2001, 2006).
The introduction of exotic vegetable and animal species from
Europe since the XV century also provided resources used by
indigenous groups.
The rst research from the archaeological site Gascon 1 was
presented by Barrientos and Oliva (1997) and Oliva et al. (2007),
where the results of the initial eld work and an approximation to
the diverse processes that have inuenced the prehispanic
peopling of Pampean Region, considering archaeological, bioanthropological, ethnographic and historic aspects, were communicated. Five primary individual burials of different sex and age
were recovered. They were in a good state of conservation. Prominent were abundant funerary goods in four of the ve burials. In
general, there is a great quantity, diversity and relevance on the set
of elements offered to subadults males in comparison with the
other individuals that were present in the site.
Although no grinding artifacts were recovered from the
archaeological site, the increasing relevance of vegetable resources
can be inferred from the great quantity of grinding artifacts that
were recovered from other archaeological sites of similar chronology in the area (Politis, 1984; Oliva, 2006), and from naturalists
and travelers narratives, which discuss the gathering of roots,
tubercles, leaves and fruits such as wild apples, bilberries,
Araucaria araucana pinions and other arboreal species as Prosopis
sp., among others. A great quantity of these fruits and seeds could
have been milled with the mentioned artifacts, obtaining our
which was consumed (Villarino, 17821783; Musters, 1873; Vignati,
1941; Escalada, 1949). Bromus mango is a cereal which Araucanian
groups may have selected and cultivated from wild-growing Bromus species (Brucher, 1989), that later was replaced by the most
efcient introduced cereals such as Triticum aestivum. Travelers
described the cooking processes of diverse collected vegetables,
mentioning that indigenous groups ate toasted seeds, oured and
fermented products, cooked in pottery vessels. According to
Palermo (1988), this period was characterized by a complex interchangeable system, connecting diverse groups through complementary resource subsistence. Moreover, industrial Europeans food
products as rice, beans, wheat, bread, sugar, and alcoholic drinks
were incorporated by indigenous populations since the rst arrivals
and then in the XVIII century as a consequence of the frontier line
advance, malones, and other interchange between indigenous
groups or with other frontier actors (Villarino, 17821783; Schmid,
18581865). At this time, characterized by a greater population
density and (as a consequence) intensive resource management
strategies, an increasing percentage of plant resources were
collected and incorporated into the diet (Barrientos, 1997).
The importance of an integral analysis of this particular
archaeological site of the Pampean Region is undeniable, due to its
characteristics: ve individual burials with the presence of abundant and varied funerary goods associated with the time of IndigenousHispanic Contact. The kind of material and the
archaeological context recovered establishes a set of relations with

L.P. Menendez et al. / Quaternary International 204 (2009) 8494

other archaeological sites not only of the Pampean Region (Amalia:

Mazzanti, 2003) but also from North Patagonia (Caepe Malal:
Hajduk and Biset, 1996). Articial cranial deformation with
a particular tabular erect morphology is present on some individuals of the Gascon 1 site, similarly to other individuals that also
correspond to Later Final Holocene (Laguna Los Chilenos, Naposta,
La Petrona: Barrientos, 2001), although the latter in most cases are
prehispanic (2000400 B.P.). On the other hand, the presence of
single and double shovel incisive teeth reveal that this group is
differentiated from other populations that in Later Final Holocene
inhabited the area. Also, the pottery is related with that described
for postcontact moments in archaeological sites from North Neuquen Province, and for araucanizados sites from the Pampean
Region. The Araucanians bury their deceased with a west skull
direction (Grebe et al., 1972), as the individuals of Gascon 1 did.
Considering these macroregional comparisons in relation to the
individuals morphology, kind of burial, and funerary goods
context, the individuals found in the site under study present
important similarities with other populations from NW Patagonia.
In these senses, the naturalists and travelers narratives discussing
the interactions between populations of these regions are illustrative (Nacuzzi, 1998).
Within the burials located in this site, the individual identied as 5 (S. G.1.5) is highlighted because of its particularities
(Oliva and Lisboa, 2006). The other individuals were adults that
were lying in an extended dorsal position, with a NE skull
direction. However, individual number 5 is an infant that was
lying in an extended ventral position with a NW skull direction,
although the orientation in general coincides with a NWNE
direction (Oliva et al., 2007). Individual number 5 was identied
as probably male, with a death age of 1.5  0.5-years old. As with
the adult individuals, the infant probably had an articial skull
deformation, and like them was accompanied by abundant
funerary goods including three pottery vessels, two on the feet
and one in the head, approximately a hundred little glass necklace beads in the skull area, and a complete necklace in situ,
around the neck with beads showing great colour and morphological variety. In total, these elements suggest that this individual was socially prominent within the group of individuals
3. Materials and methods
From the excavation of the archaeological site Gascon, 1 ve
individuals (two adults and three subadults) were obtained, each
one associated to a set of funerary goods that correspond to
moments after IndigenousHispanic Contact. Individual number 5
was the only one from which diverse sediment samples were
extracted during the excavation. For the purposes of this study, the
presence of diverse samples associated with an individual was
considered of importance so as to compare the phytolithic fertility,
quantity and variation in the different samples. Due to both themes,
the samples associated with this individual were selected for the
present study (Figs. 4 and 5).
Between 3 and 5 sub-samples of each of the seven types of
samples were extracted and analyzed. The quantity of sediment is
greater than for both the carbonized material and the dental tartar.
From the sediment samples of the abdominal area, left skull lateral,
adjacent to burial and outside the archaeological site, ve subsamples were extracted, while in the carbonized material and the
dental tartar only three sub-samples were analyzed. Moreover,
samples from outside the archaeological site were obtained from
eolic soils deposited on a margin of a lagoon between 0 and 40 cm
depth. These constitute reference samples for comparison with the
archaeological samples.


