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Yellow Fever

Yellow fever is a haemorrhagic viral disease which is transmitted by mosquitoes. It can lead to serious illness and even death and
occurs in parts, but not all, of South America and Africa. It is the one of the few diseases for which proof of vaccination may be
required for entry to many countries around the world.
There is no specific treatment for yellow fever, however medicines can be used to relieve the symptoms and may improve the
outcome for seriously ill patients.
The World Health Organization (WHO) closely monitors reports of yellow fever infection. Yellow fever currently occurs in 30 African
and 13 Central and South American countries.
If you visit a yellow fever country, vaccination is generally advised for your protection and may also be a requirement for entry into
that country or for other countries you subsequently enter, including Australia.
Yellow fever does not yet occur in Australia, however we have a mosquito species that can transmit the disease.

Yellow Fever Vaccination

Australian entry requirements state that travellers who are one year of age or older must hold an international vaccination certificate
if, within six days before arriving in Australia, they have stayed overnight or longer in a yellow fever declared country. Yellow fever
vaccinations must be provided by an approved yellow fever vaccination clinic. These clinics will provide a vaccination certificate in the
form approved and required by WHO. A yellow fever vaccination certificate is valid for 10 years and begins 10 days after vaccination.
The yellow fever vaccine is highly effective and provides long term protection. The vaccine is considered to be safe for the majority of
travellers (WHO 2011). About 1 in 4 may experience mild flu like symptoms for a couple of days, 4-5 days later. 1% may be bedbound
for a day. On average, 1: 100 000 vaccinees may experience a delayed severe, even life threatening reaction. This chance increases in
the older traveller by at least 2-3 fold. Prior yellow fever vaccination reduces the chance of reaction significantly.
A decision to not have the vaccine can result in problems for onward travel, including being refused entry to a country, quarantined at
your own expense, missing flight connections or being vaccinated on arrival.
If for medical reasons you cannot be safely vaccinated you will be issued with a medical contraindication certificate.

Yellow fever vaccine precautions

The vaccine is contraindicated in persons with a known anaphylaxis to eggs.

Yellow fever vaccine is not recommended for pregnant women or women breastfeeding infants aged under 9 months.

As with all live viral vaccines, the yellow fever vaccine should generally not be given to people who have a weakened immune
system due to either disease or medical treatment.

People with a history of any thymus disorder should not be given the yellow fever vaccine. The risk of severe adverse events
following yellow fever vaccine is considerably greater in those aged over 60 years than in younger adults. Adults over 60
years of age should be given yellow fever vaccine only if they intend to travel to endemic countries (as recommended above)
and they have been informed about the (albeit very low) risks of developing a severe complication.

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