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The Republic
The Republic
The Republic
Ebook527 pages13 hours

The Republic

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The Republic is one of Plato’s most widely read Socratic dialogue. The text is a discussion between Socrates—as the central speaker—and a group of Athenian citizens. Through The Republic, Plato develops and expands on his views regarding justice and eudaimonia (happiness) while establishing his philosophy of an ideal state.

The dialogue constructs the infamous city called Kallipolis, a city ruled by a ‘philosopher-king’. In the dialogue, the Athenians discuss the city-soul analogy; justice in the republic; political measures for a just city; the role of women in the just city; the role of philosophers and poets in the just city; and the soul.

Divided into ten books, The Republic is seen as a tract on the importance of education for the citizens and the philosopher king. The dialogue is famous for its discussion around poets as imitators, and the need for poetry to be censored for a harmonious city.
Release dateJul 1, 2022


Plato, one of the most renowned ancient Greek philosophers, was born in 427 B.C. to an aristocratic and wealthy family, which played a prominent part in Athenian politics. Plato in conjunction his teacher, Socrates, and his pupil, Aristotle helped to lay the foundations of Western philosophy and culture. While primarily influenced by Socrates, Plato’s work was also affected by the philosophies of Heraclitus, Parmenides, and the Pythagoreans. Under the guidance of Socrates, Plato devoted himself to the pursuit of wisdom and upon Socrates’ death, joined a group of the Socratic disciples gathered at Megara. Later he travelled in Egypt, Magna Graecia, and Sicily. He returned to Athens and founded a school, known as the Academy, which seems to have been his home base for the remainder of his life. While thirty-five dialogues and thirteen letters have traditionally been ascribed to Plato, modern scholarship doubts the authenticity of some of them. His early dialogues are also known as the Socratic dialogues and include Apology, Crito, Euthyphro, and Protagoras. He followed these with his transitional dialogues: Gorgias, Meno , and Euthydemus . The Symposium and the Republic are considered the centerpieces of Plato's middle period and are considered some of his most revered work, and other middle dialogues include Phaedo, Phaedrus, and Theaetetus. Plato’s Laws is the best known dialogues of his late period. Plato died in 347 B.C.

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