Fig. 4. Excavation site, individual 5.

The following is a characterization of the seven types of samples

that were analyzed:
A-Sediment samples of the abdominal area between lumbar
vertebra and sacral, which corresponds to the area occupied by the
viscera during the individuals life,
B-Sediment samples of the left skull lateral,
C-Sediment samples adjacent to the burial. The analysis of
samples from sediment adjacent to the burial provides information
about the rituals and gifts that conform to the set of funerary goods
offered by other individuals of the group to the individual under
study after the death moment (Martinez et al., 2000).
D and E-Sediment samples outside the archaeological site.
F-The phytolith content of carbonized material from the pottery
vessel that was part of the funerary goods of the individual was
completely analyzed. This vessel was situated in the skull area. The
carbon sample extracted of the vessel was obtained from a concave
fragment that corresponded to the interior section of the base.
Under a binocular microscope, the carbonized material was scraped
and separated, and then treated with oxygenated water and
concentrated with sodium polytungstate.

Fig. 5. Photo, excavation site, individual 5.


L.P. Menendez et al. / Quaternary International 204 (2009) 8494

G-Samples of dental tartar were obtained under a binocular

microscope by scraping the oclussal teeth surface which was
primarily composed of dentine and the lateral spaces between the
teeth. Considering that the sample was composed of only thirteen
teeth, they were separated according to the inferior (Gi) and upper
(Gu) dentadure, mandible and maxillary respectively. Samples
were treated with oxygenated water to eliminate organic material,
and then with hydrochloric acid to destroy calcium carbonate. In
this case, the total sample was analyzed with cedar oil in an excavated slide, and was sealed with synthetic enamel.
Complementary analysis of samples of dental calculus and
sediment from the abdominal area provide direct information
about vegetable resources incorporated in the diet.
The methodology proposed by Zucol and Osterrieth (2002) was
followed. Two type of samples were analyzed, a) Total sample:
phytolith content in respect to the total mineralogical component in
the sample; this was analyzed in cases AF (Fig. 6), b) Concentrated
sample: the total sample concentrated with sodium polytungstate,
composed of phytoliths and other opal biomorphs, volcanic glasses,
volcanic rock fragments and phytoliths, analyzed in all cases.
Samples were mounted in cedar oil for phytolith quantication and
qualication, and observed by using Leitz Wetzlar microscope, and
Zeiss petrographic microscope (magnication 450 X, and stored in
the repository in Canada balsam); and observed under scanning
electron microscope (Hitachi-SEM). In total 400500 phytolith per
slide were counted, and classied following the scheme given by
Twiss (1992), and some descriptors used by the International Code
for Phytolith Nomenclature 1.0 (ICPN) proposed by Madella et al.
(2005) (Table 1). The results obtained of the phytolith recount were
analyzed by a cluster analysis using the Morisita association index
and average unity (UPGMA), applying a principal component analysis with a variance/covariance matrix.
4. Results and discussion
The results obtained from this preliminary investigation stage
indicate, in regard to the total mineral components, that the phytolith content (Fig. 6) is at maximum in the sediment sample of the
abdominal area (A) (35%) and minimum in the sediment samples
from outside the archaeological site (D and E) (18%). Intermediate
values are found in sediment samples from inside the archaeological site (B and C) (26%). General microscopic observations
indicate that in the sediment sample of the abdominal area (A),
medium and coarse clay and sand predominate. It has the coarsest
texture of the sediment samples studied. In the section that
corresponds to samples from inside the archaeological site (B and
C), the burial material is more heterogeneous with a mixture of

