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MEAN is a framework for an easy starting point with MongoDB, Node.

js, Express,
and AngularJS based applications. It is designed to give you a quick and organized
way to start developing MEAN based web apps with useful modules like Mongoose
and Passport pre-bundled and configured. We mainly try to take care of the
connection points between existing popular frameworks and solve common
integration problems.

The MEAN stack

MEAN is an acronym for Mongo, Express.js , Angular.js and Node.js
Go through MongoDB Official Website and proceed to its Great Manual, which should
help you understand NoSQL and MongoDB better.
The best way to understand express is through its Official Website, particularly The
Express Guide; you can also go through this StackOverflow thread for more resources.
Angulars Official Website is a great starting point. CodeSchool and google created a
great tutorial for beginners, and the angular videos by Egghead.
Start by going through Node.js Official Website and this StackOverflow thread, which
should get you going with the Node.js platform in no time.

The MEAN CLI is a simple Command Line Interface for installing and managing
MEAN applications. As a core module of the project, it provides a number of
useful tools to make interaction with your MEAN application easier, with features
such as: scaffolding, module creation and admin, status checks, and user

Information can be display for a specific customer via mean user email. Email is required.
User roles can be assigned or removed with the --addRole (or -a) and --removeRole (or
-r) options, respectively.

Check the database connection for a particular environment (e.g. development

(default), test, production) and make sure that the meanio command line version is
up to date.

Everything in is a package and when extending mean with custom functionality make
sure you create your own package and do not alter the core packages.
The package system allows developers to create modular code that provides useful tools
that other mean developers can use. The packages, when published, are plug-and-play and are
used in a way very similar to traditional npm packages.
The package system integrates all the packages into the mean project as if the code was
part of mean itself and provides the developers with all the necessary tools required to integrate
their package into the host project.
There are two types of packages:
Custom Packages are generated by the mean scaffolder and contain most of your application
logic. Custom packages are found in /packages/custom and can be published as a contrib
package for use by other developers.
Contrib Packages are installed by the mean installer and are found at /packages/contrib. Contrib
packages are plug and play.

Core Packages
All Core packages can be overridden by other packages allowing you to extend and adapt it to fit
your specific needs. See Overriding views for detailed examples.

The system package creates the basic pages as well as defines the layout of the site and
integrates the menu into the page. The system package also allows us to define things such as
rendering engines, static files and routing on the client and server side.

The users package creates the database model of the user, provides validation as well as
various login and registration features.

The access package manages permissions and middleware. It controls the various
authentication methods and is dependent on the users package


The theme package adds some basic CSS and other assets such as images and backgrounds

The articles package is typically used as an example starting point for managing content that
might be used in a blog or cms. The full CRUD is implemented on the server and client.

Files structure
The file structure is similar to that of the mean project itself

Files at the root of the package

Dependency Injection
An injection is the passing of a dependency (a service) to a dependent object (a client). The
service is made part of the clients state. Passing the service to the client, rather than allowing a
client to build or find the service, is the fundamental requirement of the pattern. Wikipedia
Dependency injection allows you to declare what dependencies you require and rely on the
package system to resolve all dependencies for you. Any package registered is automatically
made available to anyone who would like to depend on them.
Looking again at the registration example we can see that MyPackage depends on the Tokens
package and can make use of its full functionality, including overriding it.

Angular Modules and Dependencies

Every package registration automatically creates a corresponding angular module of the form

The package system injects this information into the mean init functions and allows developers
to base their controllers, services, filters, directives etc on either an existing module or on their
own one.
In addition you are able to declare which angular dependencies you want your angular module to
Below is an example of adding an angular dependency to our angular module.

// Example of adding an angular dependency of the ngDragDrop to the


See the assets section for an example how to add external libraries to the client such as the
gDragDropjavascript library

Express Routes
All routing to server side controllers is handled by express routes. The package system uses the
typical express approach. The package system has a route function that passes along the package
object to the main routing file typically server/routes/myPackage.js
By default the Package Object is passed to the routes along with the other arguments
MyPackage.routes(app, auth, database);

Example from the server/routes/myPackage.js

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