Sie sind auf Seite 1von 5

1 What is Node.JS?

A Node.js is a web server.

B Node.js is a JavaScript based framework/platform built on Google Chrome's
JavaScript V8 Engine.
C Node.js is a java based framework.
D None of the above.
Answer : B
Q 2 Which of the following command will show all the modules installed locally.
A $ npm ls -g
B $ npm ls
C $ node ls -g
D $ node ls
Answer : B
Q 3 Node js is a single threaded application but supports concurrency.
A true
B false
Answer : A
Q 4 Which of the following statement is valid to use a Node module fs in a Node
based application?
A var fs = require("fs");
B var fs = import("fs");
C package fs;
D import fs;
Answer : A
Q 5 Which method of fs module is used to delete a file?
A fs.delete(fd, len, callback)
B fs.remove(fd, len, callback)

C fs.unlink(path, callback)
D None of the above.
Answer : C
Q 6 Which of the following module is required for operating system specific
A os module
B fs module
C net module
D None of the above.
Answer : A
Q 7 Which of the following code print the total system memory of operating system?
A console.log('total memory : ' + os.totalmem() + " bytes.");
B console.log('total memory : ' + os.totalmem + " bytes.");
C console.log('total memory : ' + os.getTotalMemory() + " bytes.");
D None of the above.
Answer : A
Q 8 net.isIP(input) returns 4 for IP version 4 addresses.
A true
B false
Answer : A
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Q 9 What REST stands for?
A REpresentational State Transfer
B Resource Efficient State Transfer
C Real Elegant State Transfer
D Resource Elegant State Transfer
Answer : A

Q 10 Which of the following is true about RESTful webservices?

A - Webservices based on REST Architecture are known as RESTful web services.
B - Webservices uses HTTP methods to implement the concept of REST architecture.
C - Both of the above.
D - None of the above.
Answer : C
1 What are scopes in AngularJS?
A - Scopes define the accessibility of a javascript variable.
B - Scopes are objects that refer to the model. They act as glue between controller
and view.
C - Scopes are objects that refer to the controller.
D - Scopes are objects that refer to the views.
Answer : B
Q 2 Do AngularJS provide reusable components?
A false
B - true
Answer : B
Q 3 AngularJS expressions are written using.
A double braces like {{ expression}}
B single braces like {expression}
C small bracket like (expression)
D capital bracket like [expression]
Answer : A
Q 4 Which of the following is true about ng-show directive?
A ng-show directive can show a given control.
B ng-show directive can hide a given control.
C Both of the above.

D None of the above.

Answer : C
Q 5 $http service is used to make an Ajax call to server.
A false
B true
Answer : B
Q 6 Which of the following is true about AngularJS service?
A Services are JavaScript functions.
B Services are responsible to do specific tasks only
C Inbuilt services are always prefixed with $ symbol.
D- All of the above.
Answer : D
Q 7 Custom directives are used in AngularJS to extend the functionality of HTML.
A true
B false
Answer : A
Q 8 Being JavaScript only framework, application written in AngularJS are not safe
and secure.
A true
B false
Answer : A
Q 9 AngularJS Expressions are written inside double braces like {{ expression}}.
A- false
B true
Answer : B
Q 10 In controllers, model data is accessed via $scope object.
A false

B true
Answer : B

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