sand, clay and silt. On the other hand, in the sections that correspond to samples from outside the archaeological site (D and E)
sediment has a more homogeneous texture, composed of clayey silt
and a lower proportion of ne sand.
The phytolith content of the concentrated samples (Fig. 6)
follows the same tendency as the total samples, although the
former have high phytolith concentrations in the residues extracted
from the pottery vessel sample (F) reaching 30%, and also have
abundant pure carbon residues as expected. Considering both
dental tartar samples (Gi and Gu), the total phytolith content is very
scarce, but it is appreciable considering that the individual was an
infant and only thirteen teeth were analyzed.
In all samples (AF), except dental tartar in which the total
sample was analyzed, the determination and quantitative estimation of the phytolith morphotypes and their relative frequencies
were dened from the concentrated samples.
4.1. Phytoliths in sediments corresponding to the
abdominal area (A)
In the total sample (Table 1), articulated phytoliths, articulate
degraded plaques and carbon residues were observed. In the
concentrated sample broken cell phytoliths predominate, with
rondels sub-dominant, and bilobate short cells including stipa
bilobate with convex extremes (Fig. 7a). In this sample, typical
bilobate panicoids with concave or straight extremes also were
observed (Fig. 7b). Trapeziform short cells, long cells, cylindrical,
and acicular hair cells were also abundant. Saddle morphotypes,
typical of chloridoides C4 gramineous vegetation are common (15%)
Other morphotypes are rare (12%). Globular echinates, associated
in general with Arecaceae were noted (Fig. 7c), and long cell phytoliths were present inside undened aggregates.
Environment stability evidence is provided by the presence of
articulate phytoliths (3.5%) (Fig. 7de), indicating an absence of
taphonomic processes that would easily disarticulate them
(Osterrieth, 2006). In general, the articulate phytoliths are found in
the rst 5 cm of the soil, formed in this case by articulate plaques
and hair bases in lower proportions. Undened phytoliths are those
forms that are recognized by their optic characteristics as broken or
altered phytoliths. Some have pinked surfaces and some corroded
cavities. In this sample, undened phytoliths represent 20% of the
total phytoliths present.
4.2. Phytoliths in sediments associated with the burial (B and C)
Samples corresponding to the sediment of the left skull lateral
(B) and sediment adjacent to the burial (C) have abundant

Fig. 6. Phytoliths contents in Total an Concentrated samples.

L.P. Menendez et al. / Quaternary International 204 (2009) 8494


Table 1
Phytolith morphotypes (Phyt. morph.) used in this study and the naming according the ICPN 1.0 (Madella et al., 2005), in: TS-S.A: Total sample of the abdominal area. CT-SA:
Idem, in concentrated sample. TS-S.B:Sediment samples of the left skull lateral. CT-SB: Idem, in concentrated sample. TS-S.C: Sediment samples adjacent to the burial. CT-SC
Idem in concentrated sample. TS-S.D and E: Sediment samples outside the archaeological site. CT-SD and E, Idem in concentrated sample. TS-S.F: Total sample, in carbonized
material proceeding from the pottery vessel bottom. TS-SG- Total sample of dental tartar. The inferior (Gi) and upper (Gu) dentadure, mandible and maxillary respectively.
Phytoliths morphologies

TS-S.A %

CS-S.A %

trapeziform short cell
trapeziform sinuated
bilobate short
cylindrical polylobate
trapeziform polylobate
globular granulate
globular echinate
acicular hair cell
unciform hair cell
cuneiform bulliform
parap. bulliform
elongate echinate
cylindric sulcate



Total Phytoliths
Total min. components



TS-S.B %


TS-S.C %

CS-S.C %

















































TS-S.D %


CS-S.D %

TS-S.E %


CS-S.E %





















phytoliths, with similar morphotypes to those described for the

abdominal area (A), although in a lower proportion and less
diverse. Gramineous short cells such as rondels, bilobate short cells,
trapeziform short cells and saddles, are dominant. Gramineous long
cells, especially cylindroids, are common. Articulate phytoliths
were not present, which could be related to the disturbing action of
soil mobilization and burial sediment processes (Table 1, Fig. 7f).
4.3. Phytoliths in sediments outside the archaeological site
(D and E)
The samples from outside the archaeological site had the lowest
phytolith content. In general, they do not differ substantially from
each other (Table 1). Morphotype diversity is similar to that
described for samples from inside the archaeological site. However,
in these samples there are fewer gramineous short cells. Articulate
phytoliths were scarce, and undened phytoliths are present in
similar proportions as in other samples. In these samples, the
presence of the major phytolith alteration, more common in long
cells but also in gramineous short cells, is apparent. This major
weathering could be related with lagoon water level oscillations,
and salt concentrations in dry seasons, generating an alkaline
reaction, aggressive for phytoliths. The presence of wet cycles is
indicated by the presence of some entire and fragmented diatoms
and crissotomataceae cysts.
4.4. Phytoliths in carbonized material proceeding from the pottery
vessel bottom (F)
Phytolith content extracted from the pottery vessel interior was
the largest in the study, along with abundant residues of carbon
particles. In this sample the phytolith diversity is at maximum,
exceeding by more than a third the other concentrated samples
analyzed (Fig. 7gi).


TS-S.F %













Analyzing the absolute frequencies of the most abundant phytolith morphotypes present in total and concentrated samples
(Table 1), there are major similarities between sediment samples of
the abdomen (A), inside the burial (B, C) and the carbonized
material sample from the pottery vessel (F). The cluster is not
apparent, however, in the principal component analysis (Figs. 8 and
9). Axis 1 groups these results through rondel and trapeziform
In general, contamination processes in the burial sediment
samples (B, C) cannot be disregarded, as in the abdominal sediment
sample (A). These could be related to pedogenesis, vertical migration, diagenesis, and phytoliths inherited by eolic and/or aqueous
natural conditions, in addition to the phytoliths generated by the
material removed for the burial (Osterrieth, 2008).
4.5. Phytoliths in dental tartar (G)
The dental calculus is mainly formed by calcite and phosphorus,
and during the life of the individual acts as a trap for food debris,
bacteria and other particles, such as phytoliths (Lalueza Fox et al.,
1996). The inclusion of phytoliths in tartar matrix is a direct
evidence of its contemporaneity, because tartar is formed by saliva
activity. There is no evidence of posterior increasing modications
in dental calculus (Middleton and Rovner, 1994). In the maxillary
sample (Gu), an undened residue possibly formed by calcium
phosphate was birefringent under a petrographic microscope, and
some totally isotropic phytoliths were found. Some phytoliths
liberated by acid digestion were well-preserved, with the following
morphologies (Table 1): rondels, bilobate short cell broken (Fig. 7j),
parallelepiped, cylindrical smooth, cylindrical with concavity end,
cuneiform, bulliform and reniform. Some dark pink and hyaline
pink phytoliths were well-preserved (Fig. 7k).
On the mandible tartar sample (Gi), the following morphologies
were observed: rondel, clavate, tabular, broken bilobate short cell,


L.P. Menendez et al. / Quaternary International 204 (2009) 8494

Fig. 7. a) SEM, Stipa-type phytoliths and trapeziphorm polilobate short cells. b) Panicoid bilobated type phytolith. c) Globular equinated type phytoliths. d) Articulated long and
short cells phytoliths. e) SEM articulated long cells phytoliths f)SEM, elongated and cylindric phytoliths. g) Residues of carbon particles with phytoliths included. h) Rondel, bilobated
ans saddle short cells and elongated, cylindric phytoliths. i) Articulated long cells phytoliths carbonized. j) Bilobate short cell broken and undened phytoliths. k) Bilobate short cell
associated to hyaline birefringent paste.l) Saddle phytoliths. m) Parallellepipedal long cells phytoliths. n) SEM, rondel phytolith. p:phytolith. ae: Phytoliths in sediments corresponding to the abdominal area (A); f: Phytoliths in sediments associated to the burial (B and C). gi: Phytoliths in carbonized material of pottery vessel bottom (F); jk: phytoliths
extracted to the maxillary sample (Gu); l-n: phytoliths in mandible tartar sample (Gi). Scale bars 20 mm; except A, N bars 10 mm.

parallelepiped, cylindrical smooth and a saddle immersed in

a hyaline birefringent paste. Various fragments could not be identied and were included with the undened fraction. Other phytoliths were degraded forming irregular pastes, which joined
dental tartar (Fig. 7ln).
The calcium degrading effect must be considered in association
with the elemental phytoliths composition in the phytoliths
included on dental calcite and calcium phosphate tartar (Osterrieth,
2006). High proportions of altered phytoliths in calcareous soils
and calcretized paleosols are documented in other Pampean Region
zones (Tassara and Osterrieth, 2008). This is a taphonomic aspect
that must be considered in the evaluation of dental calculus phytoliths, which could be considered through laboratory

Taking in consideration the small number of sample, statistical

analysis show the following tendencies:
A principal group formed by (A, B, D, and E) was obtained, to
which sediment adjacent to the burial (C) can be joined. Samples
corresponding to material of the pottery vessel (F) and dental tartar
(G) have the least association (Fig. 8a) (Table 2). This result is
strengthened with principal component analysis (Fig. 8b, c), where
both dental tartar (Gi, Gs) were separated from the whole and each
other. The morphologies discriminated in this tartar are unciform
hair cell for the mandible (Gi) and rondel for the maxillary (Gu). On
the other hand, the material from the vessel is characterized by an
abundance of saddles (1  2 axes). The separation of sample C could
be due to its differential bilobate morphology. The graphic of 2  3
axis groups B, F and Gu through the parallelepiped bulliform

L.P. Menendez et al. / Quaternary International 204 (2009) 8494


Fig. 8. Variance extracted rst 3 axes. Sample with dental tartar and without indened phytoliths a) dendogram, Principal components analysis (PCA) b) axis 1  axis 2, c) axis
2  axis 3.

morphology. The A, B, D and E assembly could be due to the trapeziform short cell and acicular morphologies.
Subsequently, dental tartar samples (Gi, Gu) analysis were
excluded because of the major differences within sediment
samples (A, B, C, D, E) and the material from the vessel (F). Cluster
analysis was done with and without undened phytoliths. The
differences observed in each dendogram were products of the
different groups obtained (Fig. 9a). In relation to undened

phytoliths, the sediment samples from outside the archaeological

site (D, E) and the sediment sample from the abdominal area (A)
group together, in relation to their major association index. Added
sequentially are the sediment sample adjacent to the burial (C),
then the sample of the vessel (A) and nally the sediment sample of
the left skull lateral (B) with the lowest association index.
When the undened phytoliths are not considered, samples
corresponding to sediment E and B present the major association

Fig. 9. Dendogram a) without tartar and with indened phytoliths b) Sample dental tartar and the indened phytoliths excluded c) Principal components analysis (PCA) without
tartar and indened phytoliths.

L.P. Menendez et al. / Quaternary International 204 (2009) 8494


Table 2
Variance extracted rst 3 axes Sample with dental tartar and without indened
phytoliths. (corresponds to Fig. 8b and c).

Eigen value

% of Variance Cum.

% of Var.

Eigen value






index, grouped in the rst instance, then sediment samples D and A

join this group. The sediment corresponding to sample C then joins
both groups, and material from the vessel (A) presents the least
association index (Fig. 9b).
The principal component analysis was done without the undened phytoliths (Table 3). The third axis contributes to the variance
explanation, but as the rst and second covered 83%, only the latter
were included in the graphic (Fig. 9c). There is a greater dispersion
of the samples in relation to axis 2 than axis 1. Axis 1 groups A, D
and E samples, separating in opposite directions sample F to the
right, and B and C samples to the left. Axis 2 separates samples A, B,
C and E, grouping F sample with D. Considering the contribution of
each phytolith morphology, values in axis 1 are between 0.8391
and 0.2227, which correspond to rondel and articulate respectively,
both extremes representing the opposite behavior to samples B, C
and F. On the other hand, axis 2 represents values between 0.6052
and 0.4447, corresponding to tabular and trapeziform short cell
respectively. These extreme values indicate the opposite order to
samples B and C Axis 3 groups A, B, C and F through articulated and
bilobate morphologies, while D is separated through saddle
5. Final considerations
Evidence recovered from Gascon 1 assigns it to Indigenous
Hispanic Contact chronology. As archaeological information is
scarce in the area for this period, Gascon 1 represents a reference
site, on both macro and microregional scales. In the present study,
through phytolithic approach different kinds of samples were
comparatively studied: pottery, dental tartar, abdominal, lateral
skull, adjacent burial, and outside the archaeological site. The
phytolith studies in the archaeological site Gascon 1 show:
1-Phytoliths in sediment of the abdominal area, sediment inside
and outside the burial, carbonized material extracted from the
pottery vessel, and dental tartar or calculus. The major phytolith
contents are present in the total sample corresponding to the
abdominal area, the minimum in sediment samples from outside
the archaeological site, and intermediate in sediments associated
with the burial.
2-In sediments belonging to the abdominal area, it is common to
nd articulate phytoliths, degraded articulate plaques, and possibly
carbon residues. Short cell phytoliths as Stipa Bilobate predominate,
and Saddle morphotypes typical of C4 chloridoids are usual.
3-The sediment samples located inside the archaeological site,
the sediment of left lateral of the skull (B) and adjacent to the burial
(C), have abundant phytoliths and morphotypes similar to those
Table 3
Variance extracted, rst 3 axes Sample dental tartar simples and the indened
phytoliths were excluded. (corresponds to Fig. 9c).

Eigen value

% of Variance Cum.

% of Var.

Eigen value






described for the abdominal area sample (A). However, in the

former no articulate phytoliths were found, related to disturbance
during burial.
4-Sediments outside the archaeological site (D, E) had the least
phytolith content, entire and fragmented diatoms, and crissotomataceas cysts. Phytolith morphotypes are similar to those
found in samples extracted from inside the archaeological site.
Major weathering was related with water level oscillations of the
lagoon and salinity increments.
5-The phytolith content from the carbonized material found
inside the bottom of the pottery vessel was the most concentrated
in this study, together with carbon particles. The maximum phytolith diversity exceeds by a third the other studied samples. In
general, the absolute frequencies of more abundant phytolith
morphotypes show similarities between sediment samples of the
abdominal area (A), those from inside the archaeological site (B, C)
and material from the pottery vessel (F). These considerations are
ratied with the associations that were obtained through principal
component analysis.
6-Phytolith inclusion in dental tartar matrix is a direct evidence
of its contemporariness, because there is no evidence of posterior
modications in the dental calculus. The most altered phytoliths
could be related to biogeochemical processes inherent in tartar
7-Phytolith contents are important in quantity and diversity in
the analyzed samples considering that the individual analyzed was
an infant. Short cell phytoliths of Gramineous were found: Rondels,
Bilobate short cell broken, Parallelepiped, Cylindrical smooth,
Cylindrical with concavity, Cuneiform Bulliform cell, Reniform,
Clavate, Tabular, Parallelepiped, and a Saddle immerse in a birefringent hyaline paste. Some were well preserved, others altered
and others could not be identied.
Statistically analyzing the whole samples, the material from the
vessel and dental tartar are differentiated from the other samples
analyzed. Within sediment samples from the abdominal area,
inside and outside the archaeological site, and vessel material,
there is similarity between samples of abdominal area (A) and
material from the pottery vessel (F).
In general, the morphologies correspond to gramineous short
cells, with increased varieties in the concentrated samples. The
majority could be assimilated to Pooideae, then Panicoideae and
nally Chloridoideae. Globular echinate morphotypes generally
associated with Arecaceae are present in sediment samples of the
abdominal area (A), left lateral of the skull (B), and carbonized
material from the pottery vessel (F).
The major phytolith content and variety is present ion the
sample that belongs to the carbonized material found inside the
bottom of the pottery vessel. Moreover, this material is similar to
the one found in the abdominal sample, which also has a great
quantity and variety of phytoliths, and the samples from inside the
archaeological site. The minimum content is found outside the
archaeological site, while the intermediate values are in the sediments associated with the burial. The presence of articulate phytoliths on the abdominal sample content indicates stability.
Although the results in the present study are preliminary
because only samples associated with one individual whom was an
infant were analyzed, they allow comparison and discussion of the
different quantities and varieties of phytoliths in each sample. The
high concentration of gramineous phytoliths indicates that this
plant group could constitute a vegetable resource used by the
indigenous populations. The phytolith content similarities between
the abdominal area sediment sample and the carbonized material
from the pottery vessel is signicant. Both samples have the most
abundant and varied phytolith content, and they could be associated with diet resources. Moreover, the diversity of phytolithic

L.P. Menendez et al. / Quaternary International 204 (2009) 8494

elements in the carbonized material inside the pottery vessel could

correspond to materials used by the individuals population for the
burial event, during daily life, or as offerings during the burial.
The analyzed sample belongs to an infantile individual whom
has not been through the growth and development stage involving
an adult diet. Conclusions are limited by these aspects, and they
cannot be generalized to the entire population. However, the
present study provides information related to the elements associated with mortuary practices corresponding to later times of
IndigenousHispanic contact. This kind of ritual is scarcely represented on the Pampean and Patagonia archaeological record, so the
analyzed case is relevant to the comprehension of socio-ideological
process of indigenous societies living together with other economic
In the Pampean area, phytolith studies were rarely used to
discuss occupational process. In the present study some previous
considerations were established to systematize through phytolithic
study the relation between environment and indigenous societies
on the Pampean occupational process during the XVIIXVIII
centuries. Although information is still scarce (Pedrotta and
Romero, 1998; Oliva and Lisboa, 2006), at present, societies are
characterized as socially complex (Nacuzzi, 1998; Casamiquela,
1969). These studies bring information about cultural change that
occurred in Pampean region groups during IndigenousHispanic
contact, which was not passive, but multidimensional and complex.
This could be explained because multiple groups were involved,
Hispanic Creole and indigenous, which form an interethnic
system (Tapia, 2004). Findings in Gascon 1 represent a useful set of
evidence for the evaluation of the heterogeneous characteristics
that these groups were reaching, with diet a result of a mixed
economy, as these groups were incorporating a diverse group of
resources. Considering that the preservation of other remains is not
common in an environment with the present characteristics, phytolith analysis is an important tool for contrasting hypothesis
related to changes on vegetables resources use in the southern
Pampean region.
Investigations at Gascon 1 are an integrated study. This study is
framed on a multidisciplinary approach which integrates botanical,
geological and archaeological perspectives. Samples extracted from
sediment of the abdominal area and dental area are directly associated with diet (Tresserras et al., 1997). With less certainty, the
carbonized material from the pottery vessel may be related to diet.
The sample extracted from the left lateral of the skull can be related
to mortuary practices, as other studies suggest (Martinez et al.,
This is one of the rst integrated studies where archaeology and
the presence of amorphous silica biomorphs contribute to the
paleodietary reconstruction of indigenous societies. Phytolith
analysis in archaeology can yield insights into a great number of
topics, including paleoenvironmental reconstruction and the use of
vegetable resources for different purposes.
Future studies could include not only samples associated with
the other individuals of the same archaeological site but also from
other archaeological sites of other areas. This should enhance
information about resources for indigenous populations that
inhabited Pampean plains could have consumed. Herbaceous
plants of the gramineous family could constitute important
resources. Interchanges with Patagonian populations and European
travelers must be considered since the rst travelers in XV century
(Nacuzzi, 1998; Palermo, 1988). Considering the subfamilies highlighted previously, travelers notes and other previous studies, the
following species can be considered, from the results obtained in
this study: cultivated native plants such as Zea mais, others
exchanged with Europeans such as Triticum aestivum, Hordeum
vulgare, (Musters, 1873, Villarino, 17821783) and native plants


such as Bromus auleticus and Bromus mango (Brucher, 1989; Cobas,

1999), among others.
Experimental archaeology with actual plants is a useful tool to
reproduce past activities and to observe the residues produced as
a consequence of them. New insights can be yielded with further
studies, considering complementary information and data
(archaeological, biological, ecological, ethnobotanical, and historical) through a multidisciplinary approach that involves different
scientic elds.
We thank the Faculties of Exact and Natural Sciences of the
National University of Mar del Plata (EXA 292/08 and PICT/061700); and the grants given by the following Research Projects
Estudios Arqueologicos en las Sierras Australes de la Provincia de
Buenos Aires (N 387, National University of La Plata) and Estudios Arqueologicos en Environmentes Ecotonales de la Region
Pampeana (19/H264, National University of Rosario). We are
especially grateful to Luciana Catella for her valuable comments
and help with the gure improvement. Thanks to Norm Catto, the
editor, for the valuable comments that help to improve this paper.